FPGA Implementation of Modified Architecture for Adaptive Viterbi Decoder

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV3IS20558

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FPGA Implementation of Modified Architecture for Adaptive Viterbi Decoder

Prof. R.V. Babar1 , Dr. M. S. Gaikwad2 , Mr. Pratik L. Parsewar3 Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication (VLSI and Embedded systems) Sinhgad Institute of Technology (SIT)

Lonavala, Pune.

Abstract Viterbi Algorithm is the optimum-decoding algorithm for convolutional codes and has often been served as a standard technique in digital communication systems for maximum likelihood sequence estimation. In this paper, by modifying the well-known Viterbi algorithm, an adaptive Viterbi algorithm that is based on strongly connected trellis decoding is proposed. Using this algorithm, the design and a field-programmable gate array implementation of a low-power adaptive Viterbi decoder with a constraint length 9 and a code rate of 1/2 is presented. It is shown that the proposed algorithm can reduce by up to 70% the average number of ACS computations over that by using the non-adaptive Viterbi algorithm, without degradation in the error performance. This results in lowering the switching activities of the logic cells, with a consequent reduction in the dynamic power. This decoder is coded in VHDL and implemented on spartan 3.

Keywords-Adaptive Viterbi decoder, field-programmable gate array (FPGA) implementation.


    CONVOLUTIONAL codes and the Viterbi algorithm are known to provide a strong forward error correction (FEC) scheme, which has been widely, utilized in digital communication applications. As the error-correcting capability of convolutional codes is improved by employing codes with larger constraint lengths K, the complexity of decoders is increased. The Viterbi algorithm (VA), which is the most extensively employed decoding algorithm for convolutional codes, is effective in achieving noise tolerance, but the cost is an exponential growth in memory, computational resources, and power consumption. To address this issue, the reduced- complexity adaptive Viterbi algorithm (AVA), has been developed. The average number of computations per decoded bit for this algorithm is substantially reduced versus the VA, while comparable bit-error rates (BER) are preserved.

    It has been shown that the larger the constraint length used in a convolutional encoding process, the more powerful the code produced. However, the complexity of the Viterbi decoding process becomes very large for a constraint length is more than 9 size. As a result, it would be difficult to achieve a hardware implementation of a Viterbi decoder for, in order to meet the requirements of the power, speed and area. In recent years, Viterbi decoders have been mostly used in mobile systems that require portable battery operations, thus making the power consumption a critical concern to the designers.

    In the proposed algorithm called adaptive VA (AVA)

    instead of keeping all the states at each trellis level, only some of the best or most-likely states are kept. For any trellis level, should the state corresponding to the correct path be discarded, then unlike most of the other suboptimum algorithms, the AVA can automatically recover the correct state after a few trellis levels. Hence, catastrophic error propagation is avoided without requiring the data to be separated in blocks with a tail of known bits.


    The idea behind the Viterbi Decoder (VD) is quite simple, in spite of its inherent implementation difficulty. Moreover, there is a wide gap in complexity with the transmission side, where convolutional encoding can easily be implemented. Since convolutional codes are represented by a state trellis, the decoder is a finite state machine that explores the transitions between states, stores them in a large memory, and comes to a final decision on a sequence of transitions after some latency due to the constraint length of the input code. Decisions are usually taken by considering the transition metrics among states, which are updated in terms of either Euclidean or Hamming distance with the error-corrupted received sequence. The performance of convolutional codes strongly depends on their minimum distance, which in turn depends on the constraint length and coding rate. As a consequence, in order to increase the gain with respect to the uncoded case, there is a continuous trend towards increasing such parameters. Thus, complexity may grow up to a limit where classic implementation techniques are no longer viable. Recently, Adaptive Viterbi Decoding (AVD) for the algorithmic part and systolic architectures for the implementation aspects are increasing their popularity in the technical literature. In the AVD approach, only a subset of the states is stored and processed, significantly reducing computation and storage resources at the expense of a small performance loss.


