- Open Access
- Authors : Deepak Ahire
- Paper ID : IJERTV9IS050756
- Volume & Issue : Volume 09, Issue 05 (May 2020)
- Published (First Online): 02-06-2020
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Code Golfing by Gaining and using the Intimate Knowledge of the Language
A Case Study on FizzBuzz
Deepak Ahire Computer Science of Engineering Walchand College of Engineering
Sangli, India
Abstract: Code Golfing refers to solving a problem by making use of the least number of characters i.e. by writing the shortest code as possible. Although studied extensively, the methods to solve the problem are still evolving. We generally think, Smaller the code, the best is the performance, Shorter code leads to a small file size and thus quicker operations, for example, downloading. But now-a-days, with use of transpilers and code minifier tools, the above arguments are redundant. A better argument is that it enhances the developer capability to think out of box and learn and use the various language features, which are less commonly used. This case study discusses the cases where the problem can be optimized by gaining and using the intimate knowledge of any language and iteratively proposes methods to devise the character optimised code of just 75 characters as final solution to the Fizzbuzz problem which is currently ranked at 4th place in the leaderboard of code-golf.io
Keywords: C language; code golf; fizzbuzz
//Snippet A: int main(){
int a = 1; a = a + 1;
printf(%d, a); return 0;
//Snippet A: int main(){
int a = 1; a = a + 1;
printf(%d, a); return 0;
Code Golfing refers to solving a problem by making use of the least number of characters i.e. by writing the shortest code as possible. For example, have a look at the following code snippets written in C language:
Notice that, in Snippet B, the value of the variable a is incremented by 1 using the increment operator in C, thus saving 2 characters.
Although studied extensively, the methods to solve the problem are still evolving. We generally think, Smaller the code, the best is the performance, Shorter code leads to a small file size and thus quicker operations, for example, downloading. But now-a-days, with use of transpilers and code minifier tools, the above arguments are redundant.
A better argument is that it enhances the developer capability to think out of box and learn and use the various language features, which are less commonly used [4].
In this case study, we will discuss various cases where the problem can be optimized by gaining and using the intimate knowledge of any language.
Problem Statement
For the case study, we will consider the most basic use case, the FizzBuzz problem.
Problem Statement: Print the numbers from 1 to 100 inclusive, each on their own line. If, however, the number is a multiple of three then print Fizz instead, and if the number is a multiple of five then print Buzz. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five then print FizzBuzz.
Environment used
//Snippet B: int main(){
int a = 1; a++;
printf(%d, a); return 0;
//Snippet B: int main(){
int a = 1; a++;
printf(%d, a); return 0;
Language: The problem can be solved using multiple languages as each language comes with its own set of features and constructs and these can be exploited to come up with a better solution, but it is unfair to compare the solutions written in different languages for the same. So, we will solve the problem using single language, C.
else if(i%3==0){ printf("Fizz");
else if(i%5==0){ printf("Buzz");
printf("%d", i);
else if(i%3==0){ printf("Fizz");
else if(i%5==0){ printf("Buzz");
printf("%d", i);
Compiler: Tiny C Compiler 0.9.27
Compiler Flags:
gcc -Wall option flag: gcc -Wall enables all compiler's warning messages. This option should always be used, in order to generate better code.
In this case study, we will start off with a solution which will be in the most intelligible form, both visually and logically. In the quest to make it the better in terms of the number of characters used, we will iteratively devise a better version of the previous code.
#include <stdio.h> int main(){
for(int i=1;i<=100;i++){
else if(i%3==0){ printf("Fizz");
else if(i%5==0){ printf("Buzz");
printf("%d", i);
return 0;
#include <stdio.h> int main(){
for(int i=1;i<=100;i++){
else if(i%3==0){ printf("Fizz");
else if(i%5==0){ printf("Buzz");
printf("%d", i);
return 0;
A. Solution 1
Code statistics for solution 2:
Runtime: 0sec
Memory: 9.424 kB
# characters: 335
Language intimacies learned:
If control reaches the end of main without encountering a return statement, the effect is that of executing return 0; [1].
C99 and C++ standards don't require functions to return a value. The missing return statement in a value-returning function will be defined (to return 0) only in the main function [2].
