- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 7
- Authors : Venkatram . M
- Paper ID : IJERTCONV1IS06004
- Volume & Issue : ICSEM – 2013 (Volume 1 – Issue 06)
- Published (First Online): 30-07-2018
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Market Research Sampling Design Consumer – Kindred
Venkatram . M #
Abstract- In Marketing Research there are many types of sampling techniques available both in probability and non – probability process. By studying all pros and Consumer of these techniques, this paper presents the new technique of sampling called Consumer – Kindred sampling. In this method the researcher is going to sample their own Consumer's blood relation or family members (Kindred). The main objective of this sampling is to find out the Kindred who is the main part of our sample and sampling them for revealing the actual quality of the purchased product as well as the essential steps that must be taken for improving the product which must survive for long in market. The sampling result is compared with the other techniques of marketing research using Charts to explore the Consumer – Kindred effectiveness in the area of product's quality.
Key Words: Consumer (Consumer), Kindred, marketing research, Sampling.
RESEARCH is an art of scientific investigation. It is also a systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting the findings & solutions for a particular problem. With this same logic, Marketing Research (MR) rather briefly refers to all types of Research activities conducted in the field of marketing within the similar process [7]. MR is defined as the function which links the Consumer, customer and public to the marketer through information that is used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; refine and evaluate marketing actions, monitor marketing performance and improve understanding of marketing as a process [5]. MR specifies the information related to these issues, designs the methods for collecting
information, manages and implements the data collection process, analyzes the data and derives the results and finally communicates the findings and their implications [4]. Shortly, Marketing Research examines the product(s), the Consumers, prices and conditions of price determination, the market place, market structure and market size [1]. Marketing Research involves the investigation and identification of sales conditions and the potential of a given product, in relation to a given profile of Consumers, in a defined area. Research design is one of the important steps in marketing research. It helps to establish the way the researcher to go about to achieve, the objective of the study [1].
Sample – It would be very costly and time-Consuming to collect data from the entire population of a market for research, so small amount of population is taken. This is called as "Sample / Sample Unit" [2].
Sampling Frame – It is the list of elements from which the sample is actually drawn.
Sampling – It is known as the method of selection, the sample structure and plans for analyzing and interpreting the results.
Sampling Design – Sampling design is known as the way in which the researcher is going to approach whole population of the market area to identify the samples. The Sample designs can vary from simple to complex and depend on the type of information required and the way the sample is selected. Sample design affects the size of the sample and the way in which analysis is carried out. In simple terms the more precision the market researcher requires, the more complex will be
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the design and the larger the sample size [2]. The sample design may make use of the characteristics of the overall market population, but it does not have to be proportionally representative. It may be necessary to draw a larger sample than would be expected from some parts of the population. For example, to select more from a minority grouping to ensure that sufficient data is obtained for analysis on such groups.
Kindred: The person who is related with other by blood or by family is known as the 'Kindred' to that person.
Consumer – Kindred: The person who is related with Consumer of an enterprise by blood or by family is known as the 'Kindred' to the Consumer.
Consumer – Kindred method is sampling design which is newly introduced in this paper. This method is based upon the probability sampling technique. It may be termed as 'fixed probability' sample design. Because, the Consumer who is already purchased product will be the target of researcher means the sample size is predefined. The researcher carries out the sampling with the Consumer's Kindred and report the collected data.
Generally the product which is manufactured in an enterprise can be divided in to two broad classes,
Dependability Products,
Undependable Products.
Undependable products are stated as the purchased goods which may be used only by the Consumer of that product. These undependable products are not researched because the sales of these types of products are purely dependable to that particular Consumer not depends upon their family or friends. For examples: cosmetics, communication devices, luxury items, etc.,
Dependable products are stated as the purchased goods which may be also used by the Kindred of the
Consumer who bought it. These dependable products are researched clearly because the research will reveal the quality of that product in accurate manner. For examples: Home used automobiles, home appliances, etc.,
So this Consumer – Kindred method is very helpful for the researcher who sampling the dependable products. The Kindred who actually using the product which is Consumed from the market by the Consumer will clearly know the quality, usage of the product and suggestion about the improvement / material / service. The enterprise who wants to know the above criteria may choose this 'Consumer – Kindred' sampling design for getting perfect answer to their marketing research.
