on δg*-Closed Sets in Bitopological Spaces

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV1IS8366

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on g*-Closed Sets in Bitopological Spaces

R.Sudha Assistant professor,

SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore

K.Sivakamasundari Associate professor,

Avinashilingam Deemed University for Women



The aim of this paper is to introduce the concept of

g*-closed sets and we discuss some basic properties of (i, j)-g*-closed sets in bitopological spaces. Applying these sets, we obtain the new

(i, j) – g*-closed sets in bitopological spaces and study their properties. We prove that this class lies

spaces called (i, j)- g*T1


– space, (i, j)- g*T*



between the class of (i, j) – -closed sets and the class of (i, j) – g-closed sets. Also we discuss some basic properties and applications of (i, j)- g*- closed sets, which defines a new class of spaces

(i, j)- g*T – space and (i, j)- gT1 – space.


2 2

2. Preliminaries

namely (i, j)-



-spaces, (i, j)-



g* 1



If A is a subset of X with the topology,

(i, j)- g*T1 -spaces and (i, j)- gT1 -spaces.

then the closure of A is denoted by -cl(A) or cl(A),

2 2 the interior of A is denoted by -int(A) or int(A) and

Keywords: (1, 2)- g-closed set, (1, 2)- -closed set,

(1, 2)- g*-closed set.

Ams subject classification: 54E55, 54C55.

1. Introduction

A triple X, 1, 2 where X is a non- empty set and 1 and 2 are topologies on X is

called a bitopological space and Kelly [8] initiated the study of such spaces. Njastad[12], Velicko [20] introduced the concept of -open sets and -closed sets respectively. Dontchev and Ganster [4] studied -generalized closed set in topological spaces. Levine [10] introduced generalization of closed sets and discussed their properties. In 1985, Fukutake [5] introduced the concepts of g-closed sets in bitopological spaces and after that several authors turned their attention towards generalizations of various concepts of topology by considering bitopological spaces. Also M. E. Abd El-Monsef [1] et al investigated -closed sets in topological spaces. Sheik John et al [14] introduced g*-closed sets in bitopological spaces. Sudha et al. [16] introduced the concept of g*-closed sets in topological spaces and investigated its relationship with the other types of closed sets. The purpose of the present paper is to define a new class of closed sets called (i, j) –

the complement of A in X is denoted by Ac.

    1. Definition

      A subset A of a topological space (X, ) is called a

      1. semi-open set [9] if A cl(int(A)).

      2. -open set [12] if A int(cl(int(A))).

      3. regular open set [16] if A = int (cl(A)).

      4. Pre-open set [11] if A int(cl(A)).

        The complement of a semi open (resp. -open, regular open, pre-open) set is called semi-closed (resp. -closed, regular closed, pre-closed).

        The semi-closure [3] (resp. -closure [12], pre- closure [11]) of a subset A of (X, ), denoted by scl(A) (resp. cl (A) , pcl(A)) is defined to be the

        intersection of all semi-closed (resp.-closed, pre- closed) sets containing A. It is known that scl(A) (resp. cl (A) , pcl(A)) is a semi-closed (resp.-

        closed, pre-closed) set.

    2. Definition

      The -interior [20] of a subset A of X is the union of all regular open sets of X contained in A and is denoted by int (A) .The subset A is called

      -open [20] if A = int (A) . i.e., a set is -open if it is the union of regular open sets, the complement of a -open is called -closed. Alternatively, a set A X is called -closed [20] if A = cl (A) , where

      1. (i, j) g*-closed [18] if j -cl(A) U whenever A U and U is -open in i .

      2. (i, j) g*p-closed [17] if j -pcl(A) U

        cl (A) x X; int (cl(U)) A , U and x U.

        Every -closed set is closed [20].

        whenever A U and U is g-open in i .

      3. (i, j) w-closed [7] if j -cl(A) U whenever

        A U and U is semi-open in i .

    3. Definition

  1. (i, j) sg*-closed [13] if

j -cl(A) U

A subset A of (X,) is called

  1. -generalized closed (briefly g-closed) [4] if cl (A) U whenever A U and U is open in (X, ).

  2. generalized closed (briefly g-closed) [10] if

    whenever A U and U is g*-open in i .

    2.5. Definition

    A bitopological space X, 1 , 2 is called

    cl(A) U whenever A U and U is open in (X, ).

