on Λμ-Generalized Closed Sets in Generalized Topological Spaces

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV3IS33012

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on -Generalized Closed Sets in Generalized Topological Spaces

1M. Jeyaraman,

1 Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, RDM Government Arts College,


2S. Chinthamani Vasthirani,

2Assosiate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Sree Sevugan Annamalai College,


Abstract We introduce new classes of sets called µ- g-closed sets and µ- g-open sets in GTS. We also investigate several properties of such sets. It turns out that µ- g-closed sets and µ- g-open sets are weaker forms of closed sets and open sets, and stronger forms of g-µ-closed sets and g-µ-open sets, respectively.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 57C10, 57C08, 57C05

Keywords and phrases: µ-g-closed set, locally closed sets, g-µ-closed sets.


    In 2010 E. Ekici and B. Roy introduced the notion of µ-sets in GTS. A µ-set is a set A which is equal to its kernel. In 2011 Bishwabhar and Ekici introduced and investigate (, µ)-closed sets by involving µ-sets and

    µ-closed sets. The objective of this paper is to introduce new classes of sets called µ- g-closed sets and µ- g-open sets in GTS. It turns out that µ- g-closed sets and µ- g-open sets are weaker forms of closed sets and open sets, and stronger forms of g-µ-closed sets and g-µ-open sets, respectively.

    We recall some notion defined in [ 1, 2]. Let X be a non-empty set and µ be a collection of subsets of

    X. Then µ is called a generalized topology(briefly GT) on X if µ and Gi µ for i I implies G = iI Gi µ. We say µ is strong if X µ, and we call the pair (X, µ) a generalized topological space (briefly GTS) on X. The elements of µ are called µ-open sets and their complements are called µ-closed sets. For A X, we denote by cµ(A) the intersection of all µ-closed sets containing A, i.e., the smallest µ-closed set containing A; and by iµ(A) the union of all µ-open sets contained in A, i.e., the largest µ-open set contained in A.

    Definition: 1.1[3]

    Let (X, µ) be a GTS and A X. Then the subset µ(A) is defined by

    ( )

    ( )

    {: , }, , = { , .

    Definition: 1.2[3]

    In a GTS (X, µ) a subset A is called a µ-set if A = µ(A).

    Definition: 1.3[3]

    A subset A of a GTS (X, µ) is called (, µ)-closed set if A = L D, where L is a µ-sets and D is a µ-closed set.

    The intersection of all (, µ)-closed sets containing a subset A of X is called the (, µ)-closure of A and is denoted by c(, µ)(A). The complement of (, µ)- closed set is called (, µ)-open set. We denote the collection of (, µ)-open sets (resp.(, µ)-closed sets) by µ-O(X, µ) (resp. µ-C(X, µ)).

    Lemma:1.1 [4]

    For subsets Ai (i I) of a GTS (X, µ), the following properties hold:

    1. If Ai is (, µ)-closed for each i I, then iIAi is (, µ)-closed.

    2. If Ai is (, µ)-open for each i I, then iIAi is (, µ)-open.

  2. µ-GENERALIZED CLOSED SETS Definition: 2.1

A subset A of a generalized topological space (X, µ) is called µ-generalized closed, briefly µ-g-closed, if cµ(A) U whenever A U and U is (, µ)-open.

Definition: 2.2

A subset A of a generalized topological space (X, µ) is called µ-g-closed, if c(, µ)(A) U whenever A U and U is (, µ)-open.

Definition: 2.3

A subset A of a generalized topological space (X, µ) is called gµ-closed, if c(, µ)(A) U whenever A U and U is µ-open.

Remark: 2.4

From above definitions, we have the following


  1. µ-g-closed sets and (, µ)-closed sets are independent concepts.

  2. µ-g-closed sets and µ-g-closed sets are independent concepts.

  3. (, µ)-closed sets and µ-g-closed sets are also independent concepts


Necessity: Suppose that A is µ-g-closed. Let S be



a (, µ)-closed subset of cµ(A) \ A. Then A Sc. Since A



is µ-g-closed, we have cµ(A) Sc consequently S (cµ(A))c.. Hence S cµ(A) (cµ(A))c = . Therefore S is empty.

