Data Security in Public Cloud Storage Environment

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV4IS060127

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Data Security in Public Cloud Storage Environment

Dr. Ramalingam Sugumar


Christhuraj Institute of Computer Application Panjappur, Trichy-12.

Sharmila Banu Sheik Imam Lecturer, Dept. of CCSIT, King Faisal University,

Al-Hassa, KSA.

Abstract Cloudcomputing is an internet based computing. It is evolved from grid computing, utility computing, parallel computing, distributed computing and virtualization. It has more powerful computing infrastructure with a pool of thousands of computers and servers. Cloud helps the Small and Medium scale Enterprises (SME) with lots of virtual storage spaces. Enterprises are interested to outsource their data to cloud but due to some security issues most of the enterprises reluctant to adopt the cloud. Security is the most importance concern in cloud computing. Securing the outsourced data in the cloud storage is most important for the cloud providers and users. This paper describes about the characteristics, issues and importance of security in public cloud environment. Data outsourcing creates many security challenges to both cloud providers and users. By address this challenges, the users are adopted the cloud without any hesitation.

Keywords : Cloud Computing; Cloud Users; Cloud Providers; Security; Outsourcing;

training new personnel, or licensing new software. It extends Information Technologys (IT) existing capabilities[6] to unlimited provisioning. Recently, cloud computing grows from being anauspicious business method to small and medium scale enterprises. But as more and more dataof users are stored in the cloud storage, worries areraised about how to protectthe cloud environment. In spite ofof all the publicity surrounding the cloud, customers are still unwilling to outsource their business in the cloud. Security problems in cloud has played a major role in slowing down its acceptance, in fact security is ranked at first in the survey of ICT on 2009 as depicted in Figure 1.


    Nowadays, Cloud Computing is the hottest topic in information technology(IT). However, it is not so much that the term Cloud Computing representsa host of new technologies, but rather that these technologies are combinedand effectively upgraded and enable new IT services and newbusiness models [1].The major feature of cloud computing is that it allows sharing and scalable deployment of services as needed by the users from any location. Cloud computing saves time and money during software up-gradation; cloud services are updated by the provider; so users are always working on the latest platform [2]. Cloud minimizes the amount of wasted computing resources and can also reduce energy consumption significantly.

    The main core area of Cloud computing is Virtualization [3]. Virtualization empowers the cloud as a scalable and elastic service environment[4]. It enables a dynamic datacentre where servers provide a pool of resources that are connected as needed, where the relationship of applications to compute, storage, and network resources changes dynamically in order to meet both workload and business demands.

    Cloud computing incorporateseventslike use of social networking sites and other methods of interactive computing; however, cloud computing is always concerned with gain access to online software applications, data storage[5]. Cloud computing increases the capacity or add capabilities dynamically without any investment in new infrastructure,

    Figure 1. IDC IT Cloud Services Survey [7]

    Cloud computing with many new technologies and services, information security and data protection issues are intensely debated and examined. Many surveys and studies reveal that potential cloud users have concerns about information security and data protection which stand in the way of a wider deployment. The required trust still needs to be developed for secure cloud environment. It is defined by NIST [8], cloud has five essential characteristics, three services and four deployment models.


    Cloud computing brings out with extensive service benefits including service flexibility, configurable computing resources, Reliability and economic savings [9]. Though, security concerns are the primary challengeswhen adoptingthe cloud to the users [10]. The concepts that cloud presents, such asresource sharing,multi-tenancy and outsourcing, produce new challenges to the cloud data

    storage security. To address these challenges, it is necessary to enhance the security mechanism developed for traditional computing systems and proposing a new security policies, models and protocols [11] for cloud.

    Khalil et al., [12] provides a comprehensive study of cloud computing security concerns and identify cloud vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities are classified into security threats and attacks. It is important to neutralize the threats, control the vulnerabilities and calibrate the attacks in public cloud environment.

    Gartner [13] recognizedsome security problems that must be clarified with cloud providers before adopting the cloud computing model. That are,(i) Privileged user access,(ii) Regulatory compliance,(iii) Data location,(iv) Data segregation, (v) Recovery,(iv) Investigative support, (vii) Long-term viability.ENISA examined the several security risksrelated to adopting cloud computing along with the affected assets, the risks likelihood, impacts,and vulnerabilities in the cloud computing may lead to such risks[14]. The Cloud Computing Use CaseDiscussion Group reviews the different scenarios and related requirements that may exist in the cloud model. They consider use cases from different perspectives includingcustomers, developers and security engineers[15].

    Berndet al, [16] discussed the security challenges existing in the cloud platform. The authors groupedthe possible challengesinto cloud characteristics-related, security related. Kresimir et al, [17]focused on high level security problems in the cloudcomputing model such as data integrity, payment and privacy of sensitive information. Balachandra et al, [18] described the service level agreements specification and objectives related to data locations, segregationand data recovery.

