A Study on Emotional Effect in Websites

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV4IS21001

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A Study on Emotional Effect in Websites

Karma Gyatso Dr. R. Suchithra

Research Scholar Dept of Msc IT

Jain University Jain University

Abstract–As human computer interaction increase, the websites are becoming more advanced and competitive. HCI and IS firmly focus on cognitive aspects which primary focus has been about how to upgrade users work effective and productive with computer. Many restive researchers have been providing veracious evidences that human activity is driven by emotional and affective factors. The emotion can affect peoples judgment and influence. It will conquer a users evaluation at immediate glance and influence the decision making while surfing on the websites. Emotional factor should be considered as an inexorable clue while designing a good web site. This paper will discuss the important relationship between emotional design of websites and users. Here we are mainly focus on exactly how the emotional effect on website.


Every design of object such as a tea glass becomes fruitful and beautiful if its design brings about positive mood to users. In previous decades, it is clearly reveal that most HCI and IS studies in websites paid particular attention to cognitive aspect and they were primarily focused on how to HCI and IS help users to bring more efficiently with computer. The most important factors in HCI are not just cognitive aspect but it is issue of learning ability such as memorability, efficiency, errors, and satisfaction. It is crucial to we must agree that most of what we do as humans is driven by our emotion factors. When we are in amuse mood then we more tend to do work better and with higher efficiency. There are many researches indicating that emotional factor is important element on interface design and it is essential to be more alarmed on functionality and effective of emotion on interface design. The interface design helps evoke specific emotion and influence to user in terms of attitude toward the website. The most HCI and IS focus on cognition factor and it should courage to shift the central of attention on how emotion factor is affecting a users attitude toward the website.


As being a human, the emotion is a fundamental element that made up of hate, anger, joys, and pride. There are three main components of emotion; a neurophysiological- biochemical components, a motor or behavioral expressive component, and a subjective experiential component [5]. The subjective experiential is the weapon of choice to researchers who are measuring emotion [5]. In order to study the measurement of subjective-experiential emotion,

researchers are preferred to use theory called PAD theory. According to PAD theorys perspective, the emotion measurement can be approached from three basic dimensions and there are categorized as pleasure vs. displeasure, arousal vs. non-arousal, and dominance vs. submissiveness [5]. Pleasure vs. displeasure is two extremes of emotion that is range from extreme joyfulness to extreme depressiveness. The arousal vs. non-arousal is the psychological and physiological state of being awake or unawake and alertness or frenzied excitement on one extreme. It is also involved activation of reticular activating system in the brain stem. Dominance vs. submissiveness is art of feeling which one develop feeling of total power and influence over others versus feeling of the inability to influence a situation or a feeling of lack of control. Past many enlightened researchers have provided strong evidence that every emotion can be explained into three dimensions effectively and accurately manners [5]. The emotion is not limited to particular incident but it is ever- present. From this theory, it suggests that an individual is always in a constant state of emotion a state that can be described as a region within a three-dimensional space [5].


Attitude is a psychological expression of favor or disfavor toward objects that can be living object (a person, an animal) as well as non-living object (thing, events). To study the attitudes of different people can help individual to make some ideal that can adapt to environment. The attitudes of people are not parallel and every individual has their own set of attitudes towards a particular thing. It is impossible to bring common discipline of attitudes from everyone. It is difficult to figure out factors that allow people to change their attitude. It is clear that environment and behave are major factors which help us diverse our attitudes.

Attitudes are consisting of three components, cognitive, affective, and behavioral component [5].

In general, people evaluate other people based on a variety of behavioral, affective, and cognitive experience. These are capable of influencing and guiding behavioral, affective, and cognitive process. Many believe that individuals attitude toward things is determined by cognitive process only; however the emotion and cognitive factors may interact with each other. The ones attitude toward an object is mixture of both cognitive and affective components. Katz and Stotland assumed the affect component of attitudes have some priority over the

cognitive component; however, there is a not consistent between affect and cognition. It is ready to fix by changes in a cognitive structure rather than by change in affect. It is more suitable to resolve inconsistency between cognitive and affect through change the cognitive rather than affect.


A function of product is characterized by nature of products and to meet the requirement of individual and criteria of products. Function is divided into two categories based on characteristics of function revealed by function of products. The material function and spiritual function are two categories of function which designer of w

ebsite has to keep in mind that while designing a website. The material function is acknowledged by utility of products or practical value and material functions are included applicability, reliability, safety, maintenance, and so on [1]. Designer of website readiness to understand the true prerequisites of an individual and it is fact that every individual has different desire, feeling, emotion, and attitude at different levels, at different time and environment. It is a difficult task to condense common needs and desire of users but it is not impossible to fulfill the majority of users to their prerequisites and usage. Spiritual function is the fruit of the physical appearance of website and brings its aesthetic and symbolic effect to the website. In a design, the aesthetic function is an overall performance of exterior appearance of website like shape, color, texture, design, and so on [1]. The instantaneous appearance of website greatly influenced by the attractiveness and communicableness reflect from its shape, color, texture, and design. To bring aesthetic to website is crucial for convey positive attitude towards appealing of a design. Emotion design of website is decided by the functionality, usefulness, visual appearance, reliability, and attractiveness of a design, and is overall performance of shape, structure, color, and texture. Human beings are very sensitive to the color and it is vital to bring a suitable color to a particular design. For example, the website design related to a shopping then it is suitable to use blue and white color because psychologically the blue and white help people to stay longer and alert. Similarly, the red and yellow colors are using in food related website, which makes the people hungry and desire to eat more. Likewise, it is clever to us different color to different website based on its needs and purposes. Emotion study helps the design to understand the prerequisites of users and nature of general users. The both spiritual and material functions of website influence and affect immense on the emotion of users from the perspective of aesthetic and instantaneous appearance to eyes of spectator. In order to users to stay and revisit to the particular site is most challenge task of the design and need to be very careful to users perspective and aspect from the design. At that particular moment and environment, it is very essential to recognize and appreciate the psychological nature of consumers and their very expectation.


In this paper, we are primarily concerned on relationship between emotion design and users experience of a website. It is important to understand the fundamental requirement of customer and psychological experience of users. We should understand the reality of emotion of user and it is not valid to conclude a common needs and experience of emotion towards the website design. Different users have different emotion at different levels, at different time and environment. To build environment-based solutions to solve the problem require the understanding of user and their basic needs. To meet the prerequisite of users is to builds situation-based solution from perspective of the functionality, applicability, reliability, attractiveness, and capability. Emotion can bring enormous effect to the website from both physically and mentally or psychologically.


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