Associated Sequence And A Generalized Common Fixed Point Theorem Under A New Condition

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV2IS50300

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Associated Sequence And A Generalized Common Fixed Point Theorem Under A New Condition

Neena B. Gupta

Department of Mathematics, Career College, Bhopal, M.P., India


The purpose of this paper is to prove a generalized common fixed point theorem by changing the condition, used by

V. Srinivas and B.V.B. Reddy [9]. To prove this theorem we use the definition of weakly compatible mapping & associated sequence.

Keywords :

Fixed Point, Self maps, compatible mappings, weakly compatible mappings, Cauchy sequence, associated sequence.

Introduction :

G. Jungck [3] introduced the concept of compatible maps which is weaker than weakly commuting mappings. After words Jungck and Phoades [5] defined weaker class of maps known as weakly compatible maps. Further Srinivas and B.V.B. Reddy [9] used the concept of associated sequence.

    1. Definition and Preliminaries :

      1. Compatible Mappings :

        If (X,d) be a metric space. Then two self maps A and B of (X,d) are said to be compatible

        mappings if lim


        d ( ABxn , BAxn

        ) =0, whenever {x }

        is a sequence in X such that

        n n1

        n n1



        Ax lim Bx u, for some u X .

        n n

        n n


      2. Weakly Compatible

        Let A and B be mappings from a metric space (X,d) into itself. Then A and B are said to be weakly compatible if they commute at their coincident point

        i.e. Ax = Bx , for some x X

        ABx = BAx

        It is clear that every compatible pair is weakly compatible but its converse need not be true.

      3. Cauchy sequence

        A sequence {xn }n1 in a metric space (X,d) is called Cauchy sequence if for given 0 ,

        there corresponds

        d (xm, xn )

        n0 N

        such that for all m, n n0 , we have

      4. Associated sequence

        Suppose A, B, S and T are self maps of a metric space (X,d) satisfying the following condition

        A (X) T(X) and B (X) S(X) (

        Then for an arbitrary x X

        such that A x Tx1 and for this point

        x1 , there exists a


        x2 in X such that

        Bx1 Sx2 and so on. Proceeding in similar manner, we can define

        n n1

        n n1

        a sequence {y }

        in X such that

        y2n1 Ax2n Tx2n1 and y2n Bx2n1 Sx2n

        for n 0

        —————- (

        Then this sequence is called Associated sequence of x relative to the four self maps A,B,S and T.

      5. In (1998) Brijendra Singh and M.S. Chauhan [1] proved that common fixed point theorem for self maps A,B,S and T in metric space (X,d) by using the condition ( and

        [d ( Ax, By)]2 k [d ( Ax, Sx) d (By,Ty) d (By, Sx) d ( Ax,Ty)]


        • k2[d ( Ax, Sx) d ( Ax,Ty) (By,Ty) d (By, Sx)]


          Where 0 K1 2K2 1, K1, K2 0

      6. In (2012) V. Srinivas and B.V. B Reddy[9] established a generalize common fixed point theorem by using weakly compatible mapping and Associated sequence under the condition ( and (

        Now we generalize the theorem using new condition under weakly compatible mapping and associated sequence.

        Now we prove a lemma which plays an important role in our main theorem.

      7. Lemma: Let A, B, S and T be a self mapping from a complete metric space (X,d) into itself satisfying the following conditions

A(X ) T (X ) and B(X ) S(X ) ——— (1.1.8)

One of A, B, S or T is continuous such that

d ( Ax, Sx). d (By,Ty),

[d ( Ax, By]2 .max d (By, Sx).d ( Ax,Ty), ……………………….(1.1.9)

d ( Ax, Sx).d ( Ax,Ty)

n n1

n n1

Then the associated sequence {y }

relative to four self maps is a Cauchy

sequence in X.

