Intelligent Stick with Gps Tracker and Audio Feedback System for Visually Impaired Community

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV13IS020064

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Intelligent Stick With Gps Tracker and Audio Feedback System for Visually Impaired Community

Anisha Chavan, Sakshi Dhawade, Kush Mahale, Harshada Borkar, Prof. Manisha Desai

Department of Computer Engineering, RMD Sinhgad School of Engineering, SPPU, India.

Abstract – One innovative assistive tool that can help people with visual impairments become more mobile and independent is the intelligent stick with audio and GPS for blind people. This innovative technology gives the user access to real-time environmental information by combining advanced navigational features with audio feedback.

The intelligent stick's GPS system guarantees precise location monitoring, enabling users to comfortably navigate unfamiliar environments. This is enhanced by the audio feedback feature, which provides a thorough awareness of the environment by communicating information about surrounding obstructions, crossroads, andareas of interest.

The stick uses sophisticated sensors and algorithms to identify impediments in the user's path, giving them timely alerts and directing them securely around possible dangers. By incorporating audio cues, users are ableto improve their spatial awareness and make well-informed judgments on their route and goal.

The abstract further delves into the user-centric design principles that prioritize accessibility and ease of use. By incorporating intuitive controls, the intelligent stick becomes a natural extension of the user, enhancing their agency in navigating diverse and dynamic environments. The amalgamation of GPS precision and audio- guided spatial awareness not only empowers users but also redefines societal perceptions of what is achievable for individuals with visual impairments.


    The landscape of assistive technology for individuals with visual impairments has witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years, with a particular focus on enhancing mobility and independence. This survey paper delves into the transformative realm of intelligent sticks equipped with GPS and audio featuresa technological symbiosis aimed at empowering the visually impaired community. [5]

    Navigating unfamiliar environments poses unique challenges for individuals with visual impairments, underscoring the critical need for innovative solutions. The integration of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology in assistive devices has emerged as a pivotal breakthrough, providing precise location data to facilitate navigation. Complementing this, the incorporation of audio feedback features enriches the user experience by offering real-time information about the surrounding environment. [4]

    This survey explores the nuanced interplay between GPS precision and audio-guided spatial awareness, emphasizing their collective impact on user independence and confidence. [2]The intelligent stick serves as a tangible embodiment of these advancements, employing intelligent sensors and algorithms to detect obstacles andprovide timely warnings. [1]

    The paper further investigates user-centric design principles, ensuring that these technological marvels are not only functional but also accessible and intuitive for individuals with visual impairments.

    As we navigate through the diverse implementations and emerging trends in this domain, the survey aims to distillkey insights, challenges, and future prospects. [5] Through a comprehensive examination of existing literature and technological developments, this paper seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of the potential and limitations of intelligent sticks with GPS and audio features in empowering the visually impaired community. Ultimately, this exploration serves as a testament to the transformative power of technology in breaking down barriers and fostering inclusivity for individuals with visual impairments. [1]

    In an era marked by technological innovation, the quest for enhancing the quality of life for individuals with visual impairments has given rise to groundbreaking solutions. This survey paper embarks on an exploration of one such transformative developmentintelligent sticks equipped with Global Positioning System (GPS) and audio functionalities. These intelligent sticks represent a convergence of cutting- edge technologies aimed at redefining the boundaries of independence and mobility for the visually impaired. [6]

    The challenges faced by individuals with visual impairments in navigating their surroundings are multifaceted. Traditional mobility aids have paved the way, but the integration of GPS technology adds a new layer of precision and context-aware navigation. [1] This paper delves into the fusion of GPS capabilities with audio feedback mechanisms, examining how this synergy empowers users with real-time information about their environment, from intricate spatial details to potential obstacles. [2]

    As we embark on this survey, the focus extends beyond the technological intricacies to the profound impact these intelligent sticks have on the lives of individuals with visual impairments. Beyond the realm of mere assistive devices, these innovations become enablers of autonomy, confidence, and a renewed sense of exploration. [1]

    Through a comprehensive review of existing literature, technological implementations, and user experiences, this survey seeks to unveil the current state of intelligent sticks with GPS and audio features. It aims to distill insightsinto the effectiveness, challenges, and future potential of this technology, shedding light on its role in reshaping the narrative of mobility and independence for the visually impaired. [6]


  1. Design of Smart Cane with integrated camera module for visually impaired people. Published in the year 2021 by Lavanya Narayani, Sivapalanirajan, Keerthika, Ananthi, Arunarani. This paper focuses on designing and developing a smart cane capable of sensing and signaling the environmental features around visually impaired people. The camera module assists users in identifying obstacles, people, and objects in their path, improving safety and navigation. Cost and maintenance of the integrated camera module may be prohibitive for some users.

  2. Smart Blind Stick Using Ultrasonic Sensor. Published in the year 2021 by T. Tirupal, B. Venkata Murali, M. Sandeep, K. Sunil Kumar, C. Uday Kumar. The main aim of this paper is to assist blind persons without humanneed. Stick recognizes the article before the individual and offers a reaction to the client either by vibrating or through the order. As this stick is made up of Sensors it is going to be hard to maintain the stick.

