An effective approach on Intrusion Detection using SVM and ANN

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV12IS060184

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An effective approach on Intrusion Detection using SVM and ANN

Vol. 12 Issue 06, June-2023

Karuturi Venkata AbhiRam Kancharla Sai Prajith

School of Computer Science and Engineering School of Computer Science and Engineering VIT-AP University VIT-AP University

Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh, India. Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Pappuri Jithendra Sai

School of Computer Science and Engineering VIT-AP University

Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Adith Sreeram A S

School of Computer Science and Engineering VIT-AP University

Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh, India.

AbstractThe scaling growth of voluminous data and its impact over the CIA (confidentiality-integrity-availability) factor in Industry 4.0 era have increased the importance of network security. To effectively secure the networks, IDS has been put into deployment as a second line of defense in recent times. IDS is an application or device that monitors and analyzes information and network-flow to identify anomalous/intrusive data within the system or network. It may also detect the malicious activities that sometimes can't be identified by network/host firewall. High volume & high-speed traffic of the network generated within a specific environment have made the intrusion detection process difficult, that motivated researchers to develop ML-based statistical intrusion detection models. Hence, this paper proposes a new technique with 2 stages namely selecting features and classification. Performance of the model has been validated with NSL-KDD dataset with standard measures.



    The cybercrimes are increasing day by day due to advancement in technology. The data should be protected efficiently in order to avoid attacks. By monitoring the data, IDS identify different types of attacks. The attacks are broadly classified into two types: host-based attacks and network- based attacks. In Host-based attacks the attacker targets a particular host and tries to gain unauthorized access to that particular host. In Network-based attacks the attacker intrudes into a particular network and captures the packets in that network. stability is an important measure for assessing the IDS. Initially researchers used rules-based expert systems and statistical methods for designing IDS. These methods gave poor results for larger datasets. Later on, ML methods have been used for overcoming the problem with statistical methods.

    There are two working stages in the project:

    1. Selecting Features

      1. Preprocessing 1.Numericalization


      2. Initialization

      3. Calculating the fitness

      4. Selecting the parents

      5. Crossover, mutation

    2. Classification (ANN)

      1. Agent Representation

      2. Agent evaluation

      3. Agents update

    Fig.A. General Schema of SVM-MGA-ANN

    Fig.B. Work Flow Chart of SVM-MGA

    and mutation techniques. But in MGA we use 3 chromosomes (parents). In this project we are using MGA to extract best features. The fitness calculation is given by

    Fitness= * (1 – Detection rate) + * |S_F| / |T_F|

    1. Datasets

      Fig.C. Work Flow Chart of ANN



    is random value in between 0 and 1

    = 1-

    Detection rate is accuracy of SVM algorithm

    S_F is total no of genes having value greater than 0.5 in the chromosome

    T_F is total no features Selection of the chromosome is based on the roulette wheel mechanism

    Selection = 1/fitness

    The Datasets used in this project are NSL-KDD, Attack Dataset. NSL-KDD is used for anomaly detection. It has 25192 records, and 42 features. The Attack dataset contains 2 features.

    1. Preprocessing

      The dataset has to be preprocessed before it can be sent through a model. If the dataset is not preprocessed, the model will not fit correctly and there might be a drastic drop in accuracy. It has to be cleaned and checked for missing values, null values and noise. The preprocessing techniques applied on the dataset in this project are Numericalisation and Normalization.

      Data Numericalization is converting the non-numerical features into numerical features.

      Each feature in the dataset might have values in different ranges. While applying Machine Learning algorithms the features having larger value may dominate the features having lower value and this affects the accuracy. In order to avoid this the data is normalized in the range [-1,1].

    2. Algorithms

    This project has 2 stages namely Selecting features and classification. For selecting features SVM and MGA is used. For classification ANN is used.

    SVM is used for classifying the data. It works by transforming the data into relatively high dimension and then finding the hyper-plane that differentiates the classes. The data is transformed to higher dimensions using kernel functions. The kernel functions only calculate the relationships between every pair of points as if the points are in higher dimension, they dont actually do the transformation. This is called kernel trick. The kernels are of 2 types namely polynomial kernel and radial kernel. Radial kernel is used in this project.

