Impact of Social Media on Brand Awareness

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV12IS03115

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Impact of Social Media on Brand Awareness

Mr. S.Madesh Arun Selvam, Assistant Professor, MBA Department, &

R.Sivashankar,M.Sudha, K.Saranya,Final Year MBA Shree Venkateshwara Hi-Tech Engineering College,

Gobichettipalayam,Erode(Dt),Tamilnadu eMailid- Mobile No: 6379915046

Abstract :

Social media provides a way to connect people, share our opinions. Picture and video extensions on social media are a great way of passing time similar to TV, hence it has gained much importance in the field of marketing. Most of the companies in recent times are showing interest on interacting with their customers via social media and promoting their products on different platforms of social media. The current study focused on the role that social media plays in creating the brand awareness among its users and it aimed to find out if the level of brand awareness influences the purchase intension of the customers. The results indicate that the creative content posted by brands, pre/post purchase support that the brands provide online, user responsiveness, brand attitude, brand offerings can motivate customers to interact with brands via social media and create awareness about the brand. It also shows that the level of brand awareness can influence the purchase intension of the customers.

Introduction :

The present world is innovation driven where social media platforms have turned into a road where retailers can reach a wide range of customers and showcase their efforts to gain more shoppers. Social media as defined by (Chi 2011) acts as an interface between brands and purchasers. The incredible increase of social media have helped organizations to use new ways to interact with clients, organizationshave to find out how social media can be used in a reliable way with their marketing strategy (Mangold and Faulds 2009). Before considering social media as a marketing tool a retailer must have to know about each part of it. Social networking can be briefed by defining and knowing about Web 2.0: a manner by which end users utilize internet, administrators on the world wide web constantly change their content for a better communication and provide scope for sharing. (Kaplan and Haenlein 2010). (Campbell et al. 2011) in his research stated that individuals are doing much more with

innovation instead of using it for data recovery users are expanding it and eventually the value of the sites are increased. He also mentioned that Web 2.0 has advanced from data recovery to intelligence, interoperability, and coordinated effort. (Kaplan and Haenlein 2010) characterized social networking as a group of Internet based applications that work in thesimilar way to Web 2.0, and provide the scope to create and trade the content produced by user. (Sinclaire and Vogus 2011) has stated that social media portrays programming instruments that can make and share the content from client's perspective. (C.F. Hofackera, D. Belancheb 2016) highlighted eight areas of the social media that could create problem for marketers they are: The liquidification of economy, Reactive marketing management, Customer creation and engagement, Multisided markets, changing customer purchase journey, Changing marketing skill set, Dynamic c2c sender receiver system, Gamified interaction. Online networking has turned into an approach to interface with individuals we know and offer our feelings on news and occasions happening the world over. With the expansion of picture and video media, web-based social networking is an incredible method for taking a break like

sitting in front of the TV. The absolute most well-known web-based social networking destinations incorporate Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Tinder, YouTube, Snapchat, the rundown goes on. There are a variety of platforms that provide scope for wide range of uses and attract users in different ways. Facebook is prevalent in light of the fact that clients would friend be able to and tail others they know or like and stay aware of the occasions going ahead in their lives. Twitter is known for the #hashtag and an awesome place to take after individuals and read about occasions in a quick and painless path since tweets are restricted to 140 characters. Instagram allows all posts to incorporate a photo or video took after by a subtitle. Snapchat enables clients to speak with each other through pictures and recordings that are seen here and there and afterward leave until the end of time. Every stage has its own novel interface, yet they are for the most part comparable in being an open online space for clients to associate and keep in contact. The present study focused on brand awareness through social media and what are the factors that motivate users to interact with brands on social media.

