
- Open Access
- Authors : Ishfaq Hussain
- Paper ID : IJERTV14IS010072
- Volume & Issue : Volume 14, Issue 1 (January 2025)
- Published (First Online): 31-01-2025
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Finite Element Analysis and Topology Optimization of Bamboo Bike Frame
Ishfaq Hussain
Department of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Coventry University
Coventry, England, UK
Abstract – In response to the global imperative for sustainable solutions, this study investigates the finite element analysis (FEA) and optimization of bamboo as a material for bicycle frames. As eco-friendly transportation gains importance, bicycles are recognized as a key component of sustainable mobility. This research utilizes FEA to thoroughly examine the structural performance of bamboo frames, enabling design optimization to enhance their strength and durability. The objectives include creating a comprehensive 3D FEA model of the bamboo bike frame, simulating various loading scenarios, and using the FEA results for topology optimization. Special emphasis is placed on assessing bamboo's environmental impact in comparison to traditional materials like steel and aluminum. Bamboo's intrinsic properties, such as high tensile strength, lightweight nature, and natural vibration absorption, present it as a compelling alternative for bike frame construction. This study integrates FEA techniques, and topology optimization to establish the viability of bamboo as a material for bicycle frames, highlighting key factors influencing frame design, material properties, and optimization techniques.
Keywords Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Bicycle Frame, Bamboo Material, Topology Optimization, Material Properties
In the face of unprecedented global challenges, sustainable solutions across various life aspects have become imperative. Transportation, a pivotal domain in this endeavour, is increasingly turning towards eco-friendly alternatives to mitigate its environmental footprint. Among these alternatives, bicycles have emerged as a sustainable and environmentally friendly mode of transport. The choice of materials for bicycle frame construction significantly influences their performance, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness. Traditional materials like aluminium, carbon fiber, and steel have long dominated the bicycle industry, but the introduction of sustainable materials such as bamboo has brought about a significant shift [1].
Bamboo bicycles present a promising alternative due to bamboo's inherent properties like high tensile strength, lightweight nature, and natural vibration-damping capabilities. These properties not only make bamboo an environmentally friendly choice but also offer unique riding experiences [1]. Bamboo has emerged as a promising alternative to conventional steel or composite frame bicycles due to its cost- effectiveness, rapid growth rate, and ease of processing. Furthermore, bamboo exhibits favourable attributes such as lightweight properties, impressive stiffness, and remarkable strength of approximately 40 KN/cm² compared with steel, which can resist 37KN/cm2 [2]. Bamboo is an excellent
construction material due to its high bending strength and flexibility. Unlike other building materials, bamboo can grow up to 40 meters tall and withstand strong winds without breaking [3]. Bamboo has an average ultimate tensile strength of 300-350MPa and an average density of 0.4(g/cm3). This strength is comparable to that of aluminium, a commonly used material to construct bicycles, which has an ultimate tensile strength of 310 MPa but an average density of 2.7 (g/cm3) [4]. The advantage of bamboo bike designs lies in their use of easily accessible and renewable materials, offering an alternative to potentially costlier industrial products. Environmentally, this approach is more sustainable since the materials for the bicycle's production are not mined and processed but are instead harvested and replanted as needed, ensuring a continuous and endless supply of bamboo [5].
The growing interest in sustainable transportation and environmentally friendly materials underscores the significance of this study. Bamboo bike frames contribute to reducing carbon footprints and offer unique riding experiences due to their material characteristics. Despite the potential of bamboo as a sustainable alternative, there is a lack of comprehensive research on its structural performance and optimization for bicycle frames. This gap in knowledge necessitates focused investigation to harness the full potential of bamboo in bicycle manufacturing [6].
This research aims to analyze the structural performance of bamboo as a material for bike frame construction using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and subsequently optimize the design for enhanced strength, durability, and sustainability. Through detailed FEA modelling, simulation, analysis, and Topology Optimization, this study seeks to provide valuable insights into bamboo's potential as a competitive alternative for bicycle frame construction, addressing the current gaps in standardization and predictability of bamboo as a material for bicycle frames.
1D Static Analysis of Bike Frame
In the 1D static analysis, the bike frame was simplified into a one-dimensional model, focusing on key structural elements such as tubes and joints. This analysis was don in HyprMsh, and it was ssntial for undrstanding th bhaviour of ths lmnts undr static loads, which ar consistnt and unchanging ovr time.
