- Open Access
- Authors : Prashant Amaragol , Dr. Tejas . Doshi
- Paper ID : IJERTV9IS080013
- Volume & Issue : Volume 09, Issue 08 (August 2020)
- Published (First Online): 06-08-2020
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Non-Linear Analysis of RC Building Considering Soil Structure Interaction
Prashant Amragol 1
1M. Tech (Structural Engg.) Student, Department of Civil Engineering, KLEMSSCET, Belagavi, Karnataka, India.
Dr. Tejas. D. Doshi2
2Prof, Department of Civil Engineering, KLEMSSCET, Belagavi, Karnataka, India.
Abstract- Pushover analysis which is also stated as Non-linear static analysis is widely used procedures for the seismic assessment or evaluation of the structures. The pushover model is used to measure the new structure's seismic demand or for current structures. Within this research pushover review is carried out to consider G+10 multi-storeyed building in zones using SAP 2000 software From the results of the study it was discovered that the hinges are established between IO (Immediate Occupancy) and LS (Life Safety) suggesting that the building is secure. The structural model analysed in this state is therefore safe. Therefore, the structural model studied in this State is safe. The effect of interaction of the Soil Structure on the seismic efficiency of the construction is considered and the building is built with and without considering interaction of soil- structure (SSI).The RC building symmetric plan and These buildings are modelled, designed according to IS 456:2000 and evaluated using SAP2000 software under two separate boundary conditions, namely fixed-base, and considering nonlinear dynamic analysis soil-structure relationship.
Keywords Seismic analysis, SAP 2000, Different plan configuration, pushover analysis, Soil structure interaction
A structure must have four primary qualities, primarily easy and natural structure, sufficient lateral strength , stiffness and ductility .Buildings with simple standard configuration encounter significantly less harm in both design and elevation than irregular configuration. If a construction project requires uniformity and has inconsistency in configuration, mass or capacity-resistant elements, it is considered as irregular as per IS 1893-2002. These irregularities can cause problems in the continuity of the concentrations of force flow and stress.
Present study is primarily focused on identifying a structure 's behavior when it is exposed to certain action. The components of the complex include air, vibrations, traffic, blasts and earthquakes. Any design can be subjected to unpredictable load.Structural configuration may be an important problem for weak performance of buildings performance of the building serious earthquakes, imbalance certainly lead to high lateral load, excessive capacity of the structure and eventually the buildings damage.
Generation of 3D building models using SAP 2000 software.
To evaluate the lateral load on various construction models
To study comparison between regular and Irregularities building of the structures pushover analysis and soil structure interactions
To carry out pushover analysis as per document (FEMA 356)
Along with code as per IS 1893:2002 (part- 1) for regular RC and different plan irregularities
To study behavior of the structure due to formation of hinges under different stages
The following approach is considered in the present study in order to achieve the objectives mentioned above.
Development of G+10 storied RC bare frame model
RC bare frame model ( G+10) having different plan irregularities viz, Rectangular, shape L shape ,H shape, U shape are developed using SAP 2000 (Ver 14) M25 grade concrete for beams, M25 grade concrete for columns and Fe
500 Mpa grade of steel for reinforcement are taken as material properties. Dead load and Live load acting on the frame are taken as per IS 875 (Part1) and IS 875 ( Part 2) , codal provisions respectively. and zone IV of IS 1893 (Part 1 2002) is considered in the development of RC frame models.
Seismic Analysis for the developed RC frame models
The RC frame models developed are receptively subject to Pushover's study and soil structure interaction (SSI).It also performs equivalent static and response spectrum test to evaluate the model's seismic response.
Comparison of Analysis results
Comparison is made for this with the response of interaction with and without soil characteristics such as (Hard, Medium, Soft) on the performance of developed RC frame models with Pushover analysis in mind.
Description of the Building
In the various different lateral force resisting system is considered for building RC frame with interaction of soil structure.The design and elevations of the considered construction designs are shown in figure
Model 1: Rectangular model Bare frame With and without soil structure interaction
Model 2: H model bare frame with and without soil structure interaction
Model 3: L model bare frame with and without soil structure interaction
Model 4: U model bare frame with and without soil structure interaction
The materials used during construction is concrete reinforced with concrete gradeM-25 and steel gradeFe-415.The basic properties of the material are given in table 5.1
Material Properties
Characteristic strength of concrete , fck
25 Mpa
Yield stress for steel , Fy
500 Mpa
Modulus of Elasticity of steel, Es
Modulus of Elasticity of concrete , Ec
25000 Mpa
Structural details
Plan Dimensions
32 x 24 m
No. of bays in x direction
No .of bays in y direction
Spacing in x direction
Spacing in y direction
No of storey
Plinth beam size
230 x 450 mm
Beam size
450 x 450 mm
Column size
600 x 600 mm (basement to 5th storey)
450 x 450 mm (6th to 10th storey)
Slab thickness
125 mm
Height of each storey
3.0 m
Foundation height
1.5 m
Live load
3.0 kN/m2 on floor
1.5 kN/m2 on roof
Wall load
11.73 kN/m
Parapet load
4.6 kN/m
Seismic load
IS 1893:2002 (Part 1)
Seismic zone
Importance factor (I)
Response reduction (R)
Live load
3.0 kN/m2 on floor
1.5 kN/m2 on roof
Wall load
11.73 kN/m
Parapet load
4.6 kN/m
Seismic load
IS 1893:2002 (Part 1)
Seismic zone
Importancefactor (I)
Response reduction (R)
Seismic design data
Calculated soil spring values as per Richart and Lysmer
Global Stiffness
The ratio of base force and displacement at the performance point is known as global stiffness of the structure. The stiffness of building is computed to study the deformations in the building models.
