- Open Access
- Authors : S. Yeshwanthini, A. Priya, N. M. Marry Treasa Shinu, S. Ragavendran
- Paper ID : IJERTCONV10IS06057
- Volume & Issue : ICART – 2022 (Volume 10 – Issue 06)
- Published (First Online): 22-06-2022
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Experimental Study on Strength Characteristics of Pellucid Concrete and Conventional Concrete
S. Yeshwanthini1, A. Priya2, Mrs. N. M. Marry Treasa Shinu3, Mr. S. Ragavendran4
1, 2 Student, 3, 4 Assistant Professor,
Civil, Sri Muthukumaran Institute of Technology, Chennai, India
Abstract- Energy efficient building and aesthetic views are the vital notes for infrastructure. Now engineers have developed smart translucent concrete using plastic optic fiber.Translucent concrete can transmit light from one phase to the other phase of the wall. Smart translucent concrete or transparent concrete is also known as pellucid concrete.The main advantage of replacing normal concrete with pellucid concrete is that it reduces the consumption of electricity by making use of natural sunlight.The present study involves the use of plastic fibers of 2mm diameter placed at 30mm spacing on two parallel sides of 150mm cube .The percentage of optical fiber used are in the range of 0%, 2.5%, 4.5%& 6.5% of the total weight concrete.The compressive strength of 2.5%, 4.5% & 6.5% of POF in pellucid concrete cubes are compared with conventional concrete.The project provides a new alternative to entrench the concept of sustainability and translucent concrete can be regarded as a green energy saving construction material.
Keywords:- Pellucid Concrete, Smarttranslucent concrete (STC), Plastic Optical Fiber (POF). Compressive Strength.
Translucent lightweight Concrete is a new material with various applications in the construction field, architecture, decoration and even furniture. As can be imagined, concrete with the characteristic of being translucent will permit a better interaction between the construction and its environment, thereby creating ambiences that are better and more naturally lit, at the same time as significantly reducing the expenses of laying and maintenance of the concrete.
Thousands of optical filaments are arranged side by side on a concrete base leaving the light to pass from one side to the other. Due to the small thickness of these filaments, they combine with the concrete. Compared with a traditional electric lighting system, illuminating the indoors with daylight also creates a more appealing and healthy environment for building occupants. It was a combination of optical fibers and fine concrete, combined in such a way that the material was both internally and externally homogeneous. It was manufactured in blocks and used primarily for decoration. Pellucid concrete presents the concept of light transmitting concrete in the form of a widely applicable new building material Civilization..The pellucid concrete was was first developed in 2001 by Hungarian architectAronLasancziat theparticular College of Budapest. Translucent cement can be precast squares of
assorted measure. Inlight Pellucid concrete, which is usually known as direct concrete, Optical Fiber are projected intoconcrete.
Pellucid concrete is also known as Translucent concrete abbreviated as TC. Translucent concrete almost consists of the same main components of traditional concrete such as cement, water, sand, and without coarse aggregates, besides, the specific amount of light transmitting elements as plastic fiber, and glass fiber. There are several ways to produce it, but the most popular trademark for translucent concrete material is PELLUCID which is made of concrete and 2.5% by weight of optical fibers.And by 4.5%
INGREDIENTS OF PELLUCIDCONCRETE Pellucid concrete is composed of
(53 grade ofOPC)
POF fibre
In the mix, coarse aggregates are deliberately not used because property of Pellucid Concrete is formation of micro cracks with large deflection. Coarse aggregates increases crack width which contradicts the property of Pellucid Concrete.
Step 1: Placing of optical fiber as shown in . figure1.1&1.2
Step 2: Concreting is shown in fig. 1.3
Step 3: Cutting machine is used to cut the edges of fibers.
Step 4: The finishing is required for the smoothness of the surface. After all the above process finished concrete is looks like as shown in figure 1.4.
Very fine aggregate is mixed with Portland cement of 53grade.
The concrete mix is then placed in mould of required size.150mmx150mm
figure1.1 placing of fibre
fig.1.2. mould after placing of optical fibre.
Fig.1.3Casting of specimen PLACING, COMPACTING & CASTING OF
Concreting: – In the present work the concrete mix has been prepared with ordinary Portland cement of 53 grade ,M sand 2.75mm sieve passing, coarse aggregates of 12mmdown size silica fume and tap water. The mouldswerecleaned thoroughly and oiled to obtain smooth finishing surface. The prepared mix and the layer of optical fibers were placed alternatively, and subject for vibrator machine or compaction.
Demoulding: – After 24hrs of casting demould the concrete specimens.
Curing of concrete: -After removing mould the concrete specimens were kept for curing for about 7days and 28 days.
Cutting and polishing: – After curing period of concrete specimens and before subjecting for tests, the extra portion of optical fibers projecting out of the cubes and cylinders has to be cut and polished for better transmission of light through the optical fibers.
After curing process, the specimen has to be tested. Investigations are carried out by testing cubes, slabs for 7,
14 days only the curing process for 28 days still not completed. Cubes were tested oncompressivetesting machine and compressive strength of cubes with and without POF is compared.
fig.1.4. Mould after remoulding
Description |
Averagecompressivestrengt hN/mm2 |
7days |
14days |
01 |
ConventionalConcrete |
10.9 |
17.16 |
02 |
Concretewith POF |
2.5% |
18.29 |
28.84 |
4.5% |
25.3 |
32.55 |
6.5% |
12.9 |
20.10 |
Table Compressive strength results of presentexperimental work
2.5% 4.5% 0.5%
7 days
14 days
Strenght in MPA
Itcanbeconcludedthatthecompressivestrengthofligh ttransmitting concrete with 2.5% of POF has increased by17.13%thanthatofconventional concrete for 14 days.
Alsoitisobservedthatthecompressivestrengthofpell ucid concrete with 4.5% hasbeenincreasedby22.76%thanthatofconventionalco ncrete.
From the above points it is clear that pellucid concrete with POF has increased its compressive strength when compared with conventional concrete
Applicationofopticalfiberwillmaketheconcreteaest heticappearanceaswellaswe canmaketheconcretestructuralefficientbyactingasreinf orcingmaterial.
Byusinglighttransmittngconcreteitacquiresminim um power consumption. Light transmitting is anemergingtrendinconcretetechnology.Itsconsidereda saspecialconcretewhichensuresfuturebenefits
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