Th cor structur of a bik is its fram, which consists of ssntial parts lik th top tub, sat tub, had tub, chain stay, and sat stay. Ths componnts srv as th foundation to which th whls and othr bik parts ar attachd. The design of this bike frame has been tailored for individuals with a height ranging from 5 feet to 5 feet 11 inches, and the design parameters are shown in the table (1).
Table I: Design parameter of bicycle frame
Top Tube
585 mm
Seat Tube
508 mm
Head Tube
104 mm
Chain Stay
450 mm
Seat Stay
590 mm
Seat Tube angle
Bamboo material is considered homogeneous throughout the frame.
Variation in properties within the material are neglected for simplicity.
Bamboo is treated as an isotropic material.
Consistent mechanical properties are assumed in all direction.
Bamboo exhibits linear elastic behaviour under various loading conditions.
The analysis focuses on static loading scenarios.
Dynamic effects or dynamic loading conditions are disregarded.
A consistent environmental context is assumed during the analysis, such as temperature and humidity.
Material Selection and Properties
The primary focus is on the finite element analysis (FEA) of bike frames using HyperMesh for steel, aluminium, and bamboo to evaluate their mechanical performance. The r c
Boundary Conditions
In th analysis of th bik fram, spcific boundary conditions hav bn stablishd to simulat ralistic structural rsponss. Th rar drop-outs and front had tub hav bn fixd to mulat th scur attachmnt of ths componnts, rflcting ral-world structural stability as shown in fig (1). Th fixd constraints prvnt translational movmnt at ths critical points, nsuring an accurat rprsntation of th fram#39;s bhaviour undr various loads. Ths boundary conditions ar crucial for a comprhnsiv finit lmnt analysis, contributing to th assssmnt and optimization of th bik fram's strngth and durability
Loading Conditions
Numrous studis hav xplord th analysis of bicycl frams using Finit Elmnt Analysis (FEA) undr various loading conditions. Th invstigation involvd simulating rcumbnt and Schwinn upright bicycl frams, xposing thm to diffrnt scnarios lik vrtical loads on th string tub, vrtical load at th cntr of th bottom brackt, vrtical load on th sat [7]. Additionally, th simulations covrd static situations, stady pdalling on diffrnt pavmnts, and hard acclration on lvl ground and uphill. The research considers six loading conditions: static start-up, stady pdaling, standing up on biks, vrtical loading, horizontal loading, and rar whl braking.
1St Condition: Static start-up
In this condition, w considr th bicycl to b at rst, and thr's a ridr on th saddl with a wight of 700 N (quivalnt to 71.3 kg). W account for th gravitational forc, which is
9.81 m/s^2. It's important to not that this analysis dosn't tak into considration th impact of air rsistanc.
2nd Condition: Steady-state pedalling
In this scnario, imagin a prson riding a bicycl, wighing about 700N. Thy'r pdaling stadily whil applying a constant forc of 200N to th pdal attachd to th bik's bottom brackt.
3rd Condition: Standing up on the bikes
In cases where the rider stands up on the bike, forces of 300 N and 200 N are applied to the pedal and front head tube,
esearch aims to provide a omprehensive understanding of
how bamboo, as a sustainable material, compares to traditional bike frame materials. In HyperMesh, the properties of each material are utilized to create precise models of bike frames constructed from Bamboo, steel, and aluminium. This software facilitates simulations under static loading conditions to evaluate how each material influences the overall performance and durability of the bike frame.
Table II: Mechanical properties of materials selected
Modulus of elasticity (Mpa)
Poissons ratio
4th Condition: Vertical loading:
This condition rprsnts a vrtical forc quivalnt to twic th wight of th drivr, influncd by th G factor. The G factor is utilized as a simplification for the vibration effects of biking on uneven roads, holes, and rough terrain. The simulation introduces the "G factor" to account for the impact on the bicycle frame when encountering a deep road hole, assuming total energy transfer to the structure and it can be seen in Fig (1).
5th Condition: Horizontal loading:
A forc of 980 N is applid horizontally to th front had tub of th bicycl, simulating conditions whr th rar drop-out rmains stationary. In th bicycl manufacturing industry,
complianc with standards st by th Burau of National Affairs (BNA) in 1976 and th Consumr Product Safty Commission is crucial [8]. Evry bicycl dsign undrgos various physical tsts to mt ths standards. An xampl scnario is akin to a low-spd bicycl hitting a wall. During such tsts, it is ssntial for th bik to withstand th forc without dvloping significant cracks or dformations in ordr to pass th xamination.
