FPGA Based Design of Band Stop IIR Filter using Multiplier-less Technique

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV12IS120073
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FPGA Based Design of Band Stop IIR Filter using Multiplier-less Technique

Nirbhay Kumar Singh

ME student, ECE NITTTR, Chandigarh-India

Amit Kumar Rana

ME student, ECE NITTTR, Chandigarh-India

AbstractIn this current scenario, the demand of digital communication system is on peak, where Digital filter play an essential role. Digital filters [2] are mainly known to provided very minimum or ideally zero attenuation. In this paper, a recent technology FPGA based band stop infinite impulse response (IIR) with the implementation of a 16 tap multiplier less for digital signal processing applications because signals are subject to noise interference, hence filtering techniques are employed to remove noise from signals. The design of this IIR filter [1] on a field-programmable-gate-array(FPGA) using Spartan 3E xc3s1200efg320-5, and Virtex4, xc4vfx12sf363-12 chips from Xilinx Inc [3]. The Hardware Description Language (VHDL) is used for designing this IIR filter. The main aim of this paper is to give a comparison between Spartan 3E and Virtex4 on the basis of hardware utilization by a low-pass IIR filter. Here, the IIR filter is implemented using the Butterworth deign method as it meets the specifications with less complexity. Canonical Signed Digit (CSD) and Factored- Canonical Signed Digit (FCSD) representations are used to represent the filter coefficients and it is observed that the IIR filter with FCSD [5] representation is 53.426% faster than the Spartan3E chip for the given specifications.

KeywordsIIR filter, FPGA, VHDL, Butterworth, CSD, FCSD

Fig.1.Realization of IIR [1]

The primary attributes of IIR filters consist of a low filter order [9], non-linear phase, and susceptibility to instability. The Butterworth IIR filter has a slower rate of attenuation, but its phase response is more linear when compared to Chebyshev-I & II and Elliptical filters [10]. The equation that describes the magnitude response of a Butterworth filter is as follows:


    An IIR filter is commonly referred to as a recursive filter. There is a feedback loop that connects the output to the input in a recursive manner. In order to implement this filter [4], it is necessary to have knowledge of past, present, and future samples of the input, along with past values of the output. The realization [6] of a filter requires three essential factors: computational complexity [7], memory needs, and the implications of finite world length in the computations. There are three types of realization structures: direct form, parallel form, and cascade form.

    The direct form structure consists of two types: direct form – I and direct form -II. The structure exhibits several forms of design. By carefully choosing the appropriate structure, it is possible to decrease computing complexity. The Direct form

    -II structure [8] is utilized in this paper.

    In the context of filtering, the sign A represents the filter gain the symbol N represents the order of the filter, and the symbol c represents the cut-off frequency for 3dB [11]


    The “multiplier-less technique” in the context of digital signal processing (DSP) refers to methodologies or algorithms used to perform mathematical operations, such as multiplication or division, without explicitly using dedicated multiplication hardware or functional blocks [12]. Instead, it involves employing alternative techniques to achieve the same computational results with reduced hardware complexity and lower power consumption.

    These techniques are particularly relevant in scenarios where hardware resources are limited or when optimizing [13] digital signal processing algorithms for implementation in resource-constrained environments, such as embedded systems, mobile devices, or specialized hardware like field- programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) [14]. Several

    approaches fall under the umbrella of multiplier-less techniques:

    1. Shift-and-Add (Multiply-Accumulate – MAC):

      Utilizes shift operations and additions to approximate multiplication. For example, binary shift operations can emulate multiplication by powers of two, and a sequence of additions can emulate partial products.

    2. Look-Up Tables (LUTs) and Approximations: Pre- computed tables or approximations of multiplication factors stored in memory can be used to perform multiplication through table look-ups and additions.
    3. Constant Coefficient Multipliers: Algorithms [15] or techniques specifically tailored for constant coefficients or common multiplication factors can reduce the need for complex multiplication operations.
    4. Factoring and Reordering Operations: Rearranging equations or reordering mathematical operations to minimize the number of multiplications required. Techniques like distributed arithmetic fall into this category.
    5. Addition-Subtraction Networks: Utilizes sequences of additions and subtractions [26] to approximate multiplication operations.
    6. Algorithmic and Numerical Optimization: Optimization techniques specific to certain algorithms, such as those in digital filters or transforms, to reduce the number of multiplications or to simplify arithmetic operations.

