Opinion Mining using Naive Bayes Classifier

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV6IS040031

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Opinion Mining using Naive Bayes Classifier


  1. tech student, YMCAUST Department of Computer Engineering Faridabad, India

    Dr. Komal Kumar Bhatia

    Professor, YMCAUST Department of Computer Engineering

    Faridabad, India

    Abstract Opinion mining and Sentiment analysis have become a vital part in todays era. Both industries and consumers switch to online resources for feedback on products and amenities. Post enormous development of web technology, reviews existing on web are in surplus quantity. Thus, making decision problem harder. It would be more beneficiary to an individual or organization if these opinions serve precise sentiment of the whole review/document. This paper implements naïve Bayes algorithm to classify the sentence in positive, negative and neutral precisely. So, we implemented the proposed technique and we evaluated its performance, and suggested directions of improvement.

    KeywordsOpinion mining; Sentiment analysis; Decision making; Feature identification; Naïve Bayes classifier


      Opinion mining, also called Sentiment analysis, is the field of study that analyzes peoples thoughts, sentiments, evaluations, appraisals, attitudes, and emotions towards entities such as products, services, organizations, individuals, events, topics, and their attributes. It can be defined as a method in which consumer reviews are mine for extraction of users. It is very challenging to mine opinions from reviews which are in natural language. Textual information can be divided into two main categories, facts and opinions. Facts are demonstrating objective statements about entities while opinions are signifying subjective statements that reflect people sentiments. Opinion mining communicates with classifying opinion words, eg. brilliant, astonishing, optimistic, expensive, bad, and poor. Further opinion bearing words are classified into three orientations i.e., positive, negative or neutral. Opinions are so significant that whenever one requires making a decision, one wants to listen to others views. If an individual wishes to buy a product, it is worthwhile to see a summary of sentiments of prevailing users so that he/she can make decision. This is enhanced than reading a large number of reviews. He can also relate the summaries of views of different products, instead of reading a large number of reviews. A fundamental phase in opinion mining & sentiment analysis application is feature extraction. The collective mining procedure is illustrated in Figure 1:Opinion mining process 1


      Opinions Extraction

      Sentence analysis

      Sentence opinion

      Score calculation

      Result & Review

      Figure 1: Opinion mining process

      1. Components of OM

        OM model has different components. The classification of each component from unstructured review has been addressed by different researchers. These components aimed to overcome the problem of questions arise through the mining process. Example who write the opinion? Or what is the opinion? And the last is opinion about what??

        So, based on these questions, components are:

        • Opinion holder: The source who has provided the opinion.

        • Target object/Feature: The attribute of entity about which opinion is conveyed.

        • Opinion: Expression of opinion holder about the feature of the product.

      2. Types of OM

      • Regular opinions: It is often referred to basically as an opinion in the literature.it is further categorized in to two parts:

      1. Direct opinion: A direct opinion refers to an opinion expressed directly on an entity or an entity aspect, e.g., The image quality is great.

      2. Indirect opinion: An indirect opinion is an opinion that is conveyed not directly on an entity or phase of an entity based on its effects on some other entities.

        • Comparative opinions: A comparative opinion expresses a relation of resemblances or difference between two or more entities. For example: coke tastes better than Pepsi.


      In opinion mining, review is to be determined at three levels. These are:

          • Document level classification.

            () = ()()


            So, conditional probability of a sentiment is given as:


          • Sentence level classification.

            () =


          • Aspect level classification.

      1. Document level classification

        In this process, sentiments are extracted from entire document. And the opinion is categorized on overall sentiment of the opinion holder. The goal is to classify whole document as positive, negative or neutral.

        Example I purchased a Samsung Phone a couple days ago. It is a nice phone, even though a little large. The touch screen is cool. The video quality is clear too. Is the opinion classification positive or negative or neutral?

        This works best when the document is written by single person or opinion holder or opinion is about single entity.