Proof: From conditions (1.1.8) & (1.1.9) and from the definition of associated sequence, we have

[d( y , y )]2 [d( Ax , Bx

)]2 ,

By (

2n1 2n 2n 2n1

d ( Ax2n , Sx2n ) d (Bx2n1,Tx2n1 ),

.max d (Bx , Sx ) d ( Ax ,Tx ), ………………………………….. By (1.1.9)

2n1 2n 2n 2n1

d ( Ax , Sx ) d ( Ax ,Tx ),

2n 2n 2n 2n1

d ( y2n1, y2n ) d ( y2n , y2n1 ),



.max d ( y

, y2n

) d ( y



2n1, y2n1 ),

d ( y

2n1, y2n

) d ( y

2n1, y2n1

d ( y2n1, y2n ) d ( y2n , y2n1 ),

.max 0,



d ( y

2n1, y2n

) d ( y

2n1, y2n1

[d ( y

, y )]2

d ( y2n1, y2n ).d ( y2n , y2n1 ),

.max 0,

2n1 2n



d ( y

2n1, y2n

) d ( y

2n1, y2n1

d ( y2n1, y2n1 ) ,

[d ( y

, y )] .max 0,

2n1 2n

( y , y )

2n1 2n1

d ( y

, y )

d ( y2n , y2n1 ) ,

.max 0,

2n1 2n

d ( y , y ) d ( y , y )

2n1 2n

2n 2n1

By triangular Inequality

d( y2n1, y2n1 ) d( y2n1, y2n ) d( y2n , y2n1)

d( y2n1, y2n ) [d( y2n1, y2n ) d( y2n , y2n1)]

d( y2n1, y2n ) d( y2n1, y2n ) d ( y2n , y2n1)

(1) d ( y2n1, y2n ) d( y2n , y2n1)

d ( y

, y )

d ( y , y )

2n1 2n


2n 2n1

d ( y2n1, y2n ) d( y2n , y2n1)


1 1

1 0 (1 ) 1

Now d ( y2n , y2n1)

( y2n1, y2n )

Then d ( yn , yn1)

( yn1, yn )

n2 n1

n2 n1

2 d( y , y )

n3 n2

n3 n2

3 d ( y , y )



0 1

0 1

n d ( y , y )

Now d( yn1, yn2 )

d( yn , yn1)

n1 n

n1 n

2 d( y , y )

n2 n3

n2 n3

2 d( y , y )



n1 d ( y , y )

0, 1

Similarly we can show

d ( y

, y ) n2 d ( , y )

n2, n3 0 1

d ( y

, y ) n3 d ( y , y )

n3, n4 0 1



d( yn p1,

, yn p )

n p1 d( y , y ) ,

for everyinteger p 0

0 1

0 1

Now d( yn, , yn p ) d( yn , yn1) d( yn1, , yn2 ) d ( yn2 , yn3 )

…………………………… d (yn p1 , yn1 )

0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

n d( y , y ) n1 d( y , y ) n2 d( y , y ) ………….. n p1 d( y , y )

0 1

0 1

[ n n1 n2 …………………. n p1 ]d ( y , y )

0 1

0 1

n[1 2 …………………. n p ]d ( y , y )

1 n 0 ,

as n

d( yn , yn p ) 0,


, for everyinteger p 0

n n1

n n1

This showsthat{ y }

is a Cauchy sequencein X .

X is acompletemetricspace.

n n1

n n1

=>{y }

converges to z X

Theorem :

Let A, B, S and T are self maps of a metric space (X,d) atisfying the condition (1.1.8)&(1.1.9)

And the pairs (A,S) and (B,T) are weakly compatible. Further,

The associated sequence relative to self maps A, B, S and T such that the sequence

Ax0 , Bx1, Ax2 , Bx3 , …………………………….., Ax2n , Bx2n1,………………….Convergsto z X asn .

Then A, B, S and T have a unique common fixed point z in X.


B (X ) S(X )

X such that z=S ..(1.1.10) We have to prove A = S

Now consider

d ( A , Sv).d (Bx2n1,Tx2n1 ) ,

[d ( A , Bx

)]2 .max d (Bx , Sv).d ( Av,Tx ),


2n1 2n1

d ( Av, Sv) d ( Av,Tx )

as n

, Bx2n1,

Tx2n1 z


d ( A , z) d (z, z),

[d ( A , z)]2 .max d (z, z) d ( Av, z),

d ( Av, z) d ( Av, z)

.max{0, 0,[d ( A , z)]2}

[d ( Av, z)]2

(d (Av, z)]2 [d(Av, z)]2 0

(d (Av, z)]2 (1) 0

0 1

0 1 1

d(A , z) 0

A z

A Sv z,




The pair (A, S)isweakly Compatible.


