- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 18
- Authors : Dr.M.G.Saravanaraj, Mrs. M.Lakshmi Priya, Mrs.P.V.Manjula, Ms.R.Ishwarya
- Paper ID : IJERTCONV1IS06003
- Volume & Issue : ICSEM – 2013 (Volume 1 – Issue 06)
- Published (First Online): 30-07-2018
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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Ethical issues faced by human resource manager for lacking of hiring employees in an organization
HOD.Management Studies, |
Lecturer.Management Studies, |
Muthayammal Enginnering |
Muthayammal Enginnering |
Muthayammal Enginnering |
College, |
College, |
College, |
Rasipuram -637408, |
Rasipuram -637408, |
Rasipuram -637408, |
Tamil nadu, India. |
Tamil nadu, India. |
Tamil nadu, India. |
1mg_saravanaraj@yahoo.co.in, |
2lakshmipriya.muthusamy@gmail.com, |
manjumbamec@gmail.com, |
Muthayammal Enginnering College, Rasipuram -637408,
Tamil nadu, India. ishwaryavimala@gmail.com.
Abstract- Selecting the right person for the job is extremely important. Hiring employees mistake are costly. Selection decisions impact team performances, customer relationships, stakeholder confidences, and employees engagement. The selection process of hiring itself also tells candidates a good deal about their potential employer. Hiring the high qualified employee enhances your work culture and pays you back a thousand times over in high employee ethics, positive forward thinking planning, and accomplishing challenging goals for employee working. This is not a comprehensive guide to hiring an employee for an organization. But, these are key steps to hiring the right employee.
KeywordsHuman resource, hiring, organization, company, human resource management
The Human Resources Manager guides and manages the overall provision of Human Resources services, policies, and programs for a company within a small to mid-sized company, or a portion of the Human Resources function within a large company. The Human Resources manager originates and leads Human Resources practices and objectives that will provide an employee-oriented; high performance culture that emphasizes empowerment, quality, productivity, and standards; goal attainment, and the recruitment and ongoing development of a superior workforce. The Human Resources manager is responsible for the development of processes and metrics that support the achievement of the organization's business goals. The Human Resources manager coordinates the implementation of people-related services, policies, and programs through Human Resources staff; reports to the CEO;
and assists and advises company managers about Human Resources issues.
The Human Resource Manager leads and directs the HR team to enable them to deliver a comprehensive HR service to the business. The HR Manager proactively advises on best practice HR and where necessary takes a hands-on role in dealing with case work. The HR Manager supports the people management functions that underpin the business culture. The broad areas include: employee matters, compensation and benefits, reward, professional growth, communications and performance management.
Todays workforce is diverse, dynamic and changing just like todays business environment. Skilled HR management is vital to the success and sustainability of firms around the globe and in every industry [1]. HR managers add value to employers by planning human resources programs and policies that achieve strategic objectives, including employee retention, relations and safety.
To most businesses, reducing turnover and increasing production are two important aspects of conserving human resources, and therefore contributing to the bottom line. Professional HR managers are skilled in improving morale and creating a workplace environment that is of benefit to both employees and employers [2]. Any HR professional planning a career path that includes HR management may obtain must- have skills and career-enhancing knowledge through an HR masters degree program.
Figure 1: Activities of Human Resource Managers
Activities Of Human Resource Manager
Defining the Job
Job analysis is the key steps which you need to perform in order to analyze the duties and responsibilities of the incumbent as well as to define the skills requirement to perform a particular job. A well written job description reduce the fifty percent work load of recruitment manager.
Define Recruitment Strategy
Check your talent pool inside the organization, and then define the gap, gap analysis tells you about the shortage in the skill inventory you actually have in your organization. On the basis of this gap define your recruitment strategy. The important thing is to manage your recruitment budget at this time[3]. So that you have an idea that how much you can invest exactly in order to hire for a particular post.
Develop a check list
This is very much in practicing these days, employer now offer a check list with the application so that prospective employees while going for applying a particular job can check rather he/she is eligible and also have completed all the necessary requirement for the job.