6th Condition: Rear wheel breaking:
In this scnario, w assum a gradual application of hindranc spcifically at th whls, causing all loads to b concntratd only on th rar whls. Th load, quivalnt to 200 N, is applid to th rar drop-outs, rprsnting th braking forc. This condition simulats a dcras in spd and is intgratd into our analysis. Th procss involvs th drivr pdaling th bik until it rachs a stady spd and thn applying braks until th bik coms to a complt stop, as illustrated in Fig (1).
Fig. 1. Loading and boundary conditions
Mesh Convergence Study
In the finite element analysis (FEA) of the bamboo bike frame, the meshing process is a critical step [9]. The quality and size of these elements significantly influence the accuracy of the FEA results. For bamboo, precise meshing is crucial to capture its behavior accurately under load [10].
Conducting Mesh Convergence Tests to Ensure Accuracy
Mesh convergence tests were conducted to determine the optimal mesh size that balances computational efficiency with result accuracy. This process involved systematically changing the element size and observing the impact on key output parameters, such as Von Mises stress and displacement. The goal was to identify a mesh size where further refinement does not significantly alter the results, indicating that the solution has converged.
Selection of Optimal Mesh Size Based on Convergence Results
The following tables and graphs show the mesh convergence test results for the bamboo bike frame.
Table III: Element size vs von mises stress and displacement
Element Size (mm)
Von Mises Stress (Mpa)
Displacement (mm)
Fig. 2. Graph between element size and von mises stress
Fig. 3. Graph between element size and displacement
Based on these results, a 16mm element size was selected as optimal. This decision was made considering the balance between computational efficiency and the accuracy of stress and displacement results. At 16mm, the Von Mises stress and displacement values showed sufficient stability, indicating that further refinement of the mesh would not significantly alter the results. This mesh size effectively captures the mechanical behavior of the bamboo material under static loading conditions, as required for the accurate simulation of the bike frame's performance.
3D Static Analysis of Bamboo Bike Frame
The 3D static analysis begins with the detailed modelling of the bamboo bike frame. While the model does not replicate an exact bike frame, it closely represents the Design space of a typical bamboo frame. This model incorporates the unique characteristics of bamboo as a material. The 3D model is created using SolidWorks and it includes all critical components such as joints, and connections, ensuring a comprehensive representation of the frame's physical and mechanical properties.
Fig. 4. Design space for bamboo bike frame
Material Properties
Material Bamboo with Modulus of elasticity value 16170MPa, Poissons ratio 0.3, and Density 600kg/m3 which is equal to 0.6e ton/mm³. As we used HyperMesh for this analysis so we have mentioned the value of density in ton/mm³ and all other dimensions in millimeter (mm) such as length, diameter, an thickness.
The meshing used in this research is 3D mesh with tetrahedral elements types and the element size is 16mm as shown in Fig (5). This mesh size was strategically chosen to ensure a balance between computational efficiency and the accuracy of the simulation results. Tetrahedral elements, known for their flexibility in modelling complex geometries [11]. This element type is particularly suitable for capturing the intricate details of the bamboo bike frame.
Fig. 5. Meshing of bamboo frame
Static Load and Boundary Conditions
Static loads are applied to the 3D model to simulate real- world conditions. These loads include the weight of the rider, gravitational forces, and any additional static forces that a bike frame might encounter during typical use. In this analysis, we provide different loading condition scenarios: static start up, steady pedaling, standing up on bikes, vertical loading, horizontal loading, and rear wheel braking.
Fig. 6. Loading conditions
Fig. 7. Loading conditions
Boundary conditions are set to replicate real-world constraints, such as fixed joints or points of contact with other parts of the bike. This step is crucial for accurately simulating how the frame will perform under load, taking into account the unique properties of bamboo. In this study, constraints were placed below the front head tube and in the rear dropout of the bike frame models, restricting both translational and rotational movements as shown in Fig (8) (9).
Fig. 8. Boundary condition 1
Fig. 9. Boundary condition 2
Topology Optimization
Optimization methods will play a critical role in enhancing the frame's performance. The optimization process will likely involve the use of algorithms such as topology optimization techniques. This algorithms will itrativly adjust th dsign paramtrs of th bamboo fram, such as gomtry and matrial distribution, basd on FEA rsults and spcific prformanc critria. The goal will be to achieve an optimal design that maximizes structural integrity, minimizes weight, and ensures the frame meets the desired mechanical specifications.
