- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 238
- Authors : Miss. Isha K. Gayki, Prof. P. D. Soni
- Paper ID : IJERTV2IS3675
- Volume & Issue : Volume 02, Issue 03 (March 2013)
- Published (First Online): 26-03-2013
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
“Multi Query Optimization Using Heuristic Apporach And Flow Of Optimizer To Evaluate Cost With The Use Of Greedy Technique”
Miss. Isha K. Gayki Prof. P. D. Soni
P.R.Patil College of Engg P.R.Patil College of Engg
& Technology,Amravati. & Technology, Amravati.
Today, it is very common that complex queries are being greatly used in the real time database applications. These complex queries have a lot of common sub-expressions, either within a single query or across multiple such queries run as a group or batch. Multi-query optimization used for common sub-expressions to reduce evaluation cost. Generally Multi-query optimization has been viewed as impractical, because previous algorithms were exhaustive, and require large search space.
But we observe that multi-query optimization using heuristics approach is practical, and it provides significant benefits. The optimization implements three cost-based heuristic algorithms: basic Volcano-SH and Volcano-RU, which are based on simple modifications applied to the Volcano algorithm, and a greedy heuristic. The greedy heuristic approach incorporates novel optimizations that improve efficiency of algorithm to optimize multiple queries. The algorithms are designed so that it can be easily added to existing optimizers.
Complex queries are becoming commonplace, due to the advancement in tools that help to analyze information from large data warehouses. These complex queries often have a lot of common sub expressions since they make extensive use of views which are referred number of times in the query and most of them are correlated nested queries in which parts of the inner sub query may not depend on the outer query variables[13]. The scope for finding common sub-expressions increases greatly if we consider a set of queries executed as a batch or group.
Analysis of data or reporting often requires a batch of queries to be executed. A set of related materialized views also generates related queries with common sub expressions. Materialized views are increasingly being supported by commercial database systems, and are used to speed up query processing. Data warehouses, which store large volumes of data, depend on materialized views for efficient query processing, and the materialized views as well as expressions have significant amounts of common sub expressions. Sharing of common sub-expressions is also have importance when the expressions access remote data, and hence it becomes expensive. Here we address the problem of optimizing sets of queries which may have common sub expressions; this problem is referred to as multi-query optimization. It is also possible that common sub expressions are present even within a single query; the techniques developed are used to deal with such intra-query common sub expressions[14].
Traditional query optimizers are not beneficial for optimizing queries with common sub expressions, since they make locally optimal choices.
Let us take an example, Where we have seen that, in SQL, a query could be expressed in several different ways. Each SQL query can be translated into a relation-algebra expression in one of the several ways. The relational algebra representation of a query specifies only how to evaluate a query; there are several ways to evaluate relational algebra expressions. Let us consider the query for selecting the marks of student more than 60 columns from student database.
SELECT marks FROM student WHERE marks>60;
This query can be translated into either of the following relational algebra expressions:-
Number of pages in relation R1
Number of pages in relation R2
Number of pages in result of joining relation R1 and R2
Number of pages in memory for the use in buffers
Number of pages in memory for relation R1
Number of pages in memory for relation R2
Number of pages in memory for result
Number of pages in relation R1
Number of pages in relation R2
Number of pages in result of joining relation R1 and R2
Number of pages in memory for the use in buffers
Number of pages in memory for relation R1
Number of pages in memory for relation R2
Number of pages in memory for result
marks>60 (
marks( marks
Cost estimation in query optimization
Calculation of cost
Query processing
Cost estimation in query optimization
The cost can be evaluated by considering the properties of hard disk with respect to time.
Cost parameters
The three main disk scheduling parameters are:
Seek time
Latency time
Transfer time
Seek Time
Seek time is the time required to move a read-write head from one track to another.
Rotational Latency
At the movement when read-write head is positioned onto the correct cylinder, it waits for the requested sector to rotate beneath it. This waiting time is called as rotational latency.
Transfer Rates
It is a time for data to be read by the disk head, i.e., time required to move the head across the particular block of a sector.
