Information Communication Technology Policy Design For E-Governance & General awareness

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV1IS4025

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Information Communication Technology Policy Design For E-Governance & General awareness

Information Communication Technology Policy Design For E-Governance & General awareness

(By Mithilesh Kumar Dubey & Navin Kumar)


Information Communication Technologies have a valuable potential to help meet good governance goals in India. In this paper we have describe that how that information communication technology is helpful to achieve for reducing poverty through enabling communication.This executive summary describes that present scenario of e-governance, required strategies developments for e- governances, what are the loopholes implementations. And Guiding Principal for ICT policies and E-strategies, stakeholder involvement for ICT policies and design (Like the local community involvement, private sector involvement etc).

Academic institutions can play a role in helping design and evaluate ICT projects that may involve technically demanding research. In addition, their corporate research counterparts are also active in developing standards that are revolutionizing the spread and use of ICT: from open source software and the next-generation Internet IPv6, which will enable pervasive telemetry, to wireless local area networks (IEEE 802.11b or Wi-Fi), the longer-reaching standard of 802.16 (or Wi-Max) and the proposed 802.20 Wi-Mobile.

After over all discussion the principal of good governance depends on the following factors which are the transparency, accountability, strategic focus, efficiency, predictability etc.

The Success factors for e-government projects, as with any other projects include having clearly identified goals and expected benefits. In enabling e-government services, perhaps 20 percent of the initiatives outcome hinges on the technology, 35 percent on re-engineering business processes, 40 percent on changing organizational behavior, and five percent on luck. There is scope for outsourcing aspects of e- government projects to the private sector, but if the projects managers intend the initiative to reduce malfeasance, outsiders will not be aware of where corruption occurs and therefore, not know which design.


Information Communication is a very helpful tool for reducing the poverty through enabling communication. ICT is a very fancy name for data processing. IT means all equipment, processes, procedures and systems used to provide and support information system (both computerized and manual) with in an organization and those reaching out for human development. The term information and communication Technology refers to the digital processing & telecommunication. The ICT used for storing, managing, communicating and sharing information.

And e-Governance in India has steadily evolved from computerization of government departments to initiatives that encapsulate the finer points of governance such as citizen centricity, service, orientation & transparency. The National e-governance plan (NeGP). Takes holistic view of e-governance initiatives across the country, integrating them into a collective vision, a shared cause, idea, a massive countrywide infrastructure reaching down to the remotest of Villages is evolving and large-scale digitization of records is taking place to enable easy reliable access over the internet.

Electronic services delivery. Web services.

Trust & security.

User Interaction & Accessibility Geographical Information System & the Concept of cloud computing etc.

The e-Governance is very helpful to check the corruptions. Because the corruptions is a poisons of a society. It creates an interrupt in a Human development & growth.

For human development the first thing is to identify the human needs. What the actually e human wants. Identify them. And provide the resources to them using ICT tools. The basic

human needs in the recent era are the Job Opportunity. Where the maximum number of men & women are engaged on some work.

The Government develops a policies & law for human development. And provide these services & resources to remotest villagers. (Like NAREGA, MANREGA etc).

The e-Government, electronic government and government online are various expressions of e- business in government and the public sector. The main motive is to develop the e-government is the modernization of the government & its transformation into a service oriented public Enterprise that works for the public good.

There are number of benefits & Outcomes of e- Government for Human development which is defined as follows. The key benefits are:

More accessible government information & Services.

Faster, Smoother transactions with Government agencies.

Increased participation in government. Increased efficiency in government Operations And

Enhanced Opportunities for smart partnerships with civil society and the private sector.

Electronic Governance or e-governance, a fancy terminology that portrays an image of advanced Nation or capable workforce.

The word is so magical and has the tendency to overpower everything else. But the question that has some more important aspect is: What matters most: Reality or an Image? The article is a sincere effort to make our readers aware of e- governance in India, its aspects and what all are the security norms for it? Which phase it is still in India?

Present Scenario:

India is flourishing, undoubtedly. It is on the track to be renowned as world leader and has the best IT work power globally. Still, India has to go distance to achieve the Herculean task of being an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) enabled and capable nation.

Required Strategic Developments:

Presently, country needs a service oriented approach that is transparent and supportive in terms of ICT applications and its outcomes. We need to be at receptive end rather than at resistive note. The Government should lend their ears to the novel ideas and should be pro active in implementing effective e-governance policies rather than just computerizing traditional official function only. Merely computerizing the functions is of no help to anyone. Rather, it is just the wastage of thousands of cores of public money and UNDP/World Bank grants amount. The truth becomes vaguer in the maze of various reports and surveys, most of which are Government or its agencies/partners sponsored. At the International level, India lacks the basic prerequisites of e-governance, i.e. e-readiness, public-governmental interaction, public services, etc and hence mirrors the incompetence of bureaucrat and Government. Adding to the misery is situation of Indian Government and its Bureaucrats who are more focused upon the image rather than upon the end results. The grassroots level action is missing and hence the benefits of ICT are not reaching to the under privileged and deserving masses due to defective ICT strategies and policies of Indian Government.

