Current Mode Sense Amplifier for SRAM Memory

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV1IS3050

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Current Mode Sense Amplifier for SRAM Memory

Presented by Under the guidance of

Ravi Dutt Mr. Abhijeet

M-Tech Electronics and Comm. Electronics and Comm.

M.M. Engineering College M.M. Engineering College

Maharishi Markandeshwar University Maharishi Markandeshwar University Mullana (Ambala) India Mullana (Ambala) India


The sense amplifier is one of the most important components of semiconductor memories used to sense stored date. This plays an important role to reduce the overall sensing delay and voltage. Earlier voltage mode sense amplifiers are used to sense the date it sense the voltage difference at bit and bitb lines but as the memory size increase the bit line and date line capacitances increases. As a result large time is required by capacitance to discharge so sensing delay and p ower dissipation increase. Used that sense the current directly from bit and bitb lines and reduce the sensing delay. This technique is used in current mode sense amplifiers. This paper explores the design and analysis of current mode sense amplifier using Tanner tool (14.0) version. The simulation is carried out at 1.5V / 0.13um technology using tanner (14.0 Version) tool. The results are verified with the existing results at 1.8V / 0.18um CMOS technology.

  1. Introduction

    Sense Amplifie r is the most critica l circuit in the periphery of CM OS me mory. The perfo rmance of SAs strongly affects both me mory access time, and overall me mo ry dissipation. As with other ICs today, CMOS me mo ries are required to increase speed, improve capacity and maintain low powe r dissipation. These objectives are somewhat conflicting when it co mes to sense amplifier in me mo ries . Th is increased bit-line capacitance in turn shows down voltage sensing and ma kes bit-line capacitance swings energy expensive resulting in slower more energy hungry me mories. Due to their great importance in me mory performance sense or detect stored data from a read-selected me mory cell Sense amp lifiers are used to translate small differentia l voltage to a full logic signal that can be further used by digital logic. The need for increased me mory capacity, higher speed, and lower power consumption has defined a new operating environment for future sense amplifie rs [6].

    Moore's law was the breakthrough and evolution in the semiconductor industry. Moore's law gave the idea to integrate large me mo ry blocks with logic c ircuits on a single chip but the on-chip me mory limits the speed and performance of the overall system. The limit ing factor is the increasing bit line capacitance, which results in increased time to develop bit line diffe rential voltage and increase in the delay. Fo r fast and power effic ient me mory design, both time and signal swing on the bit lines needs to be minimized. [4]

    Sense amplifie rs are one of the most critical circu its in the periphery of CM OS me mo ries. Their performance strongly affects both me mory access time, and overall me mo ry power dissipation. As with other ICs today, CMOS me mo ries are required to increase speed, improve capacity and maintain low powe r dissipation. These objectives are somewhat conflicting when it co mes to design the sense amplifier in me mo ries. With increased me mo ry capacity usually the bit-line parasitic capacitances get increased. This increased bit-line capacitance slows down voltage sensing and these results in slow and more power consuming me mo ries.

    Sense amplifiers are main ly used to read the contents of SRAM and DRAM cells. They are very sensitive to noise and their design implies that they will provide adequate noise margins and provide good quality of data that represent the contents of a particular me mo ry cell. There are two categories of sense amplifiers. The static sense amp lifiers main ly used to detect logic in the static RAMs and the dynamic sense amplifiers ma inly used to save energy when low powe r dissipation is required. [9]

    Fast sense amplifie rs are important for achieving low latency in many circuits and the most common domain being bit-line reading in me mories. With the advent of sub-micron CMOS chips, interconnection is becoming a ma jor source of on-chip delay, and fast sense amplifiers are also like ly to be needed, e.g. as repeaters for high – speed signals which must traverse large chips.

    Sense amplifie r can be operated in voltage, current and charge mode but we operate them in current -mode because they present a low impedance to the inputs and respond to the differentia l current rather than to the voltage between the inputs , this can reduce interconnect delay in long wires there by providing speed improve ment. The current mode sense amplifier reduces and the low output resistance of the short-channel transistors

    motivation to use current mode sensing in the bit lines in SRAM. [5]

    The speed of the sensing operation depends on the ability of the sense amplifier as to how fast it can resolve or decide that which of the two bit lines current is higher in magnitude and accordingly provide a logic va lue of 1 or 0 in the output.