Az Sz By (1.1.11)



A(X ) T (X )

X suchthat z Tw………………………………..(1.1.13)

Now we prove B T

Now consider

d ( A , Sv) d (B,T),

[d ( A , B)]2 .max d (B, Sv) d ( Av,T), ,

By (1.1.9)

d ( Av, Sv) d ( Av,T)

d (z, z) d (B, z),

[d (z, B)]2 .max d (B, z) d (z, z), , By

(1.1.11) & (1.1.13)

d (z, z) d (z, z)

[d(z,b)]2 0

But square of distance may not be less than zero.

[d(z, B]2 mustbeequalto Zero. we get (d (z, B]2 0

d (z, B] 0

z B………………………………….(1.1.14)

By (1.1.13) & (1.1.14)

B T z…………………………….(1.1.15)

Again since the pair (B,T) is weakly compatible.



By (1.1.15)


Now Consider

[d(Az, z)]2 (d(Az, B)]2

, By


d ( Az, Sz) d (B,T),

.max d (B, Sz) d ( Az,T), ,

By (1.1.9)

d ( Az, Sz) d ( Az,T)

d ( Az, Az) d (Z , Z ) ,

.max d (Z , Az) d ( Az, Z ), ,

d ( Az, Az) d ( Az, z)

. d( Az, z)]2

[d(Az, Az)]2 [d( Az, z)]2

By (1.1.12) & (1.1.15)

[d(Az, z)]2 (1 )

[d(Az, z)]2 0

[d(Az, z) 0



0 (1)


z ……………………..1.1.17


Sz z ,

By (1.1.12) &


…………………………………………….. (1.1.18)

Again consider

[d(z, Bz)]2 (d(Av, Bz)]2

d ( Av, Sv) d (Bz,Tz),

.max d (Bz, Sv) d ( Av,Tz), ,

By (1.1.19)

d ( Av, Sv) d ( Av,Tz)

d (z, z) d (Bz, Bz),

.max d (Bz, z) d (z, Bz),

d (z, z) d (z, Bz)

[d(z, Bz)]2 .max{0,[d(Bz, z)]2 , 0}

d(z, Bz)]2 (d(z, Bz)]2

(d(z, Bz)]2 (1) 0

Av Sv BwTw z and Bz Tz

(d(z, Bz)]2 0

d(z, Bz) 0

1 0 (1)

Bz z

Bz Tz z ,

By (1.1.16)


By (1.1.18) & (1.1.19)

Az Sz Bz Tz z……………………………………..(1.1.20)

We get z is a common fixed point of A, B, S and T.

Uniqueness of Common fixed point :

Let z1, and z2 are two common fixed point of A, B, S and T. Then by using (1.1.20)

Az1 = Sz1 = Bz1 = Tz1 = z1 . (1.1.21) And also

Az2 = Sz2 = Bz2 = Tz2 = z2 . (1.1.22)


1 2 1 2

1 2 1 2

(d(z , z )]2 [d(Az , Az )]2

, By (1.1.21) & (1.1.22)

d ( Az1, Sz1 ) d ( Az2 ,Tz2 ) ,

.max d ( Az , Sz ) d ( Az ,Tz ) , ,

By (1.1.9)

2 1 1 2

d ( Az , Sz ) d ( Az ,Tz )

1 1 1 2

d (z1, z1 ) d (z2 , z2 ) ,

.max d (z , z ) d (z , z ) , ,

By (1.1.21) & (1.1.22)

2 1 1 2

d (z , z ) d (z , z )

1 1 1 2

1 2 1 2

1 2 1 2

[d(z , z )]2 .max{0,[d(z , z )]2 , 0}

1 2 1 2

1 2 1 2

d(z , z )]2 (d(z , z )]2

1 2 1 2

1 2 1 2

(d(z , z )]2 (d(z , z )]2 0

1 2

1 2

[d(z , z )]2 (1) 0

1 2

1 2

[d(z , z )]2 0

d (z1, z2 ) 0

z1 z2


Hence there exists an unique common fixed point of A, B, S and T.


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