Holographic Display Technology

DOI : 10.17577/NCRTCA-PID-034

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Holographic Display Technology

Advancements in Holographic Display Technology: A comparative Analysis

Ashutosh kumar[1] Vibha M B[2] [1]Student, Department of MCA, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore, India [2] Professor, Department of MCA, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore, India

Hologram technology has made significant advancements in recent years, revolutionizing various industries and opening up new possibilities for immersive experiences. This abstract provides an overview of hologram technology, its principles, applications, and potential future developments.

Holography is a technique that enables the capture and reproduction of three- dimensional (3D) images using light interference patterns. Unlike traditional two- dimensional (2D) images or videos, holograms create realistic and interactive representations of objects, allowing viewers to perceive depth, motion, and perspective. The technology relies on the properties of light and the process of interference to create a visually captivating experience.

Hologram technology finds applications in diverse fields. In entertainment and media, it has transformed live performances and events, enabling the creation of realistic virtual characters and enhancing stage productions. Moreover, holograms have been used in medical education and training, allowing medical professionals to visualize and practice complex surgical procedures in a safe and controlled environment. They also have potential applications in teleconferencing, advertising, gaming, and engineering design.

  1. As technology advances, people are constantly searching for more lifelike experiences. The rise of hologram technology is a result of this desire and has the potential to revolutionize the way we view and interact with our digital content. In this article, we will explore the history and development of holography, the different types of holographic displays available, performance metrics to consider, challenges and limitations, research methodologies, comparative analysis, and potential applications for the future.

[1] Holography is a technology that involves the use of lasers to record and display 3D images. It works by splitting a laser beam into two beams and directing one beam to a photographic plate while the other beam is reflected off the object being recorded. When the two beams meet on the photographic plate, they create an interference pattern that is then developed to create a hologram. This hologram is then illuminated by a laser beam to create a 3D image of the original object.

(Explore The Evolution Of Hologram Technology, n.d.) (Explore The Evolution Of Hologram Technology, n.d.)[2] The evolution of holographic display technology can be

traced back to the development of the first holographic stereogram in 1968. This technology used photographic film to record images and required a laser to view them. Over time, holographic displays have become more advanced and now use spatial light modulators, electro-holographic, holographic projection, and holographic waveguide displays (discussed below). These new technologies have enabled brighter, more realistic, and more immersive 3D experiences.

[3] III Types of Holographic Display

Fig.3.1 Spatial Light Modulator (SLM) Based Displays[3.1]

Spatial Light Modulator (SLM) based displays work by using a grid of thousands of tiny mirrors to modulate the light that passes through them. This creates a 3D image with high contrast and resolution. However, the viewing angle and field of view may be limited.

Fig.3.2 Electro-Holographic displays[3.2]

use liquid crystal displays (LCDs) combined

with holographic diffusers to create 3D images. They offer a wide viewing angle and larger field of view than SLM-based displays. However, they may require a higher resolution and slower refresh rate to create a smooth image.

Fig.3.3 Holographic Projection Displays[3.3]

Holographic projection displays work by using light projection to create 3D images in the air. They are currently less common than other types of holographic displays as they require large amounts of power and are more difficult to produce. However, they offer a wide viewing angle and field of view.

Fig.3.4. Holographic Waveguide Displays[3.4]

Holographic waveguide displays use a thin, transparent plate with holographic gratings to guide light to the viewer's eyes. This type of display is lightweight, has a wide viewing angle and field of view, and can be easily integrated into other devices. However, they may have lower brightness and resolution compared to other displays.

[3] IV Performance Metrics for Holographic Displays

Spatial Resolution

Spatial resolution measures the quality of an image in terms of the number of pixels per unit area. Higher spatial resolution results in clearer and more detailed images.

Angular Resolution

Angular resolution measures the accuracy and precision of the image as the viewer's viewing angle changes. Higher angular resolution results in a more realistic and immersive 3D experience.

Depth Perception

Depth perception is the ability of the viewer to perceive the spatial arrangement of objects in the image. Higher depth perception results in a more lifelike and immersive 3D experience.

Color Reproduction

Color reproduction measures the ability of the display to accurately represent colors. Higher color reproduction results in a more colorful and lifelike image.

Field of View

Field of view measures the extent of the area that the display can capture. A wider field of view results in a more immersive and realistic 3D experience.

Image Brightness

Image brightness measures the amount of light that is emitted from the display. Higher brightness results in a clearer and more visible image.

