- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 234
- Authors : Tanmay Sahuji, Prasad Suryawanshi, Pritish Chitte, Sudeep Paniyadi
- Paper ID : IJERTV6IS090110
- Volume & Issue : Volume 06, Issue 09 (September 2017)
- DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.17577/IJERTV6IS090110
- Published (First Online): 22-09-2017
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Java Development Program on Parallel and Counter Flow Heat Exchanger
Mr. Tanmay Sahuji 1
Dept of Mechanical Engineering Walchand Institute of Technology (WIT), Solapur, India.
Mr. Pritish Chitte 3
Assistant Professor,
Dept of Mechanical Engineering Walchand Institute of Technology (WIT), Solapur, India.
Abstract The concept of heat exchangers plays a major role in the refrigeration and air conditioning system.This project discusses about the parallel flow and counter flow heat exchanger using LMTD and NTU effectiveness method. The main objective of this project is to calculate theoretical parameters of heat exchanger like Effectiveness, Area, Inlet and outlet temperatures, Log mean temperature difference (LMTD), Number of Transfer units (NTU), by using concepts of OOPs & java. To calculate this all parameters java program is done on the parallel and counter flow heat exchanger.
Keywords LMTD, NTU, Java, Parallel flow heat exchanger, Counter flow heat exchanger.
A heat exchanger may be defined as an equipment which transfer the energy from a hot fluid to cold fluid, with maximum rate and minimum investment and running cost. In heat exchanger the temperature of each fluid changes as it passes through the exchangers, and hence the temperature of the dividing wall between the fluids also changes along the length of exchanger. In heat exchangers the temperature of each fluid changes as it passes through the exchangers, and hence the temperature of the dividing wall between the fluids also changes along the length of the heat exchanger.
A. Classification of Heat Exchanger
In order to meet the widely varying applications, several types of heat exchanger have been developed which are classified on the basis of nature of heat exchange process, relative direction of fluid motion, design and constructional features, and physical state of fluid. Following two types of heat exchanger which are classified on the basis of relative direction of fluid motion are the area of interest of this Article.
Mr. Prasad Suryawanshi 2
Dept of Mechanical Engineering Walchand Institute of Technology (WIT), Solapur, India.
Mr. Sudeep Paniyadi4 Associate Engineer,
Cognizant Technology Solution, Pune, India.
Parallel flow heat exchanger
In parallel flow heat exchanger, as the name suggest, the two fluid streams (hot and cold) travel in the same direction. The two streams enter at one end and leave at bother end. It is evident from fig.2 that the temperature difference between the hot and cold fluids goes on decreasing from inlet to outlet. Since this type of heat exchanger needs a large area of heat transfer, therefore, it is rarely used in practice. As the two fluids are separated by a wall, this type of heat exchanger may be called parallel flow recuperator or surface heat exchanger.
Fig.1 Representation of Parallel Heat Exchanger
Fig.2 Temperature Distribution of Parallel Flow Heat Exchanger
Counter flow heat exchanger
In a counter flow heat exchanger, the two fluids flow in opposite directions. The efficiency of counter flow heat exchanger is higher than parallel flow heat exchanger. Temperatures within the two streams tend to approach one another in a nearly linearly fashion resulting in a much more uniform heating pattern. The maximum temperature difference across the exchanger wall thickness (between the wall surfaces exposed on the hot and cold fluid sides) either at the hot- or cold-fluid end is the lowest, and produce minimum thermal stresses in the wall for an equivalent performance compared to any other flow arrangements.
Fig.3 Representation of Counter Flow Heat Exchanger
Fig.4 Temperature Distribution of counter Flow Heat Exchanger
LMTD & NTU Method
To determine the temperature driving Force for heat transfer in flow system of heat exchanger Logarithmic mean temperature difference is used. The LMTD is a logarithmic average of the temperature difference between the hot and cold feeds at each end of the double pipe exchanger. The larger the LMTD, the more heat is transferred. The use of the LMTD arises straightforwardly from the analysis of a heat exchanger with constant flow rate and fluid thermal properties.
The Number of Transfer Units (NTU) Method is used to calculate the rate of heat transfer in heat exchangers (especially counter current exchangers) when there is insufficient information to calculate the Log-Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD). In heat exchanger analysis, if the fluid inlet and outlet temperatures are specified or can be determined by simple energy balance, the LMTD method can be used; but when these temperatures are not available The NTU or The Effectiveness method is used. It is a dimensionless parameter.
Prabhat [1] studied on a performance evaluation of counter flow heat exchanger considering for low temp application. He found those Counter flow heat exchangers are commonly used in cryogenic systems because of their high effectiveness. They observed that losses such longitudinal conduction through wall, heat in leak from surrounding, flow mal distribution etc. They extended their study to understand quantitative effect of heat in leak and axial conduction parameters on degradation of heat exchanger performance for 300-80k and 80-20k temperature range.
Christian [2] has discussed about experimental Investigation on the Effect of Fluid Flow Rate on the Performance of a Parallel Flow Heat Exchanger. Physical characteristics and thermal performance of a real heat exchanger were studied in this work. Also the convective heat transfer coefficient increases with both Reynolds and Nusselt numbers, which increases the overall heat transfer coefficient.