    The Viterbi algorithm proposed by A.J. Viterbi is known as a maximum likelihood decoding algorithm for Convolutional codes. So, it finds a branch in the code Trellis most likely corresponds to the transmitted one. The Algorithm is based on calculating the Hamming distance for every branch and the path that is most likely through the trellis will maximize that metric. The algorithm reduces the complexity by eliminating the least likely path at each transmission stage.

    The path with the best metric is known as the survivor, while the other entering paths are non-survivors. If the best metric is shared by two or more paths, the survivor is selected from among the best paths at random.

    The selection of survivors lies at the heart of the Viterbi Algorithm and ensures that the algorithm terminates with the maximum likelihood path. The algorithm terminates when all of the nodes in the trellis have been labeled and their entering survivors are determined. We then go to the last node in the trellis and trace back through the trellis. At any given node, we can only continue backward on a path that survived upon entry into that node. Since each node has only one entering survivor, our trace-back operation always yields a unique path. This path is the maximum likelihood estimate that predicts the most likely transmitted sequence.

    Various coding schemes are used in wireless packet data network of different standards like GPRS, EDGE and WiMAX to maximize the channel capacity.


    The architecture of the Viterbi decoder is illustrated in Fig. 1.

    Fig. 1. Basic building blocks of the Viterbi decoder.

    1. The Branch Metric Computer (BMC)

      This is typically based on a look-up table containing the various bit metrics. The computer looks up the n-bit metrics associated with each branch and sums them to obtain the branch metric. The result is passed along to the path metric update and storage unit. The dashed rectangle in Fig. 2 shows the BMC.

    2. The Path Metric Updating and Storage

      This takes the branch metrics computed by the BMC and computes the partial path metrics at each node in the trellis. The surviving path at each node is identified, and the information-sequence updating and storage unit notified accordingly. Since the entire trellis is multiple images of the same simple element, a single circuit called Add-Compare- Select may be assigned to each trellis state.

    3. Add-Compare-Select (ACS)

      ACS is being used repeatedly in the decoder. A separate ACS circuit can be dedicated to every element in the trellis, resulting in a fast, massively parallel implementation. For a given code with rate 1/n and total memory M, the number of ACS required to decode a received sequence of lengthL is L×2M. In our implementation we combined both the BMC and the ACS in one unit representing a single wing of each trellis butterfly as illustrated in Fig. 2.

    4. Survivor Memory Management (SMM)

      This is responsible for keeping track of the information path metric updating and storage unit. Bits associated with the surviving paths designated by the path metric updating and storage unit.

      Fig. 2 ACS Unit of Viterbi Decoder


    The aim of the adaptive Viterbi algorithm is to reduce the average computation and path storage required by the Viterbi algorithm. Instead of computing and retaining all 2K-1 possible paths, only those paths which satisfy certain cost conditions are retained for each received symbol at each state node.

    Fig. 3 architecture of adaptive Viterbi Decoder

    This ACSU is the main unit of the survivor path decoder. The function of this unit is to find the addition of the four Hamming code received from BMUs and to compare the total Hamming code.

    In ACS unit, the VA examines all possible paths in the Trellis graph and determines the most likely one. The AVA only keeps a number of the most likely states instead of the Whole of 2K1 states, where K is the constraint length of the

    convolution encoder. The rest of the states are all discarded. The selection is based on the likelihood or metric value of the paths, which for a hard decision decoder is the Hamming distance and for a soft decision decoder is Euclidean distance. The rules of the selecting the survivor Path is:

      1. Every surviving path at trellis level n is extended and Its successors at level n+1 are kept if their path metric are smaller or equal to PMmin n + T, where PMmin n is the minimum path metric of the surviving path at stage n+1, and T is the discarding threshold configured by the user.

      2. The total number of survivor paths per trellis stage is up bounded to a fixed number: Nmax, which is preset prior to the start of the communication.