C. Solution 3:
Used Solution 2
Removed the include statement for header file
int main(){
for(int i=1;i<=100;i++){ if(i%15==0){
else if(i%3==0){ printf("Fizz");
else if(i%5==0){ printf("Buzz");
printf("%d", i);
int main(){
for(int i=1;i<=100;i++){ if(i%15==0){
else if(i%3==0){ printf("Fizz");
else if(i%5==0){ printf("Buzz");
printf("%d", i);
Code statistics for solution 1:
Runtime: 0sec
Memory: 9.424 kB
# characters: 349
B. Solution 2
1) Removed the return statement in the main() function
#include <stdio.h> int main(){
for(int i=1;i<=100;i++){
#include <stdio.h> int main(){
for(int i=1;i<=100;i++){
Code statistics for solution 3:
Runtime: 0sec
Memory: 9.424 kB
# characters: 315
Warnings from compiler:
1) warning: implicit declaration of function printf [- Wimplicit-function-declaration]
Language intimacies learned:
C allows you to call functions without first defining the prototypes. (C++ does not do this.) An implicit prototype for printf will be defined as follows:
int printf();
The calling conventions for this implicit
prototype mathes the actual calling
warning: implicit declaration of function printf [- Wimplicit-function-declaration]
Language intimacies learned:
1) int is the default datatype for the main() function. If 0 is returned as exit status to indicate to the underlying platform, then it means that the program worked successfully without any compile time or run time errors. If a non zero value(mostly 1) is returned, then it means, some error occurred in program execution.
E. Solution 5
Used Solution 4
Integer i is passed to main() function as parameter
on platform.
conventions for printf
#include doesnt import libraries, it pastes files into your source code at compile time. The <stdio.h> header contains (directly or indirectly) certain prototypes, but the library has to be linked in separately. Since printf() is usually in a library that is linked to programs by default, you usually don't have to do anything to use printf() [3].
D. Solution 4:
Used Solution 3
Removed the return type for main function
else if(i%3==0){ printf("Fizz");
else if(i%5==0){ printf("Buzz");
printf("%d", i);
for(int i=1;i<=100;i++){ if(i%15==0){
else if(i%3==0){ printf("Fizz");
else if(i%5==0){ printf("Buzz");
printf("%d", i);
for(int i=1;i<=100;i++){ if(i%15==0){
else if(i%3==0){ printf("Fizz");
else if(i%5==0){ printf("Buzz");
printf("%d", i);
Code statistics for solution 4:
Runtime: 0sec
Memory: 9.424 kB
# characters: 311
Warnings from compiler:
1) warning: return type defaults to int [-Wimplicit-int]
Code statistics for solution 5:
Runtime: 0sec
Memory: 9.424 kB
# characters: 305
Warnings from compiler:
warning: return type defaults to int [-Wimplicit-int]
warning: implicit declaration of function printf [- Wimplicit-function-declaration]
warning: type of i defaults to int [-Wimplicit-int] Language intimacies learned:
main() functions argument list can be used to declare one or more variables.
Value of i is 1, as it acts as the argc or number of command line arguments. This is because argv[0] is the name of the program being executed.
According to Implicit Int Rule, A variable declared without an explicit type name is assumed to be of type int.
Solution 6A
Integer i is declared as global variable
else if(i%5==0){ printf("Buzz");
printf("%d", i);
else if(i%5==0){ printf("Buzz");
printf("%d", i);
i; main(){
for(;i++<100;){ if(i%15==0){
else if(i%3==0){ printf("Fizz");
else if(i%5==0){ printf("Buzz");
printf("%d", i);
i; main(){
for(;i++<100;){ if(i%15==0){
else if(i%3==0){ printf("Fizz");
else if(i%5==0){ printf("Buzz");
printf("%d", i);
for loop increment statement is removed and it is made the part of the condition test.
Code statistics for solution 6A:
Runtime: 0sec
Memory: 9.424 kB
# characters: 304
Warnings from compiler:
warning: return type defaults to int [-Wimplicit-int]
warning: implicit declaration of function printf [- Wimplicit-function-declaration]
warning: type of i defaults to int [-Wimplicit-int]
warning: data definition has no type or storage class Language intimacies learned:
In the C language, any variable or function is implicitly int.
The global variables have a default value of 0.
Solution 6B
A tweak in the conditional statement is introduced which will help us design more character efficient solutions further in the study.
do-while loop is used to support the syntax of the introduced tweak.
Code statistics for solution 6B:
Runtime: 0sec
Memory: 9.424 kB
# characters: 304
Warnings from compiler:
warning: return type defaults to int [-Wimplicit-int]
warning: implicit declaration of function printf [- Wimplicit-function-declaration]
warning: type of i defaults to int [-Wimplicit-int] Language intimacies learned:
Tweak: i++<100 is replaced by 99/i++ to save 1 character.
