Exploring High School Students’ Critical Thinking Skills Using Active Learning: A systematic Literature Review

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV12IS060026

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Exploring High School Students’ Critical Thinking Skills Using Active Learning: A systematic Literature Review

(Eksplorasi Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Siswa SMA Menggunakan Pembelajaran Aktif: Tinjauan Literatur)

Raldy Aditya

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education

Indonesian University of Education West Java, Indonesia

Endi Suhendi

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education

Indonesian University of Education West Java, Indonesia

Achmad Samsudin

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education

Indonesian University of Education West Java, Indonesia

AbstractThis article aims to explore understandings that lead to critical thinking skills possessed by senior high school students. The method involves a careful selection of articles published in journals indexed scopus Q1 until Q4. This methodology uses a systematic literature review by exploring research conducted during 20182023 and using descriptive statistics to analyze data to develop learning strategies or learning media that can improve critical thinking skills. The final sample included 50 articles, the Journal of Technology and Science Education was the most productive journal. The findings show that effective mediators in active learning for improving critical thinking skills include (1) learning models that encourage class interaction, (2) use of learning media, and (3) teaching strategies. Therefore, this article concludes with a summary of relevant recommendations to advance learning that leads to increased critical thinking skills of senior high school students.

Keywords Critical thinking skills, Active learning, Systematic Literature Review

is good or bad by assessing whether a hypothesis supports a conclusion.

While there is little disagreement about the value of critical thinking [10], many scholars note that teaching critical thinking across the curriculum is diverse and challenging [11], [2], [6]. According to [11], [12], if you are to think critically, you must have a sound knowledge base of the problem or topic of enquiry and view it from multiple perspectives. Solving a problem at a surface level requires limited prior knowledge and will not necessarily require critical thinking. In contrast, solving a problem critically requires looking at its deep structure to understand it from different viewpoints. While it is a frequent practice in the preschool classroom to engage children in diverse ways to view the world, pedagogies to scaffold how children see the world from different perspectives are interwoven into curricula rather than identified as an explicit learning goal.



      Humans must thinks, everyone thinks, but not everyone thinks well, and not all educators teach their students how to think well [1], [2], [3]. The importance of developing critical thinking in students has been suggested as the most important skill that education systems can develop in students [4]. Good thinking or thinking well is often associated with critical thinking [1], [5], but when a clear definition of critical thinking or how students can develop it is unknown, This claim is insufficient. So we ask: What is critical thinking?

      Critical thinking has been defined in many different ways. Some authors suggest that critical thinking is more than good thinking. Instead, think in terms of logic and reasoning [6], [7], [8]. Some focus on critical thinking as a mental process used to make decisions and solve problems [9], [10]. These ideas suggest that critical thinking is about giving your beliefs and actions justification. A key component of critical thinking is therefore applying the skill of assessing whether an argument

      1. Objectives

        The main objectives of this systematic review are to:

        • Exploration of improving the thinking skills of middle and upper students

        • Factors that can improve critical thinking skills

        This review does not intend to delve into the complexities of critical thinking skills as a broad concept, rather we seek to clarify ways of enhancing critical thinking skills. Nevertheless, it is important to provide an overview of the concept before exploring how critical thinking is in senior high school students.

        This paper is organised in the following way: Section 1 provides an overview of critical thinking including related skills and definitions that reflect on the importance of critical thinking in early childhood; Section 2, the methodology, provides details of the systematic review of the literature; Section 3, presents the key results; Section 4, discusses the

        reviewed literature to reflect on the implications of the findings to enhance early years research and practice; Section 5 presents a conclusion and recommendation for future research on developing critical thinking with young children in a pedagogical context.

        Critical thinking skills can be improved by practicing critical thinking indicators in the learning process [6]. Based on the literature review, the components contained in the learning process that affect students' critical thinking skills are learning models, learning media, and learning approaches. The combination of models, media, and well-planned, implemented, and evaluated learning approaches will produce good learning strategies. A good learning strategy will create active learning. If the active learning process is combined with training indicators of critical thinking skills, continuous learning will be able to improve students' critical thinking skills. The relationship between models, media, and interactive learning approaches is illustrated in Fig 1.

        Fig. 1. framework of relationships between factors that improve critical thinking skills

      2. Overview of critical thinking

        Definitions of critical thinking sometimes overlap between disciplines, this review will focus on the field of education. More specifically, the focus of this review is on critical thinking skills in senior high school education. We limit our review to studies conducted in higher education. In it, the first part of this section considers critical thinking as a broad concept as we seek to explore the literature to uncover what is known about critical thinking skills in higher education.

