Implementation of Location Based Services using Android Applications

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV3IS030937

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Implementation of Location Based Services using Android Applications

(GPS Based Applications)

Amruta Chhaparwal (Author)

Dept. Of Computer Engg,

Bhivrabai Sawant Institute Of Technology

&Research Wagholi Pune, India

Supriya Sakore(Author)

Priyanka Dhasade(Author)

Dept. Of Computer Engg,

Bhivrabai Sawant Institute Of Technology & Research, Wagholi Pune, India

Prof. Sanchika Bajpai(Guide)

Dept. Of Computer Engg, Dept. Of Computer Engg,

Bhivrabai Sawant Institute Of Technology & Research Bhivrabai Sawant Institute Of Technology & Research, Wagholi Pune, India Wagholi Pune, India

Abstract Today mobile is very useful thing. It is a need of everybody. Mobile phones send and receive radio signals with any number of cell site base stations fitted with microwave antennas. These sites are usually mounted on tower, pole or building, located throw out populated areas, then connected to cable communication network and switching system. The phones have a low power transceiver that transmits voice and data to nearest cell sites, normally not more than 1 to 10km (approximately 1 to 8 miles) away. Every active mobile phone linked with a cell (cell phone tower). Cell is like a tower which contains high power transceiver which is responsible for communicating one mobile phone with other. Every cell has its unique id called as Cell-Id. For any service provider like BSNL or Idea this Cell-Ids are different. So this Cell-Id can be used as GPS. To implement location based profiling and notification system this Cell-Id concept is used. The whole concept is that, when we reach any desire place then our mobile should indicate us to complete some of the task as we have already come here. Example if we have to buy some books, we will just add this reminder in our mobile phone. Our mobile phone will alarmed us that we reached book market and we need to buy some books from here, or if we are at office, mobile profile should change to silent; if we are in market profile should get changed to outdoor and so on. So here we want to add alarms and profile changing modules based on location. For doing above task this application should be run as services which can auto start on mobile startup and on installation.

Keywords Android, GPS technology, GPRS, Google map, Location based service.


    Location based services offers mobile sever to retrieve the information about their current location and process that data to get more useful information near to location. With the help of A-GPS in a phone and through web services using GPRS, LBS can implement on android smart phones

    to provide value added services: Handset profiling, scheduling, alarm and helping them to find nearby hotel. The user of this product will be any user who has android phone with GPS support. Software has two major components one the server and other is mobile application. The server will require widows XP/Vista/7 machine with minimum 1GB RAM and 100GB hard disk. The server machines also require Wi-Fi devices which can create wireless Ad-hoc network. The user is expected to have android mobile phone with GPS support and should be able to send and receive data when connected to GPRS.

    In this application the main goal is that, track current position of the user and depending upon that position provide them customize services like profiling, alarm, meeting request.


    Mobile phones are now users basic need. Mobile provides static profiling facility. Many times there is needed to change profile depending on location. Profile of mobile handset is like the configuration parameter for so many things. Some example of profiles are office, silent, outdoor etc. now people use this profiles as their schedule but they need to update it after their action is over. It means profile cannot update by itself Location based profiling will automatically change users phones profile depending upon their location. Many times user tends to forget remainder that he/she has saved, for this using GPS saved location in the database will automatically alert the user about saved remainder when user reach to that particular location.

    The LBS is used to find the nearby hotels, banks etc, LBS includes security related jobs. It use for navigation user get map to particular destination, allow user to access local services or to find more detail information such as listening and rating movies playing in theater nearby etc.,

    advertisement or offers from the store as user comes with in the vicinity[10].


    Location based profiling and notification system should be auto start on installation or boot up. Then it can find current latitude and longitude value with previous latitude and longitude value. Database manager use to manage the database of the application (see fig-1), Then it will check whether any profile, alarm, notification is pending in the database for that particular location then application will behave accordingly user interface application will simply allow user to add, delete, and update the database.

      1. Reminder as per location

        Different location required the different reminder so that it requires different communication behaviors. For example user wants to purchase some books from book market and generally he/she forget to buy it, so that using remainder application can stored the related information of any specific location using Google map to database and when user come under that specific location then it automatically show the message according to the location and stored information related to that location in the database, this message will shown only once when user reach to that location, and when second time when user come under the same location message will not display.

      2. Profiling as per location

        User requires to set profile as per their location for example in college profile should be silent; at home profile is general etc. by using location based profiling application user can save different profile for different location in the database, and when user reach to that particular location profile will change accordingly, some public places has its default profile for example for hospital profile should be silent, for petrol pump profile should be offline etc. for such public places user does not need to save profile in database, profile will change by default. When user comes out from that place then profile will again switch to previous profile which is before that location.

      3. Messaging as per location

    In massage module if the user have meeting with other person then he/she can add the mobile number of that particular person in the database, and when user will goes under the area where that persons mobile is then message will automatically send to that mobile number that, I will reach their within 5 to 10min. this message will send only Once after user set that meeting.

    Figure 1. Working of LBS Component


    1. software requirement

      1. Android operating system

      2. Java programming language

      3. Android 2.3 edition SDK

      4. SQLite database

    2. Hardware Requirement

Any android based mobile phone which contains inbuilt GPS receiver.


