Advance Social Networking Sites

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV3IS11107

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Advance Social Networking Sites

Narottam Netam

M.Tech. Scholar Department of Information Technology

Rohit Miri

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Gaurav Singhal

M.Tech. Scholar

Department of Computer Science & Engineering


Now a days the increasing participation of people in online activities in content sharing, publishing and having different kinds of relationships and interactions, along with the emergence of online social networks and peoples extensive tendency toward them, have resulted in generation and availability of a huge amount of valuable information that has never been available before, and have introduced some new, attractive, varied, and useful research areas to researchers.

The emergence and popularity of online social networks in recent years has changed the Internet ecosystem leading to a more collaborative environment. Nowadays, hundreds of millions of Internet users participate in social networks, form communities, produce and consume media content in revolutionary ways.

This paper focuses on the research and technological measures to be adopted. Our main aim is provide an advanced, secure and safe social networking.

We are giving more focused on the subarea of privacy protection in social networks, and introduce different aspects of it along with a categorization of these aspects.

  1. Introduction

    Social Networks have undergone a dramatic growth in recent years. Such networks provide an extremely suitable space to instantly share multimedia information between individuals and their neighbours in the social graph. Social networks provide a powerful reflection of the structure and dynamics of the society of the 21st century and the interaction of the Internet generation with both technology and other people. Indeed, the dramatic growth of social multimedia and user generated content is revolutionising all phases of

    the content value chain including production, processing, distribution and consumption. It also originated and brought to the multimedia sector a new underestimated and now critical aspect of science and technology: social interaction and networking. The importance of this new rapidly evolving research field is clearly evidenced by the many associated emerging technologies and applications including online content sharing services and communities, multimedia communication over the Internet, social multimedia search, interactive services and entertainment, health care and security applications. It has generated a new research area called social multimedia computing, in which well established computing and multimedia networking technologies are brought together with emerging social media research [1].

    Social Networking Internet services are changing the way we communicate with others, entertain and actually live. Social Networking is one of the primary reasons that many people have become avid Internet users; people who until the emergence of social networks could not find interests in the web. This is a very robust indicator of what is really happening online. The Web 2.0 era passed leaving behind great strength to the end-users. Nowadays, users (also known as prosumers1), both produce and consume significant quantities of multimedia content. Moreover, thesis behaviour when combined with Social Networking (i.e. communication between users through online communities) has formed a new Internet era where multimedia content sharing through Social Networking Sites (SNSs) is an everyday practice. More than 200 SNSs of worldwide impact are known today and this number is growing quickly. Many of the existing top web sites are either pure SNSs or offer some social networking capabilities [1].

    In recent years several attractive and user-friendly facilities have been introduced to online society and we see an extensive and increasing participation of people

    in various online activities like several kinds of content publishing (blogging, writing reviews etc.) and having different kinds of relationships and interactions. The huge amount of information that is generated in this way by people has never been available before and is highly valuable from different points of views. An outstanding phenomenon that has had a significant influence on this extensive participation and includes a large part of generated information is SNSs (Social Network Sites). Maybe in past, to study about the relationships, behaviours, interactions, and properties of specific groups of people it was necessary to make a lot of effort to gain some not very detailed information about them, but in the new situation and with the emergence of online social networks, and the huge amount of various activities that are logged by their users, the desired information is accessed much more simple and with incomparably more details than before by researchers. This has led to different kinds of research with different goals which we will have an overview on in this paper. The benefits and stakeholders that may benefit from having this information or having the results of analyzing it are several but some of them are: commercial companies for advertising and promoting their products, sociologists to analyze the behaviour and features of different societies, intelligence organizations to prevent and detect criminal activities, educational and cultural activists for promoting their goals, employers for acquiring information about job seekers, and generally any kind of information with any application that you may think of, related to people and human societies, may be obtained by having access to the information available on SNSs or the results of analyzing these information. In this paper we try to review some of the accomplished research on the available information of SNSs and present a categorization of research topics and subareas related to online social networks information [2].

    The advent of social media sites has created an environment of greater connection among people, businesses, and organizations, serving as a useful tool to keep in touch and interact with one another. These sites enable increased information sharing at a more rapid pace, building and enhancing relationships and helping friends, co workers, and families to stay connected. Persons or groups can instantaneously share photos or videos, coordinate events, and/or provide updates that are of interest to their friends, family, or customer base. Social media sites can also serve as a platform to enable persons and groups to express their First Amendment rights, including their political ideals, religious beliefs, or views on government and government agencies. Many government entities,

    including law enforcement agencies, are also using social media sites as a tool to interact with the public, such as posting information on crime trends, updating citizens on community events, or providing tips on keeping citizens safe [4].