  3. Review on smart stick for blind people. Published in the year 2021 by Komal Lende, Anuja Muntode, Sanjivani Shelar, Shubhangi Adhav. Visually impaired persons find themselves challenging to travel out independently. Supply a tool which can help blind people to navigate also as sense the obstacles. This can be a burden for users who may not have the technical skills or financial means to maintain the device.

  4. Smart Stick for blind People. Published in the year 2020 by Lavanya Narayani, Sivapalanirajan, Keerthika, Ananthi, Arunarani. In this paper we proposed a solution for the blind people by using an ultrasonic sensor in the blind stick. Smart sticks for blind people offer improved obstacle detection and navigation assistance, enhancing safety and independence. Smart sticks for blind people may be expensive and require maintenance,making them less accessible to all users.

  5. Ultrasonic Sensor Based Smart Blind Stick. Published in the yea 2021 by Naiwrita Dey, Pritha Ghosh, RahulDe, Ankita Paul, Chandrama Mukherjee, Sohini Dey. This paper presents design and implementation of an ultrasonic sensor based walking stick for visually impaired person. Ultrasonic sensor-based smart blind sticks provide real-time feedback on obstacles, ensuring safer navigation for visually impaired individuals. The ultrasonic sensor-based smart blind stick may have limited accuracy in detecting small or low-lying obstacles,potentially leading to missed hazards.


  1. Ultrasonic sensor: Ultrasonic sensors in a blind stick help detect obstacles by emitting sound waves and measuring their reflection. This aids visually impaired individuals in navigating their surroundings, as the sensor provides feedback through vibrations or auditory signals based on the proximity of obstacles.

  2. GPS: A blind stick equipped with GPS technology serves as a vital tool for individuals with visual impairments, offering enhanced navigation capabilities. Leveraging the Global Positioning System, the device provides real-time location awareness, conveying details like street names and nearby landmarks. This information enables turn-by-turn navigation, guiding users audibly or through vibrational feedback to reach their desired destinations. The integration of GPS facilitates efficient route planning, considering obstacles andaccessible paths. Geofencing features add an extra layer of safety, alerting users as they approach predefined areas. Moreover, the ability to share real-time location information with trusted contacts enhances overall security.

3. Connectivity: Enabling a mobile app to interface with the hardware in a blind stick is a critical step in enhancing the device's functionality. This integration typically involves leveraging wireless technologies like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. To achieve this, developers create a dedicated mobile app with an intuitive interface that allows users to control and receive feedback from the blind stick. Through a pairing process, users establish a secure connection between the app and the hardware.

  1. Audio Feedback System: An audio feedback system in a blind stick plays a crucial role in providing real-time information to individuals with visual impairments. This system typically utilizes sound signals or spoken cues to convey important details about the user's surroundings. For instance, obstacle detection sensors integrated into the blind stick can trigger audio signals of varying intensity or pitch, indicating the proximity and locationof obstacles. Additionally, the audio feedback system may incorporate voice prompts to offer navigation guidance, such as announcing street names or providing turn-by- turn directions based on GPS input.

  2. SD Card: Implementing an SD card to store distance information in a blind stick involves integrating sensors for distance measurement, logging this data, and saving it onto the SD card. This system allows users to track distances to obstacles or landmarks over time. By incorporating a user-friendly interface, individuals with visual impairments can access and retrieve this stored information, offering valuable insights into their travel history and surroundings.


      In conclusion, the survey of intelligent sticks with GPS and audio features reveals a compelling narrative of technological innovation and its transformative impact on the lives of individuals with visual impairments. A paradigm shift in assistive technology has occurred with the integration of GPS technology with audio feedback systems, which provide a comprehensive answer to the complex problems associated with navigating in a varietyof contexts.

      Our research shows that these smart sticks are more than just tools; they are also catalysts for users' independence, self- assurance, and increased sense of exploration. A symbiotic link is created between the accuracy of GPS data and real- time audio input, giving users detailed knowledge about their surroundings and the ability to make wise navigational decisions.

      The study emphasizes the value of user-centric design and the need for technology innovations to be not only practical but also understandable and accessible to those with visual impairments. Upon analyzing the available research and technical applications, it is clear that these intelligent sticks are more than simply helpful gadgets; rather, they function as mediators for transformation, helping to break down boundaries and promote inclusivity.

      In addition to admiring the progress that has been accomplished in this area, it is critical to recognize the obstacles still standing, such as those related to cost, scalability, and ongoing user interface development. The research paper highlights the promising future developments that lie ahead, from improved sensor technologies to integration with developing smart city infrastructure.


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[2] A. Kumari, "Intelligent Stick for the Visually Impaired," Int. J. Eng. Res.

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[3] S. S. Rajput and R. K. Singh, "Smart Walking Stick for Visually Impaired," SSRN Electron. J., 2018.

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[5] J. Li et al., "A Review of Smart Canes for Visually Impaired People," IEEE Trans. Hum.-Mach. Syst., vol.51, no. 1, pp. 1-15, Feb. 2021.

[6] P. A. Patel, A. K. Patel, and R. H. Patel, "Design and Implementation of a Smart Cane for Visually Impaired People," IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 129268-129280, 2021.

[7] S. Wang et al., "Machine Learning-Based Obstacle Detection for Intelligent Stick," in Proc. IEEE Conf. Comput. Vis. Pattern Recognit. Workshops, pp. 1666-1672, Jun. 2022.