    Genetic Algorithm is an abstraction of real biological evolution. It focuses mainly on optimization. It is based on the concept of survival of the fittest. In general, we extract 2 chromosomes (parents) from the population set based on their fitness values and generate offspring by performing crossover

    The offspring calculation is given by

    Crossover calculation

    O1= P1 + * (P2 – P3) O2= P2 + * (P3 – P1) O3= P3 + * (P1 – P2)

    Mutation calculation

    M = O3 + * (P3 – O3)


    O1, P1 are offspring 1 and parent 1 O2, P2 are offspring 2 and parent 2 O3, P3 are offspring 3 and parent 3 M is mutated offspring.

    Here we perform mutation in order to avoid repetition of offspring.

    The MLP is a class of ANN. The flow of data is always in the forward direction so it is called a feedforward neural network. It contains a series of nodes or neurons which uses weights as parameters for the transfer of inputs through different layers. MLP uses non-linear activation function for all its layers except for input layer in order to change the inputs to nonlinear outputs. For increasing accuracy or performance of the model MLP uses supervised learning technique called backpropagation. It calculates the error and adjusts the weights.

    Fig.D. MultiLayer Perceptron


    Firstly, SVM machine learning algorithms is used to cross- validate and evaluate the indicators. The original training set is divided into training set and testing set according to the ratio of 75:25 and the values of evaluation metrics like accuracy, precision, recall and F1 Score of SVM are given below in table-1


    Name of feature

    Brief description



    Model of network service on the target



    Indicates normal or error condition of connection


    Protocol type

    Type of the protocol



    Percentage of sessions to the same service

    presented in the below table 3.2. The result in table 3.1 shos that the proposed method is the best performing





    F1 Score






    Table 1. Results for SVM classifier

    Fig.E. MLP Predictions





    F1 Score






    The predictions of the dataset using MLP which was run in google colab are shown in the above figure E


    Number of features

























    PSO- ANN










    Table 2. Results for MLP classifier

    Table 3.1 The number of features selected

    Above Table 3.1 shows the number of features selected from 41 original features by each of the compared methods which was previously done by the other researchers along with the corresponding values of precision, recall and F1-Score. GA-ANN, GA-SVM, and the proposed method have lower number of selected features because they follow a feature selection approach. The best four features selected by the proposed method are

    method on all criteria.

    Table 3.2 Best Features

    Fig-F. F1 Score Comparison

    Fig F Shows the F-measure comparison results for the considered methods and proposed methods. The results reveal that the proposed method achieves the best value of F-measure. In addition, it can be seen from Fig F, that PSO ANN outperforms Chi-SVM and DNA because the feature selection approach used in the latter method cannot select proper features and remove redundant ones, therefore it cant help classifiers to detect attacks. Whereas PSO-ANN with no feature selection approach can properly detect attacks. Also, PSO helps ANN to escape from the local optimum.

    Fig.G. AUC Score Comparison

    Fig G shows AUC for different methods AUC of DT, and Chi-SVM is lesser than the other methods which means their performance is comparatively low. SVM requires extensive training time and performs well with properly pre-processed datasets. As NSL-KDD is a preprocessed dataset, this results in a higher performance of the proposed method compared to GA-ANN and DT in detecting attacks. ANN is a highly weight-depended classifier and performs well for classifying rough datasets like image data when proper values for its weights are set.


In the paper, a new hybrid method SVM-MGA-ANN has been proposed for attack detection. Multi parent crossover and mutation has been ensembled to increase the performance of Genetic Algorithm (GA). The back-propagation technique used in MLP has significantly increased the performance of ANN. The overall performance of the model is assessed by standard measures such as accuracy, precision. The proposed method has given an accuracy of 95.12% and it takes less time for training and testing. Overall experimentation was carried out in google co-laboratory environment. Optimization techniques like Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and Hybrid Gravitational Search (HGS) will further be studied and experimented as a future work for optimizing the ANN model.


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