  2. Related Work

    Existing work focuses on:

    1. Detecting Special Individuals: Some people with special characteristics may be attractive for some companies, manufacturers, organizations, etc. for example it may be desirable to find special persons with high skill in a special field or to find most influential persons in propagating some special kind of content. In a social search engine named Aardvark (1TUhttp://vark.comU1T) is presented that needs to find the best person for answering a specific question, and one of its information resources is peoples profiles on facebook. In some work is done towards forming a team of experts fom members of a social network. In to specify influential persons within Twitter, ranking people based on their followers, Page Rank and number of retweets is investigated. In some definitions are defined for different people whose actions impacts on making the same actions by others and such people are called leaders. In this paper some algorithms are presented for detecting these people by the use of a social graph and a table which contains users actions. In some references are cited in which some methods for extracting most important (central) members are presented. It has mentioned strengths and weaknesses of some metrics. In Content Power Users (CPUs) in blog networks are defined as users whose published content has a lot of impact on other users actions. In this paper a method for identifying these users is presented and some other research works about detecting highly influential people in social networks are cited [2].

    2. Detecting Special Individuals: Some people with special characteristics may be attractive for some companies, manufacturers, organizations, etc. for example it may be desirable to find special persons with high skill in a special field or to find most influential persons in propagating some special kind of content. In a social search engine named Aardvark (1TUhttp://vark.comU1T) is presented that needs to find the best person for answering a specific question, and one of its information resources is peoples profiles on facebook. In some work is done towards forming a team of experts from members of a social network. In to specify influential persons within Twitter, ranking people based on their followers, Page Rank and number of retweets is investigated. In some definitions are

      defined for different people whose actions impacts on making the same actions by others and such people are called leaders. In this paper some algorithms are presented for detecting these people by the use of a social graph and a table which contains users actions. In some references are cited in which some methods for extracting most important (central) members are presented. It has mentioned strengths and weaknesses of some metrics. In Content Power Users (CPUs) in blog networks are defined as users whose published content has a lot of impact on other users actions. In this paper a method for identifying these users is presented and some other research works about detecting highly influential people in social networks are cited [2].

    3. Prevention of Information Leakage Through Online Social Networking : the implementation of information security education, training and awareness (SETA), as the guideline for organisations to address this issue since, as stated in Table 2, SETA plays a key role in employees compliance behaviour (Bulgurcu et al., 2010) compared to ISP and technical controls. According to Whitman and Mattord (2008), the rationale behind SETA is to improve organisational information security by:

      _ building in-depth knowledge to design, implement, or operate security programs for organisations and systems through security education for employees with information security responsibilities,

      _ developing employees skills to perform their jobs while using IS more securely through security training, and

      _ improving employees awareness to protect IS resources through security awareness programs [3].

    4. Social Network Analysis (SNA) – This paper considers the arguments for adopting a mixed-method approach to network

      Analysis, firstly as they arise out of the existing research literature, and secondly, as they have

      been highlighted in explicit theoretical debates about combining quantitative and qualitative

      data and analysis. By unpacking the different ways in

      outsiders view, and the content and processes of networks from an insiders view. It also refers to recent discussions which suggest that SNA offers a particular opportunity for mixing methods because networks are both structure and process at the same time, and therefore evade simple categorisation as either quantitative or qualitative phenomena [5].

    5. Detecting Abnormal Behaviour In Social Network Websites by Using A Process Mining Technique : This study defines the behaviour pattern from the process mining perspective to detect users abnormal behaviours. For achieving this goal, these actions should be followed: creating a users activities log file (process mining techniques runs on log files), extracting process

    models, defining the normal model and detecting abnormal activities.[6]

  3. Proposed Work

    We have suggested some approaches for advance social networking sites to make them safe and secure.

    Our approaches are:

    1. Verified Channel – for Using any Social Networking Sites

    2. Chat Filter- to prevent crime and abnormal activities in social networking.

    3. Advance Monitoring System- to detect and prevent illegal activities in social networking.

Users Personal Information

Mobile Verification

Systems Information Registration & Verification

Verified Channel – we suggested an approach to make safe and secure social networking which is verified channel. In this every social networking sites like facebook, twitter, google etc. has to make a interface for user to creating social networking account. The result of implementing this concept is that fake user can not create account or can not use social networking sites.

Creating Social

which researchers have combined

quantitative and qualitative methods in network projects it also seeks to provide some

guidance for others on how to mix methods in SNA.

