- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 150
- Authors : Miss. Prajakta R. Sakhare, Prof. S. K. Sudhansu
- Paper ID : IJERTV6IS050323
- Volume & Issue : Volume 06, Issue 05 (May 2017)
- DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.17577/IJERTV6IS050323
- Published (First Online): 13-05-2017
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Enhancing the Network Lifetime of Cooperative Wireless Sensor Networks with Increased Threshold and Energy Harvesting Technique
Prajakta R. Sakhare
PG Department
M. B. E. Societys College Of Engineering Ambajogai Ambajogai, India
Prof. S. K. Sudhansu
PG Department
B. E. Societys College Of Engineering Ambajogai Ambajogai, India
AbstractWireless sensor networks (WSN) contains number of small size, low power, smart sensor nodes. All these nodes are connected with each other and this network is spread over unapproachable area. Nodes do not have sufficient power and storage area. The main aim of WSN is data transmission within provided energy. But as nodes contain limited battery power the aim cannot be reached, and life time of WSN get decreased. Hence solution for the problem is harvesting electromagnetic energy released by data transmission to recharge rechargeable batteries and to increase life time of wireless sensor networks. In this research to increase the lifetime of WSN using electromagnetic radiation energy harvesting with increased threshold is proposed. The present data packet transmission depends on current SNR in channel, previously harvested energy and current battery level. To get over the power limitations along with increased network lifetime of WSN water filling power management technique is used. To observe the progress successful data transfer and threshold is calculated and plotted using MATLAB. And plotted graphs shows improved results compared with existing technology.
KeywordsWSN, smart sensor nodes, life time of WSN, harvested energy, threshold, SNR.
Wireless sensor network is able to gather data, process it and communicate with the help of nodes. With the extensive use of wireless sensors, the management of their energy resources has become a topic of research [1]. WSN consists of randomly placed independent sensors to inspect industrial and environmental changes and simultaneously transfer data to the base station [4].
Whenever communication takes place, sensors of the nodes uses their battery power which results in draining of battery. And main aim of research is to recharge those batteries so that communication can take place efficiently. To increase the life time of the sensors as life time of the network can be increased, was the challenge for designers. So the research gives guidance to mitigate the energy problems in progress of wireless sensor networks. It includes architecture of wireless sensor, power management scheme and electromagnetic energy harvesting technique.
The further work is organized as follows. Section II gives the system model. Section III introduces a brief
overview of techniques used to improve the network lifetime with increased threshold. Section IV provides the simulation result. Conclusions and future scope were drawn into Section V.
This section gives performance of network in the form of matrices. And with the help of water filling technique proposed system recompense the harvested energy by the wireless transmission in the network.
Energy harvester model
Relay nodes are able to harvest the energy emitting from the transmission of the source nodes, from other relays or from its own transmission. Fig.1 shows the energy harvester module and in this work it can harvest energy at the transmitter side. Because more energy get consumed at transmitter side, remaining circuit consumes very less energy [3]. The data to be transmitted get sub divided in to number of slots. In slot transmitter knows current channel SNR , previously harvested energy Hk and current energy stored in the battery Bk. For simplification in each time slot only one packet transmission takes place. And each time slot allows number of symbols to transmit. Time get indexed by the slot index . And there is always backlogged data available for transmission [5].
Input bit source get transmitted by transmitter using energy stored in the Wk, is the encoded data. Then the packet transmitted in slot is given by .
Fig. 1. Over all block diagram of energy harvester module
The time is divided in to communication periods which consists of duration . Figure 2 shows how communication is taking place in between communicating slots.
The probability of successful message transfer is given
Where and are sources and is relay.
Fig. 2. Communicating Slots
There are three different communicating slots. In first time slot source is transmitting to the nearby relay, relay takes data from the source where other sources are considered as interference which try to send data to the same relay. When transmission is taking place electromagnetic radiation (EMR) energy emitted by transmitter get harvested by energy harvester. In second time slot, all sources are transmitting to the nearby relay node and are in the idle state as shown in the Figure 2(b). And finally in Figure 2(c) relay will act as transmitter and other nodes will act as relay to get the required information [10].
