Automated Irrigation System Using Iot with IE

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCON048

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Automated Irrigation System Using Iot with IE

1 C. L. Femi , 2 K. U. Umamagesh, 3 Dr. P. Kannan

1,2PG Student,3 Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Panimalar Engineering College,Chennai, India

AbstractThe main aim of the proposed project is to dampen water efficiently in a cognitive approach for the agriculture land using IoT and also measures the Irrigation Efficiency

(IE). The water needed for the crops should be properly irrigated for enriching the irrigation efficiency of the field. Using soil moisture sensor and water level indicator in which a threshold value is thrown into and the irrigation area is monitored continuously. The conductivity of the top soil increases as the volumetric wet substance increases. The water level indicator is maintained above the threshold value and it is is indicated when it is below the sensored value. The sensored information should be given as an analog key in of the Node mcu Arduino board. The sensor records values are between 0 (perfectly dry) and 900 (100% saturated) which is displayed in the sequential display unit of the workstation in which it is connected. Thus the real instant data of the water substance of the soil is taken as the input and the motor is made to function based on the throw values between 0 and 900. This device collects data continuously for an extended period of time and functioned as an alert device when soil moisture dropped below the specified value. The complete system is controlled and monitored through internet. The board has the capacity to transmit data using both the SPI and I2C protocols. Also the irrigation efficiency of the system is determined at the particular period of time that takes into account the micro- efficiencies of the irrigation water used. About 80% of the water is saved using this smart advanced irrigation system.)

Keywords- IoT, Smart irrigation, Nodemcu Arduino.


    Crop growing is the major source of revenue donor in India. With increasing inhabitants in India, there is a necessitate for enlarged agricultural production. In order to maintain larger production in farm fields, the necessity for the quantity of unsullied water used in irrigation also rises. Ad hoc usage of water in the pasture results in the leftovers of water. This suggests that there is an vital necessitates to build up systems that prevent leftovers of water without magnificent demands on farmers. Over the precedent 15 years, farmers by means of computers and software systems, systematize their monetary data and keep track of their transactions with third parties and also examine their crops more effectively. In the Internet epoch, where information plays a key role in people's lives, crop growing is quickly flattering a data intensive production where farmers want to assemble and weigh up a huge quantity of information from a various number of devices in order to become more

    competent in production and communicating suitable information. With the arrival of open source Nodemcu Arduino boards along with economical moisture sensors, it is workable to produce devices that can observe the top soil dampness content and accordingly water the fields or the land when needed. The planned system makes use of Nodemcu Arduino platform and IOT which enable the motor turn ON and OFF without human intervention on the farm by knowing the sensor values thereby, making the farmers' work much easier as they can focus on other ranch activities.


    Dr. Narayan intended a wireless sensor networks to study the situation of the agriculture and growing the crop yield and excellence[1]. Marvin T.Batte experimented that the Sensors are used to observe dissimilar situation of surroundings like water level, dampness, temperature, etc., Database and network application is used to recover and stock up data. In this trial the sensor node failure and power effectiveness are managed[2]. Magyar passed out experiments on intellectual agriculture greenhouse monitoring scheme based on ZigBee tools. The system performs data achievement, handing out, broadcast and response functions. IoT technology here is based on the B-S arrangement and cc2530 worn like handing out fragment to work meant for wireless sensor node and planner[3]. Jin Shen intended the access has Linux operational system and cortex A8 processor act as core[4]. Indu Gautam have projected an test that explains the implementation of was used in automating irrigation[5].R.Suresh projected the Irrigation control and rearrangement based on wsn are controlling solutions for most favorable water management through custom communication to know the soil moisture circumstances of irrigation plan[6].Karan Kansara initiated the process used here is to decide the suitable frequency and time of watering are significant to make sure the proficient use of water, high excellence of harvest detection delay throughput and load. Model is completed for agriculture by OPNET[7]. Sumeet S.Bedekar deliberate the work of rustic cultivation community that replaces some of the customary techniques. The sensor nodes have some exterior sensors that is leaf dampness, soil moisture sensor, top soil pH, atmospheric pressure sensors close to it[8].Palash Kumar Saha projected a wireless sensor based mechanized irrigation system to optimize water use for farming idea. The scheme

    consists of distributed wireless sensor arrangement of top soil moisture, and temperature sensors mounted in the crop ground[9].Robet G. Evans projected the ZigBee code of behavior is used to hold the sensor information and wet quantity[10]. Algorithms with threshold values of the sensors are sent to a micro controller for irrigation system. Thus by using a variety of protocols a elegant irrigation has been developed by means of microcontrollers.


