Load Optimized M/M/M Queueing for Parallel Job Scheduling in Multiple Cloud Centers

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV6IS020175

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Load Optimized M/M/M Queueing for Parallel Job Scheduling in Multiple Cloud Centers

C. Antony

Research and Development Centre: Bharathiar University

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641 046, India

  1. Chandrasekar

    Professor Department of Computer Science

    Periyar University

    Salem, Tamil Nadu 636 011, India

    Abstract The cloud computing environment enables cloud users to execute their applications in remote data centers. Many of these applications are considered to be highly complex in nature, requiring parallel processing capabilities. Parallel job scheduling techniques, mainly focus on improving throughput or the information processed by the cloud center in a given interval of time and reducing average task waiting time. For a data center that deals with parallel jobs, it is required to design an optimal scheduler resulting in minimal utilization of memory rate for scheduling each job. In this paper, we present M/M/M Queuing System and Load Optimized (QS-LO) model for parallel job scheduling in multiple cloud centers. The QS-LO model is designed as two algorithms, namely parallel job scheduling and load balancing with aiming at improving the throughput rate and reducing the average task waiting time in multiple cloud centers. We perform experimental analysis using benchmarks and synthetic datasets to measure the performance of the proposed algorithm. The experimental results are compared with the existing parallel job schedulers in terms of the job assigned, throughput memory utilization rate and scheduler time interval. The experimental results show that the QS-LO model is able to improve the throughput rate and also reduce the average task waiting time when compared to the state-of-the-art works.

    KeywordsCloud Computing; Parallel Job Scheduling; M/M/M Queuing System; Virtual Machine; Load balancing;


      With the advancement of computer and internet technologies, cloud computing environment has been successfully used in several information systems. Though, cloud computing environment provides a better way to accomplish the submitted jobs in terms of responsiveness and scalability, but most of the job scheduling problems in parallel cloud computing environments are still hard to design.

      Hyper Heuristic Scheduling Algorithms (HHSA) [1] find scheduling solutions for cloud computing systems. The HHSA algorithm used two detection operators to determine when to change the low-level heuristic algorithm and a perturbation operator to fine-tune solutions with the objective of improving the scheduling results in terms of job request made. However, the computation cost and deadline constraints were not taken into consideration. To address these two issues, Global Greedy Budget and Gradual Refinement [2] were designed so that the solutions were gradually refined by combining dynamic programming techniques with a local greedy algorithm. Next, two

      algorithms GGB and GR were designed on the basis of greedy strategy by aiming at minimizing the time complexity in reducing the scheduling lengths of the workflows without breaking the budget. Though, scheduling, length and scheduling time was reduced, but the information processed by cloud center remains unaddressed.

      In this paper, we investigate the problem of parallel job scheduling as a workflow within memory and throughput parameters. This workflow with the M/M/M queuing system handles multiple user requests in multiple cloud centers. Besides, we address load-optimized function, which is finely grained compared to the existing state-of-the-art methods.

      The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 begins with a brief introduction to the traditional job scheduling models to be designed in cloud computing environments and scheduling problem and its relevant technologies, Section 3 provides a brief discussion on M/M/M Queuing System and Load Optimized model. The simulation results on CloudSim are discussed in Section 4. Conclusions are drawn in Section 5.


      With the recent advancements in hardware for handheld mobile devices, resource-intensive applications still requires large computation and storage capabilities. Recent research works have addressed these issues by employing remote servers, such as clouds. An approach called k-out-of-n- computing [3] was employed to demonstrate the fault tolerance and energy efficiency in large scale networks. However, heterogeneous resource allocation remained unaddressed. In [4], a polynomial time to achieve the optimal throughput under resource constraints were addressed.

      Cloud computing environment has received considerable attention due to its promising future and delivering various computing and IT services. Optimal power allocation and load distribution for multiple servers across cloud and data centers was designed in [5]. In [6], a pricing model called M/M/m queue model was designed with the objective of improving profit maximization in cloud computing. To perform efficient thermal aware scheduling in geographically distributed centers, online scheduling and optimal offline algorithm was designed in [7].

