Binary-Weighted DAC using W-2W Current Mirror Topology

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV5IS050887

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Binary-Weighted DAC using W-2W Current Mirror Topology

Yogesha K G

    1. Scholar, Dept. of ECE NMAM Institute of Technology

      Nitte, Karnataka, India

      Dr. Rekha Bhandarkar Professor, Dept. of ECE NMAM Institute of Technology Nitte, Karnataka, India

      Abstract The paper presents an analysis and design of 3- bit, 4-bit and 6-bit Binary-Weighted CMOS Digital to Analog Converters (DACs). All the DACs are implemented using various CMOS technologies such as 180 nm, 90 nm and 45 nm with the supply of 1.8 V. The INLs, DNLs and Power dissipation of each DAC is compared and analyzed. As the transistor sizing is scaled down, the area occupied by DACs decreases; resulting in lower power dissipation. Even INLs and DNLs are decreased with transistor scaling. Thus, as the technology is scaled down, the design archives a good trade-off between low INL, DNL and Power dissipation.

      Keywords DAC, INL, DNL




        Progress of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) technology helps to implement many mixed-signal Integrated Circuits (ICs) in a single chip, including data conversion circuits [1-2]. DACs are at the beginning of the analog signal chain, which makes them very important to system

        MOS transistor with size identical to M1 or M2 (drain current is Iref/2).

        Figure 2. Combining a series and parallel MOSFETs [5].

        The merit of the W-2W topology significantly reduces the area of the layout for higher bit resolution due to lesser number of MOSFET devices used when compared to normal binary weighted DAC. Assume a MOSFET as a DAC, then an area of the device can be approximated as in equation (1) [5], where is the layout fill factor with < 1.


        performance [6-7].


        Wi Li

        1. W-2W Current Mirror Topology

          The Binary-Weighted DAC is implemented using compact current mirror approach. Fig. 1 shows the binary weighted current mirror implementation using a W-2W topology. It utilizes the fact that two identical MOSFETs in parallel (i.e., the effective channel width is twice that of the single MOSFET) and series (i.e., the effective channel width is half that of the single MOSFET) can be combined, as seen in Fig. 2, where device M1and M2 has the same amount of current.

          Figure 1. Binary-Weighted current mirror using W-2W topology [6].

          The currents flowing in the remaining MOSFETs should sum to that of input the value or Iref/2. By observing details in Fig. 2, the remaining MOS transistors can be merged into a

          The ratio of N-bit conventional DAC verses W-2W binary weighted DAC is given by equation (2), where factor 2N/ is switch size and is always > 1.

          N(2 N – 1) 2N/


          (3N – 1) 2(N 1)/

          Identical size (W/L) MOSFET is utilized in the circuit. It obtains a symmetrical layout reducing the mismatch due to alterations in the process. In W-2W topology the devices M1, M2 and M3 operate with continual modifications, from the robust inversion region in the weak inversion region [7]. Fig. 3 shows that as the number of bits increases, then the layout, size ratio (conventional binary-weighted verses W-2W DAC) also increases.

          Figure 3. The ratio (r) of the approximated layout size for a traditional binary weighted and the W-2W DAC verses the number of bits.

        2. INL and DNL

          The W-2W DACs linearity equations are discussed in equation (3) and (4) [5]. In order to sum the errors as zero, the maximum positive and negative mismatch error is assumed at the current source corresponding to MSB (BN-1) and the bits from B0 through BN-2 respectively. For an N-bit DAC equation (4) gives the worst case INL. Where IK is the mismatch in current source and |IK|max, INL is the condition to keep the INL lesser than 0.5 LSB. The transition of the input from 011111 to 1000..00 gives the largest DNL at the midscale.

          Figure 4. A 4-bit binary weight DAC using W-2W current mirror topology.

          The inputs B0 B3 are complemented using the inverter and given to the chip, as shown in Fig. 5.




          K , 2


          K max, INL


          ref 2 N

          Figure 5. Inverter based scheme to provide differential input.

