Motion Against Crime

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV2IS101060

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Motion Against Crime

Swapnil Desai

B.E.-G.H.Patel College of Engineering and Technology (Affiliated to GTU)

Shweta Singh

B.E.-G.H.Patel College of Engineering and Technology (Affiliated to GTU)


The project titled as Motion Against Crime is a web based application. This software provides facility for reporting online crimes, complaints, missing persons, show most wanted person details mailing as well as chatting. Any Number of clients can connect to the server. Each user first makes their login to sever to show their availability.

This system applies to Police Stations all across the country .It specifically looks into the Crime detection and prevention. Conviction of criminals depends on a highly responsive backbone of Information Management. The efficiency of the police and the effectiveness with which it tackles crime depend on what quality of information it can derive from its existing records and how fast it can have access to it.

The main modules in this project are visitors module, registered module and admin module. The Motion Against Crime apply to Police Stations all across the country .It specifically looks into the Crime detection and prevention. Conviction of criminals depends on a highly responsive backbone of Information Management. The efficiency of the police and the effectiveness with which it tackles crime depend on what quality of information it can derive from its existing records and how fast it can have access to it.


The project titled as Motion Against Crime is a web based application. This software provides facility for

reporting online crimes, complaints, missing persons, show most wanted person details mailing as well as chatting. Any Number of clients can connect to the server. Each user first makes their login to sever to show their availability. The server can be any Web Server. A chat jar files must be maintained for enable the chatting facilities.

Problem Statement and Solution

Existing System:

In the existing system only we can see the details of particular information about the police stations in our state, the existing system has more workload for the authorized person, but in the case of Proposed System, the user can registered in our site and send the crime report and complaint about a particular city or person.

Drawbacks of the Existing System:

  • More man power.

  • Time consuming.

  • Consumes large volume of pare work.

  • Needs manual calculations.

  • No direct role for the higher officials.

  • Damage of machines due to lack of attention.

    To avoid all these limitations and make the working more accurately the system needs to be computerized.

    Proposed System:

    The aim of proposed system is to develop a system of improved facilities. The proposed system can overcome all the limitations of the existing system. The system provides proper security and reduces the manual work. The existing system has several disadvantages and many more difficulties to work well. The proposed system tries to eliminate or reduce these difficulties up to some extent. The proposed system will help the user to reduce the workload and mental conflict. The proposed system helps the user to work user friendly and he can easily do his jobs without time lagging.

    Technologies Used:

  • Java 2 (JDBC, JSP)

  • HTML, JavaScript (Front End)

  • My SQL (Back End)

  • Tomcat 5.0 (Web Server)

  • J2EE (Platform)

    Working (Modules):

    Visitors Module:

  • View Hot news: This module help the visitor to see the latest hot news which can be updated by the admin.

    Registered Users Module:

  • Add Complaint: This module help the user to report online complaints.

  • Add Crime Report: This module help the user to report online crimes.

  • Add Missing Person: This module help the user to report online missing persons details also we have to add photos of missing person using heterogeneous database.

  • View Missing persons: This module help the user to view all the missing person details.

  • View Most Wanted Persons: This module helps the user to view all most wanted persons which can be given by the administrator.

  • Edit Complaint: This module help the user to edit his complaint details.

  • Edit Account: This module help the user to update his or her profile.

  • View Complaint Status: This module allows us to view the status of all complaint that you have posted earlier.

  • View Crime Status: This module allows us to view the status of the all crimes that you have posted earlier.

  • Add and View Feedback: This module helps the user to add and view feedbacks

  • Chat: This module help the user to chat with the administrator or with other registered users

  • Mail: This module helps the user to send mail to the administrator.

    Administrators Module:

  • View and Reply User Complaint: This module helps the admin to view and reply users complaint details

  • View and Reply User Crimes: This module helps the admin to view and reply users crimes details

  • New Admin: This module used for add new admin

  • Add and Delete Latest Hot news: This module helps the admin to add and delete latest hot news.