        Critical thinking in education has been a focus of attention in research and pedagogy for more than 100 years. Emphasized by John Dewey as a goal of education, Flores & Kyere also propose that developing critical thinking will empower students to become just-minded and democratic members of society. [13], [14]. For Wahyuni et al.[15], teaching critical thinking must begin by motivating students to actively and continuously consider the characteristics of a problem based on the information available to them. Many researchers

        agree with Dewey's suggestion that critical thinking starts with students' involvement with a problem. For example, Mohammadi [16] describes critical thinking as a mental process that people use to solve problems, make decisions, and learn new concepts.

        However, critical thinking scholars propose that skills alone are not enough, on the contrary, skills and thinking dispositions are necessary to become a critical thinker [17], [18], [19]. Indeed, most researchers agree that critical thinking skills and dispositions are intrinsically linked. In comparison, a critical thinking disposition is a tendency to be fair and open- minded, to separate facts from assumptions or bias, and to be open to multiple points of view (eg, Gunawan et al.,2019; Kozikolu, 2019).

      3. Active Learning

        Prior reviews have determined that one that is able to improve critical thinking skills is active learning. In this review, we define active learning as classroom-based activities designed to engage students in their learning through answering questions, solving problems, discussing content, or teaching others, individually or in groups [20], [21], [22].

        Previous studies show that students perceive active learning as a benefit of their learning [23], [24], [25] and increases their self-efficacy [26], [27]. In addition, the use of active learning has been associated with improving students' critical thinking skills and learning [4], [6].

        Despite ample evidence in favor of active learning, previous research has found that traditional teaching methods such as lectures are still the dominant mode of teaching in schools, and low adoption rates of active learning in high schools remain a problem [28]. There are several reasons for this low adoption rate. Some instructors feel unsure that the effort required to implement active learning is worthwhile, and as many as 75% of instructors who have tried a particular type of active learning abandon the practice altogether [29], [30].

      4. Systematic Literature Review

      A systematic study of the literature to build new ideas or models from current theories is known as an integrated literature review [10], [11]. This review seeks to explain and reveal the potential of learning strategies to develop students' critical thinking skills more comprehensively. In addition, it also recommends focusing on future studies with increased active learning processes in the classroom.

      1. METHOD

        1. Research Question

          The SLR method was used to analyze experiments conducted to improve critical thinking skills between 2018 and 2023. SLR makes it possible to map and access existing intellectual areas, in addition to defining research questions to develop existing body knowledge [31], [32]. Therefore, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

          Research Question 1 (RQ1): What are the learning characteristics of the most relevant experiments to improve critical thinking skills published recently?

          Research Question 2 (RQ2): How should CT skills be taught and assessed?

          These questions are defined with the support of the literature, which shows the breadth of learning strategies that enhance critical thinking skills, as in Wenno, dkk., Yulianti, and Rapi [33], [34], [35]. The SLRs development was based on a research protocol, because it requires great methodological rigor to neutralize research bias, by making explicit the values and hypotheses that underpin the review [5], [8]. Thus, the research protocol by Tranfield et al. [36] was followed, which is composed of three stages: review planning, review conduction, and dissemination of knowledge.

        2. Stage 1: SLR Planning

          The first phase of the SLR consists of its planning, which entails identifying the need for review, preparation of articles accepted for review, and finally, development of a research protocol. Verified that no published SLRs involve the terms improved critical thinking skills and experiments; then, the article was elaborated and a protocol was developed, containing information on the specific issues addressed by the study, the sample, and criteria for inclusion of the study in the SLR, as suggested by Tranfield et al. [36]. A protocol is a plan that ensures research objectivity by explicitly describing the steps to be taken [37], [38].

        3. Stage 2: Conducting the SLR

          The second step is to carry out an article search in a comprehensive and impartial way, choosing keywords that best align with the research question[37], [38]. Searches using keywords in the English language that characterize improving critical thinking and experiments were carried out in two journal databases, WOS and Scopus. The search string TS = (improving critical thinking* AND experiment*) was used in WOS, and the string used in Scopus was TITLE-ABSKEY (improving critical thinking* AND experiment*).

          As the subject of improving critical thinking and experiments is broad, some restrictions were applied. Only articles written in English were chosen. They must fit into certain areas of the SCImago Journal Ranking (SJR)-education. They must be published between 2018 and 2023. Journals must belong to Q1 and Q4 of the SJR (to capture only the most relevant journals). Duplicate articles were taken from one of the databases; and titles, abstracts, and keywords of the articles were read to ensure that they fitted the topic. In the paper selection process, the desired areas/subjects and quartiles were defined previously, both from SCImago. From the articles that emerged in the filtering, each of the journals in which the papers were published were consulted in the SCImagos website, to know which areas and quartiles the journals belonged to Fig. 2 presents the flowchart of the articles selection.