In the topology optimization process for the bamboo bike frame, the following steps were methodically executed:
Design Variable/Space Establishment
The optimization commenced with the creation of a finite element model representing the bamboo bike frame structure, which defined the design space. The model was processed and prepared for optimization using HyperMesh, a pre-processing tool. Within HyperMesh, the optimization feature in the analysis toolbar was accessed to establish the design parameters for the bamboo bike frame. This step included updating parameters and pattern grouping to align with the specific optimization objectives.
Fig. 10. Establish design parameters
Setting Responses such as Volume Fraction and Weight
Key responses, including the volume fraction and weight of the frame, were identified and set as targets for the optimization process. These responses served as critical indicators of the optimization's effectiveness, guiding the algorithm in material distribution and structural refinement.
Fig. 11. Setting responses for topology optimization
Constraints Implementation (Limiting Value Fraction)
A crucial aspect of the optimization was the implementation of constraints, particularly concerning the volume fraction. An upper bound value of 0.3 was set as shown in fig (12), indicating that the solver should retain a minimum of 30% of the original volume in the optimization process. This constraint was essential to prevent the solver from utilizing an excessive volume, potentially reaching 100%. The establishment of this upper bound ensured a balanced approach to material reduction and structural integrity.
Fig. 12. Constraint implementation for topology optimization
Setting Optimization Control Panel
The optimization control panel is employed to define key control parameters, specifically setting the values of discreteness and checkerboard to 2 and 1, respectively as shown in fig (13). The choice of a discreteness value of 2 significantly influences the tendency of solid elements in topology optimization to converge towards dominant structures, incorporating member size control while adhering to manufacturing constraints. This strategic configuration
plays a vital role in guiding the optimization process, ensuring effective and controlled convergence to desired outcomes in the bamboo bike frame analysis.
Fig. 13. Setting opticontrol panel for optimization
Objective Setting
The objectives for the topology optimization of the bamboo bike frame included weight reduction and strength maximization. Weight reduction was targeted to enhance the bike's efficiency and maneuverability, while strength maximization was crucial for ensuring the safety and durability of the frame. These objectives were carefully balanced to achieve an optimal design that does not compromise on either aspect.
Finally, the optimization was executed using OptiStruct, a process that involved a systematic approach to refine the bamboo bike frame's design in alignment with the set objectives and constraints.
1D Results
In the 1D static analysis of the bike frame, three different materials, namely Bamboo, Aluminum, and Steel, were subjected to analysis using HyperMesh. The obtained results, as presented in the table below, showcase the displacement and Von Mises stresses for each material.
Table IV: 1D analysis results for different frame materials
Displacement (mm)
Von Mises Stresses (Mpa)
The 1D static analysis revealed that the Bamboo bike frame exhibited a displacement of 0.1371 mm and Von Mises stresses of 1.099 MPa. The figure (14) and figure (15) visually represent the stress distribution and deformation patterns in the Bamboo frame. The larger displacement suggests more flexibility in the Bamboo frame compared to Aluminum and Steel.
Fig. 14. Total displacement of bamboo bike frame
Fig. 15. Von mises stress of bamboo bike frame
Comparing the three materials, it is evident that Bamboo provides higher displacement, indicating a more flexible structure. Aluminum showcases an intermediate level of displacement, while Steel demonstrates the least flexibility with minimal displacement. The Von Mises stresses across all materials are relatively close, suggesting comparable strength characteristics. These results contribute valuable insights into the material- specific responses, aiding in the subsequent stages of the finite element analysis and optimization process.
3D Results
The 3D static analysis of the bamboo bike frame, representing the design space rather than an exact frame, yielded insightful results. The obtained values are summarized in the table (V), followed by a detailed discussion.
Table V: 3D bamboo frame results
Total Displacement
0.6984 mm
Von Mises
87.86 MPa
Yield Strength
142 MPa
Ultimate Strength
The total displacement of 0.6984mm (Fig 16) indicates the maximum deformation within the sitting area of the bike frame. This result suggests a degree of flexibility in the bamboo
frame, allowing for some deformation under applied static loads.