      2. Sentence level classification

        1. Algorithm:

          Step1: Initialize P(pos) ¬num – popozitii (positive)/ num_total_propozitii

          Step2: Initialize P(neg) ¬num – popozitii (negative)

          / num_total_propozitii

          Step3: Convert sentences into words

          for each class of {pos, neg}: for each word in {phrase}

          P(word | class) < num_apartii (word | class) 1 | num_cuv (class) + num_total_cuvinte

          P (class) ¬P (class) * P (word | class) Returns max {P(pos), P(neg)}

          +ve sentence

          This process involves two steps:

          • Subjective classification in to one of two classes as objective and subjective

          • Sentiment classification of subjective sentence in to three classes as positive, negative and neutral.

            -ve sentence

            Training set


            Sentence review


            Subjective sentence signifies personal feelings, sights, emotions or belief. Just knowing that sentence is positive or negative is not enough as subjective sentence may contain multiple opinions.so, this is an intermediate step that helps filter out sentences with no opinion.

      3. Aspect/Feature level classification

      It executes finer-grained analysis. Instead of looking at constructs like sentence or document or clause, aspect level looks at the opinion straight. It is based on idea that reviews consists of sentiments as (positive/negative) and Target. Without target opinion is of limited use.so, recognizing the importance of target in an opinion helps us to comprehend sentiment analysis better.


      There are various methods used for opinion mining & sentiment analysis. But here we implemented naïve Bayes classifier.

      1. Introduction

        The NAÏVE BAYES Classifier is well known machine learning supervised method. It is probabilistic classifier given by Thomas Bayes. This classification technique assumes that the existence or nonexistence of any feature in the file is independent of the existence or nonappearance of any other feature. Naïve Bayes classifier believes a file as a bag of words and adopts that the probability of a word in the file is independent of its location in the file and the presence of other word. For a file f and class c:

        Figure 2: Algorithm of naive Bayes

        1. Evaluation: To evaluate the algorithm following parameters are used

          • Accuracy

          • Precision

          • Recall

          • Relevance

            Following contingency table is used to calculate the various measures.


            Relevant Irrelevant

            Detected opinions

            True Positive (tp)

            False Positive(fp)

            Undetected opinions

            False Negative(fn)

            True Negative(tn)

        2. Performance:



          = +

          + + +





          Probability of

          being positive

          probability of

          being negative

          Samsung phones has good camera quality




          terrible movie




          Phone is good but has low battery life.




        3. Results:





        Probability of

        being positive

        probability of being negative


        Figure 3:Results

      2. Limitations:

      Despite naïve Bayes technique is very simple and easy to implement. It still holds some issues or limitations. These are:

      • Incomplete Training data: In order to implement it, we need to compute several conditional probabilities. Precisely, the class conditional probability, which defines the probability that an attribute suppose a specific value, given the consequence or reply class. In the standard naive Bayes instance of cricket data, there are no instances of "Play = No" when the trait "outlook" is "cloudy". So the class conditional probability would be zero and the entire construction breakdowns.

      • Continuous Variables: When a characteristic is continuous, calculating the probabilities by the traditional technique of frequency counts is impossible. In this case we would either need to transform the characteristic to a discrete variable or use probability density functions to calculate probability densities (not actual probabilities!).

      • Attribute Independence: This is by far the most important flaw and something which obliges a little bit of extra effort. In the calculation of outcome probabilities using the classical Bayes theorem, the implicit assumption is that all the traits are mutually liberated. This allows us to multiply the class conditional probabilities in order to compute the outcome probability.


      The expression of opinions of consumers in specialized sites for estimation of products and services, and also on social networking platforms, has become one of the crucial ways of

      communication, due to remarkable expansion of web environment in recent years. This paper presents a method of sentiment analysis, on the review made by users. Classification of reviews in both positive and negative classes is accomplished based on a naive Bayes algorithm. As training data we used a collection (pre-classified in positive and negative) of sentences taken from the reviews. Our experiments results show that our method is very effective over existing method. In future work, we will improve our results and we will work on implicit features.


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