  • View and Delete Users Feedback: This module helps the admin to add and delete users feedback

  • Add, Delete and View Most wanted Persons: This module helps the admin to add, delete and view most wanted person details

  • Add, Delete and View Missing Persons: This module helps the admin to add, delete and view missing person details

  • Add and View Criminal Registration: This module helps the admin to add and view criminal registrations

  • Add and View FIR: This module helps the admin to add and view Fir reports

  • Add and View History Sheet: This module helps the admin to add and view history reports

    Data Flow Diagrams:

    User ID



    Online Crime File System


    Solutions, Feedback

    Figure 1. Context Flow Diagram




  • View and Delete all Complaint Reply: This module helps the admin to view and delete complaint reply.

  • Add and View Prisoner Report: This module helps the admin to add and prisoner

    User name Login

    Online Crime

    View user




  • Change Password: This module helps the admin to update his or her password

  • Chat: This module help the admin to chat with the administrator or with other registered users


    View Feedback

    Add mortem

    Add FIR Reports

    Add Solutions



  • Mail: This module helps the user to send mail to the user.

    Mortem Details

    Figure 2. Administrator (Level-1 DFD)


  • OS: Microsoft Windows XP

  • Processor: Intel Celeron

  • RAM: Min 1.50 GB

  • Hard Disk: 80 GB

    Administrator View Complaints


    FIR No:

    Logi Management FIR FIR Details

    Post mortem

    Management Mortem details

    Mortem Details

    Add Report


    Generation Reports




    Administrator View Complaints

    complaints Complaint Details


    FIR No:

    Logi Management FIR FIR Details

    Post mortem

    Management Mortem details

    Mortem Details

    Add Report


    Generation Reports





    User name Password

    Collecting Feedback




    Complaint Details

    Complaint Registration

    Complaint ID

    Complaint Status


    Complaint Status

    Complaint Status












    Complaint Registration










    Complaint Registration

    Figure 3. Administrator (Level-2 DFD)

    Figure 4. User (Level-1 DFD)

    Figure 5. User (Level-2 DFD)

    Advantages and Practical Uses:

    The system is very simple in design and to implement. The system requires very low system resources and the system will work in almost all configurations. It has got following features:

  • Ensure data accuracys.

  • Proper control of the higher officials.

  • Reduce the damages of the machines.

  • Minimize manual data entry.

  • Minimum time needed for the various processing.

  • Greater efficiency.

  • Better service.

  • User friendliness and interactive.

  • Minimum time required.


  • Motion Against Crime is a web based application. This software provides facility for reporting online crimes, complaints, missing persons, show most wanted person details mailing as well as chatting. This software is developed with scalability in mind. Additional modules can be easily added when necessary. The software is developed with modular approach. All modules in the system have been tested with valid data and invalid data and everything work successfully. Thus the system has fulfilled all the objectives identified and is able to replace the existing system.

  • This has been completed successfully with the maximum satisfaction of the organization. The constraints are met and overcome successfully. The system is designed as like it was decided in the design phase. The project gives good idea on developing a full-fledged application satisfying the user requirements.

  • The system is very flexible and versatile. This software has a user-friendly screen that enables the user to use without any inconvenience. Validation checks induced have greatly reduced errors. Provisions have been made to upgrade the software. The application has been tested with live data and has provided a successful result. Hence the software has proved to work efficiently.


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  2. Herb ert Schildt (2000) Java Complete Reference Tata McGraw Hill

  3. Zukowski (2000) Mastering Java2

    BPB Publications

  4. Jami e Jaworsky J2EE Bible Techmedia

  5. Stefen Denninger Enterprise Java Beans-2.1

    Authors Press

  6. Ian Somerville Software engineering

  7. Rajeev mall Software engineering

  8. Elmasri Navathe Fundamentals of database systems

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