      In Cloud computing, a ubiquitous model offers distributed and elastic resources in the form of Virtual Machines (VMs). Uncertainty Based Task Scheduling (UBTS) was designed in

      [8] with the objective of reducing uncertainty and improving average cloud utilization. The load balancing algorithm based on ant colony [9] was designed to improve the workflow scheduling and to improve load balancing ability. However, optimization remains unaddressed. In [10], the dynamic resource allocation algorithm was designed to improve the performance in the situation where resource contention was observed to be fierce.

      One of the business model for cloud computing is the distributed computing environment. An adaptive heuristic scheduling process was designed in [11] to avoid frequent allocation of specific server and to minimize the total execution time. The fair scheduling model was designed in

      [12] with an objective of minimizing the switching time. To achieve fair throughput, an analysis was made in [13] with the objective of providing high throughput processing. Another method based on map reduce was investigated in

      [14] by using multi algorithm execution to reduce the I/O cost and complexity. Nash equilibrium resource allocation based on game theory was designed in [15] to decrease the response time and complexity involved in it.

      Efficient resource management is one of the key and remains the main operational goal in large-scale computer systems that includes cloud computing environment. In [16], Maximum Effective Reduction (MER) algorithm was designed to improve the resource efficiency while schedules in a cloud environment. Another method called bi-objective workflow scheduling was designed in [17] to improve the resource allocation on requests. A heuristic task scheduling algorithm [18] was designed using randomly generated graphs and set of task graphs to achieve best scheduling performance. Task scheduling optimization [19] was investigated to achieve better performance in terms of processing time while considering network contention and could cost. Another method to schedule parallel jobs using migration and consolidation was designed in [20] to reduce the average response time.

      Adaptive-Scheduling-with-QoS-Satisfaction algorithm called as AsQ was presented in [22] for the hybrid cloud environment to improve the resource utilization rate of the private cloud and to reduce the task response time. The Ant Colony Optimization algorithm was designed i [23] to improve the task scheduling process by means of dynamically scheduling the tasks and to improve the throughput and quality of service (QoS) of Mobile Cloud Computing. A hybrid job scheduling approach was developed in [24] using genetic algorithm and fuzzy theory for considering the load balancing of the system and to diminish the total execution time and the execution cost.


      A queuing system using the M/M/M load optimized function for parallel job scheduling and efficient load balancing is introduced by evaluating servers, Poisson input, exponential service and load balancer to the cloud infrastructure. We begin by describing the problem specification for parallel job scheduling and then present the QS-LO model.

      1. Problem Specification

        In a cloud computing environment, parallel job scheduling is dependent on the effectiveness of the methods used to execute the job. In our work, the cloud computing environment is said to be assumed, to be hosted in a data center consisting of many cloud servers that provide a resource by virtual machines. The cloud servers and virtual machines may possess different memory sizes, processing capacities and response time.

        Let us consider the data center of cloud servers

        . And the assume cloud servers consist of many virtual machines in a cloud environment like . The goal of QS-LO model

        is to schedule parallel jobs in the multi cloud center and to improve the information processed by cloud data by means of reducing the average task waiting time. In the next section we start with extending these results to the M/M/M Queuing System and Load Optimized function for parallel job scheduling.

      2. M/M/M Queuing System and Load Optimized Function

        To formulate and study the problem of parallel job scheduling and load balancing in multi cloud centers, we need a model for a queuing system and a design of virtual machines. Let us consider a parallel job scheduling that comprises of jobs represented by a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). The vertices of DAG denote the partitioned jobs of the corresponding application, whereas the edges of DAG denote preference between the jobs. Hence, the graph is represented as that comprises of set of

        users and a set of edges respectively.

        Let represents the number of jobs to be executed in the datacenter . On the other hand, represent the size of the job to be executed. The parallel job scheduling and load balancing model for virtual machines across multiple clouds and data centers is shown in Fig 1.

        Fig. 1. Structure of Queuing System and Load Optimized parallel job scheduling

        Fig. 1 shows the structure of the M/M/M Queuing System and Load Optimized parallel job scheduling in multiple cloud centers. As shown in the figure, Landsat dataset on AWS is given as input to the QS-LO model. To start with, cloud users in cloud environment place their requests to be processed. These jobs are placed in a queue. The jobs arrived comprises of either independent or dependent jobs. In case of independent jobs, arrived job is given as input to the scheduler. On the other hand, if the job is said to be dependent, dependent jobs are notified to the scheduler so that the parent jobs are scheduled after child jobs are executed.