(, µ)-closed Example: 2.5;



Sufficiency: Suppose that cµ(A) \ A contains no nonempty (, µ)-closed sets. Let A G and G be (, µ)-open. If cµ(A) G, then cµ(A) GC is a nonempty (, µ)-closed subset of cµ(A) \ A. Therefore, A is µ-g-closed.

Let X = {a, b, c,} and µ = {,{a},{a, b},{b, c},X}.

Thus µ-O(X, µ) = {,{a},{c},{a, b},{b, c},{a, c},X}. Take A = {a, c}. Then we obtained that A is a µ-g-closed set but it is not µ-g-closed.

Let X = {a, b, c,} and µ = {,{a},{a, b},{b, c},X}. Then A = {b} is a (, µ)-closed set but it is not µ-g-closed. Let X = {a, b, c,} and µ = {, {a}, X}. Then

A = {a, b} is µ-g-closed set but it is not (, µ)-closed Remark 2.6

The union of two µ-g-closed sets need not be µ-g-closed as can be verified from the following example Example: 2.7

Let X = {a, b, c} and µ = {,{a},{a, b},{b, c},X}. Now put A = {a} and B = {c} are two µ-g-closed sets. But A B = {a, c} is not a µ-g-closed set.

Remark: 2.8

The intersection of two µ-g-closed sets need not be µ-g-closed as can be verified from the following lemma

Example: 2.9

Let X = {a, b, c} and µ = {, {a}}. Now put A = {a} and B = {b} are two µ-g-closed. But A = is not a µ-g-closed set.

Theorem: 2.10

A subset A of GTS (X, µ) is µ-g-closed, then cµ(A) \ A contains no non empty µ-closed subset of (X, µ). Proof.

Let F be a µ-closed subset contained in cµ(A) \ A. Clearly A Fc where A is µ-g-closed and Fc is an µ-open set of X. Thus cµ(A) Fc or F (cµ(A))c. Then F (cµ(A))c (cµ(A) \ A) (cµ(A))c cµ(A) = . This shows that F = .

The converse of the above theorem is not true in general as it is shown in the following example.

Example: 2.11

Let X = {a, b, c,} and µ = {,{a},{a, b},{b, c},X}. If A = {a, c}, then cµ(A) \ A = {b} does not contain a non-empty µ-closed set. But A is not µ-g-closed in (X, µ). Corollary: 2.12

In a T1 space, every µ-g-closed set is µ-closed.


Let A be a µ-g-closed set in a T1 space (X, µ). Let x cµ(A) \ A. Since (X, µ) is T1, {x} is a µ- closed set in (X, µ). By theorem 2.10, there exists no non empty µ- closed set in cµ(A) \ A = . Therefore cµ(A) = A. Hence A is µ-closed.

Theorem: 2.13

A set A is µ-g-closed if and only if cµ(A) \ A contains no non empty (, µ)-closed sets.

Theorem: 2.14

If A is a µ-g-closed set of (X, µ) and A B cµ(A), then B is a µ-g-closed set in (X, µ).


Let A B and cµ(A) cµ(B). Hence cµ(B) \ B cµ(A) \ A. But by the theorem 2.13, cµ(A) \ A contains no non empty (, µ)-closed subsets of X and hence neither cµ(B) \ B. Again by theorem 2.13, B is a µ-g-closed set.

Theorem: 2.15

If A is (, µ)-open and µ-g-closed set in (X, µ), then A is µ-closed in (X, µ).


Since A is (, µ)-open and µ-g-closed, cµ(A)

A and hence A is µ-closed. Theorem: 2.16

For each {x} X, either {x} is (, µ)-closed or

{x}c is µ-g-closed in (X, µ). Proof.