    These techniques are often employed in digital signal processing applications, including audio and video processing, image processing, communications [16], and more. They allow for efficient utilization of hardware resources by reducing the reliance on dedicated and power- hungry multiplication units, leading to more resource- efficient implementations without sacrificing computational accuracy or performance. However, they may introduce trade-offs[17] in terms of precision, accuracy, or increased computational complexity in certain cases. The choice of multiplier-less techniques depends on the specific application requirements and hardware constraints.


    The choice between IIR and FIR (Finite Impulse Response) filters depends on the specific application, as both have their own advantages and trade-offs. IIR filters are often favored for applications where computational resources are limited, but they may exhibit more phase distortion than FIR filters. Always choose the type of filter that best suits the requirements of your particular application [20]

    Fig.2. Basic block diagram of Digital IIR filter

    Factored-Canonical Signed Digit (FCSD) representation is a modified form of Canonical Signed Digit (CSD) representation. FCSD representation replaces multiplication

    operations with addition and shift operations on the basis of a prime factor of coefficients. FCSD is the combination of

    factorization and Canonical Signed Digit representation of filter coefficients, which reduces the number of adders and also the cost of hardware. It gives a greater reduction in filter area, but there is a decrease in clock speed. The major drawback of this algorithm that it, increases the delay. The FCSD algorithm makes a trade-off between convergence calculation and complexity [18]. This example shows the comparison between CSD and factored-CSD algorithms:

    Therefore, the above example concludes that the number of adders can be reduced by using the FCSD technique as compared to CSD.


    The required parameters for the implementation of a 16 tap multiplier less band stop IIR filter using the Butterworth, the filter length, cut off frequency, sampling frequency. In this simulation, the filter order is 16, the cut off frequency Fc1 is

    8.4 KHz, the cut off frquency Fc2 is 13.2 KHz, the sampling frequency Fs is 48 KHz, and the attenuation is 3dB.The design specifications of an IIR filter are given in Table I [19]:


    Filter Parameter Value
    Filter Length 16 Tap
    Cut off Frequency1 8400 Hz
    Cut off Frequency2 13200 Hz
    Sampling Frequency 48000Hz
    Attenuation 3dB

    Table I shows the different parameters for designing of filter. In this paper, the Butterworth method is considered for designing the band stop IIR filter on the FPGA [21]. Overall, reducing computational complexity is an important consideration in filter design, as it can lead to more efficient and cost-effective implementations [18], particularly in applications with limited resources strict real-time processing requirements.

    The Butterworth direct form-II method is considered in this work because it reduces computational complexity and increases speed performance [22], but the major drawback of this method is that it reduces accuracy. As the magnitude

    response of the band stop multiplier less IIR filter is shown in Fig. 3

    Magnitude Response (dB) and Phase Response

    20 13.6999

    0 10.002

    -20 6.3041

    -40 2.6062

    -60 -1.0917

    Bandstop Butterworth: Quantized Magnitude

    -80 Bandstop Butterworth: Reference Magnitude -4.7896

    Bandstop Butterworth: Quantized Phase

    Bandstop Butterworth: Reference Phase

    -100 -8.4875

    -120 -12.1853

    0 5 10 15 20

    Frequency (kHz)

    Magnitude (dB)


    Phase (radians)


    Fig.3. Magnitude Response of Low Pass IIR Filter

    The phase response of the design IIR filter is shown in

    Fig.4. As IIR filters have non linear phase in general[23] but

    , the graph shows the Butterworth IIR filter has a slower rate of attenuation, but its phase response is more linear when compared to Chebyshev-I & II and Elliptical filters.

    Fig.4. Phase Response of IIR Filter

    The Impulse Response of IIR filter using the Butterworth window is shown in Fig.5.

    Impulse Response

    Fig.6. Magnitude and Phase Response of the IIR Filter

    The polezero plot of IIR filter using the Butterworth window is shown in Fig.7.

