Analysis and Design of Mono Column Building

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV10IS06042

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Analysis and Design of Mono Column Building

Thejus Sreehari

Post Graduate Student Department of Civil Engineering

Sree Narayana Guru College of Engineering and Technology

Payyannur , Kannur , Kerala , India

Mrs. Shilpa Valsakumar

Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering

Sree Narayana Guru College of Engineering and Technology

Payyannur , Kannur , Kerala , India

Abstract Mono column structure are the structures supported on a single column. They are the most suitable structures that can be constructed at the flood occurring regions. The structure provides large serviceable area as compare to RCC and steel frame structures. They provide large serviceable floor space compared to framed structures with many columns. They require less area for providing foundation and gives more space for parking. In this project describes planning, structural analysis, design and drawing. The mono column supports whole structure and other members will act as cantilevers. Structural analysis by ETABS.

Keywords Mono column


    Mono column building is the structure supported on a single column which provides large serviceable area as compare to RCC and steel frame structure. Mono column building supported on a single column has more aesthetic view compared to other frame structures. The requires less area for providing foundation and gives more space for parking. They are also unique. Mono column structures are constructed with RCC or Steel. Mono column structures are complicated one, compare with the other framed structures, mono column supports entire structure, all other members will act as cantilevers and mono column structure is the individual one. Eccentric loading will cause failure of structure. These structures provide more proper spaces for offices and parking. Mono column provides maximum serviceability. They are also good at the place where flood occurs. Mono column buildings decrease the excavation area of the land and saving money. This project describes planning, structural analysis, design and drawings with various components of the whole building.

    In India the state like Kerala facing flood in the monsoon season. The water level reaches approximately to the first floor of the building. The best solution of this problem is rising the living area higher from the ground level. Mono column buildings are very effective to control flood. Some of the two mono column structures are Astra Tower, Hamburg. Germany and L & Ts Construction Headquarters at Manapakkam in Chennai.


    Rise in population have increased the demand of high-rise structures in the cities. Multistorey buildings aim to increase the floor area of the building without increasing the area of the land and saving money. These multi storey buildings, sky scrapers are built not just for economy of space they are

    considered icons of a citys economic power and the citys identity. Thousands of multi storey building is being built all over the world with steel as well as reinforced concrete. The main objectives of the study are

    • To analyse and design a mono column building

    • To compare the different shaped mono columns like rectangular and circular etc.

    • To compare the serviceable floor space with structure supported on many column


    From literature review, it is found that Mono column buildings has unique structure. They have good aesthetic view. Mono column structure can withstand all loads including earthquake loads and wind loads. Mono column building save ground space as requires less area for proving foundations and providing more space for parking.


    The building contains four stories including the mono column. The plan is prepared using auto CADD. All the supports are fixed. The ground storey is designed and analysed. The height of mono column is 3m from the ground level. Each storey is 3m height. Two types of models are analysed using ETABS software. The first one is rectangular type mono column which support the entire structure. Another one is a circular mono column with same cross- section as that of the rectangular column. The structure is a residential building with four stories. The four stories supported by the 3m height mono column. The mono column extends to bottom to the top of the building.

    Fig.1. Plan of floor 1

    Fig 2. Plan of floor 2

    The figure 1 and figure 2 shows the floor plan of first and second stories respectively. The third and fourth stories has the same plan as that of the second story. The figure 3 is the elevation of the entire building.

    Fig 3. Elevation


      The first model of the study consists of the mono column with rectangular cross section. The single column size is 1.8mx1.8m.

      TABLE 1. Details of rectangular mono column building



      Mono column size

      1.8 x 1.8 m

      Normal column size

      600 x 600 mm

      Beam 1

      230 x 400 mm

      Beam 2

      600 x 600 mm

      Slab thickness

      150 mm

      Mono column type


      Fig 3. 3D view rectangular mono column

      Fig 4. Deflection- rectangular mono column


    The second model of the study consists of the mono column with circular cross section. The diameter of the circular mono column is 2.03 m. The circular mono column has the same cross-sectional area of rectangular mono column.



    Mono column size (diameter)

    2.03 m

    Normal column size

    600 x 600 mm

    Beam 1

    230 x 400 mm

    Beam 2

    600 x 600 mm

    Slab thickness

    150 mm

    Mono column type


    TABLE 2. Details of rectangular mono column building

    Fig 5. 3D view circular mono column

    Fig 6. Deflection- circular mono column

    TABLE 3. The default load combinations


    The different load combinations are applied and the base reactions, maximum deflection of stories, shear force and bending moments are obtained.


      TABLE 4. Base reactions- rectangular

      TABLE 5. Maximum deflection in Y direction-rectangular

      TABLE 6. Maximum deflection in X direction-rectangular

      Fig 6. Maximum bending moment- rectangular TABLE 7. Shear force in x direction- rectangular

      TABLE 8. Shear force in Y direction- rectangular


    TABLE 9. Maximum deflection in Y direction-circular

    TABLE 10. Maximum deflection in X direction-circular

    TABLE 11. Base reactions- circular

    Fig 7. Maximum bending moment- circular TABLE 12. Shear force in x direction- circular

    TABLE 12. Shear force in Y direction- circular


    A rectangular mono column (1.8 m x1.8 m) building analyzed. The maximum displacement is 54.58 mm in Y direction and 36 mm in X direction. The maximum shear force in X direction is 1260.5 kN and 1308.9 kN in Y direction. A circular mono column (d = 2.03m) building also analzed. The maximum displacement is 57.6 mm in Y direction and 37.3 mm in X direction. The maximum shear force in X direction is 1223 kN and 1223 kN in Y direction. The study shows that the rectangular mono column structure has less deformation than circular mono column structure.


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