        The dependent jobs contain the jobs that depend on the other jobs present in the virtual machines. Finally, jobs are assigned as the input to the scheduler. In certain cases, the jobs may take the execution time more than the allotted, resulting in overload. In such situation, resource manager identifies the unused virtual machines. If there appears to be no unused virtual machine, then no job migration takes places. On the contrary, job migration takes place when the resource manager finds any unused virtual machine. In this way, an efficient scheduler and load balancer is designed.

      3. Construction of M/M/M Queuing System

        In this section, an M/M/M queuing system with multiple job arrivals to optimize the performance in a cloud computing environment is investigated. In a cloud computing environment, multiple requests are placed by cloud users and the cloud server acts as a single point of access for all types of cloud users. The cloud server is a collection of cloud server resources that is provided by the cloud provider to host all the applications for the cloud users.

        In order to construct M/M/M queuing system, let us assume that there are job requests and cloud servers in a cloud computing environment. As the job arriving requests may be sent from different cloud users, the inter- arrival time is a Poisson process with job arrival rate . Job requests from different cloud users in the schedulers

        queue are distributed to different cloud servers with the rate of scheduling depending on the scheduler. Let us consider that there are cloud servers in datacenter, then the total job arrival rate is as given below.


        On the other hand, the total cloud servers service rate is as given below.


        As the cloud users' requests come from all over the world, the cloud computing environment provides infinite services, without limiting the source of cloud users and the number of the queuing model. If If , then the steady state equations for the M/M/M Queuing System are given as below.



        Hence, (4)

        Once, the total job arrival rate and total cloud servers service rate are obtained, independent job and dependent job forms as input to the scheduler. The job scheduler selects

        the suitable virtual machine based on QLS algorithm. The job

        scheduler gathers the resource information from the resource manager. It applies the proposed algorithm to find the suitable virtual machine for the given job. The load for single machine is as given below.


        From (5), represents the load of the overall node (i.e. virtual machine) in cloud computing environment, on the other hand, represents the capacity of a single node. Fig. 2 shows the Queue-based Load Scheduling algorithm.

        Input: Data Center

        , Cloud Server

        , Virtual Machine

        , Jobs


        Job size

        , Threshold

        Output: Improved throughput rate

        1: Begin

        2: For each job request

        3: Measure the job arrival rate using (1)

        4: Measure the cloud servers service rate using (2)

        5: Obtain steady state using (3)

        6: Measure load for single machine using (5)

        7: If , then

        8: Virtual machine is under-loaded

        9: Assign job to the VM 10: End if

        11: If , then

        12: Virtual machine is over-loaded

        13: Assign job to other VM 14: End if

        15: If , then

        16: Virtual machine is balanced

        17: Assign job to the VM 18: End if

        19: End for

        20: End

        Fig. 2. Queue-based Load Scheduling algorithm

        As shown in the Fig. 2, for each job request from cloud user, the job arrival rate and cloud servers service rate are measured. Followed by this, steady state equation is obtained based on the total job arrival rate and total cloud servers service rate. Finally, load is measured by assigning a threshold factor to allocate the job to the appropriate virtual machine which in turn improves the throughput rate of QS-LO model in an effective manner.

      4. Load-Based Optimization Function

      Once the queue-based load scheduling is performed in a parallel manner in a cloud environment, the next step is to optimize the performance of multiple job requests in a cloud computing environment. The proposed work uses job utilization rate, average time and the umber of cloud users waiting for servicing at each cloud server as the optimization metrics.

      The Load-based Optimization Function is given as below. All the cloud users job request arrives at the scheduler, which selects the job request to the cloud server according to the result of the load-based optimization function. The input matrix of the load-based optimization function is the average time, job utilization rate, and the total number of cloud users (i.e. Job) waiting for each cloud server in the cloud computing environment.

      Let us assume that denotes the probability of cloud user to be selected and represents the cloud users servicing time. Then, the average time is as given below.


      The job utilization rate is measured as given below.


      Where represents the total job arrival rate and represents the total cloud servers service rate. Finally, the optimization function is measured as given below.


      With the resultant average time (6) and job utilization rate (7), optimization function (8) is evolved. Fig. 3 shows the load-based optimization algorithm.