    Fig.7. Pole Zero Plot of the IIR Filter


    The proposed IIR band stop filter is implemented on two Xillinxs FPGA devices. Multiplier less IIR filter has been designed in MATLAB[24]. After that, it is further simulated on the FPGA using Spartan 3E,xc3s1200efg320-5, and Virtex 4,xc4vfx12sf363-12chips.The simulation results of CSD and factored-CSD based IIR filter using Spartan 3E, and Virtex 4 are shown in Figs.8 and 9 respectively. The filter responses on the FPGA are the same as on MATLAB.












    Bandstop Butterworth: Quantized Bandstop Butterworth: Reference

    0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

    Time (mseconds)

    Fig.5. Impulse Response of the IIR Filter

    The magnitude and phase response of a band stop IIR filter in a single graph are shown in Fig.6.

    Fig.8. CSD based IIR filter input-output using Xilinx Spartan 3E

    Here both the Simulation involves running IIR filters in a software environment, specifically utilizing the Xilinx [31] ISE tool. A test bench program is used to mimic the behavior of IIR filters by setting the inputs into the system. Figure 8 displays the Xilinx ISE Simulator outcomes for

    Spartan3E DSP [25], where as figure 9 exhibits the findings for Virtex4 as-

    Fig.9. FCSD based IIR filter input-output using Xilinx Virtex4

    The characteristics table of CSD and FCSD based IIR filter on Spartan 3E and Virtex4 chips[26] is given in Table II, III, IV, and V respectively. These tables show the availability and utilization of logic by Spartan 3E and Virtex4 chips [28].

    Logic Utilization Used Available Utilization (%)
    Slices 1956 8672 22%
    Flip Flop 272 17344 1%
    LUTs 3706 17344 21%



    FCSD representation consume 1934 slices, 272 flip flops, 3659 LUTs on Spartan3E and on the other hand, on Virtex4,

    the band stop IIR filter using FCSD representation [29], consume 1955 slices, 272 flip flops, 3704 LUTs and FCSD representation consume 1923 slices, 272 flip flops, 3637 LUTs. Hence we observe that less consumption in FCSD. The performance comparison between CSD and FCSD based IIR filter on Spartan 3E and Virtex4 chips[30] is summarized in Table VI.


    Parameter Spartan 3E Virtex4
    Slices 1956 1934 1955 1923
    Flip Flop 272 272 272 272
    LUTs 3706 3659 3704 3637
    Speed (in ns) 170.510ns 170.074ns 85.034 ns 84.789 ns

    Above table show that the FCSD representation, consume less slices and LUTs as compare to CSD representation. Spartan 3E and Virtex4 have minimum periods of 170.074 ns and 84.789ns, respectively. Hence, Spartan 3E has 50.145% more delay as compared to Virtex4.


    Logic Utilization Used Available Utilization (%)
    Slices 1934 8672 22%
    Flip Flop 272 17344 1%
    LUTs 3659 17344 21%


    Logic Utilization Used Available Utilization (%)
    Slices 1955 5472 35%
    Flip Flop 272 10944 2%
    LUTs 3704 10944 33%


    Logic Utilization Used Available Utilization (%)
    Slices 1923 5472 35%
    Flip Flop 272 10944 2
    LUTs 3637 10944 33%

    A 16 tap multiplier less band stop IIR filter using CSD and FCSD has been implemented on Spartan3E and Virtex4 chips. VHDL is used for designing this filter. The result shows that the band stop IIR filter using CSD representation [27], consume 1956 slices, 272 flip flops, 3706 LUTs and


In this paper work, a design analysis of a 16 tap multiplier less digital band stop IIR filter on an FPGA is presented. The Butterworth design method is used direct form-II to design ths IIR filter on MATLAB. After being implemented in MATLAB, the CSD and FCSD based IIR filter is further simulated on the FPGA using Spartan 3E and Virtex4 chips. Here, Simulation results show that the multiplier less IIR filter using Spartan 3E and Virtex4 have minimum period of 170.510 ns and 84.789ns respectively. Therefore, it is concluded that Virtex4, xc4vfx12sf363-12, is 50.145% better performance are achieved as compared to Spartan 3E, xc3s1200efg320-5. In future work, IIR filter design will perform based on optimal multiplier [25] to further moderate FPGA utilization.


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