Need and Importance of Networking in Engineering College Libraries of Gujarat : A Plan

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV1IS3144

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Need and Importance of Networking in Engineering College Libraries of Gujarat : A Plan


1Research Scholar- Singhania University, Rajasthan & Librarian-V.V.P. Engineering College, Rajkot, Gujarat, India.

2Ph.D. Guide-Singhania University, Rajasthan & Librarian – Gujarat Saihitya Akadami, Gandhinagar

Abstract : This paper is reveals the importance of the networking, sharing resources and standards of various engineering college libraries of Gujarat. I have also try to give some definition and strategies for resource sharing and networking in engineering libraries of Gujarat. I have given the attention to GTU to take the initiate for sam e.

Key Words : Resource Sh aring, Networking, Library Automation,

Introduction :

Global inform ation technology and communication capacity is escalat ing, and India, with its population of m ore than a billion, is fast emerging as a knowledge hub. The growth of Indian telecom and of IT skills subsequently developed leave India well- placed to use infrastructures to create centers of excellence that unite universities, colleges and research institutes as well. Libraries play a vital role to explore the large num ber of data and information wit h the use of ICT and networking with t he emergence of k nowledge in an education world.

Libraries are no longer the storehouse of knowledge in the form of books and other reading m aterials: they have now becom e the crux of major research activities going on in the country. Now in days an importance is given to the R & D to develop indigenous technology. In this scenario, Academic libraries, especially Engineering Libraries are playing a vital role in information production processing and disseminat ion to meet the needs of the search work ers. Hence library and information professionals should adopt the latest technologies to meet their user demands as well the library's own demand. To fulfill such requirem ent, the libraries should have networking wit h each other. If, net working is there, it would be very cost effective which will really beneficial to the management of Self Finance Institutions which ultimately benefited to the Librarian and library staff also.

Before understand the Needs of Networkin g, we should understood that; what is Resource Sharing, because resource sharing is the base of Networking of Libraries.

What is Re source Sharing ? :

The concept of resource sharing involves two words i.e. Resource and Sharing. Resource m eans wealth or available assets and Sharing means giving, to have or use with others. Thus, resource sharing means sharing ones assets with others. Resource Sharing in libraries means sharing material or function or services; any of the two; or all.

Benefits of Re source Sharing:

The reading mat erial can be accessed which are not available in our library.

To have access different services which are not available in the library. To economize the cost of organization and m anagem ent of libraries.

To have integration of library and information services of s system, or of a geographical area.

Reciprocity leading to better int eraction among libraries. Can have better and quality library services.

Saves the time, money, space, man power and effort.

What is Network? :

Network can be defined as a group of individuals or organizations that are interconnected. The advent of computers and new developments in telecommunication technology made networking a global phenomenon. Library and information institutions are forming networks to achieve better resource sharing and to provide better service to the users.

Resource Sharing Through Client Server Network

Need of the Networking:

Network bas ed services are very cost effective and offer m any opportunities for providing useful services to the mem ber library users which are not possible manually. Some of the important needs for network based services are given below :

Library Network offers great potential and new areas of sharing information am ong different engineering college libraries.

Online access and dissemination of information is possible without physical presence in library.

e-journals can be accessed by many users at a time in a net worked environment.

Sharing of on-line e-journals can be made among many users at a time among

member library users in the networked environm ent.


To find out the availability of library resources in different subjects in the engineering college libraries in Gujarat State.

Exchange of documents and data. To promote sharing of resources. To build bibliographical databases.

To build various types of databases like final year projects of the students, thesis, presented paper of seminar and workshops, etc.

help in the establishment of referral service, online retrieval of inform ation and online union catalogues

To be done electronic mailing, file trans ferring

evolve standards and guidelines in techniques, methods, procedures, hardware,

software, services and so on.

To know the fund allotment for proc urem ent of various library resources by their managem ent.

To find the various types of information services.

To know the existing staff pattern among the m ember libraries.

To identify IT Facilities available in the libraries to find out the int erest to the authorizing of colleges of sharing their resources.

To develop the professional relation with giving best services with the use of


Hypothe si s:

There are 84 SFI Colleges and 16 Government Colleges in Gujarat as per the website of GTU as on 14-05-12.

Total 100 Engineering Colleges are there affiliated with GTU. Most of the colleges have good infrastructure of library and they spare enough budget for library.

Engineering College Libraries have unique and large collection of books on all branches as AICTE ruled to purchase a books in terms of tile and volume.

Engineering College libraries have large collection of periodic als in physical as well online as they have to obey the rules of A.I.C. T.E.

Most of the colleges have good collection of Non Technical books also. Large collection of CD/ DVD's of related subjects

A Collection of Video Lectures like NP TEL. A Collection of e-books also.

Enough Library funds for library development expect newly opened college. Engineering College Library have unique library staff pattern.


We can c ollect primary dat a through a questionnaires and interview method. We can also ask directly with our library professionals with our relation. The questionnaires can be administered personally and distributed to all engineering college libraries in Gujarat through which we can gather the data for resourc e sharing. A fter getting such handsome data, we can proceed further for Networking of Libraries.