    1) (i, j)- T1


    -space [5] if every (i, j)-g-closed set is

  3. g*- closed [19] if cl(A) U whenever A U and U is g-open in (X, ).

Throughout this paper by the spaces X and Y represent non-empty bitopological spaces on which

j -closed.


2) (i, j)- T* -space [14] if every (i, j)-g*-closed set


is j -closed.

no separation axioms are assumed, unless otherwise mentioned and the integers i, j {1, 2}.

3) (i, j)- * T1


-space [14] if every (i, j)-g-closed set

For a subset A of X,

i cl(A) (resp.

is (i, j)-g*-closed.

i int(A) , i pcl(A) ) denote the closure (resp.

interior, pre closure) of A with respect to the topology i . We denote the family of all g-open

3. (i, j) – g*-closed sets in bitopological spaces

subsets of X with respect to the topology i by

GO(X, i ) and the family of all j -closed sets is denoted by the symbol Fj. By (i, j) we mean the pair of topologies i , j .

2.4. Definition

A subset A of a bitopological space X, ,

In this section we introduce the concept of (i, j) – g*-closed sets in bitopological spaces and discuss the related properties.

    1. Definition

      A subset A of a bitopological space

      X, 1 , 2 is said to be an (i, j) – g*-closed

      1 2 set if

      cl (A) U, whenever A U and

      is called

      1. (i, j) g-closed [5] if

        j -cl(A) U whenever


        UGO X, i

        A U and U is open in i .

      2. (i, j) g*-closed [14] if j -cl(A) U whenever

        We denote the family of all (i, j) – g*- closed sets in X, 1 , 2 by D* (i, j).

        A U and U is g-open in i .

      3. (i, j) rg-closed [2] if j -cl(A) U whenever

        A U and U is regular open in i .

      4. (i, j) wg-closed [6] if j -cl( i -int(A)) U

    2. Remark

      By setting 1 2 in Definition 3.1., a (i, j) – g*-closed set is g*-closed.

      whenever A U and U is open in i .

      1. (i, j) gpr-closed [6] if j -pcl(A) U whenever A U and U is regular open in i .

    3. Proposition

If A is

j –closed subset of X, 1 , 2 ,

then A is (i, j)-g*-closed.

Proof: Let A be a

j –closed subset of X, 1 , 2 .

3.8. Remark

Then j cl (A) A.

Let UGO X, i such that

The intersection of two (i, j)-g*-closed

A U, then

j cl (A) A U which implies A

need not be (i, j)-g*-closed as seen from the

is (i, j) – g*-closed.

The converse of the above proposition is not true as seen from the following example.

3.4. Example

following example.

3.9. Example

Let X = {a, b, c},

1 = {X, , {a}},

Let X = {a, b, c}, 1 = {X, , {a}},

2 = {X ,{b}, {c},{a, b},{b, c}}. Then the subset

{b, c} is (1, 2) – g*-closed but not 2 – -closed set.

3.5. Proposition

If A is both i -g-open and (i, j) – g*-

2 = {X, , { b}, {c},{a, b},{b, c}}. Then {a, b} &

{b, c} are (1, 2) – g*-closed sets but {a, b} {b, c}

= {b} is not (1, 2) – g*-closed.

    1. Proposition

      For each element x of X, 1, 2 , x is

      i -g-closed or xc is (i, j)- g*-closed.

      closed, then A is j –closed.

      Proof: Let A be both i -g-open and (i, j)-g*-

      Proof: If x is i -g-closed, then the proof is over. Assume x is not i -g-closed. Then xc is not

      closed. Since A is (i, j)-g*-closed, we have

      i -g-open. So the only i -g-open containing xc

      A U and U GO X, i which implies

      j cl (A) U and since A is i -g-open. Put

      in X. Hence xc is (i, j) – g*-closed.

      A = U, then we have j cl (A) A , implies A is a j –closed set.

    2. Proposition

If A is (i, j) – g*-closed, then

    1. Proposition

      j cl (A) / A


      contains no non-empty i -g-closed

      If A is both i -g-open and (i, j)- g*-

      Proof: Let A be (i, j)-g*-closed and F be a non empty i -g-closed subset of j cl (A) / A .

      closed, then A is j -closed.

      Proof: Since closedness closedness, the result follows the above Proposition 3.5.

      Now F j cl (A) / A j cl (A) A c

      which implies F j cl (A) and F Ac .

