- Open Access
- Authors : Ashwin Kumar U
- Paper ID : IJERTV8IS110394
- Volume & Issue : Volume 08, Issue 11 (November 2019)
- Published (First Online): 03-12-2019
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Android based Cost-Efficient AI Attendance System
With Face Recogniton, Web Dashboard and ML based Fraud Detection
Ashwin Kumar U
Department of Computer Science Engineering St. Josephs College of Engineering,
Chennai, India
Abstract Mark ME! is an attendance system with enough flexibility in attendance marking through fingerprint verification, facial recognition, QR code scanning and NFC scanning. It also comes with a dedicated web dashboard that allows the manager or the institution to view attendances,automated e-mail alert delivery system and a machine learning based proxy attendance detection system. The app is also reverse compatible, meaning that once it is installed on an android phone, it can either act like a traditional attendance scanner(Reader mode) or in mobile mode, where the NFC tag or QR code is attached on each desk in the work place and the user with the app can scan it to mark the attendance.
Keywords Machine learning, cloud, facial recognition, NFC, QR, android
Attendance is a critical part of every institution- from schools to industries to even hospitals. But in some cases, the cost for establishing such a system will go as high as $1000, which includes buying scanners and dedicated servers. This becomes a massive challenge for startups, developing and underdeveloped countries. With our app, we aim to minimize the cost for such a sophisticated system with enough flexibility for preferred detection method like fingerprint verification, facial recognition, QR code scanning and NFC scanning, and is also reverse compatible. The dedicated dashboard can be used to track the attendance and comes with a machine learning based algorithm to point out proxy attendance.
In educational institutions
In schools and colleges, traditional register-based attendances are used which are prone to more human errors. Moreover, these systems also have proxy attendance problem where the attendance of one student is faked by another.
In offices and other institutions
In offices and other institutions (such as hospitals, factories) fingerprint or RF ID based attendances are used. These systems need a dozen of entry machines and dedicated server which prove to be costly for such a simple task. Also, the data is under risk from hackers and hardware failure.
The proposed system consists of the following modules:
The android app: To record the attendances using NFC, QR and face recognitions
Reader mode
NFC tags
Face recognition
Mobile mode
Marking attendances using NFC tags
Marking attendances using QR code
Fingerprint security
Web dashboard: To view and manage attendances
Monthly attendance trends
Machine learning based fraud detection
Cloud plarform
Automated e-mail alert delivery system
Android App
The android app is built using android studio with a target SDK version of 28. The app has two sub-apps namely- MarkME! and MarkME!-mobile. Each user assigned with a unique ID, which is generated by the institution. The user logins are managed by the Google Firebase SDK. While the MarkME! sub-app is used to run the system in reader mode, where the android phone acts like a traditional attendance machine and is available only to administrators, the MarkME! mobile sub-app is installed on the users phone and enables them to mark their attendances from their phone itself.
The app displays a countdown for the remaining time till the attendance closes down. It also displays the people who have checked in recently
Fig. 1. Attendance denied since the individual came late.
Reader Mode
Fig. 2. Flowchart of how reader mode works.
This mode resembles the traditional attendance machine and is used in institutions where the usage of gadgets is strictly prohibited. An android phone or an android enabled raspberry-pi with an NFC scanner [1] module or a high-res camera (or both) is placed at the entrance. The individual is required to use an identity card with an NFC sticker attached to it to validate their attendance.
The face recognition feature can be used in sync to improve the degree of authenticity.
The app also allows to view live stats of attendance complete with the number of students present.
Fig. 3. Interface of the app running in reader mode.
frequency of 13.56 MHz. The maximum operating distance is up to 100mm with a data transfer rate of 106 Kbits/s. It also supports a UID ASCII mirror for automatic serialization of NDEF messages. The input capacitance is 50pF.
These NFC stickers are stuck/embedded into the individuals ID card. To mark the attendance, he/she can tap on the android enabled raspberry-pi device or an android phone.