Resource Sharing and Networking of Libraries:

As explain benefits of resourc e sharing, resource of libraries is becoming inadequate day by day, not only the inc reased number of users, but also due to the increased cost of the mat erials and the inadequate alloc ation of funds. The num ber of learned periodicals in the field of science an d technology alone has now increased to triple in size at a rate of 1000 periodic al per year.

Several commissions like Radha Krishna c ommission of 1948 and the Kothari Commission of 1964 had recommended that 6.25 % to 10.0 % of the over all education budget of each college should be allotted to library. Besides lack of m anpower, paucity of space and inadequate of collection owing t o financial crisis, improper m anagem ent and facility makes no library as self sufficient one.

Under these baffling circumsta nces, engineering college libraries are needs to forming networks for better resource sharing to provide their level best services to the

users. It is also beneficial and useful to library administration and the managem ent of college also.

Such Library Networks in India:

The automation and networking of many universities, national institutions and other institutions of higher learning has been initiated by the national agencies dealing with information and library net works like NICNE T, INFLIBNE T, DELNE T, CA LIB NE T and other metropolitan and city networks which have started developing various bibliographic databases of their holding. NICNE T and E RNE T have made em ail/internet service available to the academic as well as in governm ent sectors. Some of the m etropolitan and city library networks like A DINE T, MA LIB NE T, CALIBNE T, P UNNE T, BONE T etc. have been initiated and couple of them have started functioning and providing various online service through thes e networks.

Use s:

We know that now all engineering colleges are com es under G. T. U. i.e. Gujarat Technological University. If GTU takes initiative to join all these engineering colleges through t he network and m ake available the resources of libraries to each other, then it will be the great step for GTU. And we can avail the under mentioned facilities:

online retrieval of bibliographic, numeric, as well as full text databases Com pilation of reading lists, topical bibliographic etc.

to have bibliographic control by integrating GTU library catalogues

Automatic book requesting system

Access of online international journals, e-books, standards etc… Use of CD-ROM products and services

Rem ote data enter facility Downloading of information

Library mailing, interlibrary requests and lending etc. Docum ent delivery

Access to public domain information/data/software

Suggestions :-

It is suggested to the librarian of every engineering colleges to make autom ation of library for further res ource sharing services

AICTE and GTU should insist the colleges to automate t heir libraries as a basic requirement for recognition

Almost all the libraries should have high-end computers for quick services

The management should allocate sufficient funds to the libraries for net working GTU should establish the net working of engineering college libraries. And librarians have to pay attention and take follow-up for start the same.

Based on the above suggestions, it is proposed a cost effective plan to establish

GELNE T (GELNE T-Gujarat Engineering Library Net work ) with the help of Gujarat Government, GTU and Librarian and principled m anagem ent of all the engineering college libraries of Gujarat.

Some Questions to be answered :-

What are the benefits of the users? What are the benefits of the library? Will the Project save the money, effort? How?

How will you measure success?

At first glance, how easy/difficult will maintenance and administration be?

Is the necessary infrastructure in place?

Is there a favorable climate for im plem entation? Impact on other areas? ILL etc.

Is there any copyright issues? Have you study it?

Prerequisite s for Networking of Libraries: –

Paper work and planning for initiate the sam e.

Agreement for implem enting cooperation with proper format. Establishment of facilities for sorting little used materials

Agreement to share the currently owned m aterials, with protocols, limitations and priorities carefully spelled out

Schemes for intelligent organization of data/documents

Methods of adequate delivery of res ources to users (the output media)

The subject interest area should be a common one among the centers being connected

Com patibility between the computing systems available with the organiz ations to be netted is essential

To ensure the ability of net work among the resource sharing libraries, a compatible record form at is highly desirable

Standardization of policies and procedures across the network and adhered to by all participants in order that thes e tasks could be perform ed and shared in efficient manner.

Adequate means of inform ation dissemination Form al established organizational cooperation

Established and functioning comm unication links ( telephone, telex, fax, satellite communication channels, or any high configured comm unication facility through which comm unication can be done easily)

Deep study of copyright law for resource sharing the reading material.


Network resource sharing is an important factor in the growing era of inform ation explosion. As we k now that from this year AICTE has made mandatory rule for all the Engineering Colleges to subscribe online journals of reputed publishers which costs near to 15 lack rupee per year. Engineering Colleges of Gujarat can be minimize their expenditure and m aximize their facilities if they plan to make networking of their libraries with the help of GTU, Gujarat Government and Library Professionals together. Thus we can say that if we can make the different portal of engineering library network of Gujarat, it would be very fruitful to the students, staff and m anagement of the institutions and off course t o the library professional.

References :

  1. A Students Manual of Library and Information Sciene by P.S.G. Kumar

  2. Advanced Com puter Application in Library and Information Science by P.


  3. International Conference on Digital Libraries (ICDL 2006) by TE RI

  4. Indian Journal of Inform ation, Library & Society, V-20, July-Dec.2007

  5. economy-an-indian-k nowledge-net work-perspective




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