      Input: Data Center , Cloud Server , Virtual Machine

      , Jobs

      probability of cloud user to be selected , cloud users servicing time total job arrival rate , total cloud servers service rate

      Output: Minimized average job waiting time

      1: Begin

      2: For each Jobs and Cloud Server 3: Measure average time using (6)

      4: Measure job utilization rate using (7)

      5: Measure optimization function using (8) 6:End for

      7: End

      Fig. 3. Load-based optimization algorithm

      The optimization function as given above, measures the value of the function, based on the input parameters, the cloud user to be selected, cloud users servicing time, total job arrival rate, total cloud servers service rate and so on. The scheduler then selects the cloud server to execute the service based on the results of the optimization function which in turn reduces the average task waiting time of each cloud users in an efficient manner. As a result of queue and load-based optimization algorithm, the rate of throughput is improved.


In this section, we present an evaluation for our queue- based load optimization algorithm in terms of performance with respect to certain performance metrics, throughput, average task waiting time, memory utilization with respect to the job assigned, and number of cloud centers respectively. The proposed QS-LO model is used in Amazon Access Samples dataset and Landsat 8 data on AWS to check the performance of the proposed algorithm in a larger environment

  1. Datasets and Parameter Settings

    CloudSim [21], a tool for emulating a cloud computing environment is used in this study to solve the parallel job scheduling problem. Performance analysis was conducted on a PC with 2.67 GHz Intel i7-920 CPU and 4 GB of memory running with Linux 2.6.31 and using CloudSim to construct four virtual machines in a data center. The data sets, Amazon Access Sample dataset and Landsat 8 data on AWS are employed to compare the performance of the proposed algorithm and compared with other parallel job scheduling algorithms. More precisely, Amazon Access Sample dataset includes four categories of attributes including Person_Attribute, Resource_ID, Group_ID and System_Support_ID whereas Landsat 8 data on AWS that anyone can use the on-demand computing resources to perform analysis and create new products without needing to worry about the cost of storing Landsat data. Each simulation carried 30 runs..

  2. Simulation Results of Throughput

    To evaluate the performance of QS-LO model for parallel job scheduling in multiple cloud centers, we compare it with two traditional scheduling algorithms, namely, Hyper Heuristic Scheduling Algorithm (HHSA) [1] and Global Greedy Budget and Gradual Refinement (GGB-GR) [2]. For the two datasets, access samples and lands at 8, the results in table 1 shows that the M/M/M Queuing System and Load Optimized model find better results than traditional scheduling algorithms in terms of total number of jobs assigned.

    In addition, the results using Landsat 8 dataset are higher than using Access Sample dataset. Moreover, with minimum job assigned, the rate of throughput is increased, whereas with the increase in the number of jobs assigned to the cloud server, the cloud server has to process a higher number of job requests and therefore the throughput rate gets reduced with the increase in the job assigned. Moreover, the results also show that QS-LO model outperforms the other two job scheduling algorithms in cloud, namely, HHSA [1] and GGB- GR [2].

    Table 1 Tabulation for throughput using access samples and landsat 8 dataset

    Job assigned

    Throughput (%) using Access Samples dataset

    Throughput (%) using Landsat 8 dataset

    QS- LO


    GGB- GR

    QS- LO


    GGB- GR











































    The results of the throughput rate given in Fig. 4 show that the HHSA and GGB-GR get almost exactly the same throughput rate in all iterations using Landsat 8 dataset. For a lower number of jobs assigned, the higher the rate of throughput because lower the job requests for the cloud user side, the response to be provided by the cloud server is also less. Higher the job request, the rate of throughput gets reduced in all the methods. On the other hand, with a lower job assigned, rate of throughput will converge quickly.

    Fig. 4 also shows that QS-LO model converges faster than the other scheduling algorithms. This is because QS-LO model is able to automatically choose the cloud server based on the job arriving requests and cloud servers service rate, and use the Poisson process to improve the results. Therefore the end results of the QS – LO model are better than the other scheduling algorithms. For example, using access sample dataset, the results depicted in Fig. 4 (a) shows that QS-LO provides a result that is close to the HHSA in terms of throughput rate. However, by applying Landsat 8 dataset, the results described in Fig. 4 (b) show that the rate of throughput is more or less similar using HHSA and GGB-GR.