The 'Consumer – Kindred' method of Sampling is done by following steps:
Defining the population.
Identify the Sampling frame.
Sampling Unit.
Selecting the Consumer-Kindred Method.
Determination Sample size.
Processing the sample.
Defining the population: The population is known as the whole unit of the Consumers for that organization. Kindred methods will not consider all the Consumers in an organization. The population is defined by the product which taken as the objective of research. For example, the enterprise is going to sample its Consumers who bought refrigerator even though it is selling all the home appliances.
Identify the Sampling frame: It is the list of elements from which the sample is actually drawn. For the above example the sampling frame could be (a) billing voucher (b) name and address of the Consumer from trading register.
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Sampling Unit: Who is to be contacted they are the sampling units. There may be more number of samples available in the sampling frame but choosing particular unit among that is known as the sampling unit.
Selecting the Kindred Method: The Kindred method of sampling will select exact unit of sample from large sampling frame. This is done by concentrate on problem that to be researched and nature of the product. In our example, the problem isto identify the quality concern of the Consumer who bought refrigerator and nature of the product is depending upon model or configuration.
Determination of Sample Size: The sample size is exactly known to the researcher using the Consumer Kindred sampling method. Using the sample unit the researcher finds out exact sample size clearly. According to the problem the organization guides the researcher to sample single Kindred or more Kindred of a particular Consumer.
Processing the Sample: Researcher processes the samples with their questionnaires. These collected data will be processed using any test method and report was prepared to analyze.
There are many advantages of using Consumer Kindred sampling method while compared with other traditional sampling methods. Advantages are as follows,
Defining the population is made easy because this is probability method of sampling. The probability method of sampling ensures all the population will get equal chances for being selected as a sample unit.
Sampling frame identification is the main part of research. Without identification of sampling frame, the researcher cannot start sampling. This method clearly explore the sampling frame, because the details of
Consumers can be retrieved from internal data which available in the enterprise.
The sampling unit is specified from the sampling frame. In this method unit will be accurately specified. The enterprise will exactly tell the sampling unit to researcher. This is cost effective and time saving because all the sampling details are easily collected internally.
This Kindred sampling method result can be plotted using simple charting techniques. By charting technique the quality of this method can be compared with other traditional methods which is already available is marketing research.
Other research method will confuse the researcher regarding sample frame, sample unit and sample size. But this Kindred sampling gives perfect selection of samples. So it is easy for researcher as well as the enterprise may get accurate result.
Sample size determination can be varied according to the enterprise decision. Means, the enterprise can determine the sample size after Considering the problem and nature of the product.
This Consumer Kindred method of sampling is highly quality oriented when compared to other researching methods in market. This research method only Consider about the quality criteria and improvement / suggestion given by the Consumer. Other methods may try to identify the people perception or opinion for improving the sales alone. But this Consumer Kindred method of sampling directly identifies the quality of the product from Consumer view and indirectly improves the sales by best quality products.
The below charts shows some important criteria that must be well Considered on sampling,
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(i) Quality Perception vs. Quantity of Sample
While Considering the quality perception, the Consumer
Kindred sampling will gradually increase when sample size increases.
Cluster Sampling Snowball Sampling
T P Quota Sampling
Y T Random Sampling
N Quantity of Samples
Chart 1. Quality Perception vs. Quantity of Sample (ii) Sample Size vs. Population
While considering the population, the Consumer Kindred sampling method will not increase huge when population increases.
S Judgment Sampling
M Systematic Sampling
Chart 2. Sample Size vs. Population (iii) Sample Size vs. Result of Sampling
While considering the sampling result, the Consumer Kindred sampling will gradually increase when sample size increases.
Sample Size
Chart 2. Sample Size vs. Result of Sampling
The Consumer Kindred sampling method can be used for dependable products by the marketing researcher effectively. For dependable products the opinion of Consumers blood relation (Kindred) will give broad view and give valuable suggestion. Other methods of sampling will only consider about sales promotion or any particular timing problems, but this Consumer Kindred sampling consider Consumer opinion.
In future, this Consumer Kindred sampling method can be refined for applying to the undependable products. If it is made possible to research undependable products by using this Consumer Kindred method then Consumers perception about this product may be revealed.
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