    1. Set Theory Analysis

      1. Let S be the Location Based Services (LBS) S= {S1, S2, S3..,Sn}

        Set S is divided into 7 modules S1= GUI Hanler (GH)

        S2= Location Manager (LM)

        S4= Configuration Manager (CM) S5= Google Map Handler (GMH) S6= Database Manager (DM)

        S7= Profile and Alarm Manager (PAM)

      2. Identify the inputs as I.

Inputs = {X1, X2, X3Xn} X1= Location

X2= Profile Info X3= Alarm info X4= Meeting Info X5= Pleases Info

  1. Identify the output as O.

    Outputs = {Y1, Y2, Y3Yn} Y1= Profiling

    Y2= Alarming Y3= SMS


    UML Design



    Problem Description

    Let S be a system which act as

    Location Based Services (LBS); such that S = {S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7} where S1 represents GUI Handler (GH) Module; S2 represents Location Manager (LM) Module; S3 represents Configuration Manager (CM) Module; S4 represents Google Map Handler (GMH) Module; S5 represents Database Manager (DM) Module; S6 represents Profile and Alarm Manager (PAM) Module;

    S holds list of

    modules in the system



    2.1 Activity I Find Current Location.

    Let S1 be a set of current location request parameters.

    S1= {lat, long} Where,

    lat: Current Latitude long: Current Longitude

    If the GPS is off the lat long values will be invalid (0,0). If such cases discard those values and try for other values.

    2.2 Activity II Places Profile Switching

    Let S2 be a set of places for profile switching having parameters: S2={place_id, lat, long, profile}


    place_id: Place id to differentiate places types

    lat: Current latitude long: Current Longitude

    profile: Profile to be change

    information from Google places and extract its content. Find the places types and if places found to be public places then please switch profile accordingly otherwise switch profile as per user predefined values





    place type




    (place_typeis public place)

    f2:checkPlac es();

    Change Profile



    Else, discard


    2.3 Activity III

    Meeting request

    Let S3 be a set of parameters required for meeting request S3={request_id, dest_number, lat, long}

    Where, request_id: Request ID

    dest_number: Mobile number of the destination person

    lat: Current latitude long: Current Longitude

    User will input

    the destination mobile number for meeting request, once mobile reach in that area, system will automatically send SMS to destination number.


    Venn Diagram

    As described above in entire Process: Input(Location) Output(Profiling/Alarms)





    Lat, Long

    If (current lat, long is not valid )

    Discard lat,long

    Discard lat Long F1:discardL atLong()

    Else Record lat,long




      We use SQlite database. The Android operating system use SQlite database and output the results according to the query, which again takes into account the options, selected by the user. The following gives the various tables and their fields used in our database, which was a major design decision of our project.

      Sr. No

      Table Name




      It stores location id, location name and current lat, log value



      It stores the alarm note, alarm id and status of alarm.



      It stores recipient id, location id, mobile no. (mobile no of the person with whom meeting is set)



      It store profile id, profile name and profile type.

      Table 1. Location Table & Remark

        1. Fetch Current Location

          Column Name





          Primary Key



          To store location




          To store Current

          Latitude value



          To store Current

          Longitude value

          Table 2. Stores the location information for the users

          From table 2. It shows the different attributes which are needed to fetch the current location such as LocationId it is used to know the particular location id to identify. Locationname is used to know about the particular location name , it is used to store the location name any many more for different operations. CurrentLat is used for the fetching current latitude for the particular locations. CurrentLong is used for the fetching current latitude for the particular locations.

        2. Alarm Module

          Column Name





          Primary Key



          To store Alarm note



          To store alarm status

          Table 3: This table stores the alarm information

          Following alarm module shows the reminder at different conditions. It set the reminder according to set the location. Whenever we set any location at that time it gives alarm for this it checks the particular locations latitude and

          longitude waves. First when we set any alarm for any location, then if any person comes under that particular location it fetch the latitude and longitude values and checks in the applications database whether any reminder is set for this location if any then it match the lat and long values . And at last it perform the operation according to set the alarm.

        3. Meeting Request Module

          Column Name





          Primary Key



          Foreign key



          Foreign key



          Mobile no of the


          Table 3: This table is used to store Meeting information

          Following meeting module shows the application in which it gives the location of the user and mobile number of user. In this application if user1 have meeting with user2 then it gives the message to the user2 that I will reach there in 5- 10 minute.

          When the user1 who decide to meet to user2 for this the user1 set the location which is nearest to the meeting place

          of user2 , and when the user1 comes at the set location then the message automatically send from the user1 to user2 mobile as I am reach there in 5-10 minute

        4. Profiling Module

      Column Name





      Primary Key



      To store Profile




      To store profile


      Table 4: This table store profile Information

      Following profiling module shows the profiles at different conditions. It set the profiles according to set the location. Whenever we set at any location at that time it change the profile i.e General,Silent or Vibrate mode for this it checks the particular locations latitude and longitude values. First when we set any profile for any location, then if any user comes under that particular location it fetch the latitude and longitude values and checks in the applications database whether any profiling is set for this location then it change the profile modes . And at last it perform the operation according to set the profile.

      Suppose any student in college and if he/she set the profile in database of application silent , when he/she comes under the location of college then it automatically change the profile as silent , its due to the set the operation in database. And when the student get outside the college that time it automatically change the profile as General.


In present scenario as our life is getting more busier and mobiles is becoming our essentiality. we required LBS software shall be manipulation of all the task such as finding current location, notification etc. The LBS applications is used to set profile, meeting, reminder and it is portable to any android smart phone which supported to GPS. By using profiling we get the different profiles once we set at particular locations. For the case of reminder it saves the time by giving the notifications, it notifies the person that the other one had reached the location. From this we conclude that in future this all module will work as beneficial and time saving software.




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