Advanced Malware Detection Frame Work using Random Forest

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV14IS030062

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Advanced Malware Detection Frame Work using Random Forest

Amina A

Department of Computer Science College of Engineering Karunagappally Kerala, India

Aswathi M

Department of Computer Science College of Engineering Karunagappally Kerala, India

Abhirami B

Department of Computer Science College of Engineering Karunagappally Kerala, India

Amjad Ali N

Department of Computer Science College of Engineering Karunagappally Kerala, India

Dr Smitha Dharan Y

Department of Computer Science and Engineering College of Engineering Karunagappally

Kerala, India

AbstractWith the rapid growth of mobile applications, en- suring security in digital marketplaces like Google Play Store has become a major challenge. Malicious apps can disguise themselves as legitimate software, leading to data breaches, financial fraud, and unauthorized access. This project presents an Advanced Malware Detection Framework using Random Forest (RF) to efficiently detect and classify harmful applications before they reach users. RF, a powerful ensemble learning algorithm, analyzes app features such as permissions, API calls, network activity, and behavioral patterns to distinguish between benign and malicious applications. By integrating this framework into app stores, security can be significantly enhanced, ensuring that users download only safe applications. Future enhancements may focus on real-time monitoring, feature refinement, and cloud-based integration for large-scale deployment, making this approach a scalable, efficient, and robust solution for malware detection in app stores.

KeywordsMalware Detection, Random Forest, Cybersecu- rity, App Store Security, Google Play Store, Malicious Applica- tions, Ensemble Learning, API Calls Analysis, Network Activity Monitoring, Behavioral Analysis, Zero-Day Threats, Real-Time Detection, Feature Selection, Cloud-Based Security, Scalable Threat Detection.


    The rapid evolution of malware has made traditional de- tection methods ineffective, particularly against sophisticated threats like polymorphic and zero-day malware. Signature- based approaches often fail to detect new or modified malware variants due to their reliance on predefined signatures. This project proposes an advanced malware detection framework using Random Forest (RF) to efficiently classify and detect malicious applications. RF, a robust machine learning algo- rithm, enhances accuracy by utilizing multiple decision trees, making it a scalable and adaptive solution for modern cyber- security challenges. By integrating RF into malware detection systems, this framework aims to improve threat identification and minimize the limitations of traditional methods


    Traditional malware detection techniques, such as signature- based and static analysis methods, struggle to keep up with evolving threats, leading to high false-positive rates and poor adaptability. These systems lack scalability for large datasets and real-time detection, making them ineffective in real-world scenarios. The proposed framework addresses these issues by employing Random Forest, which analyzes multiple app features like permissions, API calls, and network activity to detect malware with greater accuracy. By leveraging RFs abil- ity to handle large-scale data and identify complex patterns, this approach significantly enhances malware detection while reducing false positives.


    The primary objective of this project is to develop a high- accuracy malware detection system using Random Forest, ensuring effective classification of new and unknown threats. The system aims to enhance malware detection by leveraging RFs capability to process large datasets efficiently while maintaining low false-positive rates. It seeks to improve real- time detection, enabling security solutions for app stores like Google Play Store to prevent users from downloading malicious applications. Additionally, this project focuses on optimizing computational efficiency, ensuring scalability for large-scale cybersecurity applications.


    Random Forest (RF) is a powerful ensemble machine learn- ing algorithm widely used for classification and regression tasks. It constructs multiple decision trees and combines their outputs through majority voting (for classification) or averaging (for regression), improving accuracy and reducing overfitting. RF is highly effective in handling large datasets, high-dimensional features, and complex patterns, making it an ideal choice for malware detection. In this project, RF

    is used to analyze various features of applications, such as permissions, API calls, network activity, and behavioral patterns, to classify them as benign or malicious. Its ability to handle imbalanced datasets, minimize false positives, and adapt to new and evolving threats makes it a robust solution for detecting malware in app stores like Google Play Store. By leveraging RFs efficiency and scalability, the proposed framework ensures real-time malware detection, enhancing overall cybersecurity in digital marketplaces.