The android.nfc package is used to read the NFC tags.
Face Recognition [2]
Extracting face embeddings from dataset using OpenCV:
The first step with extracting the embeddings is resizing the image file. All the image files in the dataset are uniformly resized to a width of 600px while maintaining aspect ratio. We than use openCVs deep learning-based face detector to localize faces from the images. We pass the images corresponding blob through a Convolutional Neural Network, to obtain a 128-D embedding of the face in the image. Since doing this is a memory consuming process, the embeddings are saved to a python pickle file so that, these embeddings can be used later.
Training the Support Vector Machine:
A Support Vector Machine (SVM) [3] is a discriminative classifier formally defined by a separating hyperplane. Here, scikit-learns implementation of Support Vector Machine is used. The embeddings extracted from the previous process is used to fit the Support Vector Machine. The trained model is then saved to a pickle file for later use. SVM is used here because, it works well with unstructured and semi-structured data like images.
The android device/android enabled raspberry-pi device captures the photo of the individual and sends it to a local server/computer for processing. Similar to the previous processes, the encodings are generated for the photo of the individual and predicts it with the SVM model. The system uses a strict minimum confidence threshold level of 0.7
1.1.1 NFC tags
Fig. 4. Live stat checking in the app.
Fig. 5. Model of the face recognition system.
Once the face recognition process is verified, the attendance is marked for the particular person.
The NFC tags used in this system is NTAG213 manufactured by NXP semiconductors. It supports contactless transmission of data and supply energy with an operating
Mobile Mode
Map<String, Object> user = new HashMap<>(); user.put("UID", strDate);
user.put("ROLL", res);
user.put("BUS", (int) (Math.random() * 29) + 2); fb.collection("Attendance").document("x").collection(format tedDate).document("312318104027").set(user, SetOptions.merge()).addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<Void>() {
public void onSuccess(Void aVoid) { Log.d("WRITEDB","Document successfully written!"); int present = 0;
Log.d"STATS", present + ""); load.dismiss();
}).addOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener(){
public void onFailure(@NonNull Exception e) { Log.d("WRITEDB", "Error writing document", e);
Fig. 6. Flowchart for working of the mobile mode.
In this mode, the users can mark their attendances right from their android phone while maintaining authenticity at the same time.
This mode also has an additional feature that allows the user to view his/her attendance summary.
Fig. 7. Interface of the app in mobile mode.
Marking attendance using NFC stickers:
A NFC tag is attached every desk (or at the entrance) of the institution. When the user registers to the app, his/her device will be assigned a unique code. When the user wants to mark his/her attendance he must tap his/her android device on the NFC stickers. The app then prompts the user to place his fingerprint for fingerprint authentication. Once authenticated, the attendance is marked for the user. Attendance can be carried out on a hourly basis too.
Marking attendance using QR code:
For phones that doesnt have the NFC function, QR code scanning [4] can be used. Similar to marking attendance using NFC tag, when the user wants to mark his/her attendance, he/ she must scan the QR code thats stuck on the desk. After fingerprint authentication, the attendance is marked for the user. The QR code scanner for android is implemented through ZXing android library, that provides facilities to scan QR codes and bar codes.
The scanned code is then written to the Firestore DB with the following code:
Fig. 8. A student scanning a QR code to mark his/her attendance.
Fingerprint security
Since these attendances could be potentially proxied by the users friend, wherein the user hand overs his/her phone to a friend, and make them to scan the NFC/QR code, fingerprint authentication is used. A FingerprintHandler class is created extending the FingerprintManager.AuthenticationCallback
Fig. 9. App asking for fingerprint verification to verify attendance.
Web dashboard
The Web dashboard is used to monitor the class attendance and view the attendance list of any date. It is built using Bootstrap, jQuery and flask. Bootstrap [5] and jQuery are used to build the UI of the website dashboard and gives it a neat and professional look. Flask is a python web framework and is based on the Werkzeug WSGI toolkit and Jinja2 template engine. It uses the same FirestoreDB to retrieve the attendance list, which was inserted by the mobile app.
