- Open Access
- Authors : Varun V Devadiga , Shaik Aftaab Zia , Vikas T Shankar , Samarth Segu , Vani K A
- Paper ID : IJERTV10IS060028
- Volume & Issue : Volume 10, Issue 06 (June 2021)
- Published (First Online): 19-06-2021
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
An Implementation for a Prediction based Internet Load Balancing Algorithm
Shaik Aftaab Zia1, Samarth Segu2, Varun V Devadiga3, Vikas T Shankar4, and Vani K A5
Department of Information Science, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Abstract Internet load balancing algorithms can be categorised into static and dynamic algorithms. Static algorithms like Round Robin and IP hash are rule based and do not take into account dynamic in- formation like load on individual servers. Dynamic algorithms like Least connections take this into ac- count and aim to distribute traffic more optimally, but lead to requirement of monitors or polling mech- anisms to obtain this information. Predictive load balancing algorithms aim to remove this requirement by trying to predict load induced on servers due to requests rather than measuring it directly. We aim to provide an improved implementation of algorithm described by Patil et al.[1] and compare this imple- mentation with a static algorithm like Round Robin in terms of performance and resource utilisation. This implementation is for a web application which does text-to-speech synthesis.
Keywords load balancing, predictive load balanc- ing, text-to-speech service
oad balancing is an important aspect of any dis- tributed system. If a single server is used for request processing, it raises the issue of creating a single point of failure. With the help of load bal- ancer, traffic can be spread across a cluster of nodes, leading to a better availability and system perfor-
Static algorithms
Static algorithms distribute network traffic based on a set of predefined rules. They are suitable for systems where most requests require similar amounts of computation. These algorithms have good perfor- mance and are easy to scale as cluster size increases. The drawback with static algorithms is that they do not take into account the current system state, i.e. the amount of resources being used by each node, due to which they dont provide optimal resource utili- sation for systems where requests vary in computa-
tional requirement.
Popular static load balancing algorithms include the Round Robin, IP hash, Power of two choices and Randomized load balancing.
Dynamic algorithms
Dynamic load balancing algorithms follow a greedy approach of distributing load to the server with minimum load. There are various approaches to measuring load on individual servers like using the number of open connections(Least connections algo- rithms), or Resource based algorithms which attach
monitors onto individual worker nodes from which metrics related to each node can be pushed or pulled from the load balancer.
The drawback with the Least connections algo- rithms is that it does not always distribute traffic to the minimum load server. For instance, a servers A and B are currently processing requests X and Y number of requests, with X < Y . However server A may be processing more computationally intensive requests than B so despite having lesser connections server A will have more load. With Resource based algorithms, we need to install monitor processes on worker nodes to measure resource usage like CPU, RAM and disk usage and either push these metrics to the load balancer or have them polled by the load balancer at regular intervals. This leads to additional overhead on the system.
Prediction based Dynamic load balancing
The main idea behind prediction based dynamic load balancing is to eliminate the need for monitor processes, but still get the same resource utilisation as resource based algorithms. Instead of measuring system resource usage directly, we try to predict a value X which is linearly proportional to the net system load. Some algorithms also try to predict individual resource usage like IO, CPU and memory usage. This value X(or set of values X1, X2, ..Xn) is used to determine which server the request has to distributed to.
Related work
Most of our work in this paper builds on top the work done by Patil et al.[1]. However, there is im- mense research related to the area of Predictive load balancing and some of the related papers are high- lighted in this section.
Patil et al.[1] designed a predictive load balancing algorithm for the use case of a Text-to-Speech syn- thesis application. Their system follows a Master- Slave architecture where the load balancer breaks text input from each request into individual lines and each line is sent to the worker node with minimum current load. Queues are maintained in the Master node for each server in the pool and are populated with values t1, t2, ..tn which correspond to the pre- dicted time values to synthesize lines l1, l2, ..ln, which are the lines currently queued for synthesis in that particular worker node. Load on each server is calcu- lated by summing up all values in the servers queue.
Chandra et al.[2] developed a predictive algorithm which predicts a requests CPU, IO, and memory re- quirement and distributes it to the server with min-
The actual request distribution process is de- scribed by Algorithm 1.
imum load for that particular metric. Using this ap-
proach, they were able to reduce the response time of the system. Similar research work was done by Goswami et al.[3].
Oikawa et al.[4] described an approach for using Machine learning to select the load balancing al- gorithm based on the current performance metrics. They described a static phase where data is collected and manually labelled to build a training set and a classifier is trained on to it so that the best algorithm for the current load can be predicted.
Thakor et al.[5] proposed a prediction based al- gorithm and compared its performance of predic- tive load balancing against a static algorithm called Priority load balancing(where each incoming request has a priority associated with it and is directed to the server which maps to that priority value). Pre- dictive algorithms were shown to have better cluster utilisation.