Fig. 16. Maximum displacement
The Vn Mises stress distribution (Fig 17) highlights the critical areas, with the maximum stress occurring at the rear drop-outs. The stress value of 87.86MPa is within the material's yield strength, indicating elastic deformation without permanent damage. This is crucial for th structural integrity of the frame.
Fig. 17. Von mises stress
Comparision with Material Strength
The yield strength of bamboo is determined as 142MPa, and the ultimate strength is 265MPa [12]. Comparing ths valus with th Von Miss strss, it is vidnt that th fram's strss lvl is wll blow th yild strngth. This implis that, undr th applid loads, th bamboo fram rmains within its lastic dformation rang, prvnting any prmannt structural damag.
Implications for Design
The obsrvd total displacmnt and strss distribution provid valuabl insights for th dsign considrations of th bamboo bik fram. Th flxibility of th fram allows it to absorb and distribut strss, contributing to a comfortabl riding xprinc. Th strss lvls wll blow th matrial's yild strngth nsur that th fram maintains its intgrity during standard oprating conditions. Th 3D static analysis rsults dmonstrat th structural bhavior of th bamboo bik fram. Th obsrvd dformation and strss distribution align with xpctations for a matrial with inhrnt flxibility.
Ths findings contribut to th undrstanding of th bamboo fram's mchanical rspons, guiding furthr optimization and dsign nhancmnts.
Topology Optimization Results
The topology optimization process resulted in a refined and efficient design for the bamboo bike frame, as illustrated in Fig (18).
Fig. 18. Optimized design of bamboo bike frame
Th optimizd fram xhibits a stratgic distribution of matrial, succssfully achiving th st objctivs of wight rduction and strngth maximization. Th utilization of HyprMsh for prprocssing provd instrumntal in stablishing th dsign variabls and prparing th modl for optimization. Th implmntation of constraints, particularly th uppr bound on volum fraction, nsurd a balancd approach to matrial rduction, prvnting xcssiv utilization. Th optimization control panl, configurd with discrtnss and chckrboard valus, playd a pivotal rol in guiding th convrgnc procss, lading to a dsign that aligns with dominant structurs and manufacturing constraints as show in Fig (18).
Fig. 19. Initial to optimized design
In Fig (19), we present the optimizd bamboo bik fram rsulting from th topology optimization procss. A carful xamination rvals a rfind and stratgically modifid structur. Th optimization algorithm, guidd by th prdfind objctivs and constraints, has ffctivly rdistributd matrial to nhanc th fram's prformanc. Ky faturs includ an rduction in wight, contributing to improvd fficincy and manouvrability, and a maximization of strngth, nsuring safty and durability. Overall, the topology optimization results demonstrate the efficacy of the approach in achiving a wll-balancd and optimizd bamboo bik frame design
Th finalizd and optimizd bamboo fram dsign was subjctd to various simulatd ral-world scnarios and conditions to nsur that it mts th dsird prformanc critria.
1D Analysis for Optimized Design
The validation phase began with a dtaild 1D analysis of th optimizd bamboo bik fram dsign. This analysis was primarily focusd on assssing two ky aspcts: dformation and wight rduction. Th objctiv was to ascrtain th xtnt to which th optimization procss had nhancd th fram's structural prformanc and reduced its overall weight.
Fig. 20. Optimized design model
Th rsults of th 1D analysis for th optimizd dsign of th bamboo bik fram ar prsntd in Fig (21) and (22) respectively. Fig (21) illustrates the lmnt stresses of th optimizd modl, indicating a valu of 0.6077MPa. This strss valu is crucial in assssing th structural intgrity of th fram, rvaling how th matrial rsponds to applid loads. A strss valu within this rang suggsts that th bamboo bik fram is xprincing rlativly low lvls of strss, indicating a dsign that can ffctivly handl th xpctd mchanical forcs.
Fig. 21. Element stresses of optimized model
Fig (22), on the other hand, shows th total displacmnt of th optimizd modl, which masurs 0.09049mm. Th total displacmnt is a ky paramtr in undrstanding th flxibility and dformation charactristics of th bamboo bik fram. A displacmnt valu within this rang indicats that th fram xhibits a controlld lvl of dformation undr th applid loads. This controlled deformation is desirable as it ensures that the frame maintains its structural integrity and stability during operation.