      Therefore A Fc . Since Fc is i -g-open

    2. Proposition

and A is (i, j)-g*-closed in X, we

* * have

j cl (A) Fc

which implies that



If A, B D (i, j), then A B D (i, j).

Proof: Let A and B be (i,j)-g*-

F cl (A) cl (A) c .


closed. Let A B U where U GO X, i .

F = . Hence j cl

(A) / A

contains no non-

Now A B U implies A U and B U.

empty -g-closed set.

Since A, B D* (i, j), implies cl (A) U i



j cl (B) U. Then ( j cl (A)

The following example shows that the reverse implication of the above theorem is not true.

j cl (B)) U. That is Hence A B D* (i, j),

j cl (A B) U.

3.12. Example

Let X = {a, b, c},

1 = {X, , {a}, {a, c}},

2 = {X, , {a, b}}. If A = {a}, then

j cl (A) / A = {b, c} does not contain any non-

empty closed.

1 -g-closed set. But A is not (1, 2) – g*-

3.16. Proposition

If A is an (i, j)-g*-closed set of X, i , j

    1. Corollary

      such that A B j cl (A) , then B is also an

      If A is (i, j)-g*-closed in X, 1, 2 , then

      (i, j)- g*-closed set of X, i , j .

      X, ,

      A is j –closed if and only if j cl (A) / A is i –

      Proof: Let U be a i -g-open set in

      i j such


      that B U and hence A U. Since A is (i, j)-g*-

      Proof: (Necessity) Let A

      D* (i, j)

      and let A be


      j cl (A)

      U. Since A B

      j –closed.

      Then j cl (A) A. i.e., j cl (A) / A = and

      j cl (A) , j cl (B)

      j cl ( j cl (A) ) j cl (A) U.


      hence j cl (A) / A is i -g-closed.

      (Sufficiency) If j cl (A) / A is i -g-closed, then

      j cl (B) U which implies that B is a (i, j)- g*-closed set of X, i , j .

      by Proposition 3.11, j cl (A) / A = , since A is

      (i, j)-g*-closed. Hence A is j –closed.

    2. Proposition

j cl (A) A. Therefore

    1. Proposition

      Let A Y X and suppose that A is (i, j)- g*-closed in X. Then A is (i, j)- g*-closed relative to Y.

      Proof: Let A D* (i, j) & A Y U, U is g-open

      If A is an (i, j)-g*-closed set, then

      i cl (x) A holds for each x j cl (A)

      in X. A Y U implies A U and since A

      D* (i, j) , j cl (A) U. That is j cl (A)

      Proof: Let A be (i, j)- g*-closed and we know

      Y U Y. Hence

      j cl


      U Y.

      i GO(X, i ). Suppose

      i cl (x) A

      for Y

      some x

      j cl

      (A) , then A X j

      cl (x) B,

      Therefore A is (i, j) – g*-closed relative to Y.

      say. Then B is a i –open set. Since a -open set is an open set and a open set is g-open, B is g-open in i . Since A is (i, j)- g*-closed, we get

    2. Theorem

In a bitopological space X, 1 , 2 ,

j cl (A) B X j cl (x). Then

GO(X, i )

F if and only if every subset of X is


j cl (A) j cl (x)

which implies that

an (i, j) – g*-closed set, where F


is the collection

j cl (A) (x) . Hence x j cl (A) , which is a contradiction.

The converse of the above proposition is

not true as seen in the following example.

of -closed sets with respect to j .


Proof: Suppose that GO(X, i ) F . Let A be a subset of X, 1 , 2 such that A U where

UGO(X, i ). Then j cl (A) j cl (U) = U.

3.15. Example

Let X = {a, b, c}, 1 = {X, , {a}}, 2 =

{X, , {a}, {b, c}}. The subset A = {b} in

Therefore A is (i, j)-g*-closed set.

Conversely, suppose that every subset of X is (i, j)- g*-closed. Let U GO(X, i ). Since


X, 1 , 2 is not (1, 2) – g*-closed. However

U is (i, j) – g*-closed, we have j cl (U) U.

1 cl (x) A holds for each x 2 cl (A).

Therefore U F


and hence GO(X, i ) F .

3.19. Proposition

Every (i, j)- g*-closed set is (i, j)-g-closed. Proof: Let A be (i, j) – g*-closed. Let A U and U be a open set in i . Since every open set is g-

open, U is a g-open set. Then

j cl (A)

U, we

3.28. Proposition

know that j cl(U)

is (i, j)- g-closed.