Model No. |
Base force (F) at performance point |
Displacement () at performance point |
Stiffness (F/) kN/mm |
1 |
10431.305 |
115 |
90.77 |
2 |
10963.490 |
138 |
79.44 |
3 |
8730.096 |
130 |
67.15 |
4 |
11063.500 |
136 |
81.34 |
5 |
15049.161 |
156 |
96.46 |
6 |
10912.763 |
163 |
66.94 |
7 |
8613.172 |
149 |
57.80 |
8 |
10902.686 |
156 |
69.88 |
9 |
8930.040 |
209 |
42.72 |
10 |
6563.691 |
210 |
31.255 |
11 |
5131.918 |
200 |
25.65 |
12 |
6544.42 |
202 |
32.39 |
13 |
7597.416 |
259 |
29.33 |
14 |
5605.750 |
259 |
21.64 |
15 |
4376.166 |
247 |
17.71 |
16 |
5600.970 |
257 |
21.79 |
Model No. |
Base force (F) at performance point |
Displacement () at performance point |
Stiffness (F/) kN/mm |
1 |
10431.305 |
115 |
90.77 |
2 |
10963.490 |
138 |
79.44 |
3 |
8730.096 |
130 |
67.15 |
4 |
11063.500 |
136 |
81.34 |
5 |
15049.161 |
156 |
96.46 |
6 |
10912.763 |
163 |
66.94 |
7 |
8613.172 |
149 |
57.80 |
8 |
10902.686 |
156 |
69.88 |
9 |
8930.040 |
209 |
42.72 |
10 |
6563.691 |
210 |
31.255 |
11 |
5131.918 |
200 |
25.65 |
12 |
6544.42 |
202 |
32.39 |
13 |
7597.416 |
259 |
29.33 |
14 |
5605.750 |
259 |
21.64 |
15 |
4376.166 |
247 |
17.71 |
16 |
5600.970 |
257 |
21.79 |
Table 5.4Global stiffness
Type of soil |
Equivalent radius |
Spring values |
Hard |
rz =9.59 |
Kz =4215384.78 |
rx =9.59 |
Kx = Ky =3592240.94 |
rØx = 9.70 |
KØx =284249.95 |
rØy =9.70 |
KØy =2842490.95 |
rØz =9.70 |
kØz =3979487.33 |
Medium |
rz =9.59 |
Kz =684999.63 |
rx =9.59 |
Kx = Ky =519157.61 |
rØx = 9.70 |
KØx =461904.51 |
rØy =9.70 |
KØy =461904.51 |
rØz =9.70 |
kØz =554285.41 |
Soft |
rz =9.59 |
Kz =288601.80 |
rx =9.59 |
Kx = Ky =205416.58 |
rØx = 9.70 |
KØx =194608.10 |
rØy =9.70 |
KØy =194608.10 |
rØz =9.70 |
kØz =214068.91 |
The report is concluded for each of the building models assumed for the linear and non-linear analysis performed by SAP 2000. The conclusion is presented on the undamped natural period, base force, roof displacement, hinges area and global rigidity for different construction models.
Compared with results reported for the various building models from different analyzes.
Taking into Take account of the earthquake codes described in the ways to reduce risk to earthquake shaking, RCC framed multi-story building must be designed.
Codal and analytical time periods do not match each other as codal estimation is based on empirical formulae.
The minimum natural period from following building considerations
Without soil structure interaction
Types of soil considerations i.e for hard sec, medium sec, and soft sec
The performance point for the various buildings as
the base force increases the roof displacement decreases building can be performed from the following considerations a)Types of soil consideration for
Hard V= 15049.0161kN and D=156 mm Medium V= 8930.040 kN and D=210 mm Soft V= 7597.417 kN and D= 258 mm
The maximum number of hinges have formed between IO-LS which means, very limited structural damage and risk to life is negligible and significant
damage to structural elements with some residual strength, risk to life from structural damage is very low.
It is found that rectangular structures are more deformed than symmetrical designs and thus, when building a new structure in a high seismic
environment, it is more likely to create a structure that is symmetrical in shape in order to provide greater stability.
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Prashant Amaragol
PG Student, Structural Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, KLEMSSCET Belagavi, Karnataka, India
Dr. Tejas Doshi,
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, KLEMSSCET Belagavi, Karnataka, India