    This project contributes to malware detection by implement- ing Random Forest to improve accuracy, efficiency, and adapt- ability. Key contributions include feature-based malware clas- sification, allowing for the detection of zero-day threats, and optimization of feature selection to enhance detection speed. The system supports real-time scanning, ensuring app store security by preventing malware distribution. Additionally, the framework minimizes false positives while maintaining high detection rates, making it a scalable and robust solution for cybersecurity applications.


    The challenge of malware detection has grown significantly due to the rapid emergence of new and unknown threats that often evade traditional detection methods. Conventional signature-based approaches struggle to keep up with evolving malware techniques, making them ineffective against poly- morphic and zero-day attacks. To address these limitations, machine learning-based approaches, particularly those using Random Forest (RF), have gained prominence in cybersecurity research. RF is known for its ability to process large datasets efficiently while maintaining high accuracy and low false- positive rates. Its ensemble nature, which involves constructing multiple decision trees and aggregating their outputs, enhances model robustness and adaptability in detecting sophisticated malware.

    Several studies have explored the application of Random Forest in malware detection, highlighting its capability to analyze behavioral patterns, API calls, permissions, and net- work activity to classify applications as benign or malicious. Unlike traditional methods, RF does not rely on predefined signatures but instead learns from historical data to detect new threats. Its ability to handle imbalanced datasets, noisy data, and high-dimensional feature spaces makes it a strong candidate for large-scale malware classification. Moreover, RF has demonstrated effectiveness in real-time app store security, where rapid and accurate threat detection is crucial for preventing malicious applications from reaching users.

    One of the key advantages of RF is its ability to scale ef- ficiently while minimizing computational overhead. Research has shown that RF maintains high detection accuracy while be- ing computationally less expnsive compared to deep learning models like CNNs. Additionally, its resistance to overfitting and ease of interpretability make it a practical choice for

    real-world cybersecurity applications. However, some studies indicate that RF may have limitations in detecting highly obfuscated malware, necessitating continuous model updates and feature optimization.

    Overall, Random Forest has proven to be a reliable and efficient solution for malware detection, offering a balance between performance, scalability, and resource efficiency. Its application in app store security, particularly in detecting ma- licious applications before distribution, makes it an essential tool in modern cybersecurity frameworks. Future research can focus on enhancing RFs adaptability through incremental learning and integrating real-time detection mechanisms to further improve malware defense systems.

    Song-Kyoo Kim et al. [1] explored various machine learning approaches like Random Forest (RF), Gradient Boosted De- cision Trees (GBDT), and Support Vector Machines (SVM) using the CDL dataset. These models achieved high accuracy (95.17

    S. A. Roseline et al. [2] proposed the Deep Random Forest (DRF) method for malware detection by converting malware binaries into grayscale images. They evaluated the model on datasets such as Malimg, BIG 2015, and MaleVis, achieving high accuracy rates of up to 98.65%, which surpassed tradi- tional deep learning models. The DRF method demonstrated efficiency with lower complexity compared to other models, making it a practical choice for malware detection tasks. However, it faced challenges with the misclassification of similar malware types, such as Obfuscator.ACY and Ramnit, highlighting areas for further improvement.

    A. A. Al-Hashmi et al. [3] proposed the Multifaceted Deep Ensemble Behavioral Malware Variant Detection Scheme (MDEB-MVDS-XGB), which integrates deep learning with Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGB) to analyze malware be- havior based on API calls, network traffic, and file access patterns. This model achieved an impressive accuracy of 99.23%, demonstrating exceptional performance in detecting evasive malware. However, it is computationally intensive and slightly less effective when handling highly evasive malware variants, indicating potential areas for enhancement.

