Materialized View Selection Algorithm: A Survey

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV1IS10378

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Materialized View Selection Algorithm: A Survey

Hema S. Botre Prof. M. S. Chaudhari

Smt.Bhagwati Chaturvedi Smt.Bhagwati Chaturvedi

College of Engg,Nagpur College of Engg,Nagpur


Quick response time and accuracy are important factors in the data warehouse. In distributed database, query response time plays an important role to enhance the query processing. A data warehouse is the collection of multiple materialized views to efficiently process a given set of queries. Materialized views are found useful for fast query processing. Because of the space constraint and maintenance cost constraint ,materialization of all views are not possible .Therefore Materialized view selection is one of the important decisions in designing a data warehouse for greater efficiency. Selecting the suitable set of view in order to minimize the total cost associated with the materialized view is the important task in the data warehouse. This work will implement an algorithm which will give the fast query processing and can reduce the space on to the disk.


In distributed environment, a large amount of information exchange into database systems of various organizations .Therefore there should be some provision for organizations to manage such tremendous volume of data. Online analytic processing (OLAP) system provides some ways to take decision from such data. OLAP systems helps in making decisions by firing group-by SQL queries on to the database. Traditional databases are used for online transaction processing (OLTP) applications. Because of OLAP queries are involved in summarizing historical data that have been collected from different sources, it cant process complex

OLAP queries. OLTP applications can access a small number of data from a single local operational database.

To overcome the weakness of traditional databases, data warehouse have been developed. A data warehouse is a huge database system that collects, summarizes, and stores data from multiple remote and heterogeneous information sources. A data warehouse acquired the collection of materialized views, which are pre-computed as well as summarized data from multiple operational sources. To avoid accessing the original data sources, some intermediate results are stored in a Data warehouse. These intermediate results are called materialized views. Materialized views speed up query processing but on the other hand they have to be refreshed when changes occur to the data sources. Hence, there are two costs involved in the selection of materialized view i.e. query processing cost and the materialized view maintenance cost. Focus of this work is what views should be materialized in order to get fast query processing and view maintenance cost should be minimum?

Related Work:

Harinarayan [1] presented a greedy algorithm for the selection of materialized views so that query evaluation costs can be optimized in the special case of data cubes. This work proposed an algorithm that pick a good set of queries to materialize which may be able to answer to the other queries. Initially this work has proposed TPC-D benchmark database

that showing why it is important to materialize some part of data cube but not all of the cube .Second lattice framework proposed the greedy algorithm which pick the right view to materialize with respect to various constraint. Finally focused on hypercube lattice and investigated the time-space trade-off in detail. The result has shown that the views in some cases form a memory hierarchy with different access times usually assigned to different memory space like cache or main memory. This work has not mentioned view maintenance and storage cost.

T.Nalini, Dr. A.Kumaravel, Dr.K.Rangarajan [2] have been proposed I-mine mining techniques from which the frequently user accessible queries will be generated. Then, respective set of views can be selected to materialize by minimizing the total query response time and/or the storage space along with maximizing the query frequency. This work has proposed I-Mine index which is a structure provides tight integration of item set extraction in a relational DBMS. Since no constraint is matching during the index creation phase, I- Mine provides a complete form of the original database. Implementation of this work is based on the FP-tree data structure, which is very effective in providing a compact representation of relation R. FP-growth implemented the construction of a memory structure called FP-tree which discovers all frequent item sets in a depth-first manner. In this piece of work first sort the queries in a descending order based on frequency and at the same time , the queries are sorted in a ascending order according to the storage cost and query processing cost. Then selected the top which are satisfying multiple objectives can be possibly selected. By using I-Mine indexing technique , frequently accessing queries can easily find out and can materialized that view only . The incremental updates of the index is the further extension of this work which is yet to be satisfied.

MR. P. P. Karde, DR. V. M. Thakare [3] proposed tree based approach is used for creating and maintaining materialized views. In the first part of the work all records are arranged in ascending order with respect to their key values.

Then pick up the middle record as root element of tree. The records are then split up to the threshold value therefore the leaf of tree will contain the number of records that will be available in materialized view .Now Each leaf represents materialized view that has to be created and maintain . Second part of the work decides the nodes in the distributed environment for which materialized view should be created, and maintained. The random walk algorithm implemented to design the node selection algorithm and gossip protocol find out the best set of the nodes.The total cost is calculated on the basis of query processing , maintenance and storage cost for three materialized view strategies the all-virtual-views method, all-materialized-views method and the proposed materialized- views method. The experimental result shows that all- virtualviews method requires the highest cost of query processing as compared to other and view maintenance and storage costs are not required. The all-materialized-views method can provide the best query performance but contain more cost of view maintenance with that this method requires the minimum query processing cost. Perhaps its maintenance and storage cost are the highest. The proposed-materialized- views method contain a minimum query processing cost and its total cost is also minimized.