Let's assume A to be a non negative and non zero integer. Therefore, A>0. The condition
(i < A), where, i>=1, can be written as
((A-1) /i). So, if A is a smallest 3 digit number, for example 100 in this case, A-1 = 99. This saving 1 character used to represent the condition.
Solution 7
The if-else ladder will be reduced by the use of ternary operator, eliminating the if else statements and extra space and newline characters required.
i; main(){
printf(i%5?i%3?"%d\n":"Fizz\n":i%3?"Buzz\n":" FizzBuzz\n",i);
i; main(){
printf(i%5?i%3?"%d\n":"Fizz\n":i%3?"Buzz\n":" FizzBuzz\n",i);
main(i){ do{
else if(i%3==0){ printf("Fizz");
main(i){ do{
else if(i%3==0){ printf("Fizz");
Code statistics for solution 7:
Runtime: 0sec
Memory: 9.424 kB
# characters: 109
Warnings from compiler:
warning: return type defaults to int [-Wimplicit-int]
warning: implicit declaration of function printf [- Wimplicit-function-declaration]
warning: type of i defaults to int [-Wimplicit-int]
warning: data definition has no type or storage class Language intimacies learned:
The if-else ladder can be reduced by making use of ternary operators.
This trick can be use to avoid code smells caused due to IF statements.
Solution 8
Used Solution 7
The printf() statement has been written inside of the for loop after the condition check.
Removed extra unnecessary spaces and newline characters.
Code statistics for solution 8:
Runtime: 0sec
Memory: 9.424 kB
# characters: 84
Warnings from compiler:
warning: return type defaults to int [-Wimplicit-int]
warning: implicit declaration of function printf [- Wimplicit-function-declaration]
warning: type of i defaults to int [-Wimplicit-int]
warning: data definition has no type or storage class Language intimacies learned:
Every for loop is of the form:
for (Initialization; Condition; Afterthought).
Here, printf() is the part of Afterthought and will get executed at the end of every iteration without changing the value of i.
The increment condition can be made part of
Condition, with the use of increment operator.
Solution 9
1) The last 4 characters of the string FizzBuzz, that is Buzz is a repetition which cost 4 extra characters in every previous solution. For this solution, use of puts() function is made to avoid unnecessary repetitions.
Code statistics for solution 9:
Runtime: 0sec
Memory: 9.424 kB
# characters: 75
Warnings from compiler:
warning: return type defaults to int [-Wimplicit-int]
warning: implicit declaration of function printf [- Wimplicit-function-declaration]
warning: type of i defaults to int [-Wimplicit-int] Language intimacies learned:
1) Optimising code by avoiding repetitions in the code.
NOTE: This solution is currently ranked 4th on the code-golf.io for the FizzBuzz problem.
In this case study, we discussed how the FizzBuzz problem can be optimised by gaining and using the intimate knowledge of any language. Recruiters can use this test to filter out strong candidates for language specific roles as it not only teaches us the best practices to minimise the code, but it is also useful in highlighting the wrong practices. The compiler designers can use this test to learn the shortcomings of the existing languages to develop new languages. The tweaks discussed in the solutions can also be used in designing kernels for operating systems and data intensive operations like real time audio and video streaming. Therefore, code golfing can act as one of the best programming language tests.
I am sincerely thankful to the CodeGolf Stack Exchange community for providing more insights into the problem
with use of answers and discussions.
I also thank the code-golf.io community for promoting code golfing and making the platform open source for contribution.
Tamás Szelei (2013) Why does the main function work with no return value?, Available at: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19293642/why-does-the- main-function-work-with-no-return-value (Accessed: 27th May 2020).
fnieto – Fernando Nieto (2017) Why does flowing off the end of a non-void function without returning a value not produce a compiler error?, Available at: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1610030/why-does- flowing-off-the-end-of-a-non-void-function-without-returning-
a-value-no (Accessed: 27th May 2020).
Dietrich Epp (2012) Using printf function without actually importing stdio.h and it worked?! Why is that so? [duplicate], Available at:
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11150883/using-printf- function-without-actually-importing-stdio-h-and-it-worked- why-is (Accessed: 27th May 2020).
Deepak Ahire (2020) 'The Journal of Codegolfing', Journal of Brief Ideas, [Online]. Available at: http://beta.briefideas.org/ideas/159238dbf448802c3a17520aa18 b3e87 (Accessed: 28th May 2020).