- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 686
- Authors : Ritik Sharma, Shubhangi Garg, Yogesh Kumar, Jeevash Mutreja
- Paper ID : IJERTV2IS4952
- Volume & Issue : Volume 02, Issue 04 (April 2013)
- Published (First Online): 29-04-2013
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Developing An Application For M-GIS To Access Geoserver Through Mobile For Importing Shapefile
Ritik Sharma ,A,1, Shubhangi Garg B,2, Yogesh Kumar c,3, Jeevash Mutrejad,4
a ABES Engg.College Ghaziabad Utter Predesh, 201001,India b ABES Engg. College Ghaziabad Utter Predesh, 201001, India c ABES Engg. College Ghaziabad Utter Predesh, 201001, India dABES Engg. College Ghaziabad Utter Predesh, 201001, India
Mobile GIS emerged in the 1990s, with integration of GPS is one of the leading technique. In mobile GIS shapefiles are used as ArcGIS. It is a Location Based Services which can be defined as any application that extends spatial information processing or GIS capabilities to end users (based on their geographic location) (ESRI 2000 & 2001d). improving since 2000.
The objective of present work is to develop a mobile application for accessing geoserver which supports a great functionality to import shapefile by the help of handheld device (mobile) An shapefiles as defined by ESRI and it consists of a main file, an index file, and a dBASE file.The present application works on the client mobile phone for accessing the geoserver on the wireless toolkit. The dBase file associated
with a shape file contains the attribute data and essentially represents a single database table.
Geoserver is an open source software server written in Java that allows users to share and edit geospatial data. Designed for interoperability, it publishes data from any major spatial data source using open standards. With the help of wireless technology we can develop this application for distributed system.It will support help in fetching the shape file from the different location. It is the midlevel software suite designed for advanced editing of spatial data published in the proprietary ESRI format.
Key words: Shape file, Geoserver, digital assistant ( mobile ,pda) , .NET, wireless technology.
Introducing Mobile GIS technology in combination with Global Positioning System (GPS) technology, data in the field is stored digitally and it is ready for treatment back in the desk. The extension of a GIS from the office into the field is Mobile GIS. Mobile GIS emerged in the 1990s, with integration of GPS, mobile data connections and geographic information in a portable handheld device. It allows to access, capture, store, and update, manipulate, analyze, and display geographic information directly in the field. More technologies, such as: mobile
devices, GPS technology, wireless communications for Internet GIS access, GIS software for mobile platforms are evolved with Mobile GIS [1].
Mobile devices are the devices which provide information and services whenever and wherever they are required. In other words Anywhere
,anytime, any device-this is the short definition of the rapidly growing field of location services. Its where wireless and GIS technologies meet on the Web and it is changing the way
businesses and individuals operate (ESRI 2001). The technology of handheld devices has improved since 2000.The various improvements has resulted in developing a high promising technology by taking into account issues like
All-day battery life,
RAM, flash memory and processing speed,
Improved screen size, brightness and touch-sensitivity
Wireless networking e.g. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
A Mobile Geographic Information System (M- GIS) can be defined as the subset of an LBS. Mobile Geographical Information System
(Mobile-GIS) is a Geographical Information System based on mobile computing and mobile Internet. It is not a conventional GIS modified to operate on a smaller computer, but an extension of Web GIS to mobile Internet including wireless Internet/Intranet and mobile communication network. But architectures of Web GIS are unsuitable for Mobile GIS, because of several bottlenecks such as the low-bandwidth of wireless network, the diversity of mobile devices, limited processing power and screen display limitation of mobile devices and the diversity of mobile system platform. In realty , there are some limitations for the mobile handheld devices like their small bandwidth, small screen display, color resolution and its limited application capabilities, although most are being overcome by improvements in their technology [2].
Mobile gis application
Mobile gis application
Geospatial data GPS position
Mobile GIS software
Mobile GIS software
Mobile operating system
Mobile device
Wireless network
Wireless network
Figure 1: Architecture of Mobile GIS
The Shape file is a popular geospatial vector data format for geographic information systems software. A shapefile is a digital vector storage format for storing geometric location and associated attribute information. This format
lacks the capacity to topological information. The shapefile format was introduced with arcview version 2 in the beginning of the 1990s. It is now possible to read and write shapefiles using a variety of free and non-free programs.
