- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 398
- Authors : A.Solairaju, N.Abdul Ali
- Paper ID : IJERTV1IS10067
- Volume & Issue : Volume 01, Issue 10 (December 2012)
- Published (First Online): 28-12-2012
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Gracefull Ness of Pk 2Ck
Gracefull Ness Of Pk 2
A. Solairaju¹ And N. Abdul Ali²
1-2: P.G. & Research Department of Mathematics, Jamal Mohamed College, Trichy 20.
Abstract: In this paper, we obtained that the connected graph Pk 2C4 is graceful.
Most graph labeling methods trace their origin to one introduced by Rosa [2] or one given Graham and Sloane [1]. Rosa defined a function f, a -valuation of a graph with q edges if f is an injective map from the vertices of G to the set {0, 1, 2 ,,q} such that when each edge xy is assigned the label f(x)-f(y), the resulting edge labels are distinct.
A. Solairaju and K. Chitra [3] first introduced the concept of edge-odd graceful labeling of graphs, and edge-odd graceful graphs.
A. Solairaju and others [5,6,7] proved the results that(1) the Gracefulness of a spanning tree of the graph of Cartesian product of Pm and Cn,was obtained (2) the Gracefulness of a spanning tree of the graph of cartesian product of Sm and Sn, was obtained (3) edge-odd Gracefulness of a spanning tree of Cartesian product of P2 and Cn was obtained (4) Even -edge Gracefulness of the Graphs was obtained (5) ladder P2 x Pn is even-edge graceful, and (6) the even-edge gracefulness of Pn O nC5 is obtained.
Section I : Preliminaries
Definition 1.1: Let G = (V,E) be a simple graph with p vertices and q edges.
A map f :V(G) {0,1,2,,q} is called a graceful labeling if
f is one to one
The edges receive all the labels (numbers) from 1 to q where the label of an edge is the absolute value of the difference between the vertex labels at its ends.
A graph having a graceful labeling is called a graceful graph.
Example 1.1: The graph 6 P5 is a graceful graph.
Section II Path merging with circulits of length four
Definition 2.1: Pk 2C4 is a connected graph obtained by merging a circuit of length 4 with isolated vertex of a path of length k.
Theorem 2.1: The connected graph Pk 2C4 is graceful.
T1 T2
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 VK-1 VK
T3 VK+3
Define f: V {1,, q} by
f(T1) = 0; f(T2) = q, f(T3) = q-1, f(T4) = 2
f(V ) = (q-2) (1), i is odd, i =1,3, , k+1
i 2
(2+ ), i is even, i = 2,4,, k+2
f(Vk+3) = f(Vk+2) + 1 f(Vk+4) = f(Vk+3) + 1
T1 T2
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6
T3 VK+3
Define f: V {1,, q}by
f(T1) = 0; f(T2) = q, f(T3) = q-1, f(T4) = 2
f(V ) = (q-2) (1), i is odd, i =1,3, , k, k+2
i 2
(2+ ), i is even, i = 2,4,, k+1
f(Vk+3) = f(Vk+2) – 1 f(Vk+4) = f(Vk+3) – 1
Example 2.1: k = 11 (odd) ; P: V | 19; Q: e | 20
16 15 14 13 12 11
0 2
10 09 08
07 06
04 02
8 10
19 17
18 3
17 4 16 5 15 6 14 7 13
03 01
19 11
Example 2.2: k =14 (even) ; P: V | 22; Q: e | 23
19 18 17 16 15 14
13 12 11
10 09 08
04 02
07 06 05
0 2
22 20
21 3
20 4 19 5 18 6 17 7 16
8 15 9
14 12
03 01
22 11
R. L. Graham and N. J. A. Sloane, On additive bases and harmonious graph, SIAM J. Alg. Discrete Math., 1 (1980) 382 404.
A. Rosa, On certain valuation of the vertices of a graph, Theory of graphs (International Synposium,Rome,July 1966),Gordon and Breach, N.Y.and Dunod Paris (1967), 349-355.
A.Solairaju and K.Chitra Edge-odd graceful labeling of some graphs, Electronics Notes in
Discrete Mathematics Volume 33,April 2009,Pages 1.
A. Solairaju and P.Muruganantham, even-edge gracefulness of ladder, The Global Journal of Applied Mathematics & Mathematical Sciences(GJ-AMMS). Vol.1.No.2, (July-December- 2008):pp.149-153.
A. Solairaju and P.Sarangapani, even-edge gracefulness of Pn O nC5, Preprint (Accepted for publication in Serials Publishers, New Delhi).
A.Solairaju, A.Sasikala, C.Vimala Gracefulness of a spanning tree of the graph of product of Pm and Cn, The Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 1, No-2 (July-Dec 2008): pp 133-136.
A. Solairaju, C.Vimala,A.Sasikala Gracefulness of a spanning tree of the graph of Cartesian product of Sm and Sn, The Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 1, No-2 (July-Dec 2008): pp117-120.