  2. Curre nt mode sense-amplifier circuit

    The sense amplifie r is selected by grounding the Ysel node as shown in fig-1. Then the currents will flow through the transistors via the bit-line loads. The drains of T3 and T4 a re connected to data lines, which are c lose to ground level. This means that these transistors operate in saturation. The bit-line loads are low ohmic to ensure that the bit lines are a lways close to VDD during read access.

    Figure-1 Current mode sense amplifier [1]

    The sensing delay is unaffected by the bit-line capacitance since no differentia l capacitor d ischarging is required to sense the cell data.

    The bit line swing during read operation as compared to voltage mode sensing technique. It proves that current

    sensing technique would be faster than voltage mode due to the lo w impedance termination of the current mode. It shows that current sensing is relative ly insensitive to the bit line capacitance.

    The circuit operates as follows:-Suppose the cell is

    accessed and draws current I. The gate-source voltage of T1 will be equal to that of T3, since their currents are equal, their sizes are equal, and both transistors are in saturation. This voltage is represented by V1. The same applies to T2 and T4. Their gate-source voltages are represented by V2. It follo ws that, since Ysel is grounded, the left bit line will have voltage V1 + V2, and the right bit line will also have voltage V1 + V2. Therefore the potential of the bit lines will be equal independent of the current distribution. This means that there exists a virtual short circuit across the bit lines. Since the bit line voltages are equal, the bit-line load current will also be equal, as well as the bit-line capacitor currents. As the cell draws current Icell, it follo ws that the right-hand leg of the sense amp lifier must pass more current than the left -hand leg. In fact, the difference between these currents is Icell (the cell current). The dra in currents of T3 and T4 a re passed to current transporting data lines DLs .

    Sufficient margin fro m unwanted latching behavior is provided by the bit-line load resistance, the body effect, the differential data-line current is therefore equal to the cell current. Thus we obtain current sensing. The cross – coupled structure is actually a flip -flop configuration, but

    A second speed-enhancing feature is provided by the common-mode discharge current pulses from the bit-line capacitrs, effectively precharging the sense amplifier (in particular pre charging nodes A and B, and the data lines) as soon as Ysel is grounded. This is a kind of dyna mic biasing which is very favourable for speed, and which does not increase the current consumption. Finally, since the bit-line voltages are kept equal, the sense amplifier possesses intrinsic equalizing action. Th is eliminates the need for bit-line equalization during a read access [1].

    The analysis for conventional current mode Sense amp lifier is done at TMSC 0.13u m technology node with 1.5V power supply. The value of sensing delay is calculated for comb inations of CBL = 1PF.

    Figure-2 Voltage waveforms of current mode sense amplifier

    Vo ltage Signal of Current Mode Sense Amplifie r Circuit at Node-VS

    Vo ltage Signal of Current Mode Sense Amplifie r Circuit at Node-CLK

    Vo ltage Signal of Current Mode Sense Amplifie r Circuit at Node-WL

    Vo ltage Signal of Current Mode Sense Amplifie r Circuit at Node-Out

    Voltage Signal of Current Mode Sense Amplifier Circuit at Node-CS

    Figure-3 Simulation waveforms of conventional current mode sense amplifier circuit

    Table-1 Comparison of sensing delay for current mode sense amplifier at CDL = 1PF, Cout = 0.1 PF and CBL varies from 1 Pf of 5 Pf

    Bit Line

    Capacitance CBL(pf)

    Sensing Delay(ns)


    Measurement result summary –


    Delay t ime = 8.3632e -010


    Measurement result summary –


    D de lay time = 8.4438e-010


    Measurement result summary –


    Delay t ime = 8.3396e -010


    Measurement result summary –


    Delay t ime = 8.2980e -010


    Measurement result summary –


    Delay t ime = 8.2191e -010

    The analysis for conventional current mode Sense amp lifier is done at TMSC 0.13u m technology node with 1.5V power supply. The value of sensing delay is calculated for co mb inations of CBL = 1PF,

    CDL = 1PF Cout = 0.1Pf as shown in table-1.The analysis shows that the sensing speed of conventional current mode Sense amp lifie r independent of the variations in bit line capacitances.

  3. Conclusion

The analysis for Conventional Current mode Sense amp lifier is done at TMSC 0.13u m technology node with 1.5V power supply. The value of sensing delay is calculated for co mbinations of CBL = 1PF, CDL = 1PF Cout = 0.1Pf as shown in table-1.

The analysis shows that the sensing speed of Current mode Sense amp lifie r independent of the variations in bit line capacitances.


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