Promotion and Entertainment

Marketing executives utilize holograms to demonstrate a product's entire characteristics or details. Varied viewing angles provide

different perspectives on the goods. In the entertainment industry, holograms are also used.

Imaging and Medicine

Hologram technology is poised to transform medicine. It is capable of producing a full- color 3D hologram of the human body. Three-dimensional representations of complicated organs such as the brain, heart, liver, lungs, nerves, and muscles may be viewed by students and professionals.

This technology can also be used to aid with surgical planning. Before performing actual surgery, the surgeon may completely visualize the whole course of the procedure, increasing the chances of a favorable conclusion for the patients.

Industry of Telecommunications

The telecoms industry has also been actively working on creating methods to provide a holographic video calling experience. The world's first live international holographic call was made in 2017 by Verizon, a US-based telecoms provider, and KT, a South Korean telecom operator. This demand was confined to a 3D display on a monitor, rather than the virtual projection shown in the movies.

Virtual projection technology became a reality in 2022. Portl, a digital startup located in the United States, is one of the early adopters attempting to take you nearly anywhere. The business has constructed eight-foot tall automated booths with glass fronts that can be positioned anywhere you want the hologram to appear.

Holograms using Light Field Display

These are the kinds of holograms you might have seen in children's museums as a kid, but they're becoming better by the day.

Researchers are now using LCD screen advancements to create machines like the Hologram players One, which sends 32 views of a given scene towards their designated directions simultaneously.

This produces a "field of light" that a scene in the same physical volume would have produced. When combined with a depth- sensing camera, the hologram may be interacted with much like a real item or touchscreen.

  1. Comparison of Performance Metrics

    [4]The best holographic display for a particular use case depends on the performance metric that is most important. For example, SLM-based displays offer high resolution and contrast, but their viewing angles and field of view may be limited. Electro-Holographic displays offer wider viewing angles and fields of view but may have lower resolution or require slower refresh rates.

    Strengths and Limitations of Each Technique

    [4]Each holographic display technology has its strengths and limitations, which must be considered when selecting the right technology for a specific application.

    Potential Applications for Each Technique

    [4]SLM-based displays have potential applications in medical, engineering, and other technical fields where high resolution is crucial. Electro-Holographic displays have potential applications in entertainment, gaming, and education. Holographic Projection Displays have potential uses in advertising, gaming, and film. Holographic Waveguide Displays have potential uses in wearables and augmented reality applications.

    Recommendations for Future Research and Development

    [4]Future research and development should focus on improving the brightness, field of view, and resolution of holographic displays. Additionally, advancements in software and hardware systems could make holographic displays more accessible to consumers.

Summary of Findings

Holographic displays have evolved over time and now offer opportunities for more immersive and realistic experiences. Each holographic display technology has its own strengths and limitations that must be considered for specific applications.

Contribution to the Field

This research contributes to the field of hologram technology by evaluating different types of holographic displays, discovering their strengths and limitations, potential applications, and recommendations for future research and development.

Implications and Future Directions

Hologram technology has the potential to revolutionize how we interact with digital content, and as the technology continues to evolve, it has the potential to be applied in more settings. Future research should focus on developing holographic displays that are more accessible, versatile, and offer higher resolution, brightness, and field of view.


The general public is fascinated by holograms. However, holograms are major business. It is suggested that by 2020 the market for genuine, display holograms will be worth $5.5 billion. Here are some of the incredible ways holograms are currently used.

Military Mapping

Geographic intelligence is critical to military strategy. Fully dimensional holographic images are being used for improved reconnaissance. These 3D holographic maps of battle-spaces allow soldiers to view three-dimensional terrain, look around corners, and train for missions.

The company takes computerized image data and turns it into a holographic sheet. Not only can users look into the high-quality 3D image of the terrain stored in the hologram sheet, but the technology is simple to use and can be rolled up for easy storage and transportation. The maps are also useful in disaster evacuation and military rescue scenarios.

Information Storage

Society generates incalculable amounts of data every day. Digital storage capacity increases every year. Our personal computers store hundreds of gigabytes of information including family photos, videos and documents. Now think about a storage disc being corrupted. The losses are unimaginable.

Though holograms create fascinating imagery, they dont just have to record and present a visual object. Holograms are capable of recording pure data mountains of it. Holograms have the potential to store absurd amounts of information. The current prototype systems store 4.4m individual pages of information on a DVD like disc.

They also offer a unique form of long-term security.


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