Comparison of C5.0 & CART Classification Algorithms using Pruning Technique

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV1IS4104

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Comparison of C5.0 & CART Classification Algorithms using Pruning Technique

Prof. Nilima Patil

Prof. Rekha Lathi

Prof. Vidya Chitre

Computer Department

Computer Department

Computer Department of Engineering

Pillai Institute of Technology

Bharti Vidyapith college of Engg.

Thane,(E) , Mumbai, India

New Panvel,Navi Mumbai, India

Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, India

Comparison of C5.0 & CART Classification algorithms using pruning technique

AbstractData mining is the useful tool to discovering the knowledge from large data. Different methods & algorithms are available in data mining. Classification is most common method used for finding the mine rule from the large database. Decision tree method generally used for the Classification, because it is the simple hierarchical structure for the user understanding & decision making. Various data mining algorithms available for classification based on Artificial Neural Network, Nearest Neighbour Rule & Baysen classifiers but decision tree mining is simple one. The objective of this paper is to provide the way for Decision making process of Customer for recommended the membership card. Here C5.0 & CART algorithms applied on customer database for classification. Both algorithms first applied on training dataset & created the decision tree, pruning method used for reducing the complexity then rule set are derived from decision tree. Same rules then applied on evaluation data set. Comparing the results of both algorithms & recommended the card to the new customer those having similar characteristics.

Keywords- Data mining, classification algorithm, decision tree, Regression tree, membership card

  1. In commercial operation, using the membership card service is the most superior method to help the businessmen to accumulate the customers information. On the one hand they may obtain customers basic information to maintain long-term contact with them. On the special day, like the holiday or the customers birthday, they can by delivering a warm blessing, promote customers satisfaction. On the other hand, they may through the customers transaction information, like the purchase volume, the purchase frequency, analyze what is the value of the customer to the enterprise and analyze the characteristics of each kind card customers to help the enterprise with a clear goal to recommend the card to a new customer. The

    classification analysis [6] is by analyzing the data in the demonstration database, to make the accurate description or establish the accurate model or mine the classifying rule for

    each category, generated classifying rule used to classify records in other databases.

  2. Data mining [2] is the extraction of hidden predictive information from large databases. It is a powerful new technology with great potential to help companies focus on the most important information in their data warehouses. Data mining tools predict future trends and behaviors, allowing businesses to make proactive, knowledge-driven decisions. The automated, prospective analyses offered by data mining move beyond the analyses of past events provided by retrospective tools typical of decision support systems. Data mining tools can answer business questions that traditionally were too time consuming to resolve. They scour databases for hidden patterns, finding predictive information that experts may miss because it lies outside their expectations.

Decision Tree [7] is an important model to realize the classification. It was a learning systemCLS builded by Hunt etc, when they researched on human concept modeling early in the 1960s. To the late 70s, J. Ross .Quinlan put forward the ID3 algorithm [3]-[4]. In 1993, Quinlan developed C4.5 algorithm on basis of the ID3 algorithm & C5.0 classifier is successor of C4.5. Below is the detailed explanation of the C5.0 algorithm and the CART algorithm [1] which are used in this paper.

    1. C5.0 Algorithm:

      C5.0 algorithm is an extension of C4.5 algorithm. C5.0 is the classification algorithm which applies in big data set. C5.0 is better than C4.5 on the efficiency and the memory. C5.0 model works by splitting the sample based on the field that provides the maximum information gain. The C5.0 model can split samples on basis of the biggest information gain field..The sample subset that is get from the former split will be split afterward. The process will continue until the sample subset cannot be split and is usually according to another field. Finally, examine the lowest level split, those sample subsets that dont have remarkable contribution to the model will be rejected.

      Gain [8] is computed to estimate the gain produced by a split over an attribute

      Let S be the sample:

      • Ci is Class I; i = 1,2,,m I(s1,s2,..,sm)= – pi log2 (pi)

      • Si is the no. of samples in class i

        Pi = Si /S, log2 is the binary logarithm

      • Let Attribute A have v distinct values.

      • Entropy = E(A) is

        {(S1j+S2j+..+Smj)/S}*I(s1j,..smj) j=1

      • Where Sij is samples in Class i and subset j of Attribute A.

        I(S1j,S2j,..Smj)= – pij log2 (pij)

      • Gain(A)=I(s1,s2,..,sm) – E(A)

        The Gain Ratio= P(A)

        Gain Ratio(A)= Gain(A)/P(A)

    2. CART Algorithm

Classification and Regression Trees (CART) is a flexible method to describe how the variable Y distributes after assigning the forecast vector

  1. This model uses the binary tree to divide the forecast space into certain subsets on which Y distribution is continuously even. Tree's leaf nodes correspond to different division areas which are determined by Splitting Rules relating to each internal node. By moving from the tree root to the leaf node, a forecast sample will be given an only leaf node, and Y distribution on this node also be determined.

    Splitting criteria:

    CART uses GINI Index to determine in which attribute the branch should be generated. The strategy is to choose the attribute whose GINI Index is minimum after splitting.

    GINI index:

    Assuming training set T includes n samples, the target property has m values, among them, the ith value show in T with a probability Pi, so Ts GINI Index can be described as below:

    Assuming the A be divided to q subsets, {T1, T2, · · · Tq}, among them, Tis sample number is ni, so the GINI Index divided according to property A can be described below:

    CART divides the property which leads a minimum value after the division.