    Jeon, J., Park, J. H., Jeong, Y. S. [4] proposed a Con- volutional Neural Network (CNN) approach for IoT malware detection by transforming behavioral data into images. This method achieved a high accuracy of 99.28% and maintained a low false positive rate of 0.63%, making it highly effective in detecting both known and variant malware. However, it demands substantial computational power and is susceptible to evasion tactics if malware identifies the virtual environment used for analysis.

    Zhang, X., Wang, J., Xu, J., Gu, C. [5] proposed the Deep Forest (gcForest) model for Android malware detection,

    Published by :

    International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

    ISSN: 2278-0181

    Vol. 14 Issue 03, March-2025


    Summary of Deep Learning Papers in Dentistry

    DL Method and Ref. Dataset Used Pros Cons Performance Metrics

    Compact Data Learning (CDL) applied to various ML models (RF, KNN, CNN, SVM). [1]

    Large datasets with high data complexity- androzoo dataset

    Improves efficiency by re- ducing input features and dataset size while retain- ing comparable accuracy.

    RModels like KNN may suffer from reduced performance or adversarial attacks.

    Accuracy rate: Ranges from 95.17% to 99.53%.

    Deep Random Forest (DRF) paradigm with malware visualization as grayscale images. Includes ensemble methods, sliding window scanning, and cascade layering. [2]

    Malimg High generalization abil- ity due to ensemble ap- proach.

    Computational overhead due to sliding window scanning.

    Accuracy rate: 98.65%

    MDEB-MVDS-XGB [3] Behavioral dataset

    (API calls, network traffic, file access).

    Effective against evasive malware

    Computationally com- plex

    Accuracy: 99.23%.

    Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for IoT malware detection, converting behavior data into images for training and classification. [4]

    Deep Forest (gcForest) combined with CNN and PCA [5]

    PlausMal-GAN, GAN framework [6]

    Behavior images gener- ated from IoT malware and benign files.

    Android malware dataset

    Generated and real malware images

    GDetects both known and variant IoT malware.

    Efficient for small-scale and imbalanced data

    Efficient zero-day mal- ware detection

    Requires substantial computational resources for training.

    Requires significant computational resources

    Limited to image-based analysis

    Accuracy rate: 99.87%

    Accuracy rate: Binary Classification: 99.96%.

    Accuracy – 95.56%

    MalView, an interactive visual analytics platform [7]

    various malware types Provides detailed visual


    Limited to visualiza- tion

    Accuracy: No direct accu- racy metric

    Hybrid Android malware detection [8]

    malware types Higher detection accuracy Computationally


    Accuracy: Improved

    Android Characteristic- Based Method [9]

    detecting malware us- ing permissions

    Efficient at identifying malware

    Limited in handling ob- fuscated code

    Accuracy: 94.5%

    CNN-BiLSTM Hybrid Model [10]

    Malware samples Efficient at detecting mul-

    tivector malware.

    High computational complexity.

    Accuracy: 96

    enhanced with CNN and PCA for feature extraction. This approach demonstrated robust performance, achieving a pre- cision of **99.96%** and a recall of **99.44%**, even for encrypted traffic. Despite its effectiveness, the model demands significant computational resources for training.

    Okwon, D., Jang, Y., Lee, S. [6] proposed the PlausMal- GAN framework for zero-day malware detection, leveraging Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) to generate analo- gous malware data. The model achieved impressive accuracy, exceeding 99% for zero-day threats. However, it faces limita-

    tions due to its computational intensity and reliance on image- based data generation.

    Nguyen, H.N., Abri, F., Pham, V., Chatterjee, M., Namin, A.S., Dang, T. [7] introduced MalView, a platform that combines static and dynamic analysis to visualize malware behavior over time. While MalView is not designed as an autonomous detection tool, it effectively aids in identifying suspicious activities through detailed visual analytics. It is particularly valuable for understanding malware actions but does not provide direct detection metrics.