In particular, it reviews literature in

which quantitative SNA has been combined with interviews, ethnography and historical

archival research and considers the benefits of these strategies. On a theoretical note, the



Figure 1- Process in Verified Channel

User is


paper considers suggestions that mixing quantitative and qualitative approaches can enable researchers to explore the structure (or form) of networks from an

Chat Filter- The aim of chat filter is to detect criminal activities and prevent it and control to illegal activities

Abnormal Behaviour

like abusing. In every social networking site they provide chatting facility to user. According to our approach there is a provision of a chat filter in every social networking sites which will filter the chat. If user will chatting abnormally or misbehaving or abusing, it will jump to chat filter and users system information and account information will goes to monitoring system.

Chat Box


Behrooz Minaei Iran University of Science & Technology Tehran, Iran IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 6, No 3, November 2011.

  1. Information Leakage through Online Social Networking: Opening the Doorway for Advanced Persistence Threats Nurul Nuha Abdul Molok ,University of Melbourn,e Shanton Chang University of Melbourne,Atif Ahmad, University of Melbourne 2010.

  2. Developing a Policy on the Use of Social Media in Intelligence and Investigative Activities Guidance and

    Chat Filter


    Recommendations Global

    JusticeInformationSharingInitiative ,February, 2013

  3. ESRC National Centre for Research Methods Review paper Mixed-Method Approaches to Social Network

Figure 2- Process of Chat Filter approach

Monitoring System- The purpose of monitoring system is to detect unwanted activities in sites and prevent them. According to our approach every social networking site will have a monitoring system who will watch the abnormal behaviour of user and restricted posts on sites and block the user or account to reduce misuses of sites.

Users Activities

Advance Monitorig

Figure 3- Approach of Monitoring System

4. Conclusion

The concept of this paper focuses on the security issue of social networking sites and protects social networking sites from unauthorized access or misuses. Our suggested approaches, 1) verified Channel, 2) Chat filter and 3) Monitoring system will resulting our aim. Through above suggested concept our social networking sites will be safe and protect. Our main objective is to make social networking site Social and prevention of illegal activities which are done through social networking sites.


We would like to thank Mr. S. R. Tandan for her valuable support during the research work.


  1. Social Networks Overview: Current Trends and Research Challenges, Coordinated by the nextMEDIA CSA.Supported by the Future Media Networks cluster. November 2010.

  2. Social Networks Research Aspects : A Vast and Fast Survey Focused on the Issue of Privacy in Social Network Sites Mohammad Soryani Mazandaran University of Science and Technology ,Mazandaran, Iran

Analysis Gemma Edwards University of Manchester January 2010, National Centre for Research Methods, NCRM/015.

  1. DETECTING ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR IN SOCIAL NETWORK WEBSITES BY USING A PROCESS MINING TECHNIQUE Mahdi Sahlabadi, Ravie Chandren Muniyandi and Zarina Shukur Software Technology and Management, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia Received 2013-10-03, Revised 2013-11-19; Accepted 2013-11-22

  2. Is Generation Y Addicted to Social Media?

    Jaclyn Cabral Strategic CommunicationsElon University

  3. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING: STRATEGIES & ITS IMPACT VIVEK BAJPAI*; DR. SANJAY PANDEY**; MRS. SHWETA SHRIWAS*** *Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Commerce & Management Dr. C.

    V. Raman University, Kargi Road, Kota, Bilaspur, C.G., India. **Associate Professor & Head, Department of Management, Chouksey Engineering College, Lal Khadan , Bilaspur, C.G., India. ***Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & Management, Dr. C. V. Raman University, Kargi Road, Kota, Bilaspur, C.G., India.

  4. CYBER THREATS IN SOCIAL NETWORKING WEBSITES Wajeb Gharibi1 and Maha Shaabi2 College of Computer Science & Information Systems

Jazan University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,

Narottam Netam is pursuing M.Tech(SE) in the department of IT from Dr. C.V. Raman University, Bilaspur. He received his B.E.(IT) from Gurughasidas Central University, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India. His interest area includes Network Security and Data Mining.

Rohit Miri is Currently Assistant Professor in the department of CSE, and Pursuing Ph.D from Dr. C.V. Raman University, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India. He received his M.Tech(CSE) form GEC Pune and

BE(CSE) from GEC, Raipur, His interest area includes Application of Soft Computing.

Gaurav Singhal is pursuing M.Tech(CSE) in the department of CSE from Dr. C.V. Raman University, Bilaspur. He received his B.E.(IT) from Gurughasidas Central University, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India.He is Member of All India IT Association. He is certified in Cyber crime and law from Indian Law Institute New Delhi. His interest area includes Cyber Crime, Cyber security, Web design and development and System Administration.

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