    1. In commercial operation, using the membership card service is the most superior method to help the businessmen to accumulate the customers information. The Membership card system management which is helpful not only to accumulate the customers information but also to offer corresponding service for different card-rank users. From this way we can enhance customers' loyalty to the store.

      Therefore, so as to recommend corresponding card to the appropriate customer, we want to obtain different card-rank customers characteristics and which is the most important factor that affects the customers to choose this kind of card not that kind.

      There are various data mining classification algorithm. For this application we can make use these data mining techniques in order to find some rules fromlarge database. Firstly on training data set, I am using two well known decision tree classification algorithms are C5.0 and CART. Figure 1: Block diagram shown below.

      Figure 1: Block Diagram

      Before implementing the algorithms, big dataset of customer information is stored in the database. Through the analysis of the customer basic information table's attributes, we need to use the target column as a membership card. In the data understanding stage, by means of analyzing the characteristics of the primary data, we can make further understanding of the data distribution and the affect of various factors to membership card type. Through the preliminary analysis, we try to find out the statistics of customer records in the database, means the percentage of golden card customers account, the silver card customers, the bronze card customers & the normal card customer.

      Methodology used in this project:-

      First consider the Data source as a training data of customer for

      algorithms processing. 5000 records used in training dataset & 2000 records used in Evaluation set.

      Select the membership card as a output, & other attributes used as a input.

      Apply the two algorithms on the database for finding the root & leaf of the tree by using splitting criteria.

      Perform the same operations to each attribute up to last split & create decision tree

      Pruning method is used on both the decision trees for better accuracy.

      Pruning [5] is a technique in machine learning that reduces the size of decision trees by removing sections of the tree that provide little power to classify instances. The dual goal of pruning is reduced complexity of the final classifier as well as better predictive accuracy by the reduction of over_fitting and removal of sections of a classifier that may be based on noisy or erroneous data.

      In C5.0 used the post pruning method by Binomial Confidence Limit and CART algorithm used pre_pruning method using Cost complexity model to carry on the classification for decision tree & rule set formation.


      In customer membership card model two algorithms will be used and comparative study of both of them will be done.

      C5.0 algorithm:

      In customer membership card model C5.o algorithm is used to split up data set & find out the result in the form of decision tree or rule set.

      1. Splitting criteria used in c5.0 algorithm is information gain. The C5.0 model can split samples on basis of the biggest information gain.

      2. Test criteria is decision tree have any number of branches available not fixed branches like CART.

      3. Pruning method performed after creating decision tree i.e. post pruning single pass based on binomial confidence limits.

      4. Speed of c5.0 algorithm is significantly faster than c4.5 & more accurate.

      CART algorithm:

      CART, short for Classification And Regression Tree, When the value of the target attribute is ordered, it is called regression tree; when the value is discrete, it is called classification tree.

      1. Selection criterion used in CART algorithm is Gini index (diversity index).

      2. The decision-tree generated by CART algorithm is a simple structured binary tree.

      3. The same with algorithm C4.5, CART also builds the tree before pruning cross-validated using cost- complexity model.

    3. After algorithm processing, decision trees are generated for both algorithms. Pruned C5.0 & CART Decision trees are given below.

      Figure 2: C5.0 Decision tree CART decision tree

      Figure 3: CART decision trees

      Rule sets are formed from decision tree of both algorithms it shows that which factors are mainly affected for customer card classification & take those attributes as the main standards to recommend card to a future customer. Rule set result of both the algorithms are given below.

      Classification result of C5.0 Algorithm.

      Rule summary: Customer whose yearly income is from 10,000 to 30,000 is the normal card customer; Customer whose yearly income is from 30,000 to 150,000 and having less than 3 children is the bronze card customer, having more than 3 children is the golden card customer; Customer whose yearly income is more than 150,000, and unmarried is the silver card customer, married is the golden card customer.

      Classification result of CART algorithm:

      Rule summary: Customer whose yearly income is from 10,000 to 30,000 is the normal card customer; Customer whose yearly income is from 30,000 to 150,000, and having less than 3 children is the bronze card customer; Customer whose yearly income is more than 30,000, and having more than 3 children is the golden card customer; Customer whose yearly income is more than 150,000, and marital status single is the silver card customer.

      Comparing the two classification algorithm we can reach such a conclusion: The main factors that have a big influence on customer ranks are the income and child number. Normal card customers, bronze card customer and golden card customers that are obtained from the two methods are basically the same.

      Statistical analysis of both algorithms is shown in Figure 4.

      Figure 4: Statistical Analysis

      Evaluation dataset of 2000 records are used for result verification. Comparing the decision tree rule set with evaluation records then checked the result.

      From statistical analysis accuracy of c5.0 is

      99.6 & CAR T 94.8. The following graph shows the accuracy of C5.0 is greater than CART algorithm.. In the graph on X axis consider the algorithms and Y axis shows percentage of accuracy.

      Figure 5: Comparison of algorithms

Applying data mining classification algorithm in the customer membership card classification model can help to understand Children number & income level factors are affecting on the card ranks. Therefore, we are able to these two attributes as the main standards to recommend card to a new customer. Moreover, we can refer other attributes to help judge which card to recommend to future customers. On the basis of resulting factors the enterprise with a clear goal to recommend the corresponding membership card to the customer in order to provide the special service for each kind of card users, and is helpful to enterprise's development.

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