Suppose {x} is not (, µ)-closed in(X, µ) then{x}c is not (, µ)-open and the only (, µ)-open set containing{x}c is the space X itself. Therefore cµ({x}c) ) X and so {x}c is µ-g-closed in (X, µ).

Definition: 2.17

A subset S of X is said to be locally-µ- closed if S = U F, where U is µ-open F is µ-closed in (X, µ).

Theorem: 2.18.

Let A be locally-µ- closed subset of(X, µ). For the set A the following properties are equivalent:

(i). A is µ-closed; (ii). A is µ-g-closed; (iii). A is µ-g-closed. Proof.

By Remark 2.4, it suffices to prove that (iii) implies (i). By A (cµ(A)) c is µ-open in (X, µ) since A is locally-µ-closed. Now A (cµ(A)) c is an µ-open set of (X, µ) such that A A (cµ(A)) c. Since A is µ-g-closed, then cµ(A) A (cµ(A)) c . But cµ(A) (cµ(A))c = . Thus we have cµ(A) A and hence A is µ-closed.

Definition: 2.19

A subset A in (X, µ) is said to be µ-g-open in (X, µ) if and only if Ac is µ-g-closed.

Theorem: 2.20

A set A is said to be µ-g-open in (X, µ) if and only if F iµ(A) whenever F is (, µ)-closed in (X, µ) and F A.


Suppose that F iµ(A) whenever F is , µ)- closed and F A. Let Ac G, where G is(, µ)-open.


Necessity: Suppose that A is µ-g-closed in (X,

Hence Gc A. By assumption Gc iµ(A) which implies that (iµ(A))c G, so cµ(Ac) G. Hence Ac is µ-g-closed. i.e., A is µ-g-open

Conversely, let A be µ-g-open. Then Ac is µ-g-closed. Also let F be a (, µ)-closed set contained in

  1. Then Fc is (, µ)-open. Therefore whenever Ac Fc,

    cµ(Ac) Fc. This implies that F (cµ(Ac))c = iµ(A). Thus F iµ(A)..

    Theorem: 2.21

    A set A is said to be µ-g-open in (X, µ) if and only if G = X whenever G is (, µ)-open and iµ(A) Ac



    Let A be µ-g-open, G be (, µ)-open and iµ(A) Ac G. This gives Gc (iµ(A))c (Ac)c = (iµ(A))c \ Ac = cµ(Ac) \ Ac. Since Ac is µ-g-closed and Gc is (, µ)-closed, by theorem 2.13, it follows that Gc = . Therefore X = G. Conversely, suppose that F is (, µ)-closed and F A. Then iµ(A) Ac iµ(A) Fc. It follows that iµ(A) Fc = X and hence F iµ(A). Therefore A is µ-g-open.

    Theorem: 2.22

    If iµ(A) B A and A is µ-g-open in (X, µ), then B is µ-g-open in (X, µ).


    Suppose iµ(A) B A and A is µ-g-open in (X,

    µ). Then Ac Bc cµ(Ac) and Ac is µ-g- closed. Theorem: 2.23

    A set A is µ-g-closed in (X, µ) if and only if cµ(A) \ A is µ-g-open in (X, µ).

    µ). Let F cµ(A) \ A, where F is (, µ)-closed. By theorem 2.10, F = . Therefore F iµ(cµ(A) \ A) and by theorem 2.20, cµ(A) \ A is µ-g-open in (X, µ).

    Sufficiency: Let A G, where G is (, µ)-open set. Then cµ(A) Gc cµ(A) Ac = cµ(A) \ A. Since cµ(A) Gc is (, µ)-closed and cµ(A) \ A is µ-g-open in by theorem 2.20, we have cµ(A) Gc iµ(cµ(A) \ A) = . Hence A is µ-g-closed in (X, µ).

    Theorem: 2.24

    For the subset A X the following properties are equivalent:

    1. A is µ-g-closed;

    2. cµ(A) \ A contains no nonempty is (, µ)-closed set;

(iii).cµ(A) \ A is µ-g-open Proof.

This follows from the theorem 2.10 and 2.23


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