    Subashini et al,[19]discussed the security concerns in different cloud service model,they are focusing on the SaaS model.Morsy et al, [20]inspected cloud computingproblems from the cloud architecture, cloud characteristics, cloud stakeholders, and cloudservice models perspectives.Ragovind et al, [21] discussed the management of security inCloud computing focusing on Gartners list on cloud security issues and the findings from theInternational Data Corporation enterprise.

    A recent survey by Cloud Security Alliance(CSA) [22] shows that SMEs are eager to adopt cloud computing butthat security isdesired both to accelerate cloud adoption on a wide scale and to respond toregulatory drivers. It also details that cloud computing are shaping the future of IT but the absenceof a compliance environment is having dramatic impact on cloud computing growth.

    Severalstudies have been carried out relating to security issues in cloud computing but this paperpresents a detailed analysis of the cloud computing security issues and challenges and importance of security in cloud computing.


    Cloud Computing moves the application and data to thecloud storage, where the management of the data and services may not be fully trustworthy. This uniqueattribute, however, poses many new security challengeswhich have not been well understood[23]. This paper focuseson cloud data storage security, which as always been animportant aspect of quality of service. Following are theissues [24] in cloud data storage.

    1. Privacy

      Cloud computing utilizes the virtual computing technology unlike traditional computing model.Users personal data are scattered in different clouddata center rather than stored in the single physical location,even across the national borders. At this time, data privacyprotection faces the disagreement of different legalsystems. Moreover, users may losetheir hiddeninformation when they are accessing cloud computingservices. Attackers could analyze the critical task dependingon the computing task submitted by the users.The major privacy issues [25] are i) Trust, ii) Uncertainty and iii) Compliance.

    2. Security

      Security problems are related to areas such as external datastorage, dependency on the public internet, lack of control,multi-tenancy and integration with internal security [26].Cloud providers employ data storage andtransmission, encryption, user authentication, andauthorization. Many clients concern on the vulnerability ofremote data to hackers.

    3. Trust

      Trust issue in cloud computing has equal concern againstsecurity and privacy. Trust is defined as reliance on the integrity, strength, ability and surety of a person or thing.Entrusting user data on to a third party who is providing cloud services is an issue. For example, in April 2012,Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud service crashed during a system upgrade, knocking customers' websites off- line allover for several hours for several days. Another incident happened on the same month. The hackers broke into theSony PlayStation Network, exposing the personalinformation to 77 million people around the world. Theseissues have certainly created doubts in mind of cloud usersand damaged the trust [24].

    4. Ownership

      Once data has been submitted to the cloud, developershave concern about losing their rights or being unable toprotect the rights of their customers. Many cloud providersaddress this issue with well-skilled user-sided agreements.According to the agreement, users would be wise to seek advice from their favourite legal representative.

    5. Performance and Availability

      Business organizations are worried about acceptable levelsof performance and availability of applications hosted inthe cloud. Application and data in the cloud storage shouldbe available to the users at anytime and anywhere. Users have no worry about the local system which is used foraccessing the cloud servers.

    6. Long-term Viability

    Users should be sure that the data put into the cloud willnever become invalid even the cloud computing providerget lost or get acquired and swallowed up by a largercompany. Users should ask their potential providers of cloud how they would get users data back and if it wouldbe in a format that user could import into a replacementapplication [27].

    H. Data Backup

    Cloud providers employ redundant servers and routinedata backup processes, but users worry about being able tocontrol their own backups. Many providers are nowoffering data dumps onto media or allowing users to backup data through regular downloads.

    1. Data Portability and Conversion

      Users have concerns on data portability like, switchingbetween service providers. There may be difficulty intransferring data. Porting and converting data is highly dependent on the nature of the cloud providers dataretrieval format, particularly in cases where the formatcannot be easily revealed. As service competition grows,open standards become established, the data portabilityissue will ease, and conversion processes will becomeavailable supporting the

      more popular cloud providers.Worst case is that the cloud

      users are different. Figure 2 represents the first scheme and Figure 3 represents the second scheme.

      Cloud Cloud




      Owner/ Cloud database

      Figure 2. Data Outsourcing in Public Cloud Storage Owners and Users are Same

      As an advantage of this development toward outsourcing, highly sensitive data are now stored on systems which run in locations that are not under the control of data owners. Therefore, data confidentiality is to be put at risk.

      Cloud Cloud



      subscribers have to pay forsome custom data conversion.

      These are certain areas in which cloud computing requiresto excel and solve problem related to it. Out of all the problems; narrated Security and Privacy [28] put the




      Cloud database

      majorthreats in growth of cloud computing. It needs to be worked upon.


    The new concept introduced by the cloud is data outsourcing. Data outsourcing in the public cloud is becoming increasingly popular and introducing a new paradigm, called Database as a Service, where users data are stored at an external CSP [29]. This scenario presents new research challenges on which the usability of the system is based [30].