To imply the e-governance initiatives rightfully, India needs a virtuous circle rather than vicious circle of defective e-governance. The deeper dive in this mess will show some more horrible results. Reports support the facts that the so called e-governance experts in the Bureaucratic and Governmental circles of India do not even know when and how to respond back to urgent and pressing public communications (e-mails).

India is lacking at the basic level of e- governance implications. It lacks the Citizen to Government (C2G) and Government to Citizen (G2C) wings that are the core pillars of not only e-governace but e-commerce as well. The problem is due to lack of accountability among the Government Departments. The National E- Governance Plan (NEGP) and E-governance in India have failed to achieve their motives. In short, there is a complete ICT Failure in India. It is surprising that despite these serious

problems the India Shining image is often portrayed when it come to e-governance in India.Adding to the misery is reports by Symantec, security research firm that confirms India may emerge as the leader in Malware activities if the cyber security norms are not established for future e-governance initiatives of India. But, this can be a blessing in disguise as failures in implementation of e-governance in India have prevented security holes from being catastrophic.

On the subject ICT policies and e-strategies, there are ten key points are defined as common to all nations represented in the forum.

  1. Poverty reduction

  2. Gender

  3. E-government

  4. Infrastructure

  5. Human capacity and jobs

  6. Local content and managing knowledge

  7. Partnerships for mobilizing resources;

  8. Regulation and privatization;

  9. Intellectual property, legal frameworks and security; and

  10. Economic development and global competitiveness.

Finally this introduction concludes with a brief summary of key points from the issued raised. Although there is no standard template for formulating ICT policies and strategies that may apply uniformly to countries, based on the analysis of the forum.

In Implementation of ICT policies, policy makers face nine challenges:

  1. A need for vision and leadership;

  2. Consistency with other national development goals;

  3. Coordination within government;

  4. Consultation for consensus on objectives and approaches;

  5. Implementation of articulated and realistic plans of action;

  6. Resources prioritized and not based on mere wishful thinking;

  7. Supportive legal framework to enable ICT policies;

  8. Supportive policy frameworks to facilitate implementation; and

  9. Objectives against which to monitor progress and produce defined results

In economic terms, ICTs are a necessary but not sufficient condition for achieving development. Without ICTs, little can occur, but even their presence does not assure results. Similarly, policies and e-strategies alone cannot guarantee the desired outcome: development implies action, not just policy or strategy documents written but never implementeda failing that frequently occurs when those who commission studies neglect to act upon their recommendations.

In determining what strategy to pursue, countries need to assess their degree of e-readinessto see where they stand along the route to develop ICTs. By understanding their national strengths and weaknesses with respect to the use and development of ICTs, leaders can position their countries to take advantage of emerging opportunities and stave off competitive threats. Many governments have already carried out such assessments of their countries e-readiness; others have had them done by external bodies that compile comparative e-readiness rankings and indices. Once completed, these analyses should make ICT policy makers better able to go after the low-hanging fruitthe easier-to- implement approaches that will yield the most benefit at the least cost, and ideally, with a relatively quick return on investment.

Governments cannot do it all, nor should they try to. Rather, governments must enlist the help of civil society and the private sector to achieve multinational, national and local aims. Governments, however, must set the rules of the game and serve as a catalyst for ICT initiatives, particularly those related to public goods, and ensure that the proper enabling environment exists for all actors involved in the process. An enabling environment means not just the

encouragement of ICT investments in human and physical capital, or better integration with a globalized economy, but also the protection of consumers and businesses rights as they make use of modern technology. Governments also face the dual task of harnessing ICTs for creating jobs through economic growth while promoting equitable development, especially for the marginalized, often overlapping, groups of the poor, women, ethnic minorities and rural inhabitants.

Since all companies are now using ICTs, they have become a basic utility rather than just a competitive advantage. Just as most companies cannot function without electricity; neither can they do without ICT. This same analogy extends to governments as well. Most experts now agree that, given the importance and pervasive nature of ICTs, a coordinating body directly responsible to the head of government is the preferred way to enabling the effective use of ICTs in society. Leaders in the adoption of ICTs have typically instituted some form of ICT council, chaired by the countrys head of government, often with participation by both the public sector at the ministerial level and the private sector.

National leaders also need to balance the economic and political aspects of ICTs. Modern ICTs permit the sharing of information, knowledge, and hence of power, as was never possible before. In this realm, governments have a duty not just to provide services as efficiently as possible, but also to make the governments operations transparent and civil servants accountable to those they serve. Along this track, ICTs can improve both the economic and the political system through e-government (the rendering of services) and e-governance (the enhancement of citizens participation in the political process).