Distribution of nodes in WSN
In this proposed system we are considering that sensor nodes are randomly distributed in area under observation. In this situation distance between two communicating nodes can be measured if they are in communication radius.
Where first nodes location and are location of second node. And if required nodes are not required locations, nearby nodes are used as relays for communication.
Life time of a network depends upon amount of energy harvested and success rate of data transfer. If amount of successful data transfer is high energy is released in high quantity so energy harvesting rate is high which leads network for working longer duration.
Probability of successful data exchange
The data is considered to be successfully decoded and transmitted only if SNR is higher than the threshold. And in our work we have increased the threshold for noise to higher level compared to previous systems and due to which SNR is increasing which leads data transfer probability to increase rapidly. Signal to interference noise ratio [3] is given by
Where and are intensities, and is the threshold So the probability of successful data exchange is given by
Lifetime of network using energy harvesting
Battery level of relay nodes without considering energy harvesting ) is given by
Where is the communication period, initial battery level, is time slot duration, is the receiver power, is the transmit power, is probability of active relay.
The average harvested power used for enhancing network lifetime by considering energy harvesting [6] is given by
Where, is the conversion efficiency
The battery level of relay with taking energy harvesting in account [7]
Where, is the average harvested power
The relays lifetime without taking energy harvesting in account [3]
Where is the transmit power, is the amplitude of Rayleigh fading, is the distance, is the path loss exponent is the interference and is the additive White Gaussian noise.
The relays lifetime with taking energy harvesting into account [11] is given by
Water filling power allocation technique
The channel behavior or the state of channel when communication is taking place between transmitter and the receiver is acknowledged by aking channel state information (CSI) into account. Channel state information is predicted by considering current, previous and next conditions of channels along with amount of energy harvested. The efficient message transfer is taken place by using water filling algorithm with energy conservation in every slot [5].
Fig. 3. Structure of optimal power allocation
The maximum allocated power using water filling algorithm is given by [8]
Where is maximum allocated power, is energy stored in battery, is the last slot and is the harvested energy.
lower than 10dBm. Further increase in threshold will take probability to zero.
-45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0
Fig. 5. Probability of successful message exchange Vs threshold
Figure 6 shows the variation in the threshold for noise levels with variation in communication slots. As threshold increases necessity of communication slots decreases.
In figure 4 we have taken 50 randomly placed sensor nodes deployed over N*N area and each node is connected with each other. Distance between them is calculated using equation (1).
harvesting(lambda=0.4) no harvesting
communication slots(m)
1000 50 36
8 39
43 12 34
293 13
800 31
700 21
262 29
16 46 14
33 4 20
48 11
19 17
22 3 47 45
38 37
-40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0
threshold for noise level(dB)
Fig. 6 Threshold Vs communication slots
Figure 7 gives the variation in noise and power level. As power level increases noise level decreases and vice versa. And this variation is observed with respect to number of channels with respect to SNR. As threshold for noise level
0 42
44 35
41 5
increases no of bits to be transmitted per allocated channel increases, number of communication slots decreases. Whenever data is transmitting through the channel signal
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Fig. 4 Nodes plotting
Figure 5 shows that as threshold increases probability of successful message exchange decreases. Probability for successful data transfer is higher when noise level is lower (10dBm). And for high noise level (40dBm) probability is
power is used for current transmission and harvested power get stored for further transmission.
Proposed system provides improved results compared with existing systems. As WSN is widely used networks with low cost and large benefits it provides different areas for research.
noise and power level
power level noise level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
number of channels(N)
Fig. 7. Power level Vs Noise Level
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In this research threshold for noise level is increased to reduce number of communication slots and to increase power level with increased SNR, which leads reduction in noise level. And due to energy harvesting lifetime of network get increased. Parameters like threshold, communication slots, power level, successful message transfer is calculated and plotted using MATLAB. In future research can be done on two way energy harvesting with increased threshold.
We would like to thank anonymous referees for their valuable comments and suggestions to improve the quality of paper.
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