Akshay Kumar Magadum [3] has discussed about Review of Experimental analysis of parallel and counter flow heat exchanger. In this paper, we have discussed about various literature review of various paper and we are now going to calculate LMTD by varying flow rate and temperature of hot water and cold fluid.
package heatexchanger; import java.util.*;
class Lmtd1
public double qh,qc,t1,t2,l,b,c,A,cph,cpc,mh,mc,thi,tho,tci,tco,u;
Scanner input =new Scanner (System.in);
int pc = 0,ans=3;
System.out.println (" cp of hot fluid (J/kgk) ="); cph= input.nextDouble();
System.out.println(" cp of cold fluid(J/Kgk) ="); cpc= input.nextDouble();
System.out.println(" overall heat transfer coefficient(W/m^2°k)=");
u= input.nextDouble(); System.out.println(" mass of hot fluid in kg/sec=");
mh= input.nextDouble(); System.out.println(" mass of cold fluid in kg/sec=");
mc= input.nextDouble();
System.out.println(" Temperature of hot fluid at inlet Thi in
thi= input.nextDouble();
System.out.println(" Temperature of hot fluid at outlet Tho in °c=");
tho= input.nextDouble();
System.out.println(" Temperature of cold fluid at inlet Tci in
tci= input.nextDouble();
System.out.println(" Temperature of cold fluid at outlet Tco in °c=");
tco= input.nextDouble();
System.out.println(" heat generated (qh=qc=q) in WATT ="
System.out.println(" calulation of change in temperature at inlet & outlet as folows"); System.out.println(" 1: for parallel flow press 1,2: for counter flow press 2");
case 1: t1=thi-tci;
System.out.println(" change in inlet temperature t1 in °c = "+t1);
System.out.println(" change in outlet temperature t2 in °c= "+t2);
l=(t2-t1); b=Math.log(t2/t1); c=(l/b);
System.out.println(" log mean temperature difference is in
System.out.println(" area of heat exchanger is in m^2 = "+A);
break; case 2: t1=thi-tco;
System.out.println(" change in inlet temperature t1 in °c= "+t1);
System.out.println(" change in outlet temperature t2 in °c= "+t2);
l=(t2-t1); b=Math.log(t2/t1); c=(l/b);
System.out.println(" log mean temperature difference is in
°C ="+c);
System.out.println(" area of heat exchanger is in m^2 = "+A);
System.out.println(" if you want to calculate for another type press 3,otherwise press any key ");
public class Ntu
public static void main(String args[])
double ch,cc,cmin,n,c,cmax,e,d,f,g,h,tho,tco,i;
Scanner output =new Scanner
int nc = 0; int ans=3; Lmtd1 l=new Lmtd1();
System.out.println("cp of hot fluid (J/kgk) ="); System.out.println(l.cph);
System.out.println(" cp of cold fluid(J/Kgk) ="); System.out.println(l.cpc);
System.out.println(" mass of hot fluid in kg/sec="); System.out.println(l.mh);
System.out.println(" mass of cold fluid in kg/sec="); System.out.println(l.mc);
System.out.println(" Temperature of hot fluid at inlet Thi in
System.out.println(" Temperature of cold fluid at inlet Tci in
System.out.println(" Area of heat exchanger in m^2="); System.out.println(l.A);
ch=l.mh*l.cph; System.out.println("capacity of hot fluid in W/°C"+ch);
cc=l.mc*l.cpc; System.out.println("capacity of cold fluid in W/°C"+cc);
cmin=cc; cmax=ch;
System.out.println(" c min ="+cmin);
cmin=ch; cmax=cc;
System.out.println("c min="+cmin);
c=cmin/cmax; System.out.println("Overall Capacity Ratio is "+c);
n=(l.u*l.A)/cmin; System.out.println("Number Of Transfer Unit (NTU)="+n);
System.out.println(" 1: for parallel flow press 1,2: for counter flow press 2");
case 1:
g=Math.pow(2.17,d); f=(1+c);
e=(h/f); System.out.println("effectiveness of parallel flow heat exchanger"+e);
tho=l.thi-e*cmin*(l.thi-l.tci)/ch; System.out.println("the outlet temperature of hot fluid in
°C= "+tho);
tco=l.tci+e*cmin*(l.thi-l.tci)/cc; System.out.println("the outlet temperature of cold fluid in
°C= "+tco);
case 2:
g=Math.pow(2.17,d); h=(1-g);
System.out.println("effectiveness of counter flow heat exchanger"+e);
tho=l.thi-e*cmin*(l.thi-l.tci)/ch; System.out.println("the outlet temperature of hot fluid in
°C= "+tho);
tco=l.tci+e*cmin*(l.thi-l.tci)/cc; System.out.println("the outlet temperature of cold fluid in
°C = "+tco);
System.out.println(" if you want to calculate for another type press 3,otherwise press any key ");
1 2
Fig.5 Area Required for Counter flow and Parallel Flow Heat Exchanger.
Fig.6 Effectiveness of Parallel and Counter Flow Heat Exchanger
In results all input values are given by user so any type of problems can be solved. From graph 5 and 6 it is observed that the area required for counter flow heat exchanger is less as compared to parallel flow heat exchanger. it also observed that the effectiveness of counter flow heat exchanger is greater than parallel flow heat exchanger.
At the end of this project we came to conclusion that:
The area required for counter flow heat exchanger is less than parallel flow heat exchanger.
Because of the counter flow the effectiveness of counter flow heat exchanger is greater than parallel flow heat exchanger inspite of counter flow heat exchanger having less area compared to parallel flow. Because of grater effectiveness of counter flow the efficiency is also greater than parallel flow heat exchanger.
Concepts of OOPs helps us to calculate variety of problems of mechanical components like calculation of problems of heat exchanger, design calculation of Pressure vessel, gear etc.
Prabhat Gupta,M.D. Atrey. Performance evaluation of counter flow heat exchangers considering the effect of heat in leak and longitudinal conduction for low-temperature applications, Elsevier Science, Cryogenics 40 pp.- 469-474, (2000).
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