    The main advantage of outsourcing is related to the cost of on-premises versus outsourced hosting; outsourcing provides,

      • Significant cost savings and service benefits and

      • Higher availability and more effective disaster protection than on-premises operation.

    Users could outsource data to cloud and retrieve the same when they are needed. Cloud service providers should store the users data in the database server and provide maximum availability of data and efficient disaster recovery. The data outsourcing scenario in public cloud is represented in Figure 2and Figure 3. Cloud users may be the enterprise users or general users [31].

    Outsourced data could be accessed in following two schemes. In the first scheme, data owners and data users are same, where as in the second scheme, data owners and data

    Figure 3. Data Outsourcing in Public Cloud Storage Owners and Users are Different

    There is a possibility of potential unacceptable use of database information that can be achieved by the provider itself. The traditional access control techniques may prevent data access by external users, and not by internal administrators.


    Data protection is a crucial security issue for most of the enterprises [32]. The main issue focused in cloud computing is data security. However, users are more concerned about the security ofthe data in the cloud. Enterprises critical data are moved to geographically dispersed cloud infrastructure, not under the direct control of the enterprises. Moreover, data are stored in a multitenant environment and they are always in a decrypted form when used. Given the large number of issues concerning data security, many organizations want clear answers regrading security before migrating into the cloud. Data security in the cloud includes the following [33].

    1. Security of data-at-rest

      Users data stored on the physical storage should not be modified. Encrypting the data may be the solution for this but in case of PaaS and SaaS, encryption of data are not always feasible and hence the probability of unauthorized access is very high.

    2. Security of datain-transit

      Data must be secured, while transferring between servers. It should not be viewed or changed by other user. So it requires an appropriate encryption algorithm as well as a secure protocol.

    3. Security of data during process

      Users data should not be viewed or changed by other user at runtime.

    4. Security of data lineage

    It deals with maintaining the origin and custody of data in order to prevent tampering or to assure integrity of data. However, this is time-consuming job. Trying to provide accurate reporting on data lineage for public cloud servicesis not possible [34].

  6. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS FOR CLOUD STORAGE Security measures assumed in the cloud mus be made

    available to the users to gain their trust [35]. There is always a possibility that the cloud infrastructure is secured with respect to some requirements and the users are looking for a different set of security mechanisms [36]. The reason why users are very anxious for the safety of their data being saved in the cloud is that they dont know who is managing it in the server of the CSP. Typical users, who use the cloud service like storing their files on the server to access it anywhere they want through internet, dont bother much about the security of their files. Those documents are common files that dont need to be secured. But in the case of big companies which have very important data to be taken care of need to have secured cloud computing system. In order to have secured cloud system, the following aspects of security parameters are considered for data protection.

    1. Authentication

      Authentication is the process of verifying a users or other entitys identity. This is typically done to permit someone or something to perform a task. A strong authentication system ensures that the authenticators and messages of the actual authentication protocol are not exchanged in a manner that makes them vulnerable to being hijacked by an intermediate malicious node or person. That is, the information used to generate a proof of identity should not be exposed to anyone other than the person or machine it is intended for.

    2. Authorization

      Authorization is when the system decides whether or not a certain entity is allowed to perform a requested task. This decision is made after authenticatingthe identity of users. When considering an authentication system for a particular application, it is crucial to understand the type of identifier required to provide a certain level of authorization.

    3. Confidentiality

      Confidentiality is needed when the message sent or stored in the cloud contains sensitive data which should not be read by others. Hence it must not be sent in a comprehensible format. A loss of confidentiality is the unauthorized disclosure of information. Confidentiality relates to security and encryption

      techniques can be obtained by encrypting messages so that only intended recipients have access to read them.

    4. Integrity

      Integrity is ensuring that the data presented are true and valid. It also includes guarding against improper data modification. A loss of integrity is the unauthorized modification, insertion, or destruction of information. One way of ensuring data integrity is using simple checksums which prevent an attacker from forging or replaying messages.

    5. Non-Repudiation

    Non-repudiation is a process of ensuring that a traceable legal record is kept and has not been changed by a malicious entity. A loss on non-repudiation would result in the questioning of the transaction that has occurred. A simple example of non-repudiation is signing a contract. The signers cannot claim that they did not agree a contract, because there is an evidence that they did agree.


Cloud gains more attention of the IT Enterprises, because of its advantages. Cloud supports on-demand computing. It reduces the cost of installing and maintaining storage servers. Though the cloud storage provides many benefits and advantages to cloud users, it has many security related issues. Security is ensured by different parameter such as authentication, authorization, confidentiality, integrity and availability. Among these parameters, confidentiality and integrity should protect the data in cloud storage. Data stored in cloud storage is controlled and monitored by the cloud providers. To protect them, it is needed that an efficient confidentiality technique for cloud data storage. Thus, it is necessary to propose a new security mechanism to protect the outsourced data in public cloud storage environment.


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