Fig. 22. Total displacement of optimized model
Comparision with Initial Design
In the comparison of the results between the 1D analysis of the optimized design and the initial 3D analysis of the bamboo frame, notable differences were observed as shown in table (VI). The 3D analysis indicated Von Mises Stress of 87.86 MPa and a Total Displacement of 0.6984 mm, while the subsequent 1D analysis on the optimized design revealed Von Mises stress of 0.6077 MPa and Total Displacement of 0.09049 mm. The variance in results can be attributed to the differing nature of the analyses. In the 3D analysis, loads were applied on the surfaces, providing a comprehensive representation of stress distribution and displacement throughout the three- dimensional structure. On the other hand, the 1D analysis, utilizing point loads, simplified the structure, potentially leading to discrepancies in stress and displacement values.
Table VI: Comparison between 3D and 1D analysis results
Analysis Type
Von Mises Stresses (Mpa)
Total Displacement (mm)
3D Analysis
1D Analysis
Yield Strength
Despite the variations, both analyses show that the Von Mises stress values are well below the yield strength of bamboo (142 MPa), indicating a favourable safety margin. This suggests that, even under different analysis methods, the bamboo bike frame remains within its structural limits, demonstrating resilience and suitability for practical applications.
Benchmarking against Steel and Aluminum Frames
To further validate the effectiveness of the optimized bamboo frame, its performance was benchmarked against frames made of steel and aluminium. This comparison extended to both deformation characteristics and weight. The objective was to evaluate if the optimized Bamboo frames deformation and weight were comparable to or better than those of frames made from traditional materials like steel and aluminium. This benchmarking was crucial to establish the optimizd bamboo frames comptitivnss in trms of both structural intgrity and wight fficincy.
Table VII: Benchmaking of bamboo against aluminum and steel bike
Initial 1D Deformation (mm)
Optimized 1D Deformation (mm)
Total Mass (ton)
2.448e-3 (2.22kg)
3.553e-3 (3.2kg)
5.241e-3 (5kg)
A detailed CAD model of th bamboo bik fram was cratd using SolidWorks, a widy-usd and prcis computr-aidd dsign (CAD) softwar. Th Final CAD modl rprsnts th optimizd bamboo bik fram, incorporating findings from th thorough analysis and simulation phass. SolidWorks was mployd to gnrat an accurat and visually clar modl, allowing for a clos xamination of th dsign dtails. Th us of SolidWorks in this phas highlights th importanc of usr-frindly CAD tools in translating thortical insights into practical and rfind dsigns. This Final CAD modl signifis ddication of the research to achive a wll-balancd dsign in trms of structur, optimization, and visual appal in bamboo bik fram construction.
Fig. 23. Final CAD model
In conclusion, th comprhnsiv invstigation into Finit Elmnt Analysis (FEA) and optimization of bamboo as a matrial for bicycl frams has providd valuabl insights into its structural prformanc and sustainability. Th utilization of FEA tchniqus, including 1D and 3D analyss, along with topology optimization, facilitatd a dtaild undrstanding of bamboo's bhaviour undr varying loads and conditions. The optimized bamboo frame xhibitd a significant rduction in dformation, as vidncd by th 1D analysis, with th initial dformation of 0.1371 mm dcrasing to 0.09049 mm. This rduction undrscors th structural fficincy achivd through th optimization procss. Furthermore, this research demonstrated that the optimized bamboo frame not only achieved a reduced deformation, as discussed in the results section, but also maintained a competitive mass. The total mass of the bamboo frame, amounting to 2.448e-3 tons (2.22 kg), was notably lighter than both aluminium (3.553e-3 tons or 3.2 kg) and steel (5.241e-3 tons or 5 kg). The results underscore the viability of bamboo as a lightweight and sustainable alternative for bicycle frames Construction. The combination of reduced deformation and lower mass positions bamboo as a promising material for enhancing the efficiency and environmental sustainability of bicycle frames
Anisotropic Analysis of Bamboo Material
In the future phase of this research, there is a critical need to explore and integrate the anisotropic nature of bamboo into the analysis. This identified limitation underscores the significance of prioritizing this aspect in future research to enhance the overall understanding of bamboo's mechanical characteristics in bicycle frame applications.
Dynamic Analysis and Experimental Validation
Incorporating dynamic analysis would provide insights into the behaviour of the bamboo bike frame under varying loads and conditions. Additionally, experimental validation is imperative to verify the accuracy of the numerical simulations and to ensure the reliability of the proposed design.
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