DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV5IS03068

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Ujjwal Gupta1, Student ,

1Department of Computer Application, Ganga Institute of Technology and Management,

Jhajjar- 124104, India

Narender Narwal2,

Assistant Professor

2Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Ganga Institute of Technology and Management, Jhajjar- 124104, India

Fuchsia is launch by Google. Fuchsia is a operating system. This system is based on kernel not on Linux. Fuchsia operating system is built on magenta. Fuchsia is launch for a smart phones and personal computer and they have a fast processor and non- trivial of ram.

Index TermsFuchsia, Google, Operating System, Linux.


    Fuchsia is a new operating system develops by Google .this system is not based on the Linuxkernel This based on the new micro kernel which is called the magenta. Fuchsia is a open source system. it is mainly in 24KB in size in some boot loaders.

    Google's own documentation describes the software as targeting "modern phones and modern personal computers" with "fast processors" and "non-trivial amounts of RAM." This operating system is designed for the new smart mobile phones and personal computer. This system is based on microkernel.

    The target of the software of the fuchsia is smart and modern phone and modern personal computer.

    Google recently began working on a new OS named Fuchsia that is not based on the Linux kernel like Chrome OS and Android are. it has also been designed to scale across everything from embedded Iotan application with limited RAM and a bounded set of functions, all the way up to modern smart phones and 64-bit Intel PCs with advanced graphics capabilities.

    Fuchsia could end up replacing Android and Chrome in future.


    The fuchsia Operating System was found as a part of a developer code on GitHub. The code of GitHub is

    Pink + purple==fuchsia

    The code is supposedly the early beginnings of an entirely new operating system, though Google has yet to confirm those details. Interestingly, it's not based on Linux Kernel – the core underpinnings of both Android (Google's mobile OS) and Chrome OS (Google's desktop and laptop OS).

    Fuchsia is developed by the Google. Reports of fuchsia operating system have claimed that OS will release in 2017.Brian Swetland, one of Fuchsia's listed developers, reportedly explained: "The decision was made to build it open source, so might as well start there from the beginning."

    Swetland also revealed Fuchsia is booting reasonably well on small-form factor Intel PCs and an Acer Switch Alpha 12 laptop.

    This operating system is not based on the Linux kernel which is based on the micro kernel which is called magenta.

    Fuchsia is built on the magenta.

    It's a "medium-sized microkernel" based on a project called Little Kernel, which is meant for embedded systems, such as a device that has a specific purpose but doesn't require a whole OS, like a router or watch. Also, the two developers listed on Fuchsia's GitHub page – a senior software engineer at Google and a former engineer on Android TV and Nexus Q – are well-known experts in embedded systems. Google's documentation notes Magenta supports user modes, graphics rendering, and a "capability-based security model". Although all this points to Fuchsia being an OS for Wi-Fi connected gadgets, it's worth bringing up that Google already has an IoT platform called Brillo.

    Fuchsia will also use Google's own Dart programming and a new user interface based on Flutter, the open source mobile development framework built for creating high-performance apps in keeping with Google's Material Design language.


    Fuchsia is developed by the Google. It is developed in private by the Google

    Which point the source code is made available publicly? Fuchsia approved the various license including revised BSD, NIT, APACHE2.

    The fuchsia is developed because it has a greatly improve graphics quality for the new smart phones and personal computer and look like Google might be searching for great graphics in the software domain whereas, many are focusing in the hardware domain. It could be used to power Internet of Things (IoT) devices, such as Google's On Hub router.


    Google recently began on the working on a new operating system is fuchsia which are not based on the Linux kernel like Google chrome and android operating system. It is based on magenta which is a medium sized micro kernel based on the project which is called the little kernel.

    Fuchsia is based on the magenta, and seems to show signs of begin used (IOT) internet of things and embedded devices but also scalable across on smart phones;

    Fuchsia could end up replacing android and operating system (OS) chrome or complement them as an additional as or it is just on experiment that gets shut down before it sees the light of the day.


    1. Escher

      Android police reported that fuchsia will be combing Escher rendering with open GI

      Escher rendering feature volumetric soft shadows color bleeding, light diffusion and lens effect.

      This will greatly improve graphics quality and look like Google might search for great graphics in the software domain

      Where as many are focusing in the hardware

    2. DART programming Language

    It is no wonder that Google own programming language dart of fuchsia.

    Dart is a multipurpose programming language .it is used to build web apps, light apps for internet of things (IOT) and mobile apps.

    This is really emphasis on the idea that fuchsia might be a universal operating system after all.


It will be big and it will have an impact. If it comes out as a universal OS running on desktop as well as mobile devices, Then, even Windows might face some serious competition.

As of desktop Linux, It will face its fair share of challenges. Fuchsia will be open source, fast, reliable.

Initially, I had doubts Fuchsia OS might hinder Linuxs growth. But then, Linux recently completed 25 years. 25 years of facing challenges, winning challenges and growing. Linux is built on a rock. It has a loyal user base. Awesome people contribute and make Linux better than ever. Linux will be better than ever.


  1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Fuchsia

  2. https://steemit.com/google/@dmilash/google-is-workingon- fuchsia-a-new-operating-system-that-isn-t-based-on-linux

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