    Fig. 4.b Landsat 8 dataset

    Fig. 4. Convergence analysis for throughput

    Fig. 4 also provides the convergence information on the scheduling algorithms compared in this study. The results given in Fig. 4 (a) show that the job request handling of these parallel job scheduling algorithms converge to a stable state very quickly when the access samples data set is applied. A good example is the results of QS-LO and HHSA, which show that the result with 5 jobs assigned is very close to the results when 20 jobs were assigned. For example, using Landsat 8 dataset, the convergence speeds of QS-LO and HHSA are quie close to each other. However, by applying access sample dataset, the convergence speeds of QS-LO and HHSA are as shown in Fig. 4 (a) and (b). They show that QS- LO has a higher chance to find a better result than HHSA [1] and GGB-GR [2] because it keeps finding a better result by applying the M/M/M Queuing System.

  3. Simulation Results of Average Task Waiting Time

    The average task waiting time measures the job requests made by the cloud user and the time taken by the cloud server to respond to it. Therefore the average task waiting time is mathematically evaluated as given below.


    Fig. 4.a. Access samples dataset

    Where symbolizes the average task waiting time. The average task waiting time is measured in terms of milliseconds (ms). The average task waiting time by applying access samples and the Landsat 8 dataset for parallel job scheduling is shown in Fig. 5.

    Fig. 5. Average task waiting time using Access samples and Landsat 8 dataset

    The small waiting time using access sample data given in Fig. 5 implies that the load optimization function is under- loaded with jobs and thus most jobs are scheduled immediately, resulting in reducing the average task waiting time. These results also explain that for small data sets like access samples dataset that is under-loaded with job requests, the performance of the parallel job scheduling algorithms is good when compared to using large access sample dataset. On the other hand, the results of the Access sample dataset in Fig. 5 indicate that for large data sets in a queue that is fully loaded, compared to Landsat 8 dataset.

    This in turn reduces the average task waiting time using QS-LO model. Moreover, the results of Fig. 5 indicate that for large datasets like access sample dataset that is fully loaded, compared to HHSA [1] and GGB-GR [2] reduces the average task waiting time of QS-LO model by 13.86% and 12.12% respectively, using Landsat 8 and Access Sample dataset. This means that by optimizing the job requests by the cloud server using optimization function, making use of the average time, utilization rate incoming jobs are scheduled sooner and therefore the average task waiting time is said to be reduced using QS-LO model when compared to the state-of-the-art methods.

  4. Simulation Results of Memory Rate

Here we analyze the memory requirements and performance with respect to the job assigned to the cloud server in a parallel fashion. The memory rate is the memory required for scheduling each job and the total number of jobs assigned in the multi cloud center. The memory rate is measured in terms of kilobytes (KB) and is formulated as given below.


Where refers to the memory rate measured using the job assigned, with respect to memory consumption for scheduling each job in multi cloud center. Lower memory rate proves the efficiency of the method.

Fig. 6 Simulation results of memory rate

Fig. 6 shows the results of simulation analysis made for memory rate with respect to the incoming requests from different cloud users using Landsat 8 dataset. Executing multiple jobs using load optimized function provides significant performance gain in average time and job utilization rate using the load-based optimization algorithm. The load-based optimization algorithm is a method of scheduling, in which the user request jobs are assigned to the cloud servers according to independent and dependent jobs. The resource manager in turns assigns the virtual machines in the corresponding data cent to adapt the users jobs. The algorithm is based on the first come, first serve for the cloud server selection process. The cloud user sends the parallel request to the cloud environment. Once the data center analyses the job and allocates the job to the first free server, the load is optimized which in turn reduces the memory required for scheduling each job.


This paper presents an efficient solution for allocating parallel jobs in multiple cloud centers by handling M/M/M Queuing System and Load Optimized (QS-LO) model. With our proposed model, it can make the allocation of multiple jobs in a parallel fashion without collision. By using M/M/M Queuing System the cloud server have a better consolidation by analyzing the job arrival rate with a Poisson process and the job scheduler gathers the resource information from the resource manager and reduces the average task waiting time. Load-based Optimization Function optimizes the performance of multiple job requests in a cloud computing environment. The experiment result shows that the QS-LO model provides better performance with the improvement of throughput rate and reduced average task waiting time and memory rate of cloud users requests when compared to the state-of-the-art methods.


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