Immersive Journey: Tele-immersion Unveiling A World Beyond Distance

DOI : 10.17577/NCRTCA-PID-052

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Immersive Journey: Tele-immersion Unveiling A World Beyond Distance

Anjali Sharma ,

PG Scholar, Department of MCA,

Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering,


Dr. Srinivisan V, Associate Professor, Department of MCA,

Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering,



    Tele-immersion is an emerging technology that holds immense potential for revolutionizing remote collaboration. It allows users to interact with each other and their environment as if they were physically present in the same location, despite being geographically separated.

    Tele-immersion combines elements of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and advanced networking technologies to create a shared virtual space where users can collaborate, communicate, and manipulate objects in real-time. By leveraging high-speed networks, immersive displays, and sensor technologies, tele-immersion enables a seamless and natural interaction between remote participants.

    The potential applications of tele-immersion are diverse and far-reaching. In fields like telemedicine, engineering, education, and entertainment, tele-immersion can enable remote experts to collaborate with on-site personnel, leading to enhanced efficiency, cost savings, and knowledge transfer. It can also facilitate immersive training scenarios, virtual site visits, and interactive cultural experiences, transcending physical boundaries and democratizing access to expertise. [2]


    Tele immersion is an innovative technology that aims to bring individuals together in a virtual environment, allowing them to feel a sense of presence and interact as if they were physically present in the same location. It combines elements of virtual reality, augmented reality, and advanced telecommunications to create an immersive and interactive experience.

    In tele immersion, participants utilize specialized equipment such as virtual reality headsets, haptic feedback devices, and motion tracking sensors. These devices enable users to see and hear the virtual environment, feel tactile sensations, and interact with virtual objects in real-time.

    The technology relies on high-speed network connections to transmit data between remote locations. This ensures that participants can communicate and collaborate seamlessly, with minimal delays or disruptions. By leveraging advanced

    networking capabilities, tele immersion enables the real-time sharing of audio, video, and positional information.

    Tele immersion finds applications in various fields, including teleconferencing, telemedicine, remote education, and virtual collaboration. In teleconferencing, it enhances traditional video conferencing by providing a more immersive and engaging experience, making participants feel as if they are in the same room. Telemedicine utilizes tele immersion to enable healthcare professionals to examine patients remotely, providing access to medical expertise regardless of geographical distance. In the field of education, tele immersion facilitates remote learning by creating virtual classrooms where students and teachers can interact in real-time. Additionally, tele immersion offers opportunities for virtual collaboration and training simulations, allowing individuals to work together on complex tasks or practice skills in a virtual environment. [1]


    1. In the paper titled "Tele immersion: Enabling Human Interaction at a Distance", authors G.Kurillo et al. provide an overview of tele immersion technology, discussing its components, such as virtual reality, haptic interfaces, and network infrastructure. They explore the applications of tele immersion in areas such as teleconferencing, virtual collaboration, and telemedicine, while also addressing the technical challenges and future directions. [5]

    2. A research article by M. Agrawala et al. titled "The Design of Virtual Environments for Tele immersion" 1997 delves into the design considerations for creating virtual environments in tele immersion systems. The authors discuss techniques for generating realistic and immersive virtual scenes, including 3D modeling, rendering, and interaction methods. They emphasize the importance of user-centered design and present case studies illustrating the effective design of tele immersive experiences. [6]

    3. The paper "Tele immersion for Distributed Virtual Reality" by K. D. Nisson et al. explores the use of tele immersion for distributed virtual reality applications. The authors present a framework that enables users in different locations to collaborate and share a virtual environment. They discuss the integration of real-time audio, video, and haptic feedback, highlighting the challenges associated with network latency, synchronization, and scalability. [7]

    4. Authors R. R. Koo et al. investigate the use of tele immersion in the field of telemedicine in their article "Tele immersion: A New Approach for Telemedicine?" They discuss the potential benefits of tele immersion in remote diagnosis, surgical training, and patient education. The paper also addresses the ethical considerations and privacy issues associated with tele immersive medical applications. [8]


    The general principle characterizes communication between locations using a graph, and for each directed edge of this graph, immersion is described as operations on volumes. The principle is based on the insight that, in order to be general, immersion must be described separately for each direction of communication. Using this principle, a typology is defined, which enables the comparison and enumeration of tele- immersion concepts

    Typology: The typology is based on three main components: communication, spatial immersion, and qualification of representations.