          Fig. 2. Flowchart of the textual corpus selection process The search was carried out on Scopus and WOS

          indexed journals. Based on your search we found 7 results in WOS, while 53 results in Scopus. After the application of all search filters, 7 articles in the WOS and 43 in the Scopus database remained, totaling 50 articles that compose the research corpus, published in 30 journals.

          Selected articles were grouped in a spreadsheet and data regarding citation indicators and content of each study were extracted. For the citation indicatorsthere are six items: year of publication, journal in which it was published, topic, sample/participant, and level study, and methodology.

        4. Stage 3: Dissemination of knowledge

        The third stage is the dissemination of results. According to Tranfield et al.[36], through this stage, there is the generation of knowledge. This stage comprised the detailed analysis of characteristics of the papers composing the research corpus, based on data collected in the citation indicators. The spreadsheet and HistCite [39] software were used.

        At this stage, the following tasks were undertaken: (a) verifying the number of publications per year, (b) examining which journals are the most relevant in the topic, (c) knowing the countries and institutes to which the authors are affiliated,

        (d) analyzing the authorship composition of the papers, and (f) performing authors cocitation and bibliographic coupling analyses. Tranfield et al. [36] and Valcanover [40] pointed these tasks as fundamental for an SLR.

        From 2018 to 2022 there tends to be a gradual increase in the number of articles published, from 6 articles (13.95%) in 2018, decreasing to five articles (11.63%) in 2019 and 2020. However, the number of articles has increased quite a bit. significant in 2020 with 10 articles (23.26%) relevant, or there may be more publications in journals belonging to other citation sites (Q1 to Q4), which are not part of the sample because they do not represent the topic.

        Thinking Skills and Creativity






        Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences






        International Journal of Instruction






        Journal of Turkish Science Education






        Physical Review Physics Education Research






        International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education





        Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching





        Hong Kong

        Malaysian Online Journal Of Educational Management






        Journal of Hunan University (Natural







        European Journal of Educational Research






        Asia-Pacific Education Researcher






        Research in







        Number of articles








        Science & Technological Education

        International Journal of Science Education






        Journal of Technology and Science Education






        Computer Applications in Engineering Education






        Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia







        Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education






        Knowledge Management & E-Learning






        International Journal of Educational Methodology






        International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies






        International Journal of Information and







        Number of Published Articles

        12 11


        8 13,95%










        5 5



        2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

        Year of Publication

        Fig. 3. Distribution of articles published per year between

        2018 and 2023


        1. Distribution of the Textual Corpus Per Year

          The first step of the analysis shows the distribution of articles published during the studied period, 2018 to 2023. As observed in Figure 3, there was great variation in the frequency of publication of articles on the improving critical thinking students.

          Based on review, during 2022, 11 articles (25,58% of the sample) were published, being the period with the highest number of published papers for the entire period. The paper by Mafarja et al. [34], titled Using Reciprocal Teaching Strategy to Improve Physics Students Critical Thinking Ability, published in 2022 in EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, achieved a total of 66 citations worldwide until the data collection to this paper was completed, being the most cited paper of the textual corpus.

          Table 1. Analysis of the Journals Reputation

          Technology Education


          International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering, and Education





          I U


          p a

          Serbia a

          Revista mexicana de fisica






          TEM Journal






          International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education






          Science & Education






          As observed, the 128 authors are scattered in 12 countries. urthermore, the most authors work in institutions located in the ndonesia with 88 authors (68.75% of the total). In second place, nited States has 9 authors (7.03%), whereas Malaysia has 7 uthors (5.47%), India has 5 authors (3.91%), Philippines, China, Belgium Italy each have 4 authors (3.13% each) articipating in their institutions, Turkey has 3 authors (2.34%), nd Mexico, UK, Saudi Arabia, and Ethiopia each just have 1 uthors (0.78% each) participating in their institutions.

        2. Reputation of Textual Corpus Journals

          The second analysis concerns the characteristics of the 27 journals indexed scopus in which the articles of the research corpus were published. Table 1 shows a list with the journals names, the number of articles published in each of them during the period, the SJR quartile to which they belong, their SJR and H indexes, and their countries of origin. Such indexes help to verify the productivity and relevance of journals.

