- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 424
- Authors : Ram Swaroop, Abhishek Singh, Prakash Kumar
- Paper ID : IJERTV1IS9385
- Volume & Issue : Volume 01, Issue 09 (November 2012)
- Published (First Online): 29-11-2012
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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Linear Connections on Manifold Admitting F (2k + P, P)-Structure
Ram Swaroop, Abhishek Singh, Prakash Kumar
Abstract. D. Demetropoulou [2] and others have studied linear connections in the manifold admitting f(2v+3,1)-structure. The aim of the present paper is to study some properties of linear connections in a manifold admitting F(2K +P, P)-structure. Certain interesting results have been obtained.
Key words. Linear connection, projection, geodesic, parallelism.
Let F be a non-zero tensor field of the type (1, 1) and of class C1 on an n-dimensional manifold Mn such that [5, 8]
F2K+P + FP = 0, (1.1)
where K and P is a fixed positive integer greater than or equal to 1. The rank of (F) = r =constant.
Let us define the operators on M as follows [5, 8]
l = F2K, m = I + F2K (1.2)
where I denotes the identity operator.
We will state the following two theorems [5]
Theorem 1.1. Let Mn be an F-structure manifold satisfying (1.1), then
l + m = I,
b. l2 = l, (1.3)
m2 = m,
lm = ml = 0.
Thus for (1, 1) tensor field F( 0) satisfying (1.1), there exist complementary distributions Dl and Dm corresponding to the projection operators l and m respectively. Then, dim Dl = r and dim Dm = (nr).
Theorem 1.2. We have
a. lF = Fl = F, mF = Fm = 0.
b. F2Km = 0, F2Kl = l. (1.4)
Thus FK acts on D as an almost complex structure and on D
XY = l lX(mY )+m mX(lY )+l[lX,mY]+m[mX, lY] (1.6)
Then it is easy to show that and are linear connections on the manifold Mn [2]
Distributions anti-parallelism and anti-half parallelism
In this section, first we have the following definitions: Definition 2.1. Let us call the distribution DL as -anti parallel if for all TMn denotes the tangent bundle of the manifold Mn. Definition 2.2. The distribution DL will be called anti-half parallel if for all X DL and Y TMn, the vector field YX DM, where
( F)(X,Y ) = F XYF YX FXY+ Y FX (2.1)
F being a (1,1) tensor field on Mn satisfying the equation (1.1). In a similar manner, anti-half parallelism of the distribution DM can also be defined.
Theorem 2.3. In the F(2K+P, P)-structure manifold Mn, the distribution DL and DM are anti-parallel with respect to connections and .
Proof. Let X TMn and Y DL, therefore mY = 0. Hence in view of equation (1.5), we get
XY = m X(lY ) DM.
as a null operator.
m Hence the distribution D
is anti-half parallel with respect to
Let us define the operators and on Mn in terms of an arbitrary connections as under
XY = l X(mY ) + m X (lY ) (1.5)
the linear connection . Similarly, it can also be shown that DM is also is also anti-parallel.
Again in view of the equation (1.5), taking mY = 0, we obtain
XY = m mX(lY )+m[mX, lY] DM. (2.2)
Thus the distribution DL is anti-parallel with respect to the linear connection . A similar result for DM can also be proved in a similar manner.
Theorem 2.4. In the F(2K+P, P)-structure manifold Mn, the distribution DL and DM are anti-parallel with respect to connection if and only if and are equal.
Proof. Since the distributions DL and DM are anti-parallel with respect
to the , hence
l X(lY ) = m X(mY ) = 0, (2.3)
for the vector fields X, Y TMn.
Since l + m = I, hence in view of equation (2.3), it follows that
X(lY ) = m X(lY ),
X(mY ) = l X(mY ) (2.4)
Thus in view of the equations (1.5) and (2.4), it follows that
XY = XY.
Hence, the connections and are equal. The converse can also be proved easily.
Theorem 2.5. In a F(2K+P, P)-structure manifold Mn, the distribution DM is anti-half parallel with respect to connection if
m FX(lY ) = m Y (FX), (2.5)
for arbitrary X DM and Y TMn.