Local Communities, Rural Areas and Appropriate Media

We can delineate ICTs into two strategic areas:

  1. as a productive sector within a countrys overall industrial development, and (b) as an enabler of developmentto address socio- economic concerns to ensure wider applications and usage. Both strategic areas are mutually dependent: the first without the second will mean little; the second alone (without a developed productive infrastructure) cannot result in an

    information-based society. ICT strategies should balance economic and social concerns to combine sect oral growth with the development of society. In the economic arena, the private sector drives progress, but in the social arena, civil society organizations (CSOs) and local communities must assume prominence, particularly in rural areas far from the reach of central governments.

    In looking for help in remote regions, governments should not neglect local or international representatives of CSOs. For what they may lack in funds, CSOs often make up for in their propensity to innovate and run some of the most creative ICT projects. Close to communities, they are best able to reflect local needs directly in the form of projects. Governments can then take successes from such small, pilot efforts and apply them more broadly.

    Academic institutions can play a role in helping design and evaluate ICT projects that may involve technically demanding research. In addition, their corporate research counterparts are also active in developing standards that are revolutionizing the spread and use of ICT: from open source software and the next-generation Internet IPv6, which will enable pervasive telemetry, to wireless local area networks (IEEE 802.11b or Wi-Fi), the longer-reaching standard of 802.16 (or Wi-Max) and the proposed 802.20 Wi-Mobile.

    At one end of the academic spectrum are scholars involved in cutting-edge innovations designed at leading research institutions and graduate schools; at the other are those toiling on the front lines of basic education. Each stage of the continuum has a stake in national e-strategies and input to provide into their design.

    There is no boilerplate for successfl ICT policies and e-strategies. Policy makers in India must identify examples of successes either within their own borders, or in other, similar countries and adapt them as necessary to fit their nations unique circumstances. Despite this caveat, a few principles are common to most, if not all, successful approaches.

    First, be specific in setting goals. Establish a baseline of indicators that characterize the present and the trend leading up to it. Formulate goals and monitor progress toward achieving them.

    Second, do not re-invent what has already worked elsewhere. Use the Internet and other ICTs to research and identify best practices from other areas. For example, somewhere in the world, a cyber law already exists and addresses an issue that your country may also face. Work from that as a draft rather than starting from scratch.

    Third, prioritize your objectives. Some may be in conflict; others may deserve simultaneous but separate approaches. For instance, resources going into achieving universal access promote societal equity and economic growth in the long run, but may

    subtract from investments needed to spur earlier, more direct paybacks for the economy.

    Fourth, be patient. Policy incentives to attract foreign investment, for example, generally only influence decisions over the medium to long term. Most good policies yield their greatest results over decades, not years, and rarely in months. Analyze the stages through which other countries successful ICT industries have passed and determine where, if any, opportunities exist for leapfrogging these stages with modern or emerging ICTs.

    Fifth, let government drive ICT initiativeswith investments, but most importantly, with conducive policies to encourage private capital and entrepreneurship. Sixth, engage stakeholders as early as possible with consultative and participatory workshops and seminars with citizens, the private sector, academia and civil society. For the general public, awareness campaigns and educational programmers may be the best tools for appropriate and productive adoption of ICTs.

    The principal of good governance depends on the following factors which are the transparency, accountability, strategic focus, efficiency, predictability etc.The Success factors for e- government projects, as with any other projects include having clearly identified goals and expected benefits. In enabling e-government services, perhaps 20 percent of the initiatives outcome hinges on the technology, 35 percent on

    re-engineering business processes, 40 percent on changing organizational behavior, and five percent on luck. There is scope for outsourcing aspects of e-government projects to the private sector, but if the projects managers intend the initiative to reduce malfeasance, outsiders will not be aware of where corruption occurs and therefore, not know which design.

    1. ICT Policies and e-Strategies in the Asia-Pacific A critical assessment of the way published by Phet sayo, James George Chako and Gopi pradhan.

    2. Sameer Sachdeva (Dec 2004), E- governance strategies in India.

    3. Monga A, (2008).E-government in India:Opportunities and challenges.


    5. ov/index.htm

    6. World Bank(1992),governance and development, world bank Washington, DC

    7. view.htm

    8. Gurumurty, A., 2004, Gender and ICT Overview Report p-icts-or.pdf.

    9. Gurumurty, A. and Sarker R., 2003, Poverty alleviation through tele- center initiatives, angalore: IT for Change, m

    10. Hafkin, N. and Taggart, N., 2001, Gender, information technology, and developing

countries: an analytical study, for the office of Women and Development Bureau for Global programs, Field Support and Research, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), afnoph.pdf

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