Ground Water Potential Mapping in Chinnar Watershed (Koneri Sub Watershed) Using Remote Sensing & GIS

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV3IS10529

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Ground Water Potential Mapping in Chinnar Watershed (Koneri Sub Watershed) Using Remote Sensing & GIS

T.Velmurugan1 Dr.D.Srinivasan2

1Assistant professor/civil, Roever Engineering College, Perambalur.

2Associate &Head, Department of Geology, National College, Trichy.


The present work deals with the assessment of groundwater potential zones in Chinnar watershed (Koneri sub watershed) at Perambalur district of Tamil Nadu based on remote sensing and GIS approach, in which, the IRS-P6 LISS III and survey of India Toposheet number 58I/15 & 58I/16 on scale 1:50,000 have been used for generating the thematic maps like geology, geomorphology, land use & land cover were prepared and assigned with differential weightage values. These maps have been overlaid by using spatial analysis tool in Arc GIS 9.3 version

.The groundwater potential map for the study area was derived and considering their respective weightage value. Finally the area was classified into four zones of groundwater potentials i.e., excellent, good, moderate, poor.

KEYWORDS: Groundwater potential mapping, Chinnar watershed (Koneri sub watershed), Perambalur District, remote sensing and GIS

  1. Introduction

    The conventional methods of groundwater prospecting surveys include well inventory, geophysical surveys, bore well logging, mapping of aquifer characters; water sample analysis etc., An addition to this branch of groundwater mapping is remote sensing. Remote sensing technology provides a synoptic view of the hydro geologic and geologic situation which facilitates better understanding of the groundwater hydrology of a large area. The importance of remote sensing in groundwater studies is based on the fact that

    images provide the much needed information on morphological and structural features that influence ground water flow. The study area around Chinnar Watershed is located in Perambalur district of Tamilnadu and lies between 11° 10 to 11°25 latitude and 78°

    40 to 79° 00 longitude.

    Remote sensing data provide surface information, whereas ground water occurs at depth, may be few meters deep. Hence, remotely sensed image data are unable to provide any direct information on groundwater. However, the surface regime which primarily governs the subsurface water conditions can be suited and mapped. Therefore remote sensing acts as a very useful guide and an efficient tool for regional and local groundwater exploration.

  2. Study Area

    The watershed lies in the Southern plateau & hill zone of Agro-climate regional planning with characteristics of semi-arid climate. The Chinnar watershed having geographical area of 467.023sq.kms, which covers Peramablur district in the Southeastern starting portion of Tamil Nadu. It lies between 11°25 and 11°10 of the Northern latitude and 78°40 and 79°00 of Eastern longitude. Watershed code no 🙁 4C1A6).

  3. Methodology

    The work consists of the following tasks:

    1. Identification and delineation Chinnar watershed from topographic maps of 1:50,000 scale

    2. Georeferencing of the topographic maps

    3. Preparation of base map

    4. Digitization of drainage lines, tanks from topographic maps

    5. Georeferencing and digitization of geology and soil maps

    6. Georeferencing and image rectification of satellite imagery.

    7. Identifying and extracting the study area from the scene of satellite imagery

    8. Extracting the study area from the scene of satellite imagery

    9. Image interpretation and preparation of land use /land cover, geomorphology maps from the satellite imagery.

    10. Integration of the thematic layers such as geology, geomorphology, soil, land use/land cover and drainage texture using GIS techniques for delineation of groundwater potential zones.

  4. Result & Discussion

    In this study, an RS/GIS based methodology that supports the relative importance of various thematic layers and their corresponding classes affecting groundwater, has been used to evaluate groundwater potential zone. The groundwater potential evaluated by the weighted linear combination of weights. Results indicated that only 12.5 % of the area was classified to have excellent groundwater potential and 30 % of the area was classified as good groundwater potential, with over 37.5 % being moderate and 20% area is poor groundwater potential. Thus the above

    study has demonstrated the capabilities of remote sensing and GIS techniques for the identification of groundwater potential zone. The wells having Excellent groundwater potential zone has higher cumulative frequency than the wells falling in good groundwater potential zone. Similarly the cumulative frequency of the wells falling in moderate zone is lower than that of wells having poor groundwater potential. This gives more realistic groundwater potential map of the study area which is used for sustainable development of groundwater resource management. Based on the result of the study, concerned decision makers can formulate an efficient groundwater utilization plan for the study area.

      1. Geology Map

        Table 1: Weightage values for different lithological units (score: 20)

        Lithological units

        Weightage value

        Groundwater potential










      2. Geomorphology Map

        Table 2 Weightage values for Geomorphologic units (Score: 30)

      3. Land Cover/Use Map

        Land cover/use units

        Weightage values

        Groundwate r Potential

        Agricultural land



        Water bodies









        Built upland



        Table 3 Weightage values for Land use/ Land cover units (Score: 30)

        Geomorphologic units

        Weightage values

        Groundwater Potential

        Moderately buried pediment



        Pediment valley floor



        Dome type residual hills



        Shallow buried pediplain



        Moderately buried pediplain



        Eroded pediplain



      4. Slope Map

    Table 4 Weightage values for Slope units (Score: 20)

    Slope units

    Weightage values

    Groundwater Potential










  5. Conclusion

    Results indicated that only 12.5 % of the area was classified to have excellent groundwater potential ad 30 % of the area was classified as good groundwater potential, with over 37.5 % being moderate and 20% area is poor groundwater potential. The groundwater potential zones like moderate and poor areas may be used for optimum utilization of groundwater resources, preparation of better management plans.

  6. References

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