Figure 2: three mandatory extensions of shapefile
As we define in our above figure "shapefile" is quite common, a "shapefile" is actually a set of several files. Three individual files are mandatory to store the core data that comprises a shapefile: ".shp", ".shx", ".dbf", and other extensions on a common prefix name (e.g.,
"lakes.*"). The actual shapefile relates specifically to files with the ".shp" extension, but alone is incomplete for distribution, as the other supporting files are required[3].
Shape file
File Header |
Shape Record 1 |
Shape Record 2 |
Shape Record 3 |
.. |
Shape file
File Header |
Shape Record 1 |
Shape Record 2 |
Shape Record 3 |
.. |
Figure 3: Format of Shape file
The main file (with a .SHP extension) is the primary component and its structure begins with a fixed-length, 100-byte header containing information about the total length of the file, the file version, and the type of shapes it contains. This file header is then followed by a list of variable-length records, with each record defining the geometry for a single ESRI shape. The Shape File class is used to represent the
contents of an entire shape file, and provides the top-level functionality for reading an ESRI shape file. This class offers Public methods for reading the entire shape file at once (including dBase attributes), or reading the file header and shape records in a piece-wise fashion. The latter option is ideal for displaying progress during a shape file read operation[4].
Figure 4: intrection between .shp(main file) and .dbf(databasefile).
Geospatial database
ArcGIS is built around the geo database, which uses an object-relational database approach for storing spatial data. A geo database is a "container" for holding datasets, tying together the spatial features with attributes. The geo database can also contain topology information, and can model behavio of features, such as road intersections, with rules on how features relate to one another. When working with geo databases, it is important to understand about feature classes which are a set of features, represented with points, lines, or polygons. With shape files, each file can only handle one type of feature. A
geo database can store multiple feature classes or type of features within one file. The integrated geographic database of any place has been created in GIS and consists of spatial database and non spatial database. These two databases have been linked together by common identifiers. The spatial database consists of various thematic maps consisting of point, line and polygon features. The point features have control points. The line features have the road network classes and the polygon features have the buildings, ground and parks.
Creation of map /collection of map
Coordinate system adopted through Arcgis
Creation of map /collection of map
Coordinate system adopted through Arcgis
Upload scanned image on Arcgis version 9.2
Integrate all the above completed module
Upload scanned image on Arcgis version 9.2
Integrate all the above completed module
Scanning of map though scanner
Scanning of map though scanner
Fill the database/attributes
Fill the database/attributes
Figure 5: prepration of Geospatial Database
Methodology to integrate the modules
Designing mobile services Collecting geospatial databases
Web feature service
Integrating geospatial and mobile GIS
Web map service
Importing on iis server
Defining all functionality
Importing shapefiles Viewing of shapefiles
Figure 6: overall methodology to integrate the module
Get default preference goBack(); goForword(); reLoad(); clearHistory();
b.go |
b.back |
b.forword |
b.refresh |
b.history |
b.go |
b.back |
b.forword |
b.refresh |
b.history |
On click inflate
page return
Front.java 5
1 2 3
Mainpage.java 6
Clientview.java Web client view
Front.xml Mainpage.xml
About app.xml
web view item selected
About application |
preference |
exit |
IDS finish();
About app.java
About app.xml
meaning of above used number:-
Content view fetched
Content view placed
Page request
Intent passed
Load URL
Load URL()
Figure 7: overall working methodology of the application
Figure 8: accessing geoserver
Figure 9: menu of application
Figure 10: click on setting of application
Figure 11: Shapefile view after importing
Geoserver provides commercial open source software for internet mapping and geospatial application development. it contains web-based administration interface. Geoserver is also provide security in the starting phase. The
Maruto Masserie Sardadi, "Quadtree Spatial Indexing Use to Make Faster Showing Geographical Map in Mobile Geographical Information System Technology Using an Oracle 10g Application Server and Map Viewer Applications,", IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 2008.
Vckovski, Interoperability and spacial information theory. Interoperating Geographic Information Systems." 1999.
present work is to develop a mobile application for accessing geoserver which supports a great functionality to import shapefile by the help of handheld device is complete with this developed application.
E. Mensah, "Designing a Prototype Mobile GIS to Support Cadastral Data Collection in Ghana," 2007.
A. Vckovski, Interoperability and spacial information theory. Interoperating Geographic Information Systems." 1999.