Arduino based Smart System f or Beaches i n Sultanate of Oman

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV13IS01018

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Arduino based Smart System f or Beaches i n Sultanate of Oman

Omar Abdulrahman Al Bulushi; Basel Khaled Al Harthi; Ahmed Khalfan Bani Oraba Ms. Rahila. Begum. Gadi

University of Technology & Applied Science Al Musannah

The Sultanate of Oman is renowned for its picturesque beaches, attracting both tourists and locals. These coastal areas, while offering recreational opportunities, face challenges related to safety, environmental preservation, and efficient management. Traditional methods of monitoring and managing beach environments are often labor-intensive and less effective in real-time. This project explores the potential of integrating Arduino-based smart systems to enhance the management and safety of beaches in Oman. Firstly, a smart street lighting system is built to reduce energy consumption by using sensors to detect the presence of vehicles and ON the streetlights. Additionally, integrating water level sensor can provide safety to the people using the coastal road. Secondly a smart garbage collection bin with sensors is designed to keep the beach clean. Reward for proper disposal of garbage can encourage the visitors to participate in maintaining cleanliness, contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment. The food caravan where the visitors can collect the rewards is utilizing solar energy to power the food caravan. It highlights the viability of renewable energy sources for various applications. It also adds an innovative touch to the beach experience, promoting eco-friendly practices.

This project proposes the implementation of Arduino-based smart systems to address challenges facing beaches in the Sultanate of Oman. Visitors are incentivized to properly dispose of garbage through rewards, fostering a cleaner environment. Overall, these initiatives aim to enhance beach management, safety, and environmental sustainability in Oman, while also providing an innovative and enjoyable experience for visitors. The smart system for beaches holds significant importance as it addresses several crucial issues and contributes to various aspects of community well-being and environmental sustainability. One of the most evident benefits is improved safety. Well-lit streets significantly reduce the risk of accidents by allowing drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists to clearly see their surroundings, thus preventing collisions. Enhanced lighting can also encourage more people to utilize the seafront area during evenings, thereby promoting local businesses and increasing the overall utility and enjoyment of the area for residents and visitors alike. By utilizing renewable energy sources, the project contributes to environmental sustainability. Smart garbage bins will be deployed to prevent

pollution and maintain cleanliness, while collaboration with local municipalities and community organizations will support project implementation and sustainability initiatives. Specifically focusing on a designated beach area and adjacent seashore road with defined boundaries, the project will manage waste collection during the tourism season. It addresses initial implementation, ongoing maintenance, and sustainability efforts to ensure long-term success and positive impact on the coastal environment and community.

Keywords: Renewable energy, Beaches, Arduino microcontroller, Garbage Bin, Food Caravan.