Hybrid Test Automation Framework for Web Application

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV4IS041292

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  • Total Downloads : 3610
  • Authors : Bhagyashree Bhondokar, Pooja Ranawade, Snehal Jadhav, Mayuri Vibhute
  • Paper ID : IJERTV4IS041292
  • Volume & Issue : Volume 04, Issue 04 (April 2015)
  • DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.17577/IJERTV4IS041292
  • Published (First Online): 25-04-2015
  • ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
  • Publisher Name : IJERT
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Hybrid Test Automation Framework for Web Application

Bhagyashree Bhondokar1, Pooja Ranawade2, Snehal Jadhav3, Mayuri Vibhute4

Dept. of Computer Engineering MAEERS MIT College of Engineering, Pune

Savitribai Phule Pune University

AbstractTesting is the main technique to ensure quality and find out bugs in the software development. Hence, it becomes necessary to have knowledge about testing. This paper gives an idea of test automation. The main focus of our paper is to provide information about Hybrid Test Automation Framework for web application. It will be useful to run the test cases given in the input file (an excel file containing keywords and data) and generate report automatically with minimal human intervention. Organization can significantly increase the accuracy and speed of the testing process by implementing the appropriate automation framework.

KeywordsAutomation Framework, Test script, Selenium, Automation Testing, Hybrid framework


    Software testing is one of the fields that are growing rapidly in the past ten years. Till now, many approaches have been put forth but still there is a room for improvement. Software testing is defined as an investigation con-ducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the product or service under test [4]. Therefore, the main goals of this activity are to detect and prevent defects as well as to insure the intended behavior of the tested software [5], [6].

    1. Test Automation

      One of the most interesting parts of testing is test Automation. It is a part of both testing and development team which requires programming concepts as well as testing strategies.

      Need of test automation:

      1. Saves time and money

      2. Increases depth and scope of tests

      3. Optimizes speed, efficiency and quality of tests

        It all started with record and playback approach and further moving to data driven approach of automation and moving towards keyword hybrid automation.

    2. Automation Framework

    An automated test framework may be defined as a set of procedures, concepts and environment in which tests will be created and implemented [3]. There are a various types of test automation framework but the most common are:

    • Data driven Framework

    • Keyword Driven Framework

    • Hybrid Framework.

    The test data is stored in external files or database in case of data driven framework. Its biggest limitation is the

    fact that every time similar kind of tests is executed. This can be used in application which requires testing with larger set of data over similar functionalities. A keyword driven framework continues the idea of data driven frameworks and along with data action set is also provided in external files [10]. In case of a hybrid framework, the basic concepts of data driven and keyword driven are combined.

    In this paper, we presented information about Hybrid Framework.


    1. Java

      It is an object oriented programming language and platform independent i.e. compiled code can run on any machine supporting java. It follows WORA way i.e. Write Once, Run Anywhere. Java was released in 1995 as a core part of Sun Microsystems' Java platform, developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (which has since been acquired by Oracle Corporation).

    2. Selenium

      Selenium [1] is an open source software testing tool used as interface while testing web applications. Providing a well-designed object-oriented API that gives improved support for testing problems of advanced web applications is a main aim of Web Driver [1].By using each browsers native support for automation, it creates direct calls to particular browser. It supports different browsers like Mozilla, Firefox, Safari, IE etc. It is platform independent.

    3. Eclipse Java EE IDE

      It is an open source IDE. It helps programmers

      /testers write code much faster and easier way than using a text editor.


    The framework contains some main components, they are as follows:

      1. Reusable Library

      2. Library Files

      3. Test Data

      4. Test Report

      5. Test Screens AUT

      6. Test Scripts

    1. Reusable Library:

      It consists of common functions that can be used again and again. Application independent part of framework is situated in this folder. We are trying to create our framework more generic so that 70% of part should be kept

      in this folder. Special folder for application independent code makes our framework more reliable and useful for the various web applications. This part of framework will consist of various utilities which are common in many of the web application.

    2. Library Files:

      This consists of all the files required for test automation. It consists of various jar files supported by selenium. For ex: selenium-server.jar, selenium-java-client- driver.jar.