Himanshu Gupta and Inderpal Singh Mumick [4] developed algorithms to select a set of views to materialize in a data warehouse in order to minimize the total query response time under the constraint of a given total view maintenance time. They have designed an algorithms for the special case of AND-OR view graphs. In this work view selection problem has been done by using AND view graphs. The work has proposed greedy heuristic for selecting views which contain maximum benefit per unit space. With this algorithm ,this work has proposed a greedy-Interchange Algorithm then Inner-Level Greedy Algorithm ,Multi-level Greedy Algorithm. All algorithm has proved that it provide a solution within a constant factor of optimal.

Ziqiang Wang, Dexian Zhang [5] has proposed modified genetic algorithm under the space constraint. Each

chromosome is encoded with binary bit string (0 or 1) therefore AND-OR view graph is encode as a binary string. Instead of graphs binary stringcan directly simplify the implementation of genetic algorithm. In this work AND view graph implemented in binary string ,then use breadth-first graph traversal to traverse all nodes and produced an ordered list of all nodes. In this order 0 denotes that corresponding node is not materialized and 1 indicate that node is materialized. The experimental results shows that this algorithm is more faster and accurate that the heuristic and conventional genetic algorithm.

B.Ashadevi,Dr.R.Balasubramanian [6] implemented an algorithm that is projected for choosing the views to materialize on basis of their weight acquired in the query set. This work deals with the preservation of the existing materialized views. If the current view require low access frequency and more storage space then can remove that view and can free up the space for another view to get materialized. It required a computation for calculating an access frequency and storage space.

For every materialized view

Calculate W=2log (Access frequency)-log (Materialized space)

If (W<threshold value) then

Remove Current MV

End if

End for

In this way can remove current MV and can materialize another view.They have compared optimized CEMS (Cost Effective approach for Materialized view Selection) against CEMS in terms of time. The optimized CEMS consumes less time than the CEMS algorithm.

Sanket Patel and Deepak Dembla [7] have proposed tree based materialized view selection, in which views are selected at the time of query processing and then selects nodes in the distributed environment for the execution of the query.


The selection of views to materialize is one of the most important issues in designing a data warehouse. So as to achieve the best combination of good query response where query processing cost should be minimized in a given storage space constraints. The space constraint is the most important factor while selecting the views to be materialized. The Proposed approach will implement such an algorithm that will select the materialized views to enhance the query processing and minimize the space & storage constraint.


  1. V. Harinarayan, A. Rajaraman, and J. Ullman. Implementing data cubes efficiently. Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD 1996 International Conference on Management of Data, Montreal, Canada, pages 205- 216, 1996.

  2. T.Nalini, Dr. A.Kumaravel, Dr.K.Rangarajan , An Efficient I- MINE Algorithm for Materialized Views in a Data Warehouse Environment , International Conference on Computer Science, Vol.8, Issue 5, No 1, September 2011.

  3. MR. P. P. Karde, DR. V. M. Thakare, Materialized View Selection Approach Using Tree Based Methodology,ISSN:0975- 6698-NOV 09 to Oct 10-vol 1.

  4. H. Gupta, I.S. Mumick, Selection of views to materialize under a maintenance cost constraint. In Proc. 7th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT'99), Jerusalem, Israel, pp. 453470,1999.

  5. Ziqiang Wang, Dexian Zhang, Optimal Genetic View Selection Algorithm Under Space Constraint, Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery , LNCS, vol. 1676, pp. 116125, 999.

  6. B.Ashadevi and Dr.R.Balasubramanian, Optimized Cost Effective Approach for Selection of Materialized Views in Data Warehousing, JCS&T Vol. 9 No. 1,April 2009.

  7. Sanket Patel and Deepak Dembla, An Approach for Selection and Maintenance of Materialized View in Data Warehousing, International Journal of Information Sciences and Application.ISSN 0974-2255 Volume 4, Number 1 (2012).

  8. Sayed Hamid Talebian and S. A. Kareem, Using Genetic Algorithm to Select Materialized Views Subject to Dual Constraints, IEEE Intl Conf. on Signal Processing Systems 2009.

  9. Gang Gou, Jeffery Xu Yu and Hongjun Lu, A* Search: An Efficient and Flexible Approach to Materialized View Selection, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part C: Appl. And Reviews, Vol. 36, No. 3, May 2006.

  10. J.Yang, K. Karlapalem, and Q.Li. A framework for designing materialized views in data warehousing environment. Proceedings of 17th IEEE International conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Maryland, U.S.A., May 1997.

  11. Chandrashekhar A. Dhote, Dr. M. S. Ali ,Materialized View Selection in Data Warehousing, International Conference on Information Technology (ITNG'07),2007.

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