    1. Remark

      j cl (U) U. Hence A

      Every (i, j)- g*-closed set is (i, j)-wg-


      Proof: Let A be (i, j) – g*-closed. Let A U and U be a open set in i Since every open set is g-open, U

      A (i, j)-g-closed need not be (i, j)- g*- closed as shown in the following example.

      is g-open in i Now i int(A) A, implies

      j cl(i int(A)) j cl(A) j cl (A) . Since

      A is (i, j) – g*-closed, j cl (A) U . Therefore

    2. Example

      Let X = {a, b, c},

      1 = {X, , {a}},

      2 =

      j cl(i int(A)) U. Hence A is (i, j)-wg-closed.

      {X, , {a, b}}. Then the set {b} is (1, 2)-g-closed but not (1, 2) – g*-closed.

    3. Proposition

Every (i, j) – g*-closed set is (i, j) – g*-


Proof: Let A be (i, j) – g*-closed. Let A U and U be a g-open set in i Then j cl (A) U, we

    1. Remark

      A (i, j)-wg-closed need not be (i, j) – g*- closed as shown in the following example.

    2. Example

Let X = {a, b, c}, 1 = {X, , {a}},

2 = {X, , {b, c}}. Then the set {b} is (1, 2)-wg-

know that

j cl(U)

j cl (U) U. Hence A

closed but not (1, 2)- g*-closed.

is (i, j)- g*-closed.

3.23. Remark

A (i, j)-g*-closed need not be (i, j) – g*- closed as shown in the following example.

3.31. Proposition

Every (i,j)- g*-closed set is (i, j)-g*-closed.

Proof: Let A be (i, j)- g*-closed. Let A U

GO(X, i ), since i GO(X, i ).Then j cl (A)

    1. Example

      U. We know

      j -cl(A)

      j cl (A) which

      Let X = {a, b, c}, 1 ={X, , {a, b}},

      implies j cl(A) U Therefore A is (i, j)-g*-

      2 ={X, , {b, c}}. Then the set {a} is (1, 2)-g*- closed but not (1, 2) – g*-closed.

    2. Proposition

Every (i, j)- g*-closed set is (i, j)-rg-


Proof: The proof follows from every regular open


    1. Remark

      A (i, j)-g*-closed need not be (i, j) – g*- closed as shown in the following example.

    2. Example

set is g-open.

Let X = {a, b, c},

1 = {X, , {a, b}},

    1. Remark

      A (i, j)-rg-closed need not be (i, j)- g*- closed as shown in the following example.

    2. Example

Let X = {a, b, c}, 1 = {X, , {a}, {a, b}},

2 = {X, , {a, b}}. Then the set {a, b} is (1, 2)-rg- closed but not (1, 2)- g*-closed.

2 = {X, , {a},{b},{a, b}}. Then the set {a} is (1, 2)-g*-closed but not (1, 2)- g*-closed.

3.34. Proposition

Every (i,j)-g*-closed set is(i,j)-gpr-closed. Proof: Let A be (i, j)- g*-closed. Let A U and U be regular open. Since every regular open set is g-open, U is g-open. Since A is (i, j)- g*-closed, j cl (A) U, We

know that

j pcl(A) j cl (A).

That is,

3.42. Example

j pcl(A) j cl (A) U Therefore A is (i, j)-gpr-closed.

3.35. Remark

A (i, j)-gpr-closed need not be (i, j)- g*- closed as shown in the following example.

Let X = {a, b, c}, 1 = {X, , {a, b}},

2 = {X, , {a},{b},{a, b}}. Then the set {b} is (1, 2)-sg*-closed but not (1, 2)- g*-closed.

3.43. Proposition

    1. Example


      Every (i, j)- g*-closed set is (i, j)-g-

      Let X = {a, b, c}, 1 = {X, , {a, b}},

      2 =

      Proof: The proof follows from the fact that every open set is g-open.

      {X, , {a},{b, c}}. Then the set {b} is (1, 2)-gpr- closed but not (1, 2)- g*-closed.

    2. Proposition

Every (i, j)- g*-closed set is (i, j)-g*p-


Proof: Let A be (i, j)- g*-closed. Let

    1. Remark

      A (i, j)- g -closed need not be (i, j)- g*- closed as shown in the following example.