Recruit the right Candidate
You can develop relationships with potential candidates long before you need them when hiring an employee. These ideas will also help you in recruiting a large pool of candidates when you have a current position available. The more qualified candidates you can develop when hiring an employee, the more likely you are to locate a qualified potential employee. Read on to discover the best ways to develop your talent pool when hiring an employee.
Review credentials carefully
The work of reviewing resumes, cover letters, job applications, and job application letters starts with a well- written job description. Your bulleted list of the most desired characteristics of the most qualified candidate was developed as part of the recruiting planning process. Screen all applicants
against this list of qualifications, skills, experience, and characteristics. You'll be spending your time with your most qualified candidates when hiring an employee. And, that is a good use of your time.
The most important reason to prescreen candidates when hiring an employee is to save the interviewing and selection committee time. While a candidate may look good on paper, a prescreening interview will tell you if their qualifications are truly a fit with your job. Additionally, in a prescreening interview, you can determine whether their salary expectations are congruent with your job. A skilled telephone interviewer will also obtain evidence about whether the candidate may fit within your culture – or not.
Ask the right Questions-job interview
The job interview is a powerful factor in hiring an employee. The job interview is a key tool employers utilize in hiring. The job interview questions asked are critical
in magnifying the power of the job interview to help you in hiring the right employee. Interview questions that help you separate desirable candidates from average candidates are fundamental when hiring an employee. Job interview questions matter to employers. Here are sample job interview questions.
Background Check
Effective background checks are one of the most important steps when hiring an employee. You need toverify that all the presented, sterling credentials, skills, and experience are actually possessed by your candidate. The background checks must include work references, especially former supervisors, educational credentials, employment references and actual jobs held, and criminal history. Other background checks when hiring an employee, such as credit history, must be specifically related to the job for which you are hiring an employee.
Job Offer
The job offer letter is provided to the candidate you have selected for the position. Most frequently, the candidate and the organization have verbally negotiated the conditions of hire and the job offer letter confirms the verbal agreements about salary and benefits[4]. The more senior the position, however, the more likely the job offer will turn into a protracted negotiation about salary, benefits, employment termination, bonus potential, severance pay, stock options, and more.
Effective Employment Letter
The sample employment letters will assist you to reject job candidates, make job offers, welcome employees, and more when hiring an employee. Use these sample employment
letters to develop the employment letters you use in your organization when hiring an employee.
Great Stimulating situation ahead for HR and Leaders
Invest in leadership development.
Whether you believe leaders are born or made, companies still need to invest in their best employees to develop and sustain leadership qualities. Were not talking advanced training in PowerPoint here; its a good tool, but at best its a tool. Real leadership training involves exposing your best employees to an immersive leadership environment, its a big investment, but its a form of long-term planning: build the best team you can, then invest to make them better. Your people will recognize the investment in them, and both the business and the individual will reap the rewards.
Create a culture of collaboration.
Leaders are at their best when the company culture demands collaboration. Rewarding individual success is necessary but not sufficient. Only in a culture of collaborators will organizations have developing leaders working together to bring other employees up and into the circle of leadership.
Develop communications skills.
We may expect our leaders to be good communicators but too often its not the case. Communication styles vary widely; what may work for one organization may not work for another. This is part of developing a company culture:[5] you need to set the bar high for communications skills, give people training where they come up short, and correct style mis- matches before harm is done. Good communicators build teams and trust; poor communicators create and feed uncertainty.
Drive and sustain real accountability.
Leaders must be accountable. They cant be like Homer Simpson (DOH! It was like that when I got here it aint my problem!); they must own the problems they need to solve and own their failures to be credible when claiming success.
Be human and reward emotional intelligence.
Yes, Im a huge fan of emotional intelligence; yes, it belongs on any top five leadership traits list. As organizations work with emerging leaders HR must stay focused on helping new leaders hone their emotional intelligence. This is crucial. Leaders be human.
Succession Planning
More than two-fifths (41%) of those surveyed cited succession planning as a key HR challenge. This is likely due
to growing pressure from the growing talent shortage, which has sharpened concerns about turnover and put increased emphasis on retaining, promoting and training talent from within. HR leaders are looking for ways to identify and key influencers within their organizations, so that they can be groomed as leaders of tomorrow.