    In order to illustrate how the AVA operates, an example using a code rate R = 1/2, constraint length K = 3 is given in Fig 2. The threshold T is set to 1 and Nmax is set to 3 respectively. Initially at t = 0, we set the PMmin n Equal to 0 and the decoder states equal to 00. The received Sequence is {01, 10, 11, 01, and 00}. The symbol X represents the discarded path and bold line represents the final decision path by the AVA algorithm. For the sake of the simplicity, the minimum path metric of the nth iteration PMmin n is denoted by dm. It can be seen that at each trellis stage, the number of the survivor states is smaller than the VA (2K1) and gets the same decision paths as the VA. The optimal selection strategy for architecture parameter Nmax and T. In this paper, a range of T from 20 to 30 and a range of Nmax up to 2K2 are considered. The top level block diagram of ACS unit of AVA Decoder is shown in Fig 4. Path Metric Adder and State Merge Unit correspond to the operation of Add and Compare-Select Operation in VA respectively. Compared to conventional VA, two additional processing units are inserted into the data path of the VA: Threshold Selection and Survivor Contender which correspond to the AVA rule 1 and rule 2 respectively in AVA architecture. The Threshold Selection unit discards the paths exceeding the sum of the preset value T and the minimum path metric of the last iteration PMmin and the survivor contender is responsible for sifting Nmax states out of 2Nmax states. In addition, Min Path Calculation unit is responsible for calculating the minimum path of the current iteration.

    Fig.4 Trellis Graph of Adaptive viterbi Decoder

    The conventional Threshold Selection architecture is Shown in Fig 5. At time step n, the path metric of state i denoted as PMin and the branch metric from BMU, denoted as BMij associated with a state transition from i to j are added in the path metric adder. The accumulated path metric of state j, denoted as PMj n+1 is compared to the sum of PMmin n and pre-set constant T. Those exceeding will be discarded. In parallel to the operation of the Threshold Selection Unit and Survivor State Contender, the path metric of state j, PMj n+1 is fed into the Min Path Calculation for determining the minimum path metric of current iteration PMminn+1 ,which is stored for the use of next iteration.


    In order to evaluate the performance, the ACS unit as shown in Fig 5 is implemented with both conventional and reformulated scheme in VHDL models and mapped into standard cell based ASIC and LUT based FPGA technologies respectively. Here we do not take BMU and SMU into the consideration because the two components are the same in the different approaches. The specifications of the implementations are:

    • 64 states, constraint length K = 9

    • Code rates R = 1/2

    • 3 bits, 8 level hard decision inputs

    • Nmax = 16, T = 20

    • ASIC Approach: UMC .18u stand cell library

    • FPGA Approach: Xilinx Virtex600E

    Significant improvement can be observed both in standard cell approach and LUT approach. Also speed of adaptive Viterbi decoder is double than that of Viterbi decoder. Speed of Viterbi decoder is 1.126MHz and that of adaptive Viterbi decoder I have got is 2.256MHz.

    In addition, the power efficiency is enhanced compared to the basic comparison unit results. Further reduction in power can be contributed to the reduction of complexity in Min Path Calculation unit and Path Metric Adder.


    In this work, a high speed implementation of an adaptive Viterbi decoder which uses modified T-algorithm is presented

    .The use of error-correcting codes has proven to be an effective way to overcome data corruption in digital communication channels. Some of the conclusions drawn from the design are as under below. Efficient reformulation based architecture for Threshold Selection in Adaptive Viterbi Decoding is presented. The Reformulated architecture exploits the inherent parallism Between the Add Compare Select Operation and rescales operation in Adaptive Viterbi Decoding. Through reformulation, the hardware complexity for the threshold selection in Adaptive Viterbi Decoding is significantly reduced both in ASIC and FPGA technologies, which leads to a corresponding significant reduction in area, power and delay. It should be noted that the proposed technique will also achieve a similar power, area and speed efficiency with different specifications e.g. K = 9.

    Power and area has been reduced by dividing the Trellis Coding structure into two segments. Significant amount of power has been reduced in the design by modifying branch metric architecture.

    In the future, we plan to consider the decoding benefits of using a hybrid microprocessor and FPGA device. The tight integration of sequential control with parallel decoding may provide further run-time power benefits.


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