    3. Test Data:

      Test data is provided in the excel sheet as an input to our framework.

    4. Test Report:

      The framework will generate report for executed test cases. Log files will be generated with time stamp of execution of test cases and also their result Pass/Fail. It will also create email ready HTML report.

    5. Test Screens:

      This is nothing but AUT i.e. Application under Test, application on which our framework is working.

    6. Test Scripts:

    These are nothing but .java files which represents test cases of application under test.

    The Fig.1 shows the integration of various parts of Framework Structure.

    Fig.1. A Framework Component Structure


    The step by step approach as shown in Fig.2can be understood as follows:

    1. Execution of the test scripts start from the excel sheet input. Once you click on execute button, the Excel Reader file will go through the excel sheet to find out the actions and data set provided to form test cases that needs to be executed.

    2. Once it finds the test cases, it loads the test case into TestExecution and asks to execute those test cases.

      Fig.2. General Flow of Framework

    3. TestExecution (with the help of function libraries, object repository and reusable libraries) executes the test case.

    4. As soon as test cases are executed, control moves towards ReportGeneration Unit. Various screen shots are taken while executing test cases and report is generated.

    5. Once all the test cases have been executed, it will create the test results and will store it into its corresponding folders.


    In this section we will explain about how we can design and use Hybrid test automation framework in Selenium with Java along with example.

    In Hybrid testing, we write keyword that corresponds to an individual action like a click, selection of a menu item or other actions. In Hybrid automation framework, we create the different methods in Java that are mapped to the functionality of the application under test.

    Consider following example, we will automate it with Hybrid automation framework:

    Test case 1: Launch Web Application and verify URL

    Test case 2: To verify user is able to navigate to Login page.

    To automate the test cases, we will write functions in java such as Read_Sheet.java to read keywords from sheet and Write_Sheet.java to write rsults back to sheet. Similarly we can create different methods for different functionality. Object repository will be created to store Xpaths of web elements. Two different sheets will be maintained as

    Test case sheet (refer Fig. 3) and Data sheet (refer Fig. 4). These files will be provided as input to framework.

    Fig.3. TestDriver.xlsx

    Fig.4. Data.xlsx

    After taking input, driver instance will be created using selenium Webdriver. This will help to create interface between framework and application under test.

    Further main functions will be called based on the keywords used in TestDriver.xls. From those keywords, corresponding web elements are considered and their path

    is extracted from object repository. After that common function containing appropriate actions for web element is called to execute test case.

    At the end, report generation code is executed. Report in the form of log is generated shown in Fig. 5. Also HTML report will be generated as shown in Fig. 6.

    Fig. 5. logfile

    Fig.6. HTML Report


    1. It increases the importance and accuracy of testing and gives large test coverage.

    2. It provides greater reliability as when developer writes test case and adds them in test suite there is no necessity to remember that test cases.

    3. Compatible to different types of browsers.

    4. Multiple test cases can run continuously producing corresponding results.

    5. Operating System compatible can be used on any operating system e.g. Linux and Windows.

    6. Requires less time to execute test cases as compared to manual testing [11].

    7. Detailed log file is generated to show status of execution.

    8. Easy to use even if technology (no need of particular language specific knowledge) is not known to user.

    9. Although the initial effort for building the framework is high, in the long run, the return on investment will

    be high because of the reusability and optimum utilization of the tool.


The process of creating Automation framework requires detailed planning and extreme efforts. To achieve desirable features, one should design framework accurately. Such type of framework can then be used for any kind of application with minimum changes in any type of organization who requires automation testing. In this paper, we have presented idea of hybrid framework and its components. By using this Framework, instead of writing multiple functions separately, we have abstracted those things to excel sheet by giving keywords and test data as input which will help to test the entire functionality of Application under Test. This type of framework can be used widely in any type of web application for automation testing.


We would like to thank Prof. Mrs Reena Pagare (Department of Computer Engineering), MIT College of Engineering, Kothrud, Pune for her consistent and valuable guidance.


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  2. [Online] Available: www.softwaretestinghelp.com

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