An Efficient Strategy for Storage Based Preserving Privacy

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV3IS070801

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An Efficient Strategy for Storage Based Preserving Privacy

V. Vikrantp

1Assistant Professor, Dept of CSE,

SriDevi Womens Engineering College, Hyderabad, A.P, India

P. Avinasp

2Associate Professor, Dept of CSE,

SriDevi Womens Engineering College, Hyderabad, A.P, India

Abstract – There is a lot of demand with respect to the strategy of the computation related to the cloud. Here this particular phenomena plays a major role in terms of the implementation based strategy followed by the accuracy in terms of the analysis based aspect respectively. Here many of the users are getting attracted to this particular strategy in a well efficient manner respectively. Now many of the companies are completely based on the strategy related to the advancement in the internet based phenomena in a well effective manner respectively. Here the users are getting attracted to this particular strategy due to the service provided in the well effective manner followed by the reliable data transmission takes place in the system in a well efficient manner respectively. Here the services of the cloud based scenario are based on the mutual agreement based strategy in a well effective manner respectively. Due to the reliability in the data transfer followed by the reduced cost followed by the power with the direct orientation of the reduced computations oriented phenomena in a well efficient fashion. So here the services of the cloud based phenomena include services oriented with the infrastructure, Services oriented with the plat form followed by the services oriented with the software is a well effective fashion respectively. Here many of the users are getting frustrated regarding their stored data in the third party by the help of the decentralization based strategy by the particular cloud. So here user is very much worried about these particular phenomena in order to overcome this problem in terms of the security in which it plays a major role in terms of the privacy based aspect in a well respective fashion. So here a new technique implemented by the help of the protocol oriented by the TPA based scenario in which there is an implementation of the strategy related to the integration of the audit based system for the accurate implementation based scenario respectively. Simulations have been conducted on the present method and a huge analysis is made with respect to the different data sets in a well efficient manner followed by the several environmental based perspectives where there is an accurate analysis of the response of the system in a well effective manner respectively.

Keywords: Cloud computing, Data authentication, Data generalization, Wireless network, TPA protocol, Verification of the batch oriented strategy respectively.


    Here the computation related to the aspect of the cloud oriented strategy plays an efficient role in its implementation based aspect followed by the accuracy in its analysis in a well respective fashion by which there is a huge challenge for the present method related to the aspect

    of the security is a primary concern respectively [1]. Here there is a major problem at the time of the outsourcing of the data in a well oriented fashion where here there is a utilization of the system based on the strategy of the wireless based phenomena in a well efficient manner respectively [2][3]. Due to this wireless based strategy there is a major problems related to the attacks oriented strategy in the form of the threats is a major concern respectively in the malicious attacks is a primary concern. So in order to overcome the above problem based analysis a new technique has to be implemented in a well effective fashion for the accurate analysis in terms of the performance based strategy followed by the outcome in a well respective fashion [4][10].


    Fig 1: Shows the block diagram of the present method respectively


    In this paper a method is designed with a well efficient framework oriented strategy in which it is on be of the powerful technique it is implemented by which it completely overcome the problems of the several previous methods followed by the improvement in the performance based strategy in a well explicit manner respectively [5][6]. Here the implementation of the present method is shown in the above figure in the form of the block diagram and is explained in the elaborative fashion respectively. Here the present method is effective and efficient in terms of the performance based strategy followed by the outcome in a

    well effective fashion related to the entire aspect of the system in a well oriented fashion respectively. Here the present method completely overcomes the drawback of the several previous methods in a well effective manner respectively [7][8][9].

    Here in the present strategy a scheme is introduced in which there is an auditing of the public based strategy in which there is an accurate solution of the outsourcing plays a major role in its implementation oriented provision of both the data followed by the integration oriented scenario related to this outsourcing phenomena respectively. Here for the effective auditing of the phenomena a TPA based strategy is introduced for the data authentication in which related to the privacy oriented aspect depending on the users of the multiple analysis. Here the technique includes the major phenomena of the integrated format of both linear authentication followed by the masking of the randomization. Here the randomness of the server masks the server major analysis in a well efficient fashion.


    Fig 1: Shows the graphical representation of the present method respectively

    A lot of analysis is made on the present method and a huge number of computations have been applied on the large number of the data sets in a well efficient manner with respect to the different environmental aspects respectively. A comparative analysis is made between the present method to that of the several previous methods in a well efficient fashion and is shown in the below figure in the form of the graphical representation and is explained in the elaborative fashion respectively. There is a huge challenge for the present method in which it is implemented in such a way that it should be able analyze the problems of the several previous methods in a well efficient fashion with respect to the control oriented strategy of the improvement in the degraded performance due to the several previous methods,


In this paper a method is designed with a powerful framework oriented strategy in a well efficient manner for the improvement in the performance followed by the outcome of the entire system in a well effective fashion respectively. Here a strategy is designed oriented with the aspect of the system based on the auditing oriented phenomena in a well efficient fashion related to the preservation of the public privacy based aspect in the well oriented strategy respectively. Here the security plays a major role for the efficient implementation of the system with a well oriented fashion respectively. Here a linear authentication based on the homo morphic strategy in which there is a guarantee for the masking oriented with the randomized strategy in a well efficient manner where there should be no chance for the protocol based on the strategy of the TPA based aspect with which no prior knowledge related to the content of the data in a well oriented fashion with respect to the server of the cloud which it is at the time of the storage of the data in a well oriented fashion of the process of the efficient auditing based strategy respectively. Which plays a huge task in which there is a complete reduction of the burden of the user from the leakage oriented strategy from the stored phenomena by the efficient process of the auditing based process in the well effective manner respectively? Here we finally conclude that the present method is effective and efficient in terms of the analysis respectively.


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