          In the period studied, the Journal of Technology and Science Education published the highest number of articles (5 articles, 18% of the sample), being the most relevant journal. This figure is quite expressive, because the second most productive journal is the Indonesian Science Education Journal with four articles (15%) followed by EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education & Organization, and International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies each with only three articles (11%). Other journals publish an article or two. For the SJR classification quartile, 8 journals are included in the Q1 citation quartile (30% of total journals), while seven are in Q2 (26%). The most productive journal is located in Q3. There are 9 journals included in the Q3 citation quartile (33% of the total journals). While there are only 3 journals that are included in the q4 citation quartile.

          For the SJR and H indices, Science & Education has the highest SJR and H indices, while this journal only publishes one article in the sample. Regarding the country of origin of the journal, four came from England (15.38% of the sample) which is the most of the sample. Furthermore, the analysis of journals productivity is supported by Bradfords [7], [35] law, because it was possible to visualize that the logarithm of the cumulative number of journals and the cumulative number of papers formed an approximately -shaped graphic.

        3. Distribution of Textual Corpus Authors by Country

          Subsequently, the articles authorship was analyzed. According to HistCite software, the total number of authors is 128, distributed among the 50 articles in the database. Regarding the authors place of work, Figure 4 presents its distribution by country.

          Fig 3. Distribution of authors of the textual corpus by


        4. Selection of Physics Topics

          Distribution of selection of physics material is determined based on urgency related to critical thinking skills. Figure 4 presents a table that illustrates the amount of material selected which is associated with critical thinking skills.

          Amount of Material Physics






          Fluid Static

          Work and Energy

          Heat and

          Force and Motion

          Fluid Static Fluid Dynamic Electromagnet Thermodynamic Optic Wave

          Rotation Motion

          Hooke's Law Static Electricity


          Lorentz Force Global Warming


          Material Physics

          Fig 4. The amount of physics material used as a research


          Based on the graphs presented, it can be seen that the most force and motion material (18.5%) is used as a research topic related to critical thinking skills at all levels of education. Followed by heat and temperature (13%) as the second most material chosen as a research topic.

        5. Analyses of Topic

          Based on the topic relationship title search using the VOS Viewer, critical thinking skills are widely studied with other variables. Figure 4 illustrates the relationship between critical

          thinking skills in physics and other variables, such as critical thinking skills that must be possessed by senior high school students, their implementation in physics concepts, and the use of learning models that can improve students' critical thinking skills.

          Fig 4. Topic network.

          Source. Prepared by the authors. Created with VOSviewer

        6. Pedagogical Approaches

        Across the 50 papers, there was a significant variation in the teaching and learning approaches applied in the classroom. We grouped these approaches under educational disciplines; Physics. The pedagogical approaches used across the studies are diverse in their design providing the children with different levels of instruction to interact with a task or activity. Nevertheless, there are commonalities within the application of the methods. For example, all the approaches involve the role students and encouraging them to share their ideas concerning a task or activity. Consequently, at some level, all of the above are encouraging active learning.

        Paul and Elder [8] propose that if an educator teaches a students how to think critically, the educator must explicitly understand what they are teaching and explain this with clarity to the learners. Evidence of explicit instruction was demonstrated in four studies that promoted thinking language and modelling thinking skills in the classrooms [4], [27], [32]. While in Kustyarini [29] observational study, findings also referred to the impact of active learning. Results from this study suggest that a range of classroom interactions promote critical thinking when the educators are aware of the concept of critical thinking. In Kustyarinis study, the participating educators had taken a training course on conceptual pedagogy.

        Based on the literature review, we summarize three main points that can improve students' critical thinking skills which can be seen in the table 2.

        Component Process Learning

        SJR Quartile






        Learning Model





        Learning Media






        Learning Approaches






        Based on the literature review that has been done, it can be seen that the learning model has the biggest role in improving critical thinking skills (48.84%), followed by learning approaches (32.56%), and learning media (18.60%). These three components are of great concern to always be evaluated

        for the realization of active learning that is able to improve students' critical thinking skills.


Scholars emphasise that if critical thinking is to be explored in the learning environment, a clear and accurate conceptualisation of its characteristics is essential [16], [30]. By highlighting characteristics of critical thinking by naming the skills of reasoning and problem solving (see Table 2), we now have a clear baseline from which we can develop pedagogies that suit the context in which we teach. In doing this, the review has identified learning processes in senior high school everyday experiences that educators, through awareness, can support.

The results of the systematic review strongly suggest that critical thinking can be developed through active learning in learning process when educators know what learning components need to be evaluated and followed up for sustainable learnings (see Table 2). This review has reinforced messages from the literature recognising the importance of developing critical thinking skills during the school years [6]. Thus, we recommend that the research gap identified in respect of higher education could be addressed by investigating learning process that could include further research investigating how experiment method as pedagogy could scaffold critical thinking skills in higher education.


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