Literature review :

e an important part of one's lifestyle its data is being analyzed in many different disciplines. (Stefan S has now becomeStieglitz et al.'s 2018) studied about the challenges that are faced in social media analytics and found that volume of the data was more challenging for the researchers. One's motivation to share information on social media as said by (Afra Putri Ghailani et al.'s 2017) is consistent on what type of matter to be shared say it a sensational, political or personal information which is to share the response of the users. Socialization is the main factor that motivates user to share info on social media. As per findings social media is also involved to actively or passively listen to citizen's opinions. The main objective for which social media was used by the eGovernment are mostly related to Bertot et al.'s (2010) categories of transparency, accountability and democratic participation, lesser emphasis on collaboration and evaluation. When (Radhika Sharma teal 2017) aimed to study the impact of content in the facebook that was posted by 5 online apparel brands, on building trust among consumers. The results depict the positive relationship between trust and no of posts, comments and reactions. According to (Alev Kocak Alan, Ebru

Tumer Karadayi, 2016) generation Y are more prone to social media, an individual who is more extrovert are more likely to interact through social media to socialize and individuals with high level of neuroticism, agreeableness and conscientiousness are less prone to accept 3 social media. Firms need to understand the personality traits of Generation Y's social media usage to reshape their market offerings. (C.F. Hofacker, D. Balance 2016) in his research highlights eight areas within social media marketing that create challenges for marketers they must be used in the context of increasing the social media use and information sharing. Campaigning through social media can also help marketers to create awareness in a better way (G. Sampogna et al., 2016) in their research have found that in 2009- 2014 in England it has created more awareness and reduce mental health stigma. (Rendon Liu, Ayoung Suh 2017) referred the concept of self-branding through social media and found that social media provides more opportunities for people to establish their brands and market themselves in the line and mostly women who can also use increase their awareness on their rights. (Nur Shakirah Ahmad et al., 2015) has found that in recent times firms have included social

media as a part of their marketing strategy and are aiming to create awareness and promote their brands to the customers via social media. Social media content marketing has a major role in branding strategies that help the firms to increase their brand health score. Moreover, It has become important in recent times that companies must have an online presence and they need to observewhat's happening in the social media. World wide web and social media are making the world more convenient for all the participants without any language, cultural or economic barriers. Cultural differences in terms of trust are very less or sometimes non- existent. (Dreka's Nicholas Schmidt, Ms. Kamakshi S. Iyer. 2015) Social media has also gained importance in health care sector on the decisions taken by both patient and professionals. The benefits of social media in health care as per (Alma Petrescu, et al., 2015) is that patients get prompt answers for their questions and on the other hand it helps patients to interact with other


Figure 1 shows the steps involved in the study. To test the proposed hypothesis a self-administrated questionnaire based on the findings of the literature review was

developed which contained questions on certain variables pertaining to consumer buying behavior like exposure, searching alternatives, brand awareness,

  • Questionnaire Survey

  • Data collection

  • Factor analysis

  • Multiple regression analysis

  • One wayAnova

  • Interpretation of results

Figure 1: Steps involved in the process entertainment, opportunity seeking, need recognition, purchase intension, brand interaction, communication etc. with respect to social media and Likert scale is used to scale the responses. Demographics that were included were age, occupation, income, education. The sampling frame for the research are the users who use social media platforms more often. The sample size for the analysis is 200, responses were collected from the 200 respondents and analyzed. H0: Brand awareness has a positive significant impact on the purchase intension of the customers is accepted and the alternate hypothesis is rejected.

Conclusion Social media is considered as a revolution and hence social presence has been given much importance. Companies now a days are aiming to use social media as

a platform to maintain a better relationship with their customers and deepen the existing relationship. Marketers also use social media as a medium for promoting their products. Researches also mentioned that customers are getting attracted to advertisements and promotional elements on social media more than the traditional mass media. From the present study it can be known that social media plays a very prominent role in creating brand awareness among the users and it is also known that brand awareness has a significant impact on creation of purchase intension among the users. There are certain factors that motivate users to interact with brands they are pre/post purchase support by admin of a brand page, creative content by brands, purchase decision making, brand offerings, brand perception, user responsiveness, brand attitude. From the results of regression analysis from the seven factors that are known from the factor analysis only five factors play a major part in creating brand awareness they are pre/post purchase support by admin, user responsiveness, creative content by brands, brand offerings, brand attitude. Most of the respondents are frequent users of social media hence promotion on Facebook can help in creating more awareness on brands.


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