Fig. 10. The web dashboard displaying the attendance summary.
Fig. 11. Web dashboard displaying induividuals present on a particular day and attendances found suspicious using machine learning algorithm.
Monthly attendance trends
The web dashboard uses canvasJS, a data visualization tool to provide a histogram of the attendance summary over the year. We can view the attendance summary of any month by clicking on the chart, which opens a modal. The desired month is chosen, the graph updates itself with the appropriate values.
Machine learning based fraud detection
Apart from the face recognition-based fraud detection, the MarkME attendance system overcomes one of the most difficult hurdle of fraud attendances by using Machine learning [6]. Note that this feature is highly confined to specific institutions especially colleges, where students arrive either in their own means of transportation or college buses. The dependent variable is taken as the entry time into the college and the variable to be predicted is the sign-in time.
The entry time refers to the minutes past the time when attendances were opened (For example, if attendances were opened by 7:00AM and the individual checks in at 7:04, then the entry is entered as 4). This time is mostly calculated from the time when the school/college bus entered the campus (or) when the individual parks his/her vehicle in the campus Similarly, a pattern is recorded for each individual. The individual, after entering the school/ college may leave for having breakfast or other work before actually marking the attendance. This pattern is usually recurrent in most of the
individuals, and by using Linear Regression, we predict a check-in time for when the entry is made. If the actual check in time is not near from what is predicted, the attendance is marked suspicious and he/ she must re-verify the attendance using fingerprint/facial recognition.
Fig. 12. Graphical representation of the data fit into our LinearRegression model.
Cloud platform
The app and the web dashboard both use the Google Firebase cloud platform. Firebase is a Backend-as-a-Service. It provides several features like Authentication, cloud database(firestoreDB), cloud storage, hosting, serverless- event driven backend functions and an SDK for common ML tasks like object detection.
The database used in this project is Firestore DB, a no-sql database. In a no-sql database like FirestoreDB, data is stored in documents, which inturn are stored in collections. A document can contain another collection within it. Data is organized in the form of trees.
Fig. 13. Data displayed in the FirestoreDB console.
Fig. 14. Differentiation between a SQL and a No-SQL database.
Automated e-mail alert delivery system
This system also allows the institution to send mails automatically to the students/ workers informing them about their absence. It used smtplib python library to define a SMTP client session object that can be used to send mail to any Internet machine with an SMTP or ESMTP listener daemon. A simplified example of how this works is given below:
import smtplib
toaddrs= 'ajayyasodha@gmail.com' fromaddr = 'haniel20008@gmail.com'
SUBJECT="Mark ME!- Automated mail generation" TEXT="Please ensure that you have missed your classes today.\n STUDENT ID: Ajay Kumar \n COURSE: BE "
msg = 'Subject: {}\n\n{}'.format(SUBJECT, TEXT)
username = 'haniel20008@gmail.com'
password = ******** '
server = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com','587')
server.starttls() server.login(username,password) server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, msg) server.quit()
It is more cost efficient when compared to the existing system.
It uses future-ready technologies.
It is flexible in operation to suit the institutions need.
The app aims to provide a low cost-yet-versatile attendance system. It also uses future ready technologies such as cloud storage, face recognition and many more. With the current growth rate of AI and the number of start-ups, industries increasing day by day, this app will sure to reduce some operating costs without compromising on quality.
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Cristianini, N. and Shawe-Taylor, An Introduction to Support Vector Machines, Cambridge University Press,2000.
"QR CodeAbout 2D Code", Denso-Wave. Retrieved from https://www.qrcode.com/en/about/
About Bootstrap, Bootstrap. Retrived from https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.4/about/overview/
Alpaydin, Ethem. Introduction to Machine Learning, The MIT Press, 2010.
"NoSQL for the serverless age: Announcing Cloud Firestore general availability and updates", Google Cloud Blog.