Proposed system
Our proposed system follows the same Master- Slave design as described by Patil et al.[1]. However, we have developed a general equation for predicting synthesis time for each server by taking into account information like number of CPU cores, RAM and GPU availability of each server rather than specific linear regression models trained for each server to the pool as described in [1]. We have also compared per- formance of various predictive models for predicting synthesis time.
System Design
Fig. 1: Proposed system design
Our proposed design is given by figure 1. Text paragraphs from HTTP requests sent to the load bal- ancer(the master node) are split into sentences. For each sentence in the request, the current minimum load server is selected and the sentence is then sent into the prediction service for predicting the time taken by the selected server for synthesizing it. Once a worker node synthesizes a particular sentence, it logs the time taken to a database. This data can be used for retraining the model used by the prediction service and serves as a way of continuously improving the prediction service.
Algorithm 1 Predictive Load balancing
1: global variables
2: sLoad t> Hashtable for server-load
3: sAddrs t> List of Server IPs
4: end global variables
5: procedure ProcessRequest(request)
6: text request.text
7: procList []
8: splitLines text.split(.)
9: for lie in splitLines do
10: minServer sAddrs[0]
11: minload INF
12: for addr in sAddrs do
13: load SUM(sLoad[addr].values())
14: if load < minload then
15: minload load
16: minServer addr
17: predT ime PREDICT(addr, line)
18: sLoad[addr] sLoad[addr] + predT ime 19: pid ASYNC PROXYREQ(line, minServer) 20: procList.add(pid)
21: responses AWAITALL(procList)
22: resultWav MERGE(responses)
23: return RESPONSE(resultWav)
24: procedure Predict(addr, line)
25: serverConfig DB.getConfig(addr)
26: cpu serverConfig.cpu cores 27: ram serverConfig.total ram 28: gpu serverConfig.has gpu 29: nword LEN(line.split(.))
30: nchar LEN(line)
31: return MODEL.predict(cpu, ram, gpu, nword, nchar)
We chose the Lasso Regression model for predict- ing synthesis time as it provided a lower error rate on our dataset than LinearRegression(chosen by the authors of [1]). The dataset was generated manually using the PredictionLogs table described earlier. It consisted of 232 samples, 80% of which were used for training and rest for testing.
For synthesizing speech from text, weve used the FastSpeech model[6]. We eliminated the WaveGlow model in the FastSpeech due to performance con- straints.
The results designed in this section were obtained under the assumption that worker nodes and the load balancer are connected over a very high speed net- work , sending and receiving data over which is neg- ligible. They were obtained by using 3 worker nodes with the following configurations:
Each of the above nodes is a Docker(a container- ization software) container with limitations set to CPU and Memory. This method is similar to us- ing Virtual Machines(VM) and was chosen as it has less performance overhead than a VM.
Predictive Model
Weve trained the following models on the gener- ated dataset(232 samples, 80% for training and 20% for testing) and have obtained the following results
Tabla I: Test error for predictive model
Other hyper-parameters were set to their default values in the Scikit-Learn Python Package.
Compared against the Mean Squared Error(MSE) metric, linear models performed the best(Lasso, Ridge and Linear Regression). This can be expected as the relationship between the features chosen is lin- ear.
Comparison with Round Robin load balancing
The following are average request response times of the application using Round Robin load balancing and Predictive load balancing for a 331 word, 1829 character paragraph over 9 measurements.
Response time(seconds)
Round Robin
Predictive load balancing
Fig. 2: Test measurement vs Average response time
The above results have some variance due to small variance in the synthesizing speech through the Fast- Speech model, but generally Predictive load balanc-
ing was found to perform better than Round Robin load balancing for this use-case application.
Predictive internet load balancing is not widely seen in most applications as most applications do not require optimal resource utilisation and static algorithms like Round Robin and IP hash work just fine. However, for some specific use cases, dynamic load balancing is important and prediction based al- gorithms can help in overcoming the drawbacks as- sociated with them.
The following is the implementation for the work described in this paper – https://github.com/ Aftaab99/Text2SpeechService.
Model |
Hyper Parameters |
Linear regression |
– |
12.883 |
[2] |
Random Forest |
estimators=100 |
14.859 |
learning rate=0.1 |
13.354 |
[3] |
Ridge Regression |
alpha=125 |
12.612 |
Lasso Regression |
alpha=0.125 |
12.473 |
Model |
Hyper Parameters |
Linear regression |
– |
12.883 |
[2] |
Random Forest |
estimators=100 |
14.859 |
learning rate=0.1 |
13.354 |
[3] |
Ridge Regression |
alpha=125 |
12.612 |
Lasso Regression |
alpha=0.125 |
12.473 |
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