Employee Engagement
Nearly tied for the spot at the top of the list is employee engagement. Most HR leaders see the critical connection between high engagement and better business results. Gallup, Hay Group, Towers Watson and others have all done research that shows engaged companies are more profitable, more customer-focused and safer.
Culture Management
Culture management is another key concern and cited as a top challenge faced by todays HR organizations. In part this is likely because culture is so critical, yet traditionally so difficult to measure and quantify. Companies are searching for reliable metrics for gauging culture and cultural change that can reinforce company values and drive business goals.
Figure 2: Survey of HR Manager in 2012
Survey: Top HR Challenges? Culture, Engagement, Succession Planning
Key Finding #1:
Top 3 challenges faced by HR organizations today are succession planning, employee engagement and culture management. Culture management has been rising fairly rapidly in the ranks of importance, which is highly gratifying as this communications that HR Pros understand more their ability to directly and proactively manage culture and lead the charge to do so. Critically, they also understand they are able to change the conversation with their senior leadership team on the impact of culture management to the bottom line. The research itself reported:
Solution 1: In part this is likely because culture is so critical, yet traditionally so difficult to measure and quantify. Companies are searching for reliable metrics for gauging
culture and cultural change that can reinforce company values and drive business goals.
Key Finding #2:
Companies with strategic recognition programs report less frustrated and more enabled employees. Enablement is another topic rising in discussions thanks to work down by several analyst groups, including Hay Group and Towers Watson. The latter published this summer an interesting report showing that Sustainable Engagement delivers two (2) times the operating margin that regular engagement does.And a key factor of sustainable engagement is enablement making sure employees have the tools they need to do their jobs and the right environment to do it in. The interesting finding from the research showed:
Solution 2: The survey found that when companies have strategic recognition programs programs where all recognition awards are tied to corporate values their employees feel more enabled and empowered to succeed and less tempted to jump ship. Employees with strategic recognition programs also possess a stronger understanding of organizational objectives and feel more capable of achieving them. This is likely due to strategic recognitions ability to reinforce values, encourage strong working relationships and clarify must-win battles.
Key Finding #3:
Strategic recognition programs tied to corporate values are more effective than programs without ties to corporate values. This finding lends further weight to the ability to now proactively manage your culture through strategic, social employee recognition. From the research:
Solution 3: These kinds of recognition programs also yield actionable data that provides deeper insight into company culture and talent performance, which enables organizations to better manage and measure those areas.
Key Finding #4:
Empowering employees to both give and receive formal recognition yields better results. You cannot manage your culture through management alone. Thats the difference between a culture of recognition and a recognition program giving ALL employees the power to recognize and reward each other for living your values, which are the core of your culture. And remember, true peer-to-peer recognition gives all employees skin in the game by communicating you trust them as well. Fromthe research:
Solution 4: In metric after metric, survey results showed that companies that have implemented peer-to-peer recognition perform better. These companies have recognition programs with greater impacts on their financial results. HR managers perceive that employees are better attuned with company values and in turn feel that rewards are given out according to job performance. These companies are also more likely to feel highly engaged at work.
Figure 3: Human resource Manager Activities
Key Finding #5:
Organizations that spend more than 1% of payroll on employee recognition experience better results. Budgeting for employee recognition is nearly always a touchy subject. Too often, people wrongly assume the same results can be achieved through low cost pizza parties or casual pats-on-the- back. In fact, nothing communicates importance of anything better than putting monetary commitment behind it.
Solution 5: Companies that allocated 1% or more of payroll to recognition see higher engagement levels, better retention and better financial results. They also have employees with stronger ties to company values.
Although I see a different emphasis for HR in the future, I see HRs fundamental purpose-to build a positive, productive workplace-remaining unchanged. With this in mind, I see a successful future of HR revolving around three complementary and overlapping roles. I believe in fulfilling these roles HR will prove itself an important and legitimate contributor to organizational achievement. The heart underpinning these roles is less control, more learning. Here are the roles:
Facilitating the employee/employer connection, principally through empowering technologies (both digital and procedural) that emphasize employee self-service and managerial independence.