    Yunmar, R. A., Kusumawardani, S. S., Widyawan, and Mohsen, F. [8] proposed a Hybrid Android Malware Detection approach that combines static and dynamic analysis to en- hance malware detection accuracy. This method leverages the strengths of both techniques, providing better results compared to using either approach individually. While effective in im- proving detection rates, especially against obfuscated code and hidden behaviors, the hybrid approach is resource-intensive and still faces challenges when dealing with zero-day malware attacks.

    Pan, Y., et al. [9] proposed a Hybrid Android Malware Detection approach that combines static and dynamic analysis to enhance the detection of Android malware. This hybrid approach outperforms standalone methods by leveraging the strengths of both techniques, achieving better accuracy but requiring significant computational resources and facing chal- lenges with zero-day attacks. The Android Characteristic- based Method, a static analysis technique, focuses on detect- ing malware through permissions, API calls, and hardware interactions. It demonstrates high precision (95.8%) and recall (93.4%), making it effective in identifying malware exploiting system vulnerabilities; however, it struggles with obfuscated code and dynamic behaviors. Another method, te Opcode- based Detection, analyzes the opcode sequences of Android applications to identify malware. With an accuracy of 97.58%, this method excels at detecting malware based on execution patterns, though it remains vulnerable to minor code changes commonly used in evasion techniques. Combined, these ap- proaches highlight the potential of static analysis methods while also revealing areas for improvement in handling ob- fuscation and dynamic threats.

    Haq, I. U., Khan, T. A., and Akhunzada, A. [10] proposed the CNN-BiLSTM Hybrid Model for detecting multivector Android malware by combining Convolutional Neural Net- works (CNN) and Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory networks (BiLSTM). This hybrid approach achieves high pre- cision (95%) and recall (94%), outperforming other deep learn- ing models in detecting zero-day malware. The CNN-BiLSTM model leverages the strengths of both architectures, preserving past and future information for improved prediction. While effective, the model is computationally demanding, which can limit its deployment in resource-constrained environments.

    Table 1 presents a thorough summary of the latest progress in the field of deep learning for malware detection, which we have identified in our literature review.


    During our analysis,the rapid advancement of malware re- quires innovative detection methods that go beyond traditional signature-based approaches. Random Forest (RF) has emerged as a powerful machine learning technique for malware detec- tion, offering high accuracy and adaptability. By leveraging multiple decision trees, RF can efficiently classify malicious

    applications, even in the presence of polymorphic and zero- day threats. It also demonstrates that RFs ensemble learning approach enhances detection rates while reducing false posi- tives, making it a scalable solution for modern cybersecurity challenges. Additionally, RFs ability to process large datasets and perform feature selection helps optimize model perfor- mance. When combined with compact data learning (CDL) techniques, RF can maintain high detection accuracy while significantly reducing training time and computational costs. Despite its effectiveness, RF-based malware detection sys- tems still face challenges, including susceptibility to adversar- ial attacks and the need for real-time processing efficiency. Fu- ture research should focus on integrating RF with explainable AI (XAI) to improve model transparency and developing ro- bust defense mechanisms against evasive malware techniques. Overall, RF presents a promising approach to modern malware detection, offering a balance between accuracy, efficiency, and adaptability in an evolving cybersecurity landscape.


To further improve the effectiveness of Random Forest (RF)- based malware detection, several advancements can be explored. Enhancing adversarial resilience is crucial, as mal- ware creators continuously develop techniques to evade de- tection. Additionally, integrating Explainable AI (XAI) can improve model transparency by providing insights into feature importance, helping cybersecurity experts better understand and trust detection results. Optimizing RF for real-time mal- ware detection is another key area.Techniques such as feature reduction, parallel processing, and model pruning can help reduce processing time while maintaining accuracy. Further- more, hybrid approaches that combine RF with deep learning models, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) or Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), could enhance detection capabilities by leveraging both feature-based and behavioral analysis. Future research should also focus on refining compact data learning (CDL) techniques to further optimize dataset size without compromising performance. By addressing these areas, RF-based malware detection systems can become more effective, scalable, and resilient against sophisticated cyber threats.


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