- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 13
- Authors : E. P. Prakash, K. Aravind, E. Francis, R. Kevin
- Paper ID : IJERTCONV4IS11013
- Volume & Issue : COCODANTR – 2016 (Volume 4 – Issue 11)
- Published (First Online): 24-04-2018
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Automatic Switching of Mobile Profile based on the Location using GPS
E. P. Prakash[1] , K. Aravind[2], E. Francis[3], R. Kevin[4].
Assistant Professor [1],
UG scholar [2][3][4] .
SNS College Of Engineering Coimbatore – 107
Abstract:-The proposed system allows user to manage alerts and also used to change users profile (silent, vibrate or normal) based on their mobile's location. This system uses GPS or Network Provider to get the user's location and user can create a task for alert or change in profile based on his current location. A background service will be running to listen for the device's location and will calculate distance between current location and saved location. Once mobile is located to the nearby saved location, a notification will be displayed to show the alert and profile will be changed.
Keywords:- Location(Latitude and longitude), GPS
In the smart phone era, cell ids and cell towers were used to find the location of the phone. It has been replaced by the GPS which provides the users with information about their current location and nearby landmarks. GPS is used to search for various places all over the world and nearby places as well. GPS uses triangulation method for
calculating users exact location. The Global Positioning System gives the exact longitude (line parallel to the standard meridian) and latitude (line parallel to the equator) which informs the user about his/her current whereabouts.
The GPS concept became a widely deployed and very useful tool for tracking, scientific uses, etc. Global Positioning System is completely based on time. The satellites carry atomic blocks which are very stable and synchronized. GPS satellites transmit the data continuously which provides the current time and position. A GPS receiver coordinates with a number of satellites and equations are solved based on the values received to determine the accurate position of the receiver and its time delay. The localization techniques have recently started to demonstrate significance in performance.
Location Based Service
A Location Based Service is an entertainment or information service accessible to mobile devices through the mobile network and utilizing the ability to make use of the geographical position of the mobile device. LBS are used in many
contexts such as health, indoor object search, work, entertainment, personal life, etc. LBS can be classified into different categories such as
Consumer Services
Emergency Services/public safety
Maps Navigation
Applications of LBS
LBS are widely utilized concepts. It can be implemented in public and safety industry such as emergency service in medical, tracking industry such as fleet management, query the nearest restaurant, navigation with digital maps, payments and so on.
Traffic coordination and management
Job dispatch and fleet management
LBS games and entertainment
News to location
Examples of LBS Based Android Applications
Personal location tracking by family member (SMS).
nearest friends notification reminder etc.
GSM Localization
GSM localization means finding the location of a mobile device in relation to its cell site. It involves multi-iteration of the signal from cell towers serving the mobile device.
Near LBS
This method uses the local range technologies such as Bluetooth, WLAN,
infrared, etc to match devices to nearby services.
Control Plane Locating
Service providers get the location of the mobile device based on the radio signal delay of the closest cell phone towers (for phones without GPS).
Drawbacks of Traditional Methods
The existing system only finds the corresponding location using GPS (combination of latitude and longitude values) and service provider. This is completely a manual system where there is no notification after reaching particular location.
Dynamic Privacy-Preserving Key Management Scheme for Location- Based Services in Vanets
DIKE scheme provides the vehicle users anonymous authentication. It also enables double- registration detection. Then the efficient LBS session key update procedures is used. We divide the session of an LBS into several time slots so that each time slot holds a different session key. We also integrate a novel dynamic threshold technique in traditional vehicle-to- vehicle (V-2-V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V-2-
I) communications to achieve the session keys backward secrecy.
Efficiency is low in terms of average key update delay and average key update ratio during each key update procedure.
A User Mobility-Pattern-Based Location Strategy for Next Generation Wireless Multimedia Networks
In a wireless network to effectively deliver services to the mobile users, it must have an efficient way to keep track of them. Wireless multimedia networks which provide wide bandwidth services for the next generation. Many strategies have been proposed to reduce the spectrum consumption of the users location update and paging messages.
PBS scheme performance under various
conditions by
GPS system is used in vehicles, which began to show some undesired problems such as not always being available or not being robust enough for some applications. For this reason, a number of other localization techniques to overcome GPS limitations. Dead Reckoning, cellular Localization, and image/video localization have been used in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs).