    2. Example

A U and U is g-open in

i .

Then j cl (A)

Let X = {a, b, c},

1 = {X, , {a}},

U. We know

j pcl(A) j cl (A). Therefore

2 = {X, , {a, b}}. Then the set {b} is (1, 2)- g –

j pcl(A) U. Hence A is (i, j)- g*p-closed.

    1. Remark

      A (i, j)-g*p-closed need not be (i, j) – g*- closed as shown in the following example.

    2. Example

closed but not (1,2)- g*-closed.

    1. Remark

      The following examples show that (i, j)- w- closed and (i, j)- g*-closed are independent to each other.

    2. Example

Let X = {a, b, c}, 1 = {X, , {a, b}},

Let X = {a, b, c}, = {X, , {a}},

2 = {X, , {a},{b, c}}. Then the set {b} is (1, 2)- g*p-closed but not (1, 2)- g*-closed.

3.40. Proposition


2 = {X, , {a},{a, b}}. Then the set {a} is (1, 2)- w-closed but not (1,2)- g*-closed.

    1. Example


      Every (i, j)- g*-closed set is (i, j)-sg*-

      Let X = {a, b, c},

      1 = {X, , {a}, {a, b}},

      Proof: Let A be (i, j) – g*-closed. Let A U and U is g*-open set in i . Since every g*-open set is g-

      2 = {X, , {a, b}}. Then the set {a} is (1, 2) – g*- closed but not (1,2)- w-closed.

      open, U is g-open. Then j cl (A)

      U. We know

      j cl(A) j cl (A),

      which implies

    2. Remark

      j cl(A) U. Therefore A is (i, j)-sg*-closed.

      3.41. Remark

      A (i, j)-sg*-closed need not be (i, j)- g*- closed as shown in the following example.

      The following diagram has shown the relationship of (i, j)- g*-closed sets with other known existing sets. A B represents A implies B but not conversely and A B represents A and B are independent to each other.




  1. assumption, we get A is (i, j)- g*-closed. Hence X

is a (i, j) – T* -space.

g* 1



The converse of the above proposition is not true as seen by the following example.



    1. Example

      Let X = {a, b, c}, 1 = {X, , {a, b}},

      2 = {X, , {b}, {a, b}}. Then X, 1 , 2 is (i, j)-



      -space. But {a, b} is (i, j)- g-closed but not




      g* 1


      Figure 1

      1. (i, j)- g*-closed set, 2. (i, j)- wg-closed set,

      1. (i, j)- g*-closed set, 4. (i, j)- w-closed set, 5. (i, j)- g-closed set, 6. (i, j)- sg*-closed set, 7. (i, j)- rg-

        (i, j)-g*-closed. Hence X, 1, 2


    2. Proposition

is not

g*T1 –


closed set, 8. (i, j)- g*p-closed set, 9. (i, j)- gpr-

closed set, 10. (i, j)- g-closed set, 11. (i, j)- g*- closed set,




Every (i, j) –




-space is a (i, j) –

  1. Applications

    Proof: Let X be a (i, j) –

    g*T1 -space and A be


    In this section we introduce the new closed

    (i, j)- g-closed. Since every (i, j)- g -closed set is (i, j)- g-closed. Then A is (i, j)- g-closed. By

    spaces namely (i, j)-

    T -space, (i, j)-

    T* –

    assumption, we get A is (i, j)- g*-closed. Hence X

    g* 1


    g* 1


    is a (i, j)- T


    space, (i, j)- g*T

    -space and (i, j)- gT1

    -space in

    g* 1




    bitopological spaces.

      1. Definition

        2 The converse of the above proposition is not true as seen by the following example.

          1. Example

            A bitopological space X, 1, 2 is said to be a

            1) (i, j)- gT1 – space if every (i, j)- g-closed set is


            Let X = {a, b, c}, 1 = {X, , {b}, {c}, {b,

            c}, {a, b}}, 2 = {X, , {a}}. Then X, 1, 2 is

            (i, j)-g-closed.

            (i, j)-


            – space not (i, j)-


            -space. Since


            2) (i, j)-

            T -space if every (i, j)-g-closed set is 2 2

            g* 1


            {b, c} is (i, j)- g-closed but not (i, j)-g*-closed.

            (i, j)- g*-closed.

            Hence X, 1, 2 is not g*T1 -space.