Since mF = Fm = 0, hence in view of the equation (2.1), we get for the connection
m( )(X, Y ) = m Y (FX) m FX(Y ). (2.6)
By virtue of the equation (1.5), the above equation (2.6) takes the form
m( F)(X, Y ) = m{l Y (mFX) + m Y (lFX)}
m{l FX(mY ) + m FX(lY )}. (2.7)
Since, ml = lm = 0; Fl = lF = F and m is the projection operator, the above equation (2.7) takes the form,
m( F)(X, Y ) = m Y (FX) m FX(lY ). (2.8)
Since the distribution DM is anti-half parallel so far all X DM, Y TMn,
m( F)(X, Y ) DL.
m Y (FX) = m FX(lY ).
Hence, the theorem is proved.
Theorem 2.6. In the manifold Mn equipped with F(2K+P, P)- structure, the distribution DL is anti-half parallel with respect to the connection if
F X(lY ) = l FX(mY ),
for arbitrary X DL and Y TMn.
Proof. Proof follows easily in a way similar to that of the theorem 2.5.
Theorem 2.7. In the F(2K+P, P)-structure manifold Mn, the distribution DM is anti-half parallel with respect to the connection if for X DM and Y TMn the equation
m mY (FX) + m[mY, FX] = 0
is satisfied.
Proof. For X DM and Y TMn, we have for the connection
( F)(X, Y ) = XYFYXFXY+YFX. (2.9)
As Fm = mF = 0, hence from the above equation (2.9), it follows that
m( F)(X, Y ) = Y FX FXY. (2.10)
In view of the equation (1.4) and (1.6), it is easy to show that
mFXY = 0 (2.11)
mYFX = m mY(FX) + m[mY, FX]. (2.12)
Thus, we get
m( F)(X,Y ) = m mY(FX)+m[mY, FX]. (2.13)
The distribution DM will be anti-half parallel if X DM, Y TMn, the vector field ( F)(X,Y ) DL. Thus,
m( F)(X, Y ) = 0
m mY (FX) + m[mY, FX] = 0.
Hence, the theorem is proved.
Geodesic in the manifold Mn
Let C be a curve in Mn, T a tangent field and arbitrary connection on Mn. Then, we have
Definition 3.1. The curve C is a geodesic with respect to the connection if TT = 0 along C.
Applying the definition for the connection and , we have the following results in the F(2K + P, P)-structure manifold Mn.
Theorem 3.2. A curve C is a geodesic in the manifold Mn with respect to the connection if the vector fields
TT T (lT) DM and T (lT) DL.
Proof. The curve C will be geodesic if TT = 0.
In view of the equation (1.5), the above equation takes the form
l T (I l)T + m T (lT) = 0
or equivalently
l TT l T (lT) + m T (lT) = 0,
which implies that
T T T (lT) DM and T (lT) DL.
This proves the theorem.
Theorem 3.3. A curve C is a geodesic in the manifold Mn with respect to the connection if
lTT lT (lT) + [lT,mT] DM And mT (lT) + [mT, lT] DL.
Proof. Using definition of from the equation (1.6), proof follows easily as of theorem 3.2.
Theorem 3.4. The (1, 1) tensor field l is covariant constant with respect to the connection if
m X(lY ) = l X(mY ) (3.1)
but the tensor field m is always covariant constant.
Proof. We have
( Xl)Y = X(lY ) l XY (3.2)
In view of equation (1.5), the above equation takes the form ( Xl)Y = l X(mlY ) + m X(lY )
l{l X(mY ) + m X(lY )}. (3.3)
Since l2 = l and lm = ml = 0, the equation (3.3) takes the form ( Xl)Y = m X(lY ) l X(mY ). (3.4)
The (1, 1) tensor field l is covariant with respect to the
connection if
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Dr. Ram Swaroop : He had done PhD in Mathematics from Lucknow University in year 2010. Currently he is working as Associate Professor & HOD in Department of Mathematics in NIMS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
Mailing Address: H.No.-10B, Khasbag Colony, Aishbagh, Lucknow-226004.
Dr. Abhishek Singh: He is working in Department of Mathematics and Astronomy, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Mr. Prakash Kumar: He has done M.Tech
( Xl)Y = 0. (3.5)
Hence in view of the equation (3.4) and (3.5), we get m X(lY ) = l X(mY ).
This proves the first part of the theorem.
Again it can be easily shown that ( Xm)Y = 0,
for all vector fields X,Y TMn. Thus, the tensor field m is always covariant constant.
from NIMS University, Jaipur. Currently he is working as Assistant Professor in Department of Electrical Engineering in ITM University, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Mailing Address: East of Government Hospital Kanti, NH 28, Prakash Market, Kanti, Muzaffarpur, Bihar-843109.