    The method is an arrangement of hardware and software instrument. The hardware part consists of rooted system and software program which control the motor to be turned ON and OFF by the handy application named blynk. The webpage is hosted online and consists of a record in which readings from sensors are transmitted to the hardware.

    Figure 1. Block Diagram

    1. Sensing Section

      Two soil humidity sensors be located in diverse soil surroundings for examination. The sensor is completed up and doing of two electrodes. It reads the dampness content around it. A current is passed from corner to corner in the electrodes through the top soil and the opposition to the current in the top soil determines the soil dampness. If the soil has more wet, opposition will be low and thus more current will pass all the way through. On the former hand when the soil dampness is low the sensor module outputs a high rank of opposition. This sensor has mutually digital and analog outputs. Digital output is uncomplicated to employ but is not as exact as the analog output. Better amount of output implies smaller dampness content and the sensed values are known to the Nodemcu Arduino by the sensors.

      Figure 2. Soil Moisture Sensor

    2. Control Section

      Information as of the sensors is transmitted to the Arduino panel. The Arduino panel consists of microcontroller ATMEGA328P which is accountable for controlling the switching on/off of the motor. Sensor values from the Arduino panel are transmitted to the WIFI module which is present in the Nodemcu Arduino. A Wi-Fi module ESP8226 provides IOT characteristics to the arrangement. Values are further transmitted to the IOT segment all the way through the module. The Wi-Fi section is a extremely flexibl plug and play combination to RS232 applications. It wires characteristics for wireless applications.

      Figure 3. Nodemcu Arduino

    3. IoT SECTION

    This section comprises of a sensor values which update the current water status i.e. on or off of a motor which redirects the user to blink applications in the mobile. Based on the sensor values the motor is made to be controlled at a longer distance.

    Figure 4. Blynk App


    Efficient irrigation was achieved by setting a threshold value at which irrigation should begin. When the sensors detect moisture irrigation is not needed. When the sensors do not detect the moisture content irrigation is needed.

    Figure 5. Flow Chart

    The hardware piece of equipment comprises of humidity sensors, Arduino Uno and ESP8226 Wi-Fi module which is a Nodemcu Arduino. The Wi-Fi module is chief dependable for transmitting the data. The information from sensors is transmitted to an online record from where it is worn to exhibit on a website. The webpage displays the wetness content in top soil which has been separated into two

    categories: Low and High. Pump is to be switched on when the dampness content is low. The threshold values depend on the kind of soil used. Readings from the two sensors be also transmitted to blynk app such that the motor is prepared to be operated by the mobile phone.


    Irrigation efficiency is the efficiency of the entire process of irrigation from the supply of the water to the point where the water becomes available in the crop plants. The irrigation efficiency is calculated as follows

    Irrigation efficiency = conveyance effectiveness × system = Effectiveness×× × field application



    The values obtained all the way through sensors facilitate the system to control the motor ON and OFF. A farmer can distantly observe the irrigation progression on the farm. Hence, the system contributed in building a smart farm. The readings of the two soil moisture sensors taken over a period of one hour. The readings were taken over a period of one hour to monitor the rate of dampness content in top soil. These readings are transmitted to the database. Depending upon the moisture value the motor is made to turn ON and OFF using Blynk app.

    Figure 6. Output


A system to observe dampness levels in the soil was calculated and the project provided an opportunity to learn the existing systems, all along with their characteristics and drawbacks. The proposed system can be used to control on/off the water according to the soil dampness levels in this manner automating the process of irrigation which is one of the most time consuming activities in farming. It also indicates the water level which is in tank and gives indication

when the water level is low. Crop growing is one of the mainly water-consuming activities. The system uses information from soil humidity sensors to irrigate soil which Helps to prevent over irrigation or under irrigation of soil thereby avoiding yield smash up. The water level indicator saves the water from over irrigating and maintain the efficiency of the soil. The farm owner can observe the procedure online through a website. Through this project it can be concluded that there can be significant development in crop growing with the use of IoT and automation with the calculation of Irrigation efficiency. Thus, the system is a achievable result to the inconvenience faced in the existing handbook and burdensome process of irrigation by enabling efficient utilization of water resources.


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