            3) (i, j)- T* -space if every (i, j)-g*-closed set 2

            g* 1


            is (i, j)- g*-closed.

          2. Proposition


        4) (i, j)- g*T


        -space if every (i, j)- g-closed set

        Every (i, j)-


        – space is (i, j)-

        gT1 –

        is (i, j)- g*-closed.

        2 2


      2. Proposition

    Proof: Let X be a (i, j)-

    g*T1 – space and A be


    Every (i, j)-

    g*T1 -space is a (i, j) –


    g*T* –



    (i, j)- g-closed. Then A is (i, j)- g*-closed. Since every (i, j)-g*-closed set is (i, j)- g-closed. We get


    Proof: Let X be a (i, j) –


    -space and A be

    A is (i, j)- g-closed. Hence X is a (i, j)-


    gT1 –



    (i, j)- g*-closed. Since every (i, j)- g*-closed set is (i, j)- g-closed. Then A is (i, j)- g-closed. By

    The converse of the above proposition is not true as seen by the following example.

    4.7. Example

    Let X = {a, b, c},

    = {X, , {a}},

    4.12. Remark

    The following examples show that (i, j)-


    = {X, , {a, b}}. Then X, ,

    is (i, j)-




    and (i, j)-



    are independent to each

    2 1 2



    -space not (i, j)-



    • space. Since {b} is


      (i, j)- g-closed but not (i, j)g*closed.

      4.8. Proposition

        1. Example

          Let X = {a, b, c}, 1 = {X, , {a}},

          2 = {X, , {a, b}}. Then X, 1, 2

          is (i, j)-

          X, 1, 2

          is both (i, j)-



          -space and


          -space. But {b} is (i, j)- g-closed but not

          (i, j)- T -space if and only if it is a (i, j)- 2

          g* 1


          (i, j)g*closed.

          g*T1 – space.


          Proof : (Necessity): Let X, 1, 2 be (i, j)- gT1 –


        2. Example

          Let X = {a, b, c},

          1 = {X, , {a, b}},

          space and (i, j)-


          -space. Consider A is




          2 = {X, , {a}, {b}, {a, b}}. Then X, 1, 2 is

          (i, j)-g*-closed. Then A is (i, j)-g-closed. Since

          (i, j)- g*T

          -space. But {a, b} is (i, j)- g-closed but

          X, 1, 2

          be (i, j)-



          -space, A is (i, j)- g-


          not (i, j)gclosed.


          closed. Since X, 1, 2 be a (i, j)- g*T -space, A


        3. Remark

      is (i, j)- g*-closed. Therefore X, 1, 2 is a (i, j)-


    • space.

    The following examples shows that (i, j)-

    2 T*

    and (i, j)- T are independent to each

    (Sufficiency): It satisfies by Proposition 4.4 and Proposition 4.6.

    4.9. Remark

    g* 1



    4.16. Example

    g 1


    The following examples show that (i, j)-

    Let X = {a, b, c}, 1 = {X, , {a}},

    T and (i, j)- T* are independent to each

    = {X, , {a, b}}. Then X, ,

    is (i, j)-

    g* 1


    g* 1 2 1 2





    -space. But {c} is (i, j)- g*-closed but not

    4.10. Example

    Let X = {a, b, c}, 1 = {X, , {b}, {c}, {b,


    c}, {a, b}}, 2 = {X, , {a}}. Then X, 1, 2 is

    (i, j)-g*-closed.

    4.17. Example

    Let X = {a, b, c},

    1 = {X, , {a, b}},

    (i, j)-


    -space. But {b, c} is (i, j)- g*-closed

    2 = {X, , {a}, {b}, {a, b}}. Then X, 1, 2 is


    but not (i, j)g*closed.

    (i, j)-



    g* 1


    -space. But {a, b} is (i, j)- g-closed but

    4.11. Example

    Let X = {a, b, c}, 1 = {X, , {a}, {b, c}},

    not (i, j)gclosed.

      1. Remark

        2 = {X, }. Then X, 1, 2

        is (i, j)- g*T* -space.



        The following diagram has shown the relationship of (i, j)g*closed spaces with other

        But {b} is (i, j)- g-closed but not (i, j)g*closed.

        known existing space. A B represents A implies B but not conversely and A B represents A and B are independent to each other.

        (i, j) g*T1



        (i, j) g*T*


        (i, j) g*T

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