          1. 3-bit DAC

            The schematic diagram of 3-bit DAC in 45 nm CMOS technology is shown in Fig. 6. B0-B2 are the digital inputs,


            IK 1



            , I



            where idc (8 uA, input reference current source) and the differential output nodes Vout+ and Vout- are all off chip. The


            2 N

            K max, DNL

            2 N 1 2

            load capacitance C0 and C1 are used at the output node to reduce the glitches. The Fig. 7 shows the simulation results of


        Fig. 1 shows that the addition of successive stages divides the input current by 2 consecutively, maintaining Iref/2 as the overall sum of currents, which flows through device M1 and M2. 3-bit, 6-bit and 12-bit binary-weighted DACs are shown in Fig. 6, Fig. 8 and Fig. 10 respectively, where the current obtained from current mirror are digitally steered at the output node through the MOS transistor switches. The current drop in primary branch is equal to input current (Iref/2), which is equivalent to the current DACs Most Significant Bit (MSB), while the last two branches drops to Iref/2N.

        The current sources can be matched better when the two pair of MOS switches is connected to the same inputs B0 and

        B0 . It has to be noted that the input current is equal to Iref/2 as per the condition given in Section I, which is equal to MSB. Equation (3) gives the full scale or maximum output current. It is equal to 2× Iref in (or Iref/2).

        3-bit DAC.

        Figure 6. A 3-bit Binary-Weighted DAC.

        IFS(max) ref

        Figure 7. Simulation Results of 3-bit DAC.

        Experimental results of 3-bit DAC in 180 nm, 90nm and

        45 nm are performed and parameter INLmax, DNLmax and power dissipation are tabulated in Table I.







        Power Dissipation

        180 nm

        1.86 LSB

        0.65 LSB

        30.24 uW

        90 nm

        1.43 LSB

        0.607 LSB

        27.28 uW

        45 nm

        0.99 LSB

        0.556 LSB

        19.79 uW

          1. 4-bit DAC

            Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 shows the schematic and simulation results of the 4-bit DAC in 45 nm technology. Where B0-B3 is digital inputs and idc (16 uA) is the reference current source. The linearity errors increase due to increasing resolution, even power dissipation also increases. Linearity errors and power dissipation of 4-bit DAC in different CMOS technology has been performed and tabulated in Table II.

            Figure 8. A 4-bit Binary-Weighted DAC.

            The parameters INLmax, DNLmax and power dissipation slightly increase compared to 3-bit DAC.

            Figure 9. Simulation Results of 4-bit DAC.







            Power Dissipation

            180 nm

            2.0 LSB

            1.216 LSB

            54.72 uW


            1.2 LSB

            1.180 LSB

            53.77 uW

            45 nm

            1.0 LSB

            0.983 LSB

            37.22 uW

          2. 6-bit DAC

        Fig. 10 shows the schematic of 6-bit DAC in 45 nm CMOS technology and Fig. 11 shows simulation results. Where B0-B5 are digital inputs and idc (64 uA) is the reference current source. Parameter INLmax, DNLmax and power dissipation are tabulated in Table III. The parameters INLmax, DNLmax and power dissipation slighty increase compared to 3- bit and 4-bit DAC.

        Figure 10. A 6-bit Binary-Weighted DAC.





        Power Dissipation

        180 nm

        4.658 LSB

        3.10 LSB

        223.8 uW

        90 nm

        4.541 LSB

        3.071 LSB

        215.2 uW

        45 nm

        4.203 LSB

        2.932 LSB

        40.76 uW





        Power Dissipation

        180 nm

        4.658 LSB

        3.10 LSB

        223.8 uW

        90 nm

        4.541 LSB

        3.071 LSB

        215.2 uW

        45 nm

        4.203 LSB

        2.932 LSB

        40.76 uW

        Figure 11. Simulation Results of 6-bit DAC. TABLE III. 6-BIT DAC PARAMETERS


        The parameter INLmax, DNLmax and power dissipation increase with increasing resolution and decreases as technology is scaled down from 180 nm, 90 nm to 45 nm. Each parameter is plotted with respect to different CMOS technology as shown in Fig. 12, Fig. 13 and Fig. 14 respectively.

        Figure 12. Resolution versus INLmax for various CMOS technology.

        Figure 13. Resolution versus DNLmax for various CMOS technology.

        Figure 14. Power dissipation versus resolution for various CMOS technologies.


3-bit, 4-bit and 6-bit W-2W DAC topologies were discussed and test results presented using various CMOS technologies such as 180nm, 90 nm and 45 nm with the supply of 1.8V. The corresponding maximum DAC INLs and DNLs are discussed and power dissipation of each DAC is compared and analyzed. As the CMOS technology is scaled down, the area occupied by DACs decreases; resulting in lower power dissipation. Even INLs and DNLs are decreased with transistor scaling.


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