- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 27
- Authors : Madhu Bala. J, Dharmaraj. R, Nandhini. P
- Paper ID : IJERTCONV4IS19017
- Volume & Issue : NCICCT – 2016 (Volume 4 – Issue 19)
- Published (First Online): 24-04-2018
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Cipher Mail Server for Intranet
Madhu Bala. J
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology, Virudhunagar.
Nandhini. P
(UG Scholars)
Dharmaraj. R
Assistant Professor / DEAN
Sri Vidya College of Engineering& Technology, Virudhunagar.
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology, Virudhunagar.
Abstract – E-Mail basically allows the sender to be aware of where, when and how his mail reaches the client and what the receiver does with the mail. Many existing mail clients provide very fundamental features such as Reading, Forwarding, Moving, Deleting, etc. But most of them do not provide a proof for having read the mail. The Tracking and Notification feature aim at providing a proof-of- reading a mail. The Notification messages can be sent to the sender's mail id. The Retractable Mails aim at providing a means by which a sender can delete a particular mail even after sending it. This is used when a person sends a mail to a wrong mail id. The Block- backup feature provides a means of preventing printing, saving and copying the mail contents. Finally, the Block-Forwarding feature is a worthy alternative for mail encryption. Encryption is mainly done to prevent access from undesired users.
Keywords: Block-Forwarding, Encryption, Notification messages, Retractable Mails, Block- backup
This project simulates the real time intranet mailing system with all the necessary validations and modules. This project can be used in a small Local Area Network like Organization for communication between the users working in the network. All the features like mailing, checking mails, creating a new user id, replying for the mails, retrieving the password if the user forgets the password, changing the password, search option etc., have been added to the project, so that it looks similar to the internet mailing system. And all this has been done with a database as the background for maintaining the database of the users and the mails they receive and send to other users.
A new user is made to register with a unique user name, password and his custom mailed and mobile number for the service. A confirmation message is sent to the mail which is provided by that user. The purpose of this module is to check whether the mail ID belongs to that particular user or not. An existing user is directed to the home page from where he can login. The user needs to enter a valid username and password and then submit it. The Login Page retrieves
corresponding information from user info and authenticates the user. If valid, a new session is started and the user is logged in and redirected to the mail client or else if there is a mismatch the user is notified with an error message and the user can enter a message in text box .Finally the user fires the send button.
This program stores the actual mail message into the database and sends a hyperlink with some message to the destination. If destination address is invalid or not reachable then a message is returned to the client. When the receiver opens his inbox, he can view this message with the hyperlink stating that only if he clicks on this link the message can be viewed. When the user clicks his system, date, time are sent to sender mail id when the sender opens his mail he can view the users viewed date and time at the time of sending the mail with this feature, the user is asked for expiry date. The message automatically expires from the
Server database on that date. The validity date starts from the date of sending the mail. Expire date is fixed to the staffs who are all not placement officers.. The receiver is literally handicapped from printing, saving or copying the contents to his hard drive. To prevent saving, the contents are displayed in a new window .Re- track which is used to delete the mail if we send mail to wrong person it is useful to re-track that mail .It then verifies the matching details with the mail Table and if it matches then if deletes the message
INTRANET PROCESS WITH IN COLLEGE Registration process takes place first, Staff
register their details after that they open their id using username and password, If the staff forget their password they can change their password while changing the password one question is raised for which we have already answered during registration so the staff need to answer that question if both are matched then the staff can change their password.
Admin can sign in and send mails to the staff and admin can set expire date to the staff. If the staff is not a placement officer expire date wont be set, If the staff is
other than placement officer means the admin can set expire date. After, expire date the mail get deleted. Admin can also attach files if the user needs to give reply the user can use chat option and by using that, the user can communicate with the Admin.
Admin page consists of address book here the admin add the staffs details using that the admin doesnt type address again and again while sending the mail the admin directly choose the address of the staff .The staff can login using their username and password and they can view mail in inbox which shows a hyperlink and if the user press the hyperlink the admin gets the intimation whenever the admin opens his/her mail he/she can view what the staff view in the mail with date and time. If the admin sends mail wrongly to some-other staff
,then the admin can retract the mail by selecting delete option in send mail
In existing system, information between employees is passed as follows. If any Employee has to pass any information to any other employee then he has to pass the message by any person (office boy) or by calling him (phone). If the employee is not available at that moment he can't get the information. If he forgets to pass the message then the other employee won't get the information which might be important. Intranet mailing system is used for Local Area Networking like an Organization.
Using Intranet mailing system we can eliminate such kind of problem. In this mailing system whenever employee opens his inbox ,he gets the message, sent by the other employee.
Disadvantages of Existing System
Important information may not be sent or received in time when necessary.
Fast information cannot be sent to people in other buildings / location.
Time consuming.
Intranet is a network based on the Internet which is accessed by the employees of an organization. An Intranet provides easy access to internal files and documents to the employees of the organization, from their individual workstations. Sharing of data, made possible through the Intranet, It not only helps in saving time of employees, but also allows employees from various levels to access the data.
It also contributes to a paperless office. And Cipher mail is used to receive the Acknowledgement from receiver automatically. Once the read message deleted, it is automatically removed from the users inbox, The user cannot forward any of their mail to anyone. Expire date is fixed by the admin, after the expire date the mail automatically gets deleted
Advantages of Proposed System
Communication is easy and fast between people.
Saves time.
Information can be accessed from any system in the building .
Receive Acknowledgement
Low Capacity (Deleted the read message)
A new user is made to register with a unique user name, password and his custom mailid and mobile number for the service. An existing user is directed to the home page from he can login. The user needs to enter a valid username and password and then submits it
Fig 1.registrtation
At the time of sending the mail, the user is asked for expiry date. The message automatically expires from the Server database on that date. The validity date starts from the date of sending the mail.
Fig 4 Expire date
The receiver is literally handicapped from printing, saving or copying the contents to his hard drive.
Fig 2.Sigin
The receiver opens his inbox, he can view the message with the hyperlink, and if he clicks on this link the message can be viewed at that time ACK will automatically be sent to the sender with receivers viewed date and time
Fig 5 Block Backup
Fig 3 notification
This module aims at deleting the mails even after sending it.
When a user intends to send this mail to only one person and doesnt wish that no one else can access the Contents from the mail.
Thus we have completed the project with the entire module neatly and user friendly. Thus this project will survive best among the users and provide them a best way to interact through the intranet .A Pacific Blue Technologies Organization Communicates the employees using this mail server system. If it is manual system, it takes a lot of time and the information may or may not Be Passed to accurate person. Employees may take more time to clarify doubts. To over-come these things. It contains a server and multiple clients, which are connected to the server to send or receive mails. The system maintains mails sent by other client and store; them in their respective mail boxes at server side. It uses SMTP and POP3 protocols. SMTP protocol allows clients to send mails to other user of SMTP server. To retrieve the mails received, a client uses POP3 protocol. The System increases the speed and accuracy to passing the information among the departments. This Project aims at establishing interdepartmental communication for the smooth functioning of the organization.
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