    -Communication: This component includes the communication graph structure and the number of users involved in the tele- immersion system.

    In CN terminology, variables like m and n can be used to define

    Easily classify related communication kinds using a set of CGs. A variable number of users can be represented by variables.

    or a varying number of places. The variable is utilised in the later case's exponent of the power notation.

    For example, in CN there are six classes for unidirectional one- to-many communication types: (a) 1 1 (b) 1| m 1, (c)1 m 1, (d) n 1, (e) n| mi 1, and (f) n mi

    • Triangulation Formula: The formula for triangulation to determine the 3D position of a point P from multiple camera views can be represented as:

      P = (X, Y, Z),

      where X, Y, and Z are the coordinates of the point in 3D space.

    • Spatial Audio HRTF: The Head-Related Transfer Function (HRTF) is used to simulate sound perception. It can be represented as:

      HRTF = H(, , ),

      where represents frequency, and and denote the angles representing the sound source position.

    • Video Compression: Video compression techniques such as the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) use formulas to transform and compress video data. The DCT formula for a pixel value at position (x, y) can be represented as:

    F(x, y) = [i=0 to N-1] [j=0 to N-1] f(i, j) * cos[(2x+1)i/2N] * cos[(2y+1)j/2N],

    where f(i, j) represents the pixel values of the input image and F(x, y) represents the transformed DCT coefficients.

  5. TECHNOLOGIES Initially the technologies used by

    tele immersion were:

    • Video Conferencing: Traditional vide conferencing technologies, such as webcams and video codecs, have been utilized to establish real-time visual communication between remote participants.

    • Motion Capture Systems: Motion capture systems, including optical marker-based systems and inertial sensors, have been used to track and record the movements of participants for avatar animation and interaction.

    • Depth Cameras: Depth cameras, such as Microsoft Kinect, have been employed to capture the depth information of the scene and enable real-time depth- based interaction within virtual environments.

    The new technologies which are being implemented now are:

    1. Virtual Reality (VR):

      With the use of VR headsets like the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, users may engage in tele-immersive interactions while feeling fully present in a virtual environment. [3]

    2. 3D Scanning:

      High-fidelity 3D representations of items or settings can be created using advanced 3D scanning techniques, such as structured light scanning or laser scanning, for accurate depiction in tele-immersion systems. [9]

    3. Haptic Devices:

      Users using haptic devices, such as force-feedback gloves or exoskeletons, receive tactile input and are able to interact with virtual objects by touching and moving them. This increases the user's sense of presence and interaction. [4]

    4. Light Field Displays:

    True 3D holographic images could be shown on light field displays, such as those based on photonics or plenoptic technology, offering a more lifelike and immersive tele- immersive experience. [10]


    1. Structure from Motion (SfM):

      • Notation:

        • Set of 2D feature points in an image: {p_i}

        • Set of corresponding 3D points in the scene: {P_i}

        • Camera projection matrix: P = K[R|t]

      • Formula:

        -Epipolar constraint: p_i^T * F * p'_i = 0

        -Camera pose estimation: P = K[R|t] = K[I|0] * [R|t]

        -Triangulation: P_i * P'_i * X = 0

    2. Bundle Adjustment:

      • Notation:

        • Set of camera poses: {P_i}

          -Set of 3D scene points: {X_i}

          -Set of observed 2D image points: {p_i}

          -Reprojection error: e_i = p_i – Project(P_i, X_i)

      • Formula:

        -Minimization problem: min ||e_i||^2

    3. Kalman Filter:

      • Notation:

        • State vector: x_k

          -State transition matrix: A

          -Measurement matrix: H

          -Covariance matrices: Q (process noise), R (measurement noise)

          -Predicted state: x _k|k-1 = A * x_k-1

          -Predicted covariance: P_k|k-1 = A * P_k-1 * A^T + Q

      • Formula:

        -Kalman gain: K_k = P_k|k-1 * H^T * (H * P_k|k-1 * H^T + R)^-1

        -Updated state: x_k|k = x _k|k-1 + K_k * (z_k – H * x _k|k-1)

        -Updated covariance: P_k|k = (I – K_k * H) * P_k|k-1

    4. Depth Estimation (Stereo Vision):

      • Notation:

        -Disparity map: D(x, y)

        -Baseline distance: B

        -Focal length: f

      • Formula:

        -Depth estimation: Z(x, y) = B * f / D(x, y)

    5. Surface Reconstruction:

      • Notation:

        -Point cloud: {P_i}

        -Surface mesh: {V_i, F_i}

      • Formula:-Delaunay triangulation: T = Delaunay({P_i})

    -Surface mesh: {V_i, F_i} = ExtractMesh(T)


    Tele-immersion technology refers to a system that allows users to experience a sense of being present in a remote location through the use of advanced communication and virtual reality technologies. It enables individuals to interact with others and their environment in real-time, as if they were physically present, despite being physically located elsewhere.

    Through tele-immersion, users can see, hear, and even touch objects and people in the remote environment, creating a highly immersive experience. This technology has the potential to revolutionize various fields, such as medicine, education, entertainment, and business.

    In simple words, tele-immersion technology makes it possible for people to feel like they're in a different place even though they're physically far away. It lets them interact with others and their surroundings in real-time, just as if they were actually there.


    In conclusion, tele-immersion technology offers an exciting and immersive experience that allows individuals to feel present in a remote location as if they were physically there. It enables real-time interaction with people and objects, making it possible to see, hear, and even touch things in the virtual

    environment. With its potential to revolutionize various industries, tele-immersion technology opens up new possibilities in fields such as medicine, education, entertainment, and business.

    By bridging the gap of physical distance, this technology brings people closer together and offers new opportunities for collaboration and exploration technology opens up new possibilities in fields such as medicine, education, entertainment, and business.


[1] Study on tele immersion which is a form of virtual reality , Sravanthi palle , 2016

[2] Tele-Immersion Concepts , Stephan Ohl , 2015

[3] 3D tele immersion platform for interactive immersive experiences between remote users , 2016

[4] M. Ghazisaedy, D. Adamczyk, D.J. Sandin,

R.V. Kenyon, T.A. DeFanti, Ultrasonic Calibration of a Magnetic Tracker in a Virtual Reality Space, Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium (VRAIS 95), Research Triangle Park, NC, March 1995

[5] "Tele immersion: Enabling Human Interaction at a Distance," authors G.Kurillo et al.

[6] A research article by M. Agrawala et al. titled "The Design of Virtual Environments for Tele immersion"

[7] "Tele immersion for Distributed Virtual Reality" by K. D. Nisson et al.

[8] Authors R. R. Koo et al. investigate the use of tele immersion in the field of telemedicine in their article "Tele immersion: A New Approach for Telemedicine?"

[9] M. Ghazisaedy, D. Adamczyk, D.J. Sandin, R.V. Kenyon,

T.A. DeFanti, Ultrasonic Calibration of a Magnetic Tracker in a Virtual Reality Space, Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium (VRAIS 95),

Research Triangle Park, NC, March 1995

[10] Cohen, Aviva, et al. "Sustaining a caring relationship at a distance: Can haptics and 3D technologies overcome the deficits in 2D direct synchronous video based communication?." Virtual System & Multimedia (VSMM), 23rd International Conference on. IEEE, 2017