Transfer time = amount of data per track / time per rotation
Calculation of cost
The nested loop algorithm reads one record from one relation, and passes each record of the outer relation to the inner relation; also join the record of the outer relation with suitable records of the inner relation. The next record from the outer relation is again read and entire inner relation is again scanned, and so on. The nested block algorithm works by reading a block of records from the outer relation and passing over each record of the inner relation, joining the records of the outer relation with those of the inner relation. If there are B pages in the memory, B-2 pages are usually allocated to the outer relation, one to the inner relation, and one to the result relation. For cost estimation required parameters are as shown in the table.
Table 1: Notation to evaluate cost
The time taken to perform an operation x as Tx. Table below shows the default values used to calculate the results
Cost of constructing a hash table per page in memory
Cot of moving the disk head to the page on disk
Cost of joining a page with a hash table in memory
Cost of transferring a page from disk to memory
Table 2: Parameter for cost estimation
Cost of transferring a set V1 pages through buffer of size B1:
CRead R1 = CI/O(V1,B1)
Cost of creating Hashed Pages from V1
CCreate = V1TC
Cost of transferring a ser V2 pages through buffer of size B2:
CRead R2 =CI/O(V2,B2)
Cost of Joining each hashed page with V2 pages
CJoin = V2TJ
Cost of Writing back the result into the disk drive:
CWrite RR = CI/O(VR,BR)
Total Cost of Operation:
CNB = CRead R1 + CCreate + CRead
R2 + CJoin + CWrite RR
Query processing
How optimizer works?
Phases of optimization are implemented in the execution of a query. Query processing refers to the range of activities involved in extracting the data from database. The activities include transformation of queries in high level database languages into expressions that can be used at physical level of the file system, a variety of query optimizing transformations and actual evaluation of queries[15].
The basic steps involved in the query processing are
Parsing and translation
Figure 1: Query processing
Operations in Query- Processing
Join Operation
Nested Loop Join
Hash Join
Technique: greedy
Algorithm Procedure GREEDY
Input: Expanded Directed acyclic graph nodes Output: Set of nodes obtained to form corresponding best plan
Y = set of equivalence nodes in the DAG while (Y NULL)
L1: Pick the node x Y with the smallest value for bestplan(Q, {x} X)
if (bestplan(Q, {x} X) < bestplan(Q, X) ) Y = Y – x; X = X {x}
else Y = NULL // benefit < 0, so break out of loop
return X
Flow of Optimizer
Figure 2: Flow of optimizer
The optimization based on that the nodes materialized forms optimal plan are subset and shared by other queries. Therefore, it is essential to initialize Y, with nodes that are shared by another query. Called as sharable nodes[15].
Incrementing Cost Update
The second optimization is based on there are many calls to bestplan , with different parameters. Symmetric difference in the sets passed as parameters to successive calls to bestplan is very small successive calls take parameters of the form bestplan(Q,
{x} X), where only x varies.
The third optimization, which we call the monotonic avoids having to invoke bestplan(Q,{x} X), for every x Y .
Future Work
The results in this paper form the basis for a significant amount of future work. The algorithms or techniques can be extended to deal with space constraints on materialized results. A more challenging problem is how to schedule computations so that temporary storage space can be reused during computation.
Another important area of future work lies in dealing with large sets of queries (large workloads); the size of the workload can be reduced by abstracting queries, for instance by replacing queries that differ in just selection constants by a parameterized query, invoked multiple times.
Applying multi-query optimization to incremental update expressions for materialized views, it also apply to these results to the problem of materialized view or index selection, where update costs need to be taken into account.
There are number of techniques to greatly speed up the execution time for multiple queries. Techniques depend upon AND-OR DAG representation of queries, are thereby can be easily extended to handle new operators. Implementation demonstrated that the algorithms can be added to an existing optimizer with a reasonably small amount of effort. Multi- query optimization is practical and gives significant benefits at a reasonable cost. The benefits of multi-query optimization were also demonstrated on a real database system. In conclusion, we believe we have laid the groundwork for practical use of multi-query optimization, and multi-query optimization will form a critical part of all query optimizers in the future.
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