Vehicles communicate with each other and possibly with a roadside infrastructure to provide a long list of applications varying from transit safety to driver assistance and internet access with the direct communications.
The Direct communication affects the localization services. Need to improve the message integrity in a multihop cooperative approach.
A new scheme MPBS which includes user time information in the profile.
PBS scheme only works well for very small CMR. The total cost increases quickly with the paging cost.
Key Establishment Using Secure Distance Bounding Protocols
Key establishment is one of the major challenges in Wireless Personal Area Networks. Traditional security mechanisms often do not cope with the dynamic characteristics of wireless ad-hoc networks. Diffie-Hellman protocol enables mutual device authentication through presence and establishes a session key between personal mobile devices. It wont share any authenticated cryptographic material.
We require the user of a mobile device to visually verify within a small physical space the presence of the other trusted device. A secure communication channel has to be established in the absence of other (untrusted) nodes or adversaries.
A New Location Management Strategy based on User Mobility pattern for Wireless network
In a wireless network to effectively deliver services to the mobile users, efficient way is to track them. The location management fulfils this task through location registration and paging.
InPBS scheme, the system collects the user mobility history and stores the information in the user profile. The Mobility Pattern scheme (location update), which incorporates both the mobility pattern and time information in the profile.
We require the user of a mobile device to visually verify within a small physical space the presence of the other trusted device. A secure communication
channel has to be established in the absence of other (untrusted) nodes or adversaries.
Location services provide the user location based services such as profiling. Profile of mobiles like configuration parameters for many things and examples of profiles are silent, outdoor etc. People needs to manage these profiles as per their schedule but needs to be done manually and always needs an update after the action is over, thus an application is proposed to solve this problem. In the proposed system user manages profile automatically .This is based on the location centric profiles (LCPs)
i.e. on latitude and longitude values. A database is maintained which contains some of the LCPs and corresponding locations. The user creates a profile for each location and can also create many profiles. In the proposed system user needs to select a location in which the profile, ringtones and wallpapers that has to be changed. Once when the saved location is reached, a background task will be running to calculate the distance between current and saved locations (as shown in fig1). When the certain range is reached, the profile will be automatically changed according to user.
The following which shows the block diagram of the proposed system automatic switching of profile based on the location using GPS.
Creating user profile
Wallpaper module
Ringtone module
Monitoring user location
Proximity matching / changing user profile
Figure 1
Creating User Profile
In this module the user must update the mode and must provide the particular wallpaper which must be updated. Also must set the destination where all this must be applied. The user must be online and must connect to the server, and also been tried it must work offline too.
Wallpaper Module
In this module, the wallpaper for profile is been chosen. When user clicks the wallpaper setting area it shows the option of getting wallpaper either from phone memory or from SD card. The user need to select the wallpaper. The Wallpaper name to be displayed in the profile once the destination is reached the wallpaper will be changed.
Ringtone Module
In this module, the ringtone for profile is been chosen. There is option of getting the ringtone either from the memory card or from phone memory. The ringtone chosen is to be displayed in the profile. User can set the profile to silent mode. When the silent mode is chosen ringtone need not to
be chosen. Then the profile needs to be saved.
Monitoring User Location Module
In this module, the user will get the current location through GPS. The user can set the destination location by dragging the icon displayed in the current location. The destination location address is stored in created profile.
Proximity Matching / Changing User Profile
The application uses GPS or Network Provider to get the user's location and user can create a task for alert or change in profile based on his current location. A background service will be running to listen for the device's location and will calculate distance between current location and saved location. Once mobile is located to the nearby saved location, a notification will be displayed to show the Alert and Profile will be changed. In the proposed system user can manage the profile and alert automatically based on the location value (latitude and longitude values). Whenever the condition satisfies it will automatically convert prefer mode as user saved mode and sends alert also.
There have been many applications out in the market for tracking ones location using GPS. But what holds them back is that the existing applications are either used only for location tracking or route tracking. There has been no such application that can manage user profiles dynamically based on location. Hence the Automatic Switching of Mobile Profile Based on the location using
GPS offers the user a unique way of tracking locations and managing different user profiles according to their respective locations. It also provides a feature of notifying the user about the change of profile.
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