- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 171
- Authors : Swapnil Desai, Shweta Singh
- Paper ID : IJERTV2IS110275
- Volume & Issue : Volume 02, Issue 11 (November 2013)
- Published (First Online): 08-11-2013
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Jobs: on the Go
Swapnil Desai
B.E.-G.H.Patel College of Engineering and Technology (Affiliated to GTU)
Shweta Singh
B.E.-G.H.Patel College of Engineering and Technology (Affiliated to GTU)
It is very difficult to track all the different types of jobs according to their desired interest. Hence this system helps all the job-seekers to do a guaranteed-solution hunt for any type of job they want. It is difficult as well for the Employers to find the required employee for his/her company matching all of his/her requirements. Hence this system also solves the problem for the employer. In short, this is a system where any person can post a requirement for a job as well as apply for a specific job at a centralized place and ultimately saving one's own precious time. Also there is a Windows Phone Application through which all the job-seekers and employers can do their desired work even in the absence of their respective laptops.
My projects main goal is to develop a web application along with a windows phone application for placement service agency. In this project I have to work to resume posting for jobseeker and job posting for employer by using Microsoft ASP.NET with Microsoft Visual Basisc.NET, Java Script, and Microsoft Access 2000 as storage mechanism and also IIS Server.
Problem Statement and Synopsis
Have you ever wondered if there was a better way to recruit staff? One that doesnt involve expensive recruitment fees, fielding cold-calls, or sifting large numbers of inappropriate CVs?
As an employer, you know that recruiting the right people is critical to the success of your business. But have you ever wondered if there
was an easier, more cost-effective way of hiring top candidates?
Hence this system provides a centralized environment for the Job-Seekers as well as the Employers to do a guaranteed-result hunt to get the most desired solution. Hence saving the precious time of the both which can be further used constructively.
This system will be accessible on:
Technologies Used
Asp.Net 4.0 with C# (Front End)
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (Back End)
Windows Phone Emulator
Silverlight and XNA
Microsoft Visio 2003
EDraw Max Working (Modules) Job-Seeker Module:
Jobseeker Login Module: This module contains the login of end users. Users have to enter username and password for login to website. If user is new than he has to fill up the form which contains all user details. If current user login than he will be able to access the website.
Post Resume Module: Posting a resume is free for every jobseeker in switchjob.com. If there is new user then he has to register his detail as well as he can post his resume on website.
Select Plans Module: Without posting a resume, jobseeker can select one or many plans. By selecting plans he can get many companies information in detail.
Edit Information Module: This module helps jobseeker to edit his personal information after log in the website.
Simple Search Module: By this module jobseeker can quickly find his appropriate jobs details. In this module for finding jobs detail, jobseeker has to enter only job category and job location.
Advance Search Module: This module helps jobseeker to get exact jobs by entering information in detail.
Job Alert Module: This module helps jobseeker to get job alerts via emails.
Current Jobs Module: This module helps jobseeker to see current jobs available in the database.
Payment Module: This module helps jobseeker to pay rupees. So, after payment any jobseeker can see companys information in detail. To do payment procedure users has to give their correct credit card number, credit card type and password etc.
Logout Module: Users can logout from any of the page they visit by the help of this module.
Employer Module:
Employer Login Module: This module contains the login of end users. Users have to enter username and password for login to website. If user is new then he has to fill up
the form which contains all user details. If current user login than he will be able to access the website.
Select Plans Module: Posting a job is not free for any employer. So, according to number of jobs posting, employer can select one or many plans for posting a jobs in the site. Also there are many plans for searching resumes of appropriate jobseeker.
Edit Information Module: By this module employer can edit his personal information after log in the website.
Payment Module: This module helps employer to pay rupees. So, after payment any employer can see jobseekers resume in detail. To do payment procedure users has to give their correct credit card number, credit card type and password etc.
Logout Module: Users can logout from any of the page they visit by the help of this module
Admin Module:
Administrator Login Module: This module contains the login of administrator in control panel. Administrator has to enter username and password for login to website.
Maintain Jobseekers Detail Module: By this module administrator can see all the information of any jobseeker. Also, administrator can add or edit the information of any jobseeker.
Maintain Employers Detail Module: By this module administrator can see all the information of any employer. Also, administrator can add or edit the information of any employer.
Logout Module: Users can logout from any of the page they visit by the help of this module.
OS: Microsoft Windows XP SP 3 / VISTA/ Windows 7
Processor: AMD/ Core 2 Duo
RAM: Min 1GB
Hard Disk: Min 40GB
Activity Diagrams:
Jobseeker Plan
Register with System
Select Plan
P:Post Job [in process]
Register with system
Validate Registration
Validate Registration
Post Job
Select Search Plan
Validate Job
P:Post Job [in process]
Search by Company Search by Location Search by Job Degree
Accept Job
Find search data
Result of search data
P : Post Job [filled]
Conformation Mail to Employer
Figure 1. Job-Seeker
Figure 2. Employer
Administrator System
Client Side Validation:
Log In
Modify resume
Modify Job
Verify Login
Maintain Jobseeker's Plan
Maintain Employer's Plan
VBScript in used to ensure those required fields are filled with suitable data only. Maximum lengths of the fields of the forms are appropriately defined.
Forms cannot be submitted without filling up the mandatory data so that manual mistakes of submitting empty fields that are mandatory can be sorted out at the client side to save the server time and load.
Tab-indexes are set according to the need and taking into account the ease of user while working with the system.
Validate Deatils
Accept by system
Figure 3. Admin
not accepted
Server Side Validation:
Server sid constraint has been imposed to check for the validity of primary key and foreign key. A primary key value cannot be duplicated. Any attempt to duplicate the primary value results into a message intimating the user about those values through the forms using foreign key can be updated only of the existing foreign key values.
User is intimating through appropriate
Advantages and Practical Uses:
User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls.
The system makes the overall project management much easier and flexible.
Readily upload the latest updates.
Allows Employers to download the resume of Jobseekers.
One can easily see the updates on users windows based mobile phones.
Employers can directly Call, Send Messages and E-mail the jobseekers from the phone.
A person can save time by using the Windows Phone Application anywhere over laptops.
messages about the successful operations or exceptions occurring at server side.
Access permissions to various types of users are controlled according to the organizational structure. Only permitted users can log on to the system and can have access according to their category. User- name, passwords and permissions are controlled o the server side.
This system is user friendly providing the users a simple GUI and hence allowing them to work efficiently, thus saving their time.
The system that I have made may further be utilized in various other types of auditing operation viz. Network auditing or similar process/workflow based applications.
The Windows Phone Application running on Windows platform, in future, will run on other platforms also.
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