The corollary to this role is consistent striving to minimize dependent relationships between employees/managers and HR through transferring knowledge and expertise from HR to HRs clients.
Designing and helping implement high performance people strategies in partnership with line staff. The scope of such efforts could be quite narrow-at the team level-or system wide. As in #1, the focus is on developing employee and manager self-reliance through the skillful sharing of expertise by HR.
What are high performance people strategies? Dr. P.feffer identifies, seven dimensions that seem to characterize most if not all of the systems producing profits through people.
Employment security.
Selective hiring of new personnel.
Self-managed teams and decentralization of decision making as the basic principles of organizational design.
Comparatively high compensation contingent on organizational performance.
Extensive training.
Reduced status distinctions and barriers, including dress, language, office arrangements, and wage differences across levels.
Serving as a catalyst for learning and communication. As educator HR has three jobs: (A) Introduce fresh thinking and new ideas to promote creativity, innovation and successful adaptation within the enterprise; (B) Persist in developing mastery of adopted organizational practices and process improvement methodologies by employees and manager.
The human scheduling is an effective and efficient method to deal with the uncertainty of change and low-utilization of human resource in change management. Building on an earlier research on the change planning and scheduling realm, in this paper we have proposed a novel strategy for allocating human resource to change activities based on runtime-restricted to minimize business impact. The individual performance of human resource, loss of services-offline and risk penalty are all considered in our solution. The approach has been validated by a small but realistic case and financial impact have been analyzed compared to previous studies. Results showed that, our strategy proposed is more suitable for highly parallel time critical scenarios.
As future work, we intend to: (1) add policy-makers preference factors, to improve the service quality of change management; (2) consider the dynamics of change and adjust allocation of human resource corresponding; and (3) reduce the risk furthermore.
This work was partly supported by Department of Management Studies, Muthayammal engineering college. The above statements are intended to describe the general nature of work performed by the Human Resources Manager. These statements are not to be construed as an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, tasks and skills required of an employee in this position.
Human resourcses for the Non-HR manager by carol T.Kulik
Managing Human resources by Susan E.Jackson,
Randall S.Schuler, Steve Werner
The Global HR Manager by Pat Joynt
Van Bon .I., Chief Editor, IT Service Management, an introduction based on ITlL, itSMF Library, Van Haren Publishing, 2004.
OGC (Office of Government Commerce), ITIL V3, The official Introduction to ITIL Service Life Cycle, volume, pp 17-20 , 2007.
IT Governance Institute, Cobit 4th Edition, 2006, http://www.isaca.org/cobit.htm.
IT Infrastructure Library: ITIL Service Transition, version 3. London: The Stantionery Office, pp. 270, 2007.
A. Keller, J. L. Hellerstein, J. L. Wolf, K. L. Wu, and V. Krishnan, The CHAMPS System: change management with planning and scheduling, Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2004), pp. 395-408, 2004.
Dr. M.G. SARAVANARAJ received his BA degree from Bharathiar University in 1998, MBA degree from Periyar University in 2000 and Ph.D. degree in Marketing from Bharathiar University in 2008. He is a tenured Head of the Department in Muthayammal Engineering College in Rasipuram. He has extensive research interests including Marketing
and Finance, etc. He published 10 national and 2 International Journals, he also attended 25 national and 9 International conferences.
Mrs. M.LAKSHMI PRIYA received his B.Sc., degree from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in 2007, MBA degree from Anna University of technology in 2009. She is tenured Lecturer in Muthayammal Engineering College in Rasipuram for past two years. She has extensive research interests including MIS and management etc. She presented papers
in Tagore Institute and RVS Institute.
P.V.MANJULA received the Bachelor of Commerce degree in 2005, Annamalai University, majoring in Computer Application. Currently, she is pursuing her MBA degree at Muthayammal Engineering College Affiliated to Anna University.
R.ISHWARYA received the Bachelor of Computer Application degree in 2011, Periyar University, majoring in Computer Application. Currently, she is pursuing her MBA degree at Muthayammal
Engineering College Affiliated to Anna University.