- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 447
- Authors : Mr. Waikar P. D. , Mr. Joshi A. P.
- Paper ID : IJERTV3IS050865
- Volume & Issue : Volume 03, Issue 05 (May 2014)
- Published (First Online): 20-05-2014
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Ku Band Microstrip Linear Array Configurations
Mr. Waikar P. D.
Assistant Professor,
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, Rajendra Mane College of Engineering & Technology ambav, India
Mr. Joshi A. P.
Assistant Professor,
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, Rajendra Mane College of Engineering & Technology ambav India
Abstract Micro-strip antenna arrays can be used for various Ku band applications. They are relatively inexpensive to manufacture and design because of its simple 2-dimensional physical geometry. The Ku band Micro-strip antennas can be used in light weight radars, ground based fire-detection system & VSAT. In this paper the Design of a Micro-strip antenna for single element and array configurations of 1×2 & 1×4 are presented .Three different configurations are designed and simulated for a single patch, 2 and 4 element arrays at 16 GHz. The substrate used is FR4 of dielectric constant (r) of 4.2 and height (h) 1.6 mm. The microstrip corporate feed structure is used for ease of antenna fabrication. All the patches are rectangular in shape with same dimensions. The Simulation of micro-strip antenna array configuration is done by using HFSS (high frequency structural simulator) version 11 and the results are obtained which show increase in gain and bandwidth with the increase in patch elements. S parameters and VSWR of all the configurations are studied in detail.
Keywords Antenna arrays, Bandwidth, Corporate feed, Ku band, VSWR
= (3)
reff = + (4)
The detail dimensions of a single element microstrip patch and transmission lines are shown in the table 1.
Patch |
length |
4.4mm |
width |
6.4mm |
Transmission line 50 |
length |
3.4mm |
width |
2.8mm |
Single patch dimensions
The three configurations of a single patch, 1×2 & 1×4 are proposed in detail. The increment in the gain, directivity and bandwidth of the microstrip antenna is a primary goal of the presented paper. The operating frequency of microstrip antenna is 16GHz [1] comes under the ku band microwave frequencies used for long distance satellite communication.
The design of three configurations is mainly intended for ku band application requires the high gain, directivity & bandwidth. [2]
Single element microstrip antenna formation
The operating frequency of a single element is 16 GHz. The antenna is simulated on FR4 substrate with thickness of1.6mm and relative dielectric constant of 4.4.The microstrip line feed is used for providing the excitation. The inset feed technique is employed for the impedance matching. The mathematical formulation is done by using the following equations [3]
-2 (2)
1×2 microstrip antenna array formation
The 1×2 microstip antenna array is simulated on the similar FR4 substrate with same specification as that of the single element. The microstrip line with inset feed technique is employed for excitation. The detail dimensions of 1×2 array is shown in table2.
1×2 microstrip array dimensions
Transmission line 50
Transmission line 100
6.85 mm
0.7 mm
1×4 microstrip antenna array formation
The 1×4 microstip antenna array is simulated on the similar FR4 substrate with same specification as that of the single element & 1x2array.The microstrip line with inset feed technique is employed for excitation The quarter wave transformer of 70 line is used[4] .The detail dimensions of 1×4 array is shown in table3.
1×4 microstrip array dimensions
Patch |
length |
6.4 mm |
width |
4.4 mm |
Transmission line 50 |
length |
2.7 mm |
width |
2.4 mm |
Transmission line 100 |
length |
7.9 mm |
width |
0.7 mm |
Transmission line 70 |
length |
10.25 mm |
width |
0.8 mm |
Simulation of a single patch
The simulated model of a single patch in HFSS [5] is shown in Fig.1
Fig.1: single patch layout in HFSS
The HFSS results of a simulated model a single patch
The performance parameter of a single patch is shown in Table4.The VSWR is shown in Fig.2.The 3-D gain is shown in fig. 3. The S11 response is shown in fig. 4.
Single patch performance parameter
1.96 at 16 GHz
S11 response
-9.88 db at 15.94 GHz
Fig.2: VSWR of a single patch
Fig.3: 3D gain of a single patch
Fig.4: S11 of a single patch
Simulation of a 1x2microstrip array
The simulated model of 1x2microstrip array in HFSS is shown in Fig.8.
Fig.5: 1x2microstriparray layout in HFSS
The HFSS results of a simulated model 1×2 array The performance parameter of 1×2 microstrip array is shown in Table5. VSWR is shown in Fig.6.The 3-D gain is shown in fig.7. The S11 response is shown in fig.9.
Fig.7: 3D gain of 1×2 microstrip array
1×2 microstrip array performance parameter
1.49 at 15.86 GHz
S11 response
-26.80 db at 16.52GHz
Fig.6: VSWR of 1×2 microstrip array
Fig.8: S11 of 1×2 microstrip array
Simulation of a 1x4microstrip array
The simulated model of 1×4 microstrip array in HFSS is shown in Fig.9
Fig.9: 1x4microstriparray layout in HFSS
The HFSS results of a simulated model 1×4 array
The performance parameter of 1x4microstrip array is shown in Table6. VSWR is shown in Fig.10.The 3-D gain is shown in fig. 11. The S11 response is shown in
1.72 at 16 GHz |
gain |
9.16db |
bandwidth |
1.1GHz |
S11 response |
-27.95db at 16.42 |
1×4 microstrip array performance parameter
Fig.10: VSWR of 1×4 microstrip array
Fig.11: 3D gain of 1×4 microstrip array
Fig.12: S11 of 1×4 microstrip array
Comparative summary of all configurations
Antenna parameter |
Single patch |
1×2 array |
1×4 array |
gain |
4.8db |
6.5db |
9.16db |
1.96 at 16 GHz |
1.49 at 15.86 GHz |
1.72 at 16 Hz |
bandwidth |
0.65 GHz |
1.8 GHz |
1.1GHz |
-9.88 |
-26.80 |
-27.95db at 16.42 GHz |
S11 |
db at |
db at |
response |
15.94 |
16.52 |
GHz |
GHz |
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International Conference Islamabad, 2007, 1-4244-1494-6/07/IEEE.
Constantine A. Balanis, Arizona StateUniversity, Antenna Theory:
Analysis and Design 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.2005
Ramesh Garg, Prakash Bhartia, Inder Bahl, Apisak Ittipiboon, Microstrip Antenna Design Handbook, Artech